
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #40

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #40

Sunday, 07 October 2018
I'm not feeling too well so I'll not do the super fancy stuff for this week. Tomorrow too probably.

Yeah, the cold's caught up to me. I may have to take my first work MC in my life. Yes, I didn't take MC even when I was in my internship. So yeah, so much for that record. *sob* Let's finish this quick. Thank goodness I was "well" when I watched the shows for this week.


You think this post will look better without the category names? Just the titles? Well, Klassic Note will have its own title but as large as the Anime ones. You think it's good? Maybe I'll do that for next week haha

Wait, did one just appear from the bin? And under the train tracks?? How the f- (Then again the two didn't see the preparations go down so...)
I mean, Ash may not have that man-killing drug which can ruin his world, but he's got his gay boyfriend Eiji. *laughs* The new episode (#BANANAFISH13) after a week of hiatus (damn you tornado you were bad AND a nuisance) returns to conclude the final battle between Ash and Frederic- Oh I can't say that yet? Arthur, for you guys will be more familiar with that name even at this point. Whoever that black guy is (sorry for the racism) set up a place for them to fight in a duel to the death with nothing but knives, but you know Arthur is not going to let himself lose even though we know he will lol. So yeah, he called the train in. Well, not helping much for Ash and the other witness(es) considering it was held in a train station platform where trains can run, and Arthur just managed to send a beast which can fire guns out of the windows lol. After defeating all of them, Ash managed to sneak into the train to catch up to Arthur. All this eventually led up to Ash thinking about his potential death ahead of him whilst fighting his nemesis? Well, I wouldn't say so. Firstly, Arthur was quite a pussy. Even back then he didn't get a gentlemanly fight with Ash, and now he's trying to avoid conflict as much as posssible. It's as if he hates violence lol. Second, he rejoices at his advantage which builds on his confidence. Kind of like me, but he's controlling the mafia. It's fine if he's me, but not when he's a gang leader. For playing too many tricks up his sleeve, this man shouldn't even be called a man at this point. In the end, the two did get into a proper duel but on the overground train tracks at the eyes of sunrise, with half the police force and the gangs "observing" down below. Spoiler alert: Arthur lost. Oh well. Ash didn't come up unscathed either, as the police arrive to take down everyone present, including Eiji. Hey, did I mention he was here? Thanks to the one guy that said he couldn't keep the secret anymore (oh just keep your mouth shut once for the sake of your boss, would you?), Eiji found out Ash was going to risk his life once more. And like any gay partner (lol), he rushed to witness the side Ash said he doesn't want Eiji to see. Yeah, much like those mafia shows where the wife shouldn't bear witness to the number of people the husband murdered. Hey, I may be drawing parallels here but now that the new parallel between Ash and Golzine is drawn, I really wonder what will happen next. Golzine still has things up his sleeve though, so he wouldn't be going away without a fight. That, or he may have applied for his migration which I don't think any country will take him? Haha cya guys next week to find out
P.S. Arthur can't shoot a gun at 10 paces for shit haha you f**king loser
P.P.S. Arthur is such a pussy, even if you inject him with Banana Fish he also won't kill Ash lmao

アニメ Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru!
"I'm not interested in girls who've begun to menstrate" lol wtf
"Hey, you need a replacement wife?" Is LITERALLY the first thing that came into my mind when watching this show lol. Wow this series man. Translated as "The House Maid Is Too Annoying!", this show is... definitely in the laughable region of comedy. And honestly? What brought me here is only the fact that Nu-chan (who plays the maid) was in it. That's it. For what is in this show, I have no idea besides watching the trailer. But as of now, I think I have a better picture, and I may just want to watch this for laughs every week. This first episode (#UzaMaid01) gives us a simple and quick introduction (you'll know why I say 'quick' here) of what happens when you marry a Russian and have kids lol. Kamoi Tsubame is a woman. A woman with great aspirations. I mean, being a jet fighter pilot as a woman in Japan? Many would dream of getting such a job. Well first you gotta be ripped to even be in the Air Force which most women wouldn't want which we will talk about later, but hey, she's living the life. Unfortunately, she doesn't like it. A great episode to teach us about #JobChoices in life, and she quitted her job in search for something she thought would be impossible to get as a job: taking care of a cute kid while letting the kid wear the clothes she makes for some reason. Well, I would otherwise suggest for the former along the lines of a caregiver or an elementary school teacher, but the job agency isn't helping much, and technically I can't think of any on the latter, so oh well. Anyways, she ponders about the time she got struck by the idea seeing that cute Russian girl on the garden with her mother, and still till date was determined to make her ideal job happen. Fast forward a couple of years and she is out of a job, constantly searching for that dream job and then noticed the house she was admiring all along is finding a maid. Great! It totally fits her bill! Taking care of the laundry, cooking, and the kid... this just might be the best job for her ever. Sadly, there's a catch. The kid is a pain to take care of. This was also why the father had a hard time finding a maid after (sorry for saying this) the mother passed away. Misha, the kid, was a playful one. And she did not exclude Tsubame in making sure she gets the hint by pouring on her muddy water in the living room and on a couch, which no doubt I'll freaking kill my kid if he/she ever does that lol. And against all odds, Tsubame was not even rejective of this kid, and turned out liking her more. There are more subtle hints which I'll not dwelve into since it'll probably be talked about in future episodes (lolicon), but for now we just need to know there's a desperate maid to take care of the kid, and there's a rejective kid which will keep her mischevious character in check. Which is honestly a good thing for the father and for us. For the father since it'll solve his problem of not having someone take care of the house during the day, and great for us because we'll get to see 11 more episodes of this fun ensue. What will happen next in the cosplay pedophile dress-up gag comedy series? Your guess is as good as mine. Meanwhile, two things will stand in my way of giving this, mainly the ripped maid (I mean, if she dresses up appropriately as a maid lol I wouldn't even mind, but that school PE outfit...), and the theme songs. The ending theme song was technically a rap. *sigh* Much as this show is annoying, I want to give it, so we shall see.
P.S. The theme songs are more annoying than this show tbh they should rename this show to "Teema Kyoku ga Uzasugiru!" [Theme Song(s) Are Too Annoying!]
P.P.S. Okay this was so important but I gotta say that that pet in the house (whatever that is) heavily reminds me of this because the girl in that image and the pet above are voiced by yours sincerely, Naganawa Maria. (Oh, the flashbacks she must be getting when acting as that pet haha) (Ah, I love Anime)
[Season introductory GIF, I assume]
*No one was physically killed in the making of this series lol

