
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #35

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #35

Sunday, 02 September 2018

Tried reviewing Anime "Asobi Asobase" before I sleep on a Sunday. Which is actually watching livestream with the Japanese and then watching it the second time with subtitles. Not very fun. I need more time to comment on all the jokes tbh. *laughs* But hey, if tomorrow I have to OT at least I won't have to rush. *sob* Haha not yet I'm not in that deep

I hope the earlier warning in the form of a Klassic Note Review is enough to ensure someone went to sleep instead of waited hours at this... place where probably no one knows but me. Thanks, not SEO. That's how I keep my terribly expressed opinions off the Internet hehe let's start

Not doing quotes since most of them are reflective of the stupid reality we're going through in this series now, so yeah, I'm not that evil. *laughs* The new episode (#BANANAFISH09) talks about the question I left on the previous episode and what is the answer to all of it: who will have to take the drug, and what will happen. Who, we've tried to answer but damn did the author choose the easy way out, so not Ash, unfortunately. It obviously has to be someone else Ash has to watch in despair so they chose Shorter, and since Eiji is a good friendly target to pick, it was the target of "fear" as exhibited from the drug. How that drug on Griffin back in the war worked so well on the squad we won't know, but this one was quite of a stuggle, I guess. Ash and the guys reached the mansion, enjoyed some pep talk with the old man for a while, and the real drama begins. Hey, to be honest, I didn't sign up for this when I decided to give this show a chance. Then again, what was presented was an ethical situation for Golzine to show the military leaders on how one can be used, with the help of the drug, to kill basically anyone you want. I mean, ordering soldiers to kill is pretty much the same thing and I don't see why you would need this much to do that, but hey, that one scientist is an idiot. (Sometimes I wonder how much he got paid before Golzine slits his throat) Not going to spoil much for you guys, but Shorter has to die. Because this is BANANA FISH, Ash is too important to die, and if Eiji dies we cannot justify the Japanese thing in this show anymore. Remember, this is still America. *laughs* What will happen next from here? I mean, Golzine had a fun time sleeping with that China boy and Eiji, so... I don't know? Hopefully rebellion forces ranging from stealth invesgitations and gang form-ups to a little bit of cliffhanger luck we may get a happier ending. Hey, gotta be optimistic at this time. How many people can we inject that drug into anyway? Well, there's Max, for starters. *laughs* Man, I'm so evil and disgusted at myself. That's what happens when you have too much money and power, ladies and gentleman. You start to like little boys and destroy the world.
P.S. You know, the good thing about liking little boys (haha) is that you are able to sell all the little girls because you know you're not interested in f**king them lol Golzine you bald freak

アニメ Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro
"I'll never forget a high school girl's name once I've heard it... NEVER!!" lol I mean, I wouldn't say that publicly myself but
I miss good old Chio-chan already. *laughs* Okay the new episode (#ChioChan09) talks about image change, not killing yourself down a man pipe, and Andou-san has a lover??? Man, they all sound ridiculous than before even though there's no ass involved for some reason lol, butt let's talk about them. *laughs* Firstly, Chio-chan. She didn't study for her test once again (and that's why maybe smart home speakers may be useful at a time like this) because of one query she could've just asked her mom lol, and now she has to pray for herself to not fail it. Thankfully, that one Master who taught Kushitori-senpai who is just basically a homeless guy overheard her request, and instead decided to teach her to be a... I don't want to piss off Hanako from "Asobi Asobase", so... someone who wins in looks. *laughs* It didn't go very well of course in case you thought it did, and apparently good old below-average her is better. I agree. Oh okay I'm doing it wrong. *speaks in a fat pervert voice* I agree. *laughs* Okay, next up is Chio-chan's perception of coolness, and basically how Andou-san is trying to create that image? I don't know Andou-san, you date high school girls at your age?? Anyways, it started with Chio-chan thinking that Andou-san (not the sister) is cool after throwing a newspaper into the mailbox across the street for some reason, smoking cigar instead of the normal stick, and doing BL actions in the streets? I mean, we do know something's wrong in Andou's perception of wooing a school girl like Chio, but man did it go waaay off. That, and Manana's reaction to this whole thing feels like these main two girls are in love with each other. Hey, I mean, they did that wall thing on episode 2 so I guess? *laughs* So yeah, sounds complicated enough, this show. From future depictions to learning the wrong stuff from someone you like to that cat which freaked out seeing Chio-chan again... this show's got everything. Next week looks even better with probably the meeting up between the Andou siblings (yes that kid who pokes peoples' buttholes for some reason) and I can't wait. Not the penetration though, just the jokes. Even though I would argue that jokes do penetrate somehow... *laughs*
P.S. "So what's that about porn mag level sexiness?" I mean, as a woman you still have a vag-
P.P.S. I like that reference to that BL magazine Chio-chan bought two weeks ago lol Andou-san you have no idea how that happened
[Because Manana keeps doing it so I can't help but make a GIF]

