
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #45

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #45

Sunday, 11 November 2018
I hope you guys are enjoying your weekends. I sure am not. I'm too busy working OT that I did pretty much everything below the moment the weekend starts before work, so that I could try to not screw up when I'll see the results of my own efforts on coming Monday. Fingers crossed if anything bad happens because I may not even make it on time. You know, I love sleeping, so staying awake overnight won't be fun.

And sorry for not having any manga in recent weeks. I'm planning to read up on the K-ON! Shuffle series after next week is over (same thing btw, so...), and I'm also planning to get my first set of Japanese manga books. Yeah, I'm going to need a shelf to keep books soon haha. Meanwhile, I'm just reading them casually for now and at work hehe let's start

"Someone ate some (of the salad)" WELL NO SHIT haha
Why Ash? Why talk about kids porno in front of Eiji?? *laughs* Anyways, the new episode (#BANANAFISH18) is what we mentioned before, bringing in the fear of Ash with his only weakness as of now: the Japan boy. Remember Blanca, that professional of a killer who retired but is back by Golzine's orders to lure Ash out to surrender? And so he did. After killing enough people to make it look like accidents even though it's just his big gun doing it all (sex pun not intended), Golzine and the others found out where Ash was hiding: on the apartment near his hideout. That, and how important Eiji was to Ash. So yeah, Lee's plan of instilling fear in Eiji by targetting his only weakness technically worked, and Ash took to surrender all of his current possessions which could work as evidence against the old man, to Lee. So yeah, all is done, yes? Well maybe. The end of the episode leaves us with a big question on hold: will any of them honour their promises? You wanna guess? I don't think so though, if Golzine has other plans. If you need a reminder he's into little boys so... yeah, I suppose he likes Japanese too lol. The more interesting part of the episode this time around are maybe two things: why Lee was so surprised that Ash is willing to sacrifice everything for Eiji's survival (because why not), and whether Blanca will ever, EVER help Ash in any way. In both situations, it's basically due to Ash seeing a speck of light in the darkness and resorting to any means to protect it. Living in a live of danger, even I would like that life of hope and happiness which Ash wouldn't be able to get the moment he was born. So yeah, maybe that is why. Even with the mentor's advice, it wouldn't work on Ash too. Not that I'm implying anything with regards to gay sex (lol), but it seems like so; It seems like the author was just promoting love over everything else in hindsight. Well, would be better with a girl but you know, they gotta make it compelling to make it good. And so they did. Blanca may be right though, that Ash is the successor (not to be head prostitute lol, but) to Golzine's everything once he dies, so why not all of that instead? The story does real well in the series to make sure emotions are stacked well so that even we have to follow Ash's decisions to give up everything for one person's safety. (Sorry Ibe-san they didn't mention about you haha) Anyways, I wonder where's the liability to make this fall apart, for Golzine isn't going to get whatever he wants that easily to be honest. Ash has fought before (without Blanca), he'll do it again.
P.S. "Hey I'm (Blanca) enjoying my retirement getting rid of you" would be a great tagline for the