
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #23

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #23

Sunday, 10 June 2018
Well, salvation does exist, so I'm given a second chance. I thought I gotta let this out first before I talk about everything else in this week because... I finally get to graduate this year. Thanks to whoever involved in making that decision which is otherwise never possible for those pu**ies at the school's administrative office. *laughs*

Okay, not pondering about that liao; it's ending in two weeks. Let's talk about entertainment, yes?

アニメ Fumikiri Jikan
What? This is a two-parter? See you next week lol. Anyways, the new episode (#FumikiriJikan09) is simple in presentation yet leaves us with more questions than we came in with, which is none. Okay so there's this man who's waiting by the railroad crossing reminiscing (I used this word specifically to describe his age) about his school days, seeing the girl across the crossing on the nearby train station, but yeah, he didn't take any action. Well, that day did come, and so he wrote a letter and passed it to her. Problem is, wait, what? It's the exact same girl holding his letter? Time paradox? Or it's the daughter? So many questions, yet we'll only know next week. Damn, this show. *laughs*
Not going to spoil what happened but you can guess what is below her haha

アニメ Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai
The wait is over, dear Rainbow Shogun fans. It's the focus episode!! *cheers irrationally* The new episode (#TadaKun10) focuses surprisingly heavily on the show and also, on the main two. And man, what an ending. But hey, let's talk about what happened. Firstly, Teresa-chan. She went with Tada-kun to the Rainbow Shogun Show, and you bet that was fun to watch. More importantly, the symbolism of them being together seems to foretell something that will happen, which is... (spoiler alert) it's her last day. And even Alec-san turned kind and happy for once. Hey, if this only gave Ijuin-kun the creeps we're not normal haha. Secondly, the family story. We're finally dropped big hints on who Rachel is this episode, and yes if you need guessing it's probably an old lover. Of the old Tada-kun. Okay at this point let's assume old friend, yes? Even so, that will make the relationship between Teresa-chan and Tada-kun somewhat close already, considering we know about the North Star story back in a couple of episodes ago. Still, what that means? We have no idea. Suffice it to say that this will be the only opportunity when revealed, to do something about the ending we didn't expect to happen at the end of this episode, I would guess. And lastly, what has happened. So yeah, why the sudden return to their hometown? I mean, the parents' dead already right? So... Rachel's in trouble? Or Alec was worried this might get any worse "so let's get back and finish the marriage" instead? Maybe, but we don't know. Problem is over her, will anyone here do anything about it? Will Tada-kun even bother to ask the questions? Remember the Anime title? Yeah, that's going to play into this next week I suppose. Anyways, many questions, and we can only but wait to find out. Hey, at least there's the cliffhanger. Seriously didn't expect that until Ijuin noticed Teresa walking away from the hotel. Yeah, it's that late for me. How about you all? I hope I was the only blockhead haha. All in all, I can foresee the impending disaster that is about to happen to Teresa after making such a sudden decision of leaving without saying proper goodbyes... I mean I'm prepared for those floodgates to open so we can finally see someone break down for love in this story hehe I'm waiting Anime production
P.S. "I don't think it's your fault that your parents got into an accident" WELL NO SHIT *looks at Tada-kun* haha #mindblown for him to say the least. Drama~
P.P.S. All I want in life now, is that Teresa-chan would say those emotional words right beside me using that 3D sound head dummy thing?? Wow, that would be a dream come true...
I thought this wasn't an actions-only romance show like that other Anime