Nagasarete Airantou
The new chapter (162) tells us about one of those unusual phenomenon that appears around the island, namely the harvest of the heavenly eggplants. Due to it's active nature (as with most plants in this island) it can only be harvested by ninjas for their quick speed and stealth abilities every decade when they decide to spread their seeds haha. So yeah, Shinobu and her sister Mikoto are up for the task. Up to the Eastern forest they go (Shinobu was lost again lol), and they did find those things. They move though (well, it's normal in that island), so it'll take some effort for the girls to be able to "harvest" them without getting into any sort of danger. Or will they? Well by the time you finish reading this chapter they've already stripped down and are using leaves to cover their bodies (which will not be shown here) so... you can guess how well this is going haha. More next chapter, I assume. Will they get the harvest? I guess so. How much can they tease us already? (What, who?) *laughs*
Again, for SafeSearch reasons, here's some eggplants lol
P.S. Yes I saw that stereotypical hentai scenario of melting clothing don't think I don't know that lol

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week was not much but we still can talk about it. To be honest? I got lazy with the research I told myself to do last week, so I only listened to a couple of Polkadot Stingray singles and EPs (not going to list them all here because there's like, four), and... I must say I'm not fancy of their style, and I'm not talking about genre. You get what I mean. I also didn't took much time but review the mini-album from SHE'S and... I get a good feeling now on what type of music they are going for, so I'll see if I have the mood to give another one. Polkadot Stingray too, just so you wonder. They are pretty good if you dive in further to find out about them. For this week's releases, YOSHIKI's new single was a total disappointment after the 90-second mark so thank goodness I'll not be doing a Review about it (it's a single track for all versions of the release btw), and Asakura Momo's 1st album is... I wouldn't say awesome, but it's cute. The emotional songs did not touch me in any way, and the love songs... I gotta give one of them, right? RIGHT?? *laughs* I mean, if I like her I gotta scream it out! Ei! Ou! Ei! Ou! *giggles* (Come back in like, 3 months to hit that Preview buttom lol)

Kuraki Mai's new mini-album for the year releases next week, since she has to wait for a better song than the Tsukumogami Anime ending theme song for some reason (which is worse btw), and I'll be doing a listen to The Floor who recently got a major debut early this year. Now that they have released an album and a single releasing next week, it's time to take a good look. First impressions are great as usual, I really dig the mood and style these guys give me. Real cheerful and strong in beats. I'll also spend more time giving those ROCK IN JAPAN FES 2018 live performance videos a listen but my hard disks are full and I need take work leave in order to watch, clip, and archive them all. Ugh, work life SUCKS haha

On Twitter, VPN stopped me from watching the livestream promoting Mocho's 1st album on Wednesday even though it's just her talking about the songs for 30 minutes with a host (because if she handled it herself we'll fall down laughing till we die) (also, it's only half an hour) (I also got around the VPN thing so next time for sure), ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION is releasing a new album due December 2018 based on all the singles thus far from 3 years ago which is only like two lol, GLIM SPANKY got nominated for an award so go vote for them online it's until 3rd November, and Tsuji Shion is promoting her new album by putting audio previews on her Instagram account only I assume. Sure, I'll give a listen. Liked your songs you since 9 years ago, don't see why you need to go that far to tease me hehe. miwa also opened her music collection on Apple Music Japan I guess secretly for some reason, so now I can go full on nostalgia and hope that I can give more of those non-electronic songs I have loved. *sigh*

I'm done. I'll try another dose of Panadol and get a good night's sleep and see if I can recover. Good chances it won't happen but fingers crossed I don't want to go through the trouble of submitting MC haha. Also, I'll do up the pop-ups if I have the time at work (well, if I DO go to work I will lol) and stay tuned tomorrow to see if I did wait for 2 hours just to see the doctor, get some pills and a piece of paper. Oh government hospitals only give A4-size paper they don't know how to save paper like private clinics do haha