
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #27

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #27

Sunday, 08 July 2018
Hey guys, welcome back. This week I'll be talking about the new Anime which are aired this week for the new season, so be sure to check those out. Otherwise... if you're here to know about my life I seriously don't think my boring life will interest you that much. Army life is boring anyway so no thanks haha

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the original work back in 1998, Banana Fish tells about a... mysterious code which arose in war times and is apparently uncontrollably taking peoples' lives. I'll give a bit more context before we get into the episode itself because there is quite some stuff we can talk about here. Origin for this show's hype (well, hyped at least from after I've watched this) came from dear Komatsu Mikako because she knows of the original manga. More on that later but she seems hyped, and... for me personally I see the story has potential and I'm watching this because I want to see for myself less of the plot because I did get to read a chapter of the manga beforehand but more of production, because as rough as the context can be on like, historical gang-filled America where they use English on a Japanese show, this one was real impressive. The first episode (#BANANAFISH01) talks about a little on the origin story, where Ash and his buddies were resting in wartimes and are attacked by their comrade, blurting out the code "BANANA FISH" between his teeth. Years later after war ended, this has since appeared multiple times as Ash rises up as a local gang leader, seeing people die while uttering the code too. Investigations on this aren't active at this point as he still has to deal with his everyday problems with his stepdad Dino, his subordinates who might not listen to him, and... a photographer duo from Japan? Yeah, well this is Ash's way of keeping his distance with the police, so it makes sense for that 17 year old kid Eiji to exist in this show to say the least. The general story for context now is where (though not explicitly stated in the Anime itself) Ash manages to steal a necklace with a bottle full of powder from his father, which of course is so important the dad wants to beat the shit out of him to ask where it went, tasked this to Marvin the surbordinate which then associated himself with Arthur to take the boy down. Hey, all in the day's work in a gang from America haha. All in all, the show does give promise in terms of production, from cast (all sound the same and no girls so...) to animation (the camera angles and detail in drawing is really good) and everything in between despite the slight lack of music at the right times, this proves to be the biggest comeback for an anniversary remake of the story yet. I might just hang out (pun not intended) for a couple of rounds (pun not intended) to see if I can like it, but for now I'll hold back. The story has got me hooked though to say the least, so I'll see what happens.
I appreciate the detail and smoothness in animation, MAPPA.
P.S. In case you wonder, I read the first chapter of the manga only, which vaguely translates to be only remembering the plot from the start to probably about where Arthur and Marvin are meeting up in the bar against Ash. In perspective that's about half this episode only. I know no more.

