
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #22

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #22

Sunday, 03 June 2018
Sorry for the last post but if I'm bored on a Sunday and instead of doing everything else in this world I could I chose to play some stupid freemium (or free-to-play) game on the Microsoft Store (instead of the Google Play Store/App Store) IT'S MY PROBLEM. Well, and yours. But yours is less because no one reads this weekly post BOOM GOT ME lol

Ugh my head hurts argh let's finish this quick

アニメ Fumikiri Jikan
Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga- <insert copyrighted Anime title in full here>
Okay I'm inclined to feel like that, but hey, did you like brocon? This one's back for part two in the new episode (#FumikiriJikan08) and I must say besides getting used to the less than active conversation which involves using phones and messaging stickers (lol I want them to sell it sooo bad) we've probably also seen a different light in how Takeshi (since we've only heard his name) and his sister get along... outside the house. I mean, what happens INSIDE the house? Your guess is as good as mine lol. Anyways, it sure is awkward in this manner, but this is the type of drama (probably) I can get to, and I can't get enough with. Problem is now that this is pretty much concluded I don't see anything else in front of these two already tbh
(*Refer to the 11th definition of being "well received/popular")

アニメ Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai
Come on, who's cuter: little Teresa-chan or little Alec? You only get to choose one, and the reference is when they say the Rainbow Shogun quote haha
Really makes you wonder how the Larsenburg kingdom manage to get a woman with such a keen eye such as Alec when she was like three(?) to assist in the life of the new Queen. Woman, man. Very sophisticated lol anyways. The new episode (#TadaKun09) talks about the... incoming attack from probably the only antagonist of the show Alec. (I'm trying to make this happy, okay??) But in comes more memories to be sad about in a world of reality Teresa-chan has to face which is just as important in responsibility as the fallacy she intends to immerse into because she gets to go on an overseas study in Japan. I mean, not like I've fallen in love studying abroad gone overseas long enough to fall in love lol, but even when you do and you (probably) clearly know it's not mutual... I guess it's good to give up? But yeah, like many others before her (Yui-chan, Nyanko Big) it's hard to explain. And that, maybe Alec could cut some slack on her. I mean, what's wrong with being in an entirely different world and falling in love with it? Hey, it may not even be close enough than a kiss (No seriously, how close was that? lol), but whatever we get to experience especially if it's great it needs a memory to live by. Whether it's personal or if it can deviate from your life, I believe it should be fulfilled. This, the books don't teach you, girls. *laughs* Anyways, we might still have a bigger question to answer which is... why is Tada-kun so kind? Okay, not that haha. The question is: Why then would Tada-kun not fall in love in return? I mean, I'm not deliberately counting the episodes just because it's an original Anime production, but it's gotta happen some time soon already, yes? As of now we're not even close to that climatic finish this type of story should end in. *Ijuin wink* I'm waiting.
P.S. I mean Teresa, that Rachel probably don't know about love I mean come on she's old and probably a virgin not even married never fell in love with anyone lol
P.P.S. But seriously, Tada-kun WAS awake when Teresa-chan was doing her realisation in the attic, right? He was, right? RIGHT?? RIGHT??? *giggles* I'll be looking forward to that plot twist which we'll likely need

アニメ Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
"What's a date, anyway?" lmao Narumi-chan
But seriously, ask yourself if it looks cool before doing it because getting piercings is NOT cool I'll tell you that who thinks gothic is cool anyways?? lol FINALLY THE EPISODE WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR haha not really but we're an episode close so I'll take it. Of course I'm talking about the new episode (#WotaKoi08) where in the end (spoiler alert) the main couple finally decide to go on a date that is not of their interests. You know, generic dating, they call it. I guess this episode we also got some insight into Hirotaka's past again, as he (and probably Narumi) expresses a fear in thunder unlike many other guys wouldn't have. Well, I mean, I kind of have that as a kid but it's all well thanks to the realisation of lightning rods lol. But no, his story isn't like this. But hey, can't say he doesn't have an episode of his own, along with Narumi-chan for some reason, naturally. Moving on, the main couple, unlike the other, doesn't really express their feeling to each other that well, and that may be spot-on for many out there who watch this show now (don't ask me I have zero experience in this) and because of that, may not be going steady as many would expect a couple to, I guess. I mean, what do I know about dating lol. Anyways, whatever happens between Kabakura and Koyanagi probably gave some thought for Hirotaka and his relationship with Narumi, and for once, FOR ONCE!! We'll see them go on a proper date which is not the house, Animate, or any Anime event lol. We can but hope. I mean, if it's to see an Anime movie then I'd rather stay home <= not Hirotaka
P.S. Gotta love that Koyanagi flirting with Narumi-chan I mean we normally don't get to do anything about the cutest girl in the show so thanks Koyanagi as usual hehe
P.P.S. Once again since I probably did this before, but I'm really impressed with Narumi-chan's voice actress <name here> (what she pissed off fans at a male idol event??) for making her such a lovable role. And no, I'm not talking about kid Narumi that one is just fanservice haha
(Eh just found out MAL may be down for now so if you can't access it there's still the name- Oops) (Well there's the article anyway)

