
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #35 - Anime Extra

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #35 - Anime Extra

Monday, 03 September 2018

Thanks to my efforts of staying up a little longer for that other Anime, I've officially made this post a whole lot shorter and boring. *laughs* Okay both shows here were awesome to be honest, and I may just switch back next week if I wouldn't have to stay in the office maybe. Well, I couldn't even make that promise to my mom for dinner, so we shall see. *laughs*

Let's get to it!

アニメ Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3
"It should'nt have happened" I mean Eren, then this show and those two movies wouldn't exist THAT'S NOT HOW YOU MAKE MONEY BRO haha
Just a good reminder Historia, your dad didn't explain two things when he took out that syringe and otherwise Eren would want to warn you about, but hey, she doesn't need to know. Poor girl. The new episode (#AttackOnTitan44) is blessed with much-anticipated action (I WAITED 43 EPISODES FOR THIS), and what that old man Reiss did not mention is that Historia will become a Titan which will drop her from being the cutest girl in the series to being the ugliest in the series lol, and... it's going to be painful, no matter what happens. And it sort of did. Well, let's talk about the action first, shall we? *laughs* It was awesome. It's all the omachikane-screams all over for me, I tell you. From Levi's squad creating a strategy to not lose out to an opponent force triple their size, knowing about opponent weakness and taking them out in the smoke, Levi vs Kenny... I'm pleased. Hange died a heroic death. #RIPHange but hey, that's quite a lot of opponents taken down. Too bad it's not enough to intefere with the things happening deep within the cavern yet. Rod Reiss tells the holy story of how Titans came to be, and has always believed, like his ancestors, that this royal line will carry the power to control and keep humans alive as a race. Not wrong, but there's the history wipe thing. So yeah, nothing gets remembered outside of the past century besides the one who had the power to erase them, namely Frieda, and potentially, Historia. And as with all last-minute climaxes, Kenny may have anticipated for the ending he hoped: For that little girl to change her mind. Letting Eren off his mouthpiece, and even though Eren said it was all his dad's fault for starting everything so he wouldn't fight back (not wrong, his dad's the worst, and the reason why we're here), but even so, Historia wouldn't do it. Why? Because of one best friend that will live in her heart forever: Ymir. To live her own life, she chose not to obey the legacy; To defy God, to create a path and name for herself as being the one who is the troublemaker and also the one who will change history forever. Well, technically if you can get rid of the summoning power than this world will eventually be in peace. (Eventually haha) Not satisfied by the daughter's decision, Rod chose to take this matter into his hands even though Kenny thought he was a puss and he wouldn't do it himself (but I must say it's better that the new generation take the legacy so it can last longer than if that old man did it and we have to do this ritual in like, 5 years time again lol), and now we have to fight. Well, Eren has to since he's the only one who will be capable of handling a Titan royal descendant? Fingers crossed for Eren and the others; This one was already fated to be a bumpy ride.
P.S. I mean, really Historia? OMG You could have at least wipe the floor off that liquid first haha wait YOU ONLY HAVE TO LICK IT? What's with the syringe??? *laughs* Give it in a cup next time, okay- Oh there's no next time? lol
P.P.S. God, I need to have the soundtrack for this season now DID YOU GUYS HEAR THE SONGS IN THE FIGHINT SCENE?!!! *thumbs up all over* Reminds me of the first season already hehe (<= after clicking the link, hit the play button on the highlighted track to re-live the awesomeness that is 2013)

アニメ Tsukumogami Kashimasu
"So, the woman I saw at Tsuru-ya was... a ghost?" Man Seiji, you seeing things bro haha go sleep and stop dreaming about Okou lol
Man, this was a nice story. The new episode (#Tsukumogami07) was not that Suou thing I assure you, for we have another touching story to talk about. It all started with a fire. Hey, those things happen real often in the Edo period, and people die for it every time. Too bad man, the fire hydrant and sprinklers weren't around yet lol. Okay, the story. An incense burner of a tsukumogami recently got initiated into the rental store, telling his story about wanting to meet his wife. I mean, for a tsukumogami? Following this mystery, a certain Tsuruya-san was intending to have a celebration for the opening of his own store in the area years after the fire, but man, there was more history than that. Through the help of the pets in the shop lol, and little bit of #TheGossip (don't you think I'll forget about this hashtag haha) we found out that he was also one of the victims of the fire. Leaving the place in agony and forced to sell his land, he brought his ill wife along back then and not long after, she did not survive. And surprise surprise, he bought back the land he lived before from the one who stole it from him forcefully. Now you should be able to guess where this is going. Thank goodness Tsuruya-san did not manage to kill the proprietor or it'll be two ghosts in the house, so yeah,thanks for not making the house more haunted. Housing prices dropping real quickly as we speak lol. In all things that end well, and with a flashback from Seiji, he managed to convince the man to not take such an evil act of revenge, in view of moving on from the sadness of his departed wife. Fortunately, they did give what the arrogant lord deserved, so that's good enough. No really, what a jerk. (Are all landlords like this?) Anyways, nice story as always, and again if you see me write lesser than usual means I'm immersed and totally enjoying the show. Hey, a good show needs no more words. Though I would beg to differ because the dialogues are long as heck tbh haha
When you say your wife's a treasure but your friends don't agree lol
P.S. #PlotTwist when Katsusaburo mentioned about the wife being dead years ago OMFG Seiji's reaction is like mine haha we both got boomed real hard there about the truth
P.P.S. By the way our new guest was not a tsukumogami according to the rabbit brush haha it was just a possessed urn. Still not common today, but there's a difference.

アニメ Bungou Stray Dogs: DEAD APPLE
Next issue.

Okay, I'm done. I still got games to play later. Ugh, I hate the time-focused Internet-gaming life. I want some freedom to play games, just like it was a decade ago. *sigh* Kids these days will never know. Cya guys next time then, and until then... I might have to start thinking to finalise #KN10YEARS because I see my work schedule ahead and it's not nice. *sob* Haha bye