アニメ Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro
Somehow it's some f**ked up like if your neighbourhood is stopping you in every way possible to let you go your usual route to school, but yeah, I'll blame the girl too lol. The first episode (#ChioChan01) of this Nichijou-level comedy series surrounds you with just one objective: going to school. Hey, simple premise for a story, right? Must be boring, right? YOU ARE DAMN WRONG. With mysteries on how she got herself into any predicament and solutions which will blow your mind, there is entertainment at every corner (pun intended) on Chio-chan's road to school. I mean, what else can go wrong, right? The episode shows us two examples in which I'll not extrapolate to explain everything, but I'll talk in general on what happened instead. (The details in this show are too much so I'll leave the spoilers for you guys to watch) Firstly, road construction. Well, assuming you left the house on time to give some leeway so that things happen you can go to school on time (Wait, you guys don't do that???), you should have time to take the detour as needed to go to school. That is, if you're not Chio-chan. Here's where the assumptions get thrown into the dustbin (more on that later), but suffice it to say she overslept (she's a gamer btw) and dozed off while wearing her shoes at the front porch (lol), and... now she gotta find a way to compensate for that time. So yeah, what would you do? I mean, we would likely run through the detour at this point, but no, it's Chio-chan we're talking about here. In the most ingenious way possible, she thinks that climbing up the nearly telephone pole to the roof is the best way to get past... everything. The roadblock, people (she introvert btw), boob physics lol, problems... everything. And you know, things happened along the way which you must check it out yourself, but all in all this is a good introduction to the person she is. Unfortunately she is probably still shamed from (spoiler alert) walking out of a love hotel lol, but yeah, she wasn't late. That, I can feel you, girl. I'm afraid to be late for school too. Nothing to do with standing with delinquents, but yeah, the fear. The other half of the episode introduces us to the next main character Hoshikawa Hosokawa, and in all the impossible story routes possible to be taken, she waves hello to the main girl. Yeah, she. The one famous girl in class. I mean, I know it's for dramatic effect, but sure, Chio-chan gets a new friend. From here we can see her awkwardness sprouting from her introverted personality from playing assassin video games all day (you wished the Creed was this cool lol), and how she tries to avoid awkward conversations and escapes human contact even if people genuinely want to go to school with her. I mean, all you have to do (if you're normal like the rest of us) is to have manners and formality. Start with "Why did you call out to me?" (it may be because of the love hotel image but whatever) would be the easiest I can think of, but hey not to worry, this is not Takagi-san so I won't be doing advisories here. Or maybe I should. I'll think about it. This show is too god to not comment. Production wise, the opening theme blew my mind as much as the rest of the episode did (thanks for the safe Rock music tunes Kadokawa), once again Oozora Naomi who voiced Chio-chan did wonderful in almost every scenario I can think of (I laughed the hardest at her voicing where the old man is brushing his teeth lmao), and the only downside I can think of besides hearing lengthy backstories is the animation is not doing enough justice for the acting. I know about the sweat and garbage stuff flying in slow motion (lol), but I'm talking about the rest. The normal stuff, which can be improved. But that can be forgiven, for this is going to be the best show I'm into this season. See how long I've written this already? You know it's going to be good. If you like ridiculous stories coupled with some level of comedy and entertainment, this is the show. Naomi-chan, you're going to be famous this year, I swear. *laughs*
P.S. I like how they stop immediately when people saw the love hotel image on their phones because you know, just get the front part where Chio-chan thinks she's climbing down but photoshop this one in and that's it haha the production team is just lazy
P.P.S. Once again because I know I'll be scolded by mentioning it too much, but Oozora Naomi-chan acting as a Tokyo-accented character is as rare as it is impressive. Her voice is distinctive even without her native accent. She's from Osaka btw
[WTF IS WITH THE PARKOUR lmao that's the trailer for the theme song releases btw]

アニメ Hataraku Saibou
So... when do you think the sex episode is coming? lmao
So this is a love story between a red blood cell and a white blood cell... okay I'm joking this is dumb haha. Let's talk about the series in itself. As expected the story is really technical terms heavy, but thank goodness to their simplifications (ie. "in other words") I might not hate this show. This Anime talks about the biggest thing that will make my goosebumps come back every time I watch this: the human body. Sorry for being such a hater for human biology but yes, I hate it. Not at least after I've watched this show, because to be honest, I enjoyed it. The first episode (#HatarakuSaibou01) gives some light content by bringing an introduction to many things happening inside the human body, as detailed as they can make it without boring us to death, literally. We start with a new(?) or more likely lost red blood cell (voiced by the lovely Hanazawa Kana-chan) delivering stuff to various parts of the human body. And by the way if you catch no ball (or blood cell) in any of what I'm saying please go back to like, elementary school science, thanks. A recent germ infection caught on the body, and considering the body itself is probably lacking in white blood cells who are the immunity of your body system, they had to call in special forces. Thankfully through the brains(?) of the cells they work together to eliminate the last of those screwed up things in their world. So yeah, biology as you nerds like it. Happy? *laughs* Production wise thanks Aniplex for making the show awesome overall, the theme songs aren't as deterring as I thought (thanks to ClariS for the ending theme btw), and... I had a good laugh. Since I enjoyed the show, I may just stay to watch a couple of episodes considering this feels more like an educational show than a comedy one, but I beg to differ. They are trying to make this fun for everyone to watch, and I appreciate the effort. Other than that, there's cute stuff once in a while lol, and you already know I'll be giving this show chance the moment you put the most popular female voice actress in as the main girl haha
When you got found out by your parents for doing something private lol
(That's the germ btw)
P.S. But seriously lmao the sneeze is a rocket haha nice but what happens when you get pollination in your nose though would you be firing rockets as often as North Korea? BOOM *drops dead*