漫画 A Channel
Tooru is like "I don't have that many friends" and I'm like "How many friends do you need to count as many? 20 tables worth?" *looks at cousin's wedding dinner*
The new chapter (105) talks about the girls going on a hot springs trip. Yes, those without any clothes on. I mean, it's Anime right? (Well, not really, but the world is not the production) Tooru got free tickers for a day up at the hills, so the girls decide to have a good time. The teachers aren't going to be in the bath though, so yeah it's as sinful as watching little girls be with...a  bunch of monkeys??? Oops sorry for the spoilers the other jokes were funnier btw
MVP this chapter - the girl circled in red who I swear is not one of the girls
P.S. The real MVP are the monkeys imo even though I would most not want to meet one in the wild, especially in an outdoor bath

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week is quite a week of song rejections in Klassic Note as I say no to everything from Anime to mainstream artists I intend to give new songs on. Hey, it's 2018 at Klassic Note and I intend to make change of my bad habits of giving songs closing both eyes lol. KANA-BOON's new mini-album wasn't that interesting per se, but I did give the topic song in hopes for more since it's their 5th year anniversary this year and... maybe there's going to be another release? We can but hope. halca's debut single for Anime "Wotakoi" wasn't great, and considering where the production is from (MusicRay'n) you'd expect better but no, they didn't give due attention to this solo artist at all I guess. So yeah, I'll be holding that for a while until I can think of a reason to give a song I've given umpteen times before when I had a reason to give at least one theme songs for any Anime I watch. (I've given sumika for the opening theme so this ending theme is optional) Lastly, Coalamode's new album is... man, really hard to give. I expected that after listening to their previous two singles and knowing that the first major debut album is full of their songs with them as an indie artist... you'd figure they would do better, but not unexpectedly they probably won't. This is the part where "they will show their true colours" so I've already judged that. So yeah, maybe zero if I'm as critical as I am with the previous release mentioned here.

Next week brings us TrySail's new single which... I think I've expressed my opinion heavily over here at some point, but I'll still give a listen because... I do that for all my Collection Artists because they've earned a right to waste some of my time lol. (I seriously need to do this all the way some of them I just skip now) Which leaves me for some time that I can... maybe find new songs or clear some of the live videos I've missed over the past few months thanks to school? We shall see.

Twitter has moved on with new stuff over the past week, as denoted by the tweets I shared. Niitsu Yui has decided to go on a YouTube series to share the new songs from her upcoming 2nd solo debut album (yeah it's complicated), Chatmonchy's new music video for their last album feels like I'm hyped up on drugs lol, and miwa released another new single song online. Man, the best album is coming soon, people. Have a little patience, yes? *looks at my Apple Music subscription*

In the world of Klassic Note, I'm primed to run a series of posts I'll add to this weekly post on the stuff I intend to discuss since it's an occasion which is important to be personally as a listener. So yeah, we'll start with "The Spirit of Klassic Note", a storytelling and summary of the stuff I experienced and trends seen in my tastes as I embark on the journey to like more Japanese songs haha. Then, maybe more focused posts and hopefully by the end of the year which will be earlier than the one 5 years ago I'll talk about new compilations I've arranged for your listening pleasure. I mean, only I will enjoy my music so... sorry in advance.

To conclude, I would like to share (not that stupid city-building game I was playing, but) the list of DOAXVV girls I've unlocked over the past month and what I would want first. Firstly, what I have now.
Seriously thought I was dumb for not choosing Misaki first considering she's the first character here who doesn't have a fighting background lol, but Kokoro-chan is some level of cute. "Owner-han" hehe. I must say besides... Runa and Honoka I'm not interested in the rest lol. (Okay, maybe Ayane if she lets her hair down) And then, what I want from the other four I haven't gotten my hands on yet.
Tamaki is literally the reason why I clicked on that ad and played this (you should've looked at who voiced it), but hmm problem is she's a paid-only character which is infuriating to say the least but there are free ways to get enough for a spin for cya in 10 years Tamaki-neechan *sob* On the other hand, haven't gotten my hands on Misaki yet. Dammit fu**ing-

Cya guys next week. Or the secondary post for the week, whichever comes first. Those two CDs I was supposed to review too from last month, still in Japan for some reason. I may have to take action soon. Bye.

[P.S. MAL is still down in some portions so I don't bother posting links to reference Anime or voice actors for now]