
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #28

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #28

Sunday, 15 July 2018
Wow I'm just lazy now. Hey, did you read this on Monday? I'm sorry~

Yeah yeah I'm definitely in a very lost position in life now, as I try to dedicate myself to a full-time duty I don't even want to do in the first place haha. Is that how you describe job-searching? Good. Read the fun stuff below instead. My life is... as silent as I want to make it right now. And my dad is retiring at home with me. These are going to be some rough months ahead lol

Also, bad idea to be watching one Anime on Monday and the rest today. But hey, this issue don't wait for Mondays. Then again, maybe it should? I'll see if I have to adjust this post release schedule at any point. I'll let you guys have a heads-up when I do.

アニメ Asobi Asobase
HAHA I LIKE THAT BITCH (pardon me for the language but)
Man, don't you love idiots without a chest for you to slap on so you can openly slap her face?? Seriously, what's wrong with this show? If you thought this was a Pop Team Epic ripoff I would not be surprised. The opening theme turned out to be quieter than any ending theme I've heard in years, and... everyone has a problem in this show apparently. Okay, about the show. You wished this show will take itself more seriously, but considering how random and crazy this show takes comedy compared to the ones we saw last week, I'm going to have a hard time giving this one, to say the least. The story from the first episode (#AsobiAsobase01) follows three girls and we'll start with Ksaumi, who hates to play mini-games because she keeps losing to her elder sister and at some point it became a way to be told to do stuff instead. However, classmate Hanako and transfer student Olivia are playing games that much it's pissing her off, and that's where the hilarity ensues. Considering I've only seen the video preview before this, I must say I am kind of impressed on the presentation of this Anime. Again, I don't want to (I promise this will be THE ONLY SEGMENT I will use swear words if I continue because if I don't I'll have to fuck Kasumi's titties haha) bitch on how long this is compared to Fumikiri Jikan (which is way better imo), but hey, this eventually became just a Club for the girls to play around as much as they want. And I mean that even in financial budget terms because Hanako is a rich kid lol. Take her stupidity in trying to get laid but duped by a locally-raised foreigner while working with the class English loan shark, you've got quite a weird show going on here. But as Olivia mentioned, she kind of enjoyed these games, and she kind of wet herself saying so (insert random sketchy face here) so I guess we're fine. For now. You think the truth will be out someday and they'll have to close the club because no one gets laid and they will beat each other up? Your guess is as good as mine. For now, the dangerous teetering of the relationships within the trio is sure to bring about more plot developments considering hopefully they can't stop talking about each other's chests haha just joking I checked it they don't do hentai here THANK GOD BABY *licks water puddle on floor* Yeah and try saying those capitalised words in Olivia's seriously American-accented English lmao it's PISSING ME OFF haha
P.S. That's your latest Detective Conan reference right there, ladies and gentlemen. *cues theme music* "Shinjitsu wa tada hitotsu" lol
P.P.S. Okay, less crazy opinion and more honest perspective on this show. Because it reminds me of stupid shows like Pop Team Epic which I don't want to watch, this one in contrast has a theme, which is playing games. So yeah, it is still watchable, even if it is just finger wars and poking between fingers and that kid pool at this point lol, but yeah, I kind of like how this has a theme so I won't go kill myself after hearing the punk rock for an ending theme because seriously WHO WROTE THIS SONG haha also I'll think about whether I should give the animation it's real sketchy imo okay maybe besides the boob shot

Wow bringing in the LGBT stuff in on this show already? This Anime is full of surprises lol
The second episode (#BANANAFISH02) obviously didn't give us further info on what the title of this story means, but hey, there's fast-paced development. That's what I'm going to appreciate for the rest of the series, if I were to continue. As of now... I'm not sure. Since the capture of Eiji and Skipper from the previous episode, Ash has entered the fray by stepping into his surbodinate Arthur and Marvin's trap. With only the Japanese cameraman assistant or whatever boy escaping from this fiasco, it would seem that the purpose was mainly for the guys to ask about that one bottle that was stolen from Dino likely, passed on to Ash, and he took it to his underground doctor for analysis. Apparently, the only pure sample. So yeah, we don't know what it is yet, but it's definitely significant now that the whole justice estate has to be involved now. As you can see, Dino isn't really a kind stepfather. Since Ash is in it up to his neck it's no wonder why he wants his stepson to... step out of the way sooner. Although he still has no idea where that bottle went, he still got to like, beat the shit out of him to say the least? Well that's till next episode. But until then, can't help but wonder about the... rated content present in this series. I mean, not that I'm cowering on seeing kid's pornography, but hey, I'm not that sick. Haha don't worry guys if you haven't seen it yet (the Anime or the real thing) neither have I. I mean, they censored it so you guys can still watch this late night show. But seriously man, practice safe sex. *laughs*
(Okay, maybe not what's on the other side of the wall but still)
P.S. I'm still praising animation studio MAPPA for making this show look so pretty considering this is a rather late adaptation of the original manga from 20 years ago. The theme songs though... I'll think about it when I give this show. The opening sounds dope though

