
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #40 - Anime Extra

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #40 - Anime Extra

Monday, 08 October 2018
Oh, I did not put an intro and you saw that placeholder for like, a day without me noticing? Well, it's fixed now, so...

Well, since I don't have much to talk about here besides the fact that I just took 2 days MC, I hope I don't get fired and I can still be fired to do whatever I need to do that is not work haha let's start

アニメ Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3
"Is it wrong not to be special?" And then the mother's like "He's cute" lol she into Anime too?
The new episode (#AttackOnTitan48) of this series which is still going finally touches on the super-touchy topic we have avoided since someone's mother got eaten: Eren's past. It came from a sudden recall from the triggering of memories when Eren was apprehended by Reiss, and some familiar face surfaced. Nope, it's not Historia because we're done with her saving the people behind the walls, but the Commander. Remember that bald-headed guy who taught Eren and the others during training? I bet you do. He was the one who technically held the closest relationship with Eren's father. And so, they asked him for a story. A story of a bystander. I like how throughout this series besides despair the show also continues to emphasise the will for humans to progress, to become stronger, and to be braver. Well, mostly it's for the purpose for defeating Titans so they can stop being behind the walls (a good reflection of society today btw, think emigration), but still. The Commander starts his story with a reality check: that Eren's father is outside the walls, wiped of his memories. A good reminder that he's probably also around the place where the Reiss were trying to pass on their Titan power to control and also, to erase the memories of people who will therefore have no recollection of the past. Well, apparently the father can remember his own name and what he's good at, so I guess that's pretty good for a start. Instead of being prosecuted, the Military Police at that time along with the Commander who was then just a small fry of a Scout, took him in. Eventually, the father became a practitioner who continued to save lives. That is, however probably, till he discovered the Titan power. I mean, he probably could have eavesdropped on a conversation and got into it, as we have seen a couple of episodes ago. The Commander did try to stop his actions for letting his son take revenge for the mother, but was without much help. In the end, he thought he wasn't special enough to lead the Scouts to victory (I kind of agree; Erwin was better tbh), and he wasn't special enough to influence others probably. That, could use some reflection. For now today we have Eren bravely doing everything just to exact revenge for her mom, even without knowing the full story why because the father said so and injected him with Titan power for some reason. Hey, I could do halfway through life without knowing what it means, so can he. That, he now has to bear the truth for himself. There are still questions looming behind this story though (Is all this good enough reason to fight Titans? Maybe considering what we know of now, yeah), but I guess that'll be for next time. Meanwhile, they are ready to take back Wall Maria, hopefully, to give the people behind the walls their homeland, and more free space. I mean, they still didn't know whether Berthodt that lot will ever come back, so might as well enjoy expansion for now.

アニメ Tsukumogami Kashimasu
"What's going on here?" Your. Fucking. Lady- *laughs*
Wow, that intro must be the best summary of the main story thus far. Hey, if you guys are missing out, this one's got you covered. In the new episode (#Tsukumogami11) of #TheGossip (damn did I miss using this hashtag lol) is precisely what you SHOULD NOT do to win the heart of a man. I'll say this once, and I'll say it again. This is as bad as a stereotypical type of conflict in relationship dramas, and it always has the biggest consequence if it isn't resolved. And that is jealousy.Especially when it turns evil. Remember Hansuke-san and her uh- I mean, HIS story about how he came to the town? Yeah, it was a sad one. Moreover, it was actually a common trick. Is this how people in the past trick their husbands to liking the wife? Man, I'm so glad I wasn't one of them back then. Still, in this long story in which we have pursued, it took this long for us to know the whole story. So yeah, it started with an encounter with Sataro-san's tsukumogami in the area, and he told the "gods" the full story. Of course, those two already know so who cares haha. Story goes that that incense burner Suou was missing. Story then goes that Okou exchanged hard that hairpin which was given to her and made it worth 80 ryo to afford another of those. Well, similar in design, but still. Turns out, one of my many suspicions for filling up this gap was correct: It was destroyed. Well, my intinuition was that both incense burners were destroyed which forced Sataro to leave, but that will not explain why Okou didn't get screwed for the rest of her life even up till now. So yeah, only the one which was bough to replace was destroyed. And surprise surprise, it was Sataro himself. He decided to leave because he knew this was set against him, and leaving was still his primary option, and that he would never be happy with whatever his life was now, and I agree. Not that I'm siding Okou, but these kinds of marriages are rather common as a change or match of social status. And people normally want to change their social status upwards. You know, parents. So Sataro had to leave in any capacity, but man did he destroy what could be worth another plot of land condensed to a work of art able to be placed on one's hands. However, Seiji decided to find out more of the truth, coincidentally after helping out Katsusaburo-sama solve his problem of suspecting Sanae still having a goings on with the previous lover. And yes Hansuke was right, that it's important to tell the partner everything in his/her face. *laughs at that idiot* And he did, so all is well for him. Reflecting upon Hansuke's story, Seiji then realised that this might just happen to Okou too. Yeah. Not a coincidence because women back then didn't have much creativity but very wily (which explains why women also need education lol I'm getting feminism tagged), but it can also happen to her. Okou, I mean. And Seiji was right. And of course, that b*tch couldn't have done it without assistance. Not prosecutable by law, but evil in nature. Women, people. In case you haven't thought about that possibility yet. *shakes head* And overlooking in the final episode preview, it would seem that Sataro is back?! Hmm, he was seen in the town, but what does that all mean...? Does that mean he's back in search of Okou? (I mean, he could've avoided coming back in any capacity) Does that mean he's escaping once again from where he settled after he left? So many questions, and a list of crimes behind his back apparently, what will conclude of this series?? I tell you, that hashtag is so booming, I'm the only one using it to vent my frustrations haha
P.S. Hansuke-san MVP this episode for being matchmaker to Ohana and that idiot who cannot confess his feelings lol that guy feels like my mom already (Wait, what? *laughs*)
P.P.S. Seiji be like *wink*wink* every time he talks to Hansuke-san because they set this one up for the two couples lmao I LOVE THIS SHOW haha AND SHE'S THAT WIFE TOO!! *laughs*