アニメ Asobi Asobase
"I wish she wouldn't use an example that seems weirdly possible for her" lmao REALLY OLIVIA? On second thoughts I think she may have the butt to survive a fall *wink*
Once again, I must relate heavily to Olivia-san for being so lazy to study and approach others yet also screwing first impressions up so bad you can only have a handful of friends and people will never know who you are because you faked it in the first place lol. Okay, that's as far as similarities go as in the new episode (#AsobiAsobase09) the author tries not to draw worse-looking characters than the shougi club president when she threw that shoe Hanako's grandfather Maeda lol that's my benchmark right there haha. Firstly, let's talk about Olivia herself instead of the upcoming new character. She as a middle school student... let's say she has some problems. From lying to the class to missing out in the action, she wants these to clear up. Unfortunately, Hanako is less willing to help her out physically (I mean, the classmate is right about starting the rumour on LINE btw), and Kasumi... let's just say they should've warned her first. But I agree with Kasumi's reasoning which is also probably the original work author's reasoning which is to make sure she doesn't become popular or else the second half of this episode will not exist haha okay let's get back here. *laughs* Anyways, they almost got two classmates to believe it which is a pity, and now she has to represent the class in a English recital competition. Which bring sus to part two. Maeda's back again, this time prepared to jump in when necessary to solve Olivia's problem which is technically Hanako's problem (Kasumi totally saw that coming, his appearance in the room) (I seriously rewinded back to see whether Kasumi was sitting normally and she isn't lol) (She isn't for most of the episode anyway so I guess the animators want to make their own lives easier?) by... re-modelling that one android Hanako destroyed (#RIPKoiichiKun haha) and in comes Olivia with perfect speaking English. Sadly, thanks to the robot being made in conjunction with the grandfather who actually knows English (which explains why Hanako is good at it) (but not in that aspect) we didn't get a good reputation for the robot as it starts speaking its own mind out which is nothing but vulgarities. So... yeah, their club advisor almost got strangled to death. *laughs* Lastly, the brother. Yeah, I didn't have as much expectations as that Japanese audience watching the livestream with me which is lesser than Kasumi's which is way lesser than I-want-to-marry-a-rich-and-successful-man Hanako so... well I mean if you came here after watching the episode too bad there won't be spoilers but yeah, it was disappointing. And the only redeeming thing which would also prove that the brother and Olivia are blood-related (I mean, don't show me what the father or mother looks like pls don't) is that pair of beautiful blue eyes. Other than that, we're greeted with a rude brute in public, literally an Anime otaku (which probably explains Olivia's enthusiasm in manga), and is super stuck-up just to get some magazine back which he probably with his job on two PhDs, can probably buy another copy himself to save on the shame, as mentioned by Hanako's new poetic serialisation lol. He wasn't all that bad though, because I mean he has a good voice (already better than Hanako's grandfather imo), and he can impress a Hanako. That's fine by me, actually. *laughs* I know this is not a romcom, but heck I want to see Olivia's brother and Hanako cyber-dating. Just... just keep the cosplay photos away, please. *laughs and pukes profusely*
P.S. How the fuck Hanako did you fuck up "omotenashi" from "okotowari"?? Well if you speak like me there's a 70% chance lol
P.P.S. This section is reserved for my impressions from the cast's latest niconico live after the re-broadcast from episodes 1 to 7. They asked which were the best episodes, talked about how Kasumi's chest (ep7) isn't as good as a mysterious book of secrets lol, and played some simple games. Well, nothing I was expecting but they are cute so I forgive them. Also, the girls all have their social media outlets, so I encourage you to give them some support while you're at it. Kino "Hanako" Hina has a Twitter account, Kohara "Kasumi" Konomi has an Instagram feed, and recently Kohara-san talked about Nagae "Olivia" Rika also opening an Instagram, so yeah, go check those out. I love to support newbies like myself lol
[Because I can only fit two images in this review I chose another hehe]
Am I the only one who immediately knew she's fucked in this? *laughs*