アニメ Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro
As expected, back alley friend gossips about your are the best lol I don't gossip about my friends btw
Uh... why? *laughs* I mean, if you don't know what I'm laughing at it's perfectly fine but if you did read the one above while thinking about LGBT then maybe, maybe you'll know. The new episode (#ChioChan02) really, really just... just... Hey I wish I don't have to give a review I can't stop laughing to but I have to so let's. *laughs* (<= You're going to see this a lot) The first part introduces us to (I suppose we'll see him more often) (as a weakling lol) the one guy who didn't zip his pants in the opening theme which we don't know of his name, got trashed hard by the main girl in the weirdest cutscene ever. You would think this is some seiyuu hierachy episode or something lol but it isn't I think. The other half is more interesting as it finally introduces us to the third and last main girl Manana (yes it's spelled like a fruit) who is considered to be Chio-chan's only friend. Well, not until she finds out about her BFF being friends with the popular Hosokawa and... well it's a sh*t show over here so I'll not spoil too much so you can laugh more haha. Suffice it to say that Hosokawa is a good friend (I mean, we all want to be friends with her) (don't ask about the stripping in the opening theme I have no idea wtf that is yet), she likes running with strangers in the evening, and likes to be honest. So yeah, being deceived by the likes of Manana's stories and that president is perfectly normal. *laughs* All in all, wonderful episode especially the rapport between the two idiots lol but I'm just wondering when the animation quality is catching up I thought I have a problem with my ears (no girls you all are fine it's just me) but I think it's affecting my eyes too lol
P.S. I would like to add on to Chio-chan and... Manana spreading the info about the confession. You girls were there, right? *laughs* I mean, who didn't saw it? *laughs*
P.P.S. Ah I know you, voice actress of Manana. Omigawa Chiaki, I'm so glad your voice stands out on the streets as much as your character betraying the heck out of your BFF lmao. (I felt real uneasy hearing her voice so I have to find out the truth) Man, I've got two girls to support now? My hands are full with Hondo Kaede-chan already LMAO (To be frank Manana sounds like a less pure but rougher voiced Hosokawa imo)
[GIF FEVER!! Okay just one]
This is really how you do field signals in the Army I swear
(This was hard to clip tbh the frame rate was static for half of it)

アニメ Hataraku Saibou
Seriously, if you have blood deficiency you probably have to check if some of (or one of) your red blood cells aren't working as hard because they're lost lol
Really, they are trying to sell you on this game by making sure its target audience is into cute stuff. Like kids, for example. I mean, they gotta avoid the pain by averting your attention somehow haha. So is in this new episode (#HatarakuSaibou02) of the human body features the only part of the body you wish there was a livestream of so you can watch kids wash... whatever that thing is all day haha. Looking at the credits, I'm still impressed at the huge number of voice actors used for each episode of the Anime. (Skip this part if you aren't interested but I'm surprised that names like Nakahara Mai - who voices the boss bacteria this episode and also in my impression, from Servant x Service - and Iwami Manaka - who voices one of the half a dozen voices on the platelets, I assume the leader; outside this show of course, the starring girl of one of the last season love stories - are in this episode for some reason) (You'll have to trust me on this because I can't find evidence for this and I can read Japanese on the episode itself) Okay, the episode. We talk about an "abrasion", and if you're still unaware of what that is, it's a scratch that can happen in which blood comes out. Technically it symbolises a hole in the edge of the inner body (well it's more than that if you dive deeper) (get it?) and guess who's on edge now? (pun not intended) The lost-as-usual Red Blood Cell got dragged into (pun intended) the hole that was made in the world (just like how blood gushes out of your wound) but was saved by... you guessed it. However, the problem was to deal with the bacteria which can invade the body for the time being until... I mean, if you don't know any of what I am talking about go bump your elbow towards a wall or something. The platelets (those cute little kids) will eventually appear with the protein enough to bind the edge of your skin properly but until then, it's going to be a mini war between any bacteria and the white blood cells. I know this feels like a kids' show but seeing the amount of blood (what do you call the blood that comes out of white blood cells again?) (and the bacteria too?) or gore that is happening each episode I wouldn't consider this kid-friendly. And yeah, I think the technical terms are getting into me as pretty much every new one they have to introduce them one by one. The bad guys in this show is just the need-more-technical-introductions, waaaay less cool and super-duper weak versions of those in action Anime lmao. Don't ask me about the ending, because I don't know why there's so much emotional attachment between blood cells. Next time you have a heart attack (or a boner) you can thank these two lol. I had a great laugh so far though besides the technical explanations (the subtitles made it worse tbh) so I'll give it another episode. But going at this rate this body better go get a full body checkup it's like half dead already by now lol. Oh, the end of the series is going to be where the body has to do kidney dialysis and the red blood cells will have to leave? OH NO lmao
MFW I did a good day's work and I reward myself with dinner lol
P.S. And then you accidentally fly out of the "abrasion" to find out you got stuck on to a sealed wall and that's just because a plaster has been applied lol "hey we cannot take any more risks here"
P.P.S. Btw did you guys get the one word pun said by the White Blood Cell? "It's nothing but a scratch" lol