アニメ Gaikotsu Shoten'in Honda-san
"Seriously, what's wrong with your daughter??" Said every father ever lol this one
Wow, another show in this new season which amazes me so much I must talk more about it. Don't ask how I got interested in this, but the only thing I came in to know that it has jokes. About work. Specifically, about work in a bookstore. I mean, I had that Anime experience before, and I think I did mention to you guys about it, and that is Denkigai no Honya-san. Not that I'm drawing parallels from it, but I can conclude what I saw just from the series introduction for this series: It's Yojouhan Shinwa Taikai storytelling of Denkigai no Honya-san. Let me explain why. In this first episode (#HondaSan01) of this half-length series (yes it's only 10 minutes long excluding theme song), we came to know of bookstore in Japan in general. And yes, despite the daunting narration off the bat, the perspective in the story is totally correct about the worldview: people from all over the world are interested in Japanese books, and some came here just to get their hands on a couple of them. Don't ask how they would otherwise understand Japanese in order to read them (and that's why there's licensed translations of those books), but hey, I guess there are people who will spend a day reading a book just like me lol. Okay, let's talk about Honda-san. I guess this is your image-based face-change type of Anime, where real faces aren't drawn (I mean, look at the customers and tell me why they don't draw some cute faces for the staff) (*looks at denk!girls*) and everyone looks like they're in a GTA heist (video game reference btw) lol. Ignoring that completely, Honda-san seems to be not at hand as a bookstore staff, frantically worrying about how to serve customers, and do a good job at... at his job. Of course, that's why we work, right? For interest, but also at interest of the customers, hoping to serve them the best they can. But of course with all forms of work you know sh*t is going to hit you the moment you realise what is in front of you, for example, a list of names on a piece of paper or when someone holds their phone for you to see typically a manga cover... hey, just another day in the job. That, and I'm real impressed this show didn't break momentum. Which is why I talked about both shows in my initial conclusion above. It has all the antics you would know of running a bookstore (OTs dealing with new books, limited edition stuff which is literally the whole shelf over there upstairs haha) but told in a faster pace then expected. And that's not a bad thing. Coming in with some knowledge (not of BL, but) of how the bookstore runs, this comes a more of a refreshing perspective of the story, and I'm sure in future episodes the other charcters will be introduced so we truly know what Honda-san is dealing with in his workplace that's getting his confidence on check. That, and he should brush up on his English are those younger voice actors who can speak better English than him?? Oh he newbie too? *laughs* We'll give chance, this show. I laughed. That's good enough of a passing requirement. That Sunday time slot though... feels like I'm the "uke" (look at definition no.5) having to watch this show lmao
P.S. If you believed any of those in the intro when they ask about impressions on bookstore staff, you CLEARLY haven't watched Anime lol
P.P.S. "Let's ask that clerk what the most popular BL is" I HAVE NO FREAKING IDEA DON'T ASK ME lmao #JawDrop
[Also, kudos to whoever put in that Japanese dub filter on the English so that I'd rather not listen to them Japanese voice actors speak English haha they'll fail soooo bad if they didn't do that haha]

Hmm I'm immediately here after writing the above so let me share a bit about my thoughts on buying manga if I was in Japan. How to say... if I live in Japan, I wouldn't buy books in stock just like that one hardcore fan who probably got interested in a series so bad he immediately bought the whole series. Because if it were me I would have those books on my shelf that are only one or two books of it because I stopped as I didn't like it enough to buy the next volume on my nearest bookstore. Well, ignoring my sloth of actually going to buy one, it still is good to have some motivation behind to want to conitnue reading the story even though the whole series is out. That desperation will drive one's interest, I believe. Becuase if you bought the whole stack like that guy and didn't like it after the 2nd volume even though you read the 1st from your friend... you're going to be wasting a lot of your own money.

I'm done. Cya guys on Sunday. *laughs*