漫画 A Channel
In this out-of-the-world chapter (106) finally we have Nagi-chan again in the spotlight, as she wants to share something she likes (an Anime, specifically) with the girls. So too bad we won't see more... of her friends whom I don't remember their names lol, but we'll get to see a sleepover! Well, not those kinds of sleepover. It's those watch-until-you-drop-and-drink-until-you-cannot-make-it kind of sleepovers. *laughs* That's Run-chan and Yuko's case by the way. For Tooru and Nagi-chan, they went all out. Well, as much as they can, and then when they wanted to sleep they couldn't, mostly because they wrnt on to drink something hot. Hot coffee, apparently. *laughs* Well, I hope there isn't school tomorrow lol
I miss happy Nagi-chan already

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Hmm this week I continue the journey on giving songs from last week. Haha life is hard when you don't have all day to listen to songs, mind you. Also, giving songs is hard now that you have 2000 songs behind your head. That and work and you're going to forget those songs eventually. Great, so I can give more haha. nano.RIPE's new album wasn't impressive per se, but I would still give a couple of songs because their choruses are good and you know, Kimiko sang it. *laughs* GLIM SPANKY has been stuck on my head for quite some time, so I'm giving a song or two to balance that. sphere... let's just say it's troublesome to give them songs with only Apple Music. *laughs* Scenarioart's new song is only list now because I miss them, and Murder by Death's new album finally got into my brain and... it's weird. It's a lot harder to give than their previous album which I just give a couple of them off my head. This time around? I listened to the whole thing and I still can't decide. Man, this is going to be tough. Benchmark tuner lower setting activated! *laughs* Lastly, I want to give SID's new mini-album a chance. Period.

Next week brings us Aimer's new single and from the music video released earlier this weekend... it's great? It's quite a short song though, and since pre-release may be as early as tomorrow maybe in retrospect I should listen earlier so I can properly give the song by Wednesdays when the real physical release is out and the world knows of it lol. Also, Tomatsu Haruka's new single came in as fast as her announcement of her anniversary as a singer, so yeah, haven't heard of it yet, will probably go listen to it later for a preview or just... wait three days. Or three months if you only had Apple Music lol. Oh no, I won't wait that long, I promise.

In Twitter news, I hope you didn't miss the nano.RIPE livestream on YouTube (it's a Lantis miracle haha) because I missed half of it lol. I'm still glad I didn't miss the fan request segment (well it's just like, a chorus worth but still) but hey, it's just a taste of what it's like if you go to their lives physically. Just go. I'm just not as enthusiastic to do that unfortunately haha. Also, Sambomaster's live in Budokan was impressive. Some of the older songs I didn't expect them to sing (I guess they would if you went to their lives back then), they are as enthusiastic as they are emotional (moments of silence, man), and they remind me of how rock n' roll should be like. Hey, for someone who hasn't heard much before them, I take pride on my interest in these guys. Also also, I just reviewed their new single so do check it out. Pretty much what I said here actually lol

Okay I'm sleeping I have things to settle tomorrow, and then some. *sigh* Work life, everyone. Hey, at least I get paid doing it. Now to see if I need to change my phone before it gets extensively used and I can't hear my phone receiver without turning on my phone speaker lol haha good night guys

[P.S. Desktop wallpaper for next week. You're welcome. Sumipe's curves are just too much. I know I watch porn but she... she's a treasure. Shame on that jerk who threatened her two years ago. Shame on you. It's our duty to oversee idols from afar. Support her and give her as much money as possible to keep her career going. Okay I won't go that far but stalking and killing her is seriously not in my mind. Some people are weird, I don't know why. Okay bye I need to start dreaming of her soon haha]