漫画 Nagasarete Airantou
So... the new chapter (161) is a love story between the sister Misaki and Genjuumaru that troublemaker?? Haha besides summarising the chapter, it would seem that past events do have their consequences, as Ikuto talks about how his sister is constantly clinging onto animals in the island because they are too cute (they are btw) and hugging them with overflowing affection (hey can I get some love too? lol) and... I think the animals are scared of her now. Even the island's troublemaker may also hate her too. Maybe. That or it now has a regular target to prank on, which will be a good thing since it'll ensure the safety of the village as it's being distracted by the half-youkai who can lock on to his presence despite all its disguises. That seaweed though... Ikuto is not having it to say the least haha
This chapter in a nutshell haha

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Since I'm in camp all day I only have my bus trips to review a couple of albums this week. Non Stop Rabbit's debut album is rather disappointing considering the topic song is okay, but now I don't even want to give them anymore. Reason is mainly because they, unlike many new artists like them, are not using studio production to their advantage by making it sound a little different thus a little more attractive to the listener. THE ORAL CIGARETTES is a good example of such a thing, and (the last of) Chatmonchy is a negative example. Sunrise In My Attache Case's new mini-album on the other hand is not a disappointment as I quickly found myself immersed in the English songs or even Japanese songs with simpler melodies (I mean, they gotta avoid that simple melody copyright) and at this point I think I made my point on Twitter how good it is with enough attention from their band members. I think I'm happy with that. The new songs, not the social media attention haha. I mean, if you want to follow them, retweet this tweet and change your Twitter avatar to their album cover for another week you might get a free T-shirt so don't say I didn't inform you about that you got until the 15th haha. But seriously man give them a listen. For me it's just a break from listening to those... J-Pop songs that makes me want to throw up lol

Next week brings us a whole set of releases which if I remember makes me a genius. *refers to Excel document* miwa's best album after 8 years of releases will be pitting against Komatsu Mikako's new album (which isn't great as of now), Niitsu Yui's comeback album (good impression as of now) and Amamiya Sora's 2nd full album (I mean, I showed up for her niconico live lol). Man, this is going to be a good fight. Certainly tiring for me but hey, I used to enjoy listening to hundreds of songs every week. Nowadays it's like a chore somehow. I gotta gear myself back to listening to songs instead of listening to YouTube videos. (Yes, not watching, listening. Like what I'm doing right now as I type this)

On music news, ClariS new single (before I actually watched the Anime to know of it) will be released next month as ending theme songs for Anime "Hataraku Saibou", the best Anime theme song of the year (I called it here) has its full music video on YouTube now (thanks Ooishi Masayoshi for your free music), Aimer's new single will be released in September and initial previews are good, I'm definitely giving Uesaka Sumire's new topic song a miss (it's mostly because of the incompatible singing voice imo), and I wished I can listen to Porno Graffitti's new singles. It's their second this year already and I haven't even heard the first. Someday I gotta open that iTunes paywall and waste money buying for reviews. Apple Music is not enough apparently and no one is paying me to review their releases yet haha #lifegoals. And also thanks SIMAC (Sunrise...Case) for the recognition. You thought me how to social media haha *memo memo*
"If you need me, just call me whenever you want"

Sunrise In My Attache Case is good at picking up girls lol memo memo
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) July 4, 2018

I think I'm done for the week. Gotta prepare for next week and probably won't be as free was this week. Yeah, I can be more busy apparently. Cya guys next week then, and hopefully by then... I can be happy while knowing I'm still unemployed haha finding jobs is hard they want experience which I don't have lol and don't ask about APoL or KN10YEARS I'm still working on them don't treat me like an employee