アニメ Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
"The people who are still playing now are definitely otaku" I better remind my friends about this haha <= talking about Pokemon GO
Hmm the new episode (#WotaKoi09) sure was fun, don't get me wrong, but it may shed some light (as little as it is) about Hirotaka himself. So yeah, the main couple decide they've done too much otaku, so Narumi suggested to go on a theme park or something, but Hirotaka posed a dumb penalty (well it wasn't that dumb) on mentioning anything otaku, which basically means their lives right now so I don't think this is a good idea. On the other hand, they did in the end have something to talk about, though Kabakura and Koyanagi had to chip in to their discussion. To a further extent, it gave time for Hirotaka to think about how much he and she has changed along the years, and it doesn't matter anyway because we move at our own pace. Well that is until someone thinks your pace is too slow and decides to pace you like that stupid sergeant who thinks you cannot pass your fitness test lol okay back to Anime. So yeah, the usual laughs, the piggybank was heavy enough to (as I expected) go buy souvenirs, and I must say if we're going on a date where we can't talk about the stuff that brought us together, that's gonna be a bummer. But I like that idea I just don't have anyone else to use it on- *cries* I don't really know how this will make for the direction of the show, but as of now I don't think it's much. Hey, that's the problem with adapted productions, people. You may not get an ending. Well, at least make it good one, yes? We're close to the end already.
P.S. The new ending theme was terrible anyway. Thanks, halca-san. Also, your new single isn't great, just so you know. I gave sumika already so I'm done with you, girl. *laughs*

漫画 Mikako-san
"It's not a lie; It's just vanity." Gotta remind myself of that haha *stares at wallpapers*
Since this series is kind of short (well, 7 volumes isn't short but the chapters were) I decided to finish it in one go. Meaning I've been reading this for like 6 hours straight haha. (Could've been shorter had it not been sh*tty streaming sites) Anyways, I chanced upon this on pure coincidence because Komatsu Mikako (hint starts here) was Tweeting about her life-sized paper figures on the shops promoting her upcoming album with a hashtag, and instead of seeing more images of that figure I instead saw this manga which was still celebrated like, 4 years after final release of the manga in 2014, so I decided to take a look. So, this manga which started as a weekly serialisation in 2009 by author Kyou Machiko, is about a short story in a familiar setting: the final year in high school. Typical, right? Yes it is, but what caught my attention after reading a chapter of it (in Japanese) and probably would catch your attention too is the art style. It's really sketchy, for starters. Coupled with the minimal expression that is in the work, it brings of little meaning but heavy understanding and interpretation for every chapter. For such a work to lie on the literary side of expression (but not in words because I wouldn't get it), you can't help but think this can go in the right direction. Hey, this may not be an award-winning piece (okay it was, just not big enough for us to know) for all to know, but it has its quirks.
Didn't know you could do this to a penknife tbh
The story goes off describing a girl's life (name inferred) Mikako who is still as aimless as she is after all these school years, and things are about to change for her in her senior year. She got to be friends with a guy who likes the same band as she does, she managed to get herself a boyfriend which is not the friend (we'll get to that soon), she has a best friend (I assume) who also has her relationship woes... all the stuff you can expect in school. That, and the future which lie before them. And this is where the inferential stuff happens. Every chapter is either something with relation to the story the author wants to point out (eg. "It was at this time, I think I fell in love with him") or a short description about a detail in everyday life (eg. the whole family doing everything near the same sink, from laundry to snatching your spot to brush teeth so they can sleep early) and that is interesting in itself, though most would think it's boring. The overall plot progression isn't that exciting too, so if you're expecting "Toradora!" level romance antics and cliffhangers you're not going to get any. What might be more disappointing is the ending which obviously we can assume is that the main two will eventually get together, probably more than friends. But the last few chapters were totally based on your own inference because it was half-assed, I would say. Still, this story is interesting in its own field, I would admit, but maybe it's a little too dull, and maybe a little too true to life. As the author mentioned she wanted to convey teen life as well as being normal in life yet living out our own stories.
Man, you wished all manga was this true to life. And it says so well to me too. I was going to bore all your lives with a longer paragraph than this, talking about my life as a student now (almost about to be) living another semester because of an accident I did similar to Mikako-san (I didn't break my arm walking down the stairs though), but yeah, makes you think about how life should go from here on. Sadly, I wasn't blessed with people who will like me, or even walk up to say they do, which kind of makes me glad to have this manga as awakening. Also, inspiration for how I should write my lifework APoL too, that's for sure. All in all, I liked the story, the sketchy art, and everything in between, from a loving heart to not feeling anything at all to... to being alone and lost, just like myself.

Okay let's move on with life I'm sick of these kinds of depressing stories haha

漫画 A Channel
The special chapter in Volume 8 titled "Sweet Operation" talks about Yuuko's struggle to... be friends with Tooru. Well I suppose this is an early story thing since... haha okay maybe not, but yeah it's a nice story to find out. Yuuko just wants some love from the incredibly adorable shorty (haha), but she doesn't care. Time probably won't solve this stalemate according to Run-chan and Nagi-chan was probably more right since it's easier to find something in common. Hey, did someone mention sweets? Yep, baited her good, this cooking talent of hers. And that's probably how it all began. Funny huh, that Nagi-chan can talk well with Tooru. Well, I pity Yuuko most of the time in these situations, so now you know why. *laughs*
Same here too, Yuuko. Same here.

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week was quite a disappointing week in Klassic No- Wait did I say the same thing last week? Haha then this week isn't better I guess. Eh before this week's releases I would like to say sorry to- Oh I did mention him two weeks before? Oops I didn't add him to the list haha I'm sorry to myself tbh. Okay, this week. In a nutshell, TrySail's new single was just an EDM phenomenon which is totally a turn off for me (sorry Nan-chan so are you and your love for EDM) (to save you the trouble she said it in her blog) (okay no no you're still cute can we play games someday? lol) and Numakura Manami's new single wasn't that interesting considering how wonderful Ten-chan's single was last month (and I didn't give the B-side) and if it wasn't for SECONDWALL's first full album 5 years since their debut I would have swore I need to throw all of these away and find new artists haha. A little more about SECONDWALL, though I made it sound like they were the salvation this week, the melodies are still rather weak compared to the great rock music they have behind it. I finally also got my hands (thanks Apple Music) on DENIM's first full album after recommendation of a audio preview from Gotch like, half a year ago (yeah I remember these guys since I've heard of them before this too, that's why I know) but then... this one was also a no-go. Probably will be giving the one song that brought me in though; that one is as relaxing as its song title.

I also took some time to give GLIM SPANKY another song for the money because I like them hard rock music after listening to a live performance released on YouTube which I can't believe I've been missing out since it was uploaded in February this year. I've proven my dad over the weekend through Apple Music Japan (even so) that he can enjoy his dialect songs from Taiwan by taking in one of our accounts (which is not possible haha) or just paying 10 bucks a month (he can sign the local region one Taiwan is not  Japan) to support his favourite artists... which he didn't reply. Oh well, can't believe the discount is THAT much already and he still won't consider. It's fine. I took a couple of years to come to this decision as well. (Oh wait I called both posts "part 2"?? lol)

On other news looking at my Twitter account, Anime Manga "K-ON!" will receive its sequel with a different cast and a drummer as main girl (I thought you'd like to know this xD), nano.RIPE is releasing their new album in August ever since their hiatus and return from last year. That vocalist from SECONDWALL noticed my tweet lol, and... that's it. *laughs* Okay I gotta complete the sentences I wrote spoke wrote out at first, can? Remember; this was written as a narrative. *laughs*

That'll be it, people. I know I mentioned a lot about #KN10YEARS but I've not been making progress, mainly because it's harder to write a complete story for the next five years (ie. KN2013-2017) compared to the first five because I don't have any reference and I noticed I was supposed to write a summary and make a full one 5 years ago but I didn't and now I'm doing the reverse I guess? I don't know. I'll confirm once I'm ready. And since we have that piece of good news which I started the post with which means my time is limited on this too so I better hurry up. Sorry if the story isn't told in more detail but I guess only I will care so whatever haha. Cya guys next time then, and until then... I wish someone will give me some feedback on my GitHub page...