[And no, no Dropout from last week. And yes, as you can see by the effort I put in, I definitely like the joke shows this season. Those two will be the likely candidate to stay if I can't stand biology and hate child sex lol]

漫画 Burn The Witch (Oneshot)
Well I thought I would be buying the illustration book of BLEACH for Tite Kubo but I guess this came out so I don't have to? Haha just joking Kubo-sensei I'm still thinking about it. But seriously, this. Yeah, if you read it by now, congratulations. But seriously, there isn't as elaborate of a copy of the Harry Potter series as this. (Well, Zombie Powder feels like One Piece too so I won't say much) (It's still better than this though imo) But yeah, it's the we-use-magic-to-tame-dragons-so-we-maintain-peace-for-the-real-world kind of thing again. It's not BLEACH definitely, but for something that came out of the author like, 15 years after his previous work, you gotta think there's some uniqueness or something. (Someone pointed out the highlighting of characters at the end of the chapter) I'll keep it short here so you can read the rather lengthy story yourself. Story goes that the... government? They decided to protect the dragons from the people since 200 years ago from present because they can't co-exist but also because the dragons act like reverse Dementors that in this case, sucking up bad memories in order to become evil and wreck havoc. (Man, please do that to me, dragons) So yeah, they gotta be "protected". And protected they are, because non-evil dragons look great. Of course, history does not allow all of them to be "taken care of", especially where there are those which can disguise themselves only to be hunted by the "wizards and witches" which also take care and deal with these dragons. In the world of "Reverse London" which yes, this story is situated in England, your friends are dragons in disguise, we don't get to see panties, and the monsters can be exterminated in an instant by low-ranking witches. Just saying. *laughs* All in all an interesting read, but seriously Kubo if you need to copy ideas try something else I want the Fantastic Beast series to be good lol
This story in a nutshell lmao
P.S. Seriously getting vibes from the final BLEACH arc with those female Sternritters they look sooo alike also ICHIGO IS THAT YOU??? haha
P.P.S. "Burn The Witch"?? More like "Burn The Bi- (but seriously I expected Noel-chan's panties)

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
And the winner is... nobody. Well, that's 2018 me based on my first impressions. I swear my like, 2010 self will be more generous to these girls despite the fact that I'd rather listen to FINLAND (which I will review their new album next week instead) because I want some Rock music instead of any of these bullsh*t lol. Okay, serious talk. (I'm trying to be optimistic here so take my words with a grain of salt) Niitsu Yui's 1st album, as expected, isn't a revolutionary takeover, and refraining from listening to the preview I know I can only give those songs which haven't been "greatly improved" by producers which might influence her previously independent production. But hey, what am I to say? There is advantage in making music sound better in release anyway. Did you watch those live performances Yui so much want to perform that is like her previous album? That'll give you insight. It's even more obvious listening to the album since I didn't like most of the melodies. Komatsu Mikako's 4th album is dangerously bad, and yes Q-MHz I think I may have reached my limit. So yeah, I only took a couple of songs which barely passed by expectations in protest of how terrible this is- Did you guys even hear her previous album where were those songs?? Okay. Amamiya Sora's 2nd album is better than the others mentioned above to say the least, but nonetheless it has been bombarded with a bunch of new songs which just try to be Anime. Man, if Kawada Mami doesn't miss these types of music production, I don't. So yeah, I gave those that aren't. What a surprise. I tried to give the others, I promise. I tried. Lastly, miwa's best album might get me interested in yet another old song, which hopefully will turn into another review for the year because I've not been getting them- Oh wait did I not review Ajikan yet? Oops.

I'll review FINLAND's latest album next week because I've given a listen to them from some weeks ago where I searched for new songs to listen, and they turned out waaaay better than that Rabbit band lol. Natsukawa Shiina's 3rd single will also (hopefully) appear next week, but judging from what I've heard so far I may just reject her single because she sings EDM. Because she likes it. Not that I don't, but you gotta give a convincing melody to make me put it on the list. And that, I'm having my fingers crossed.

In other news, the guys uploaded Komatsu Mikako's music collection (short of the new album) on Apple Music Japan so thanks TOY'S FACTORY, Roys apparently released their first formal release in May so I decided to give them now, ClariS new single for Anime "Hataraku Saibou" (I'm still holding back for now) releases 15th August AND... by the time you read this hopefully I'll confirm the list of new music videos which will be added to my YouTube playlist. Have a listen to them if you can't afford to pay for music, yes? (No really, most people just don't, unlike me)

Hey, it's the ending already. I would like to proclaim that it's been two years since I embarked on the journey (which has indirectly influenced my life negatively which is) of mobile games which changed my life entirely. And the best way to repay these girls is to give them money. *laughs* No joke; I did this last year. Maybe I'll spend it on DOAXX instead of Alternative Girls instead their new theme song isn't good haha

I'll see about it I got some Google Play credits from those surveys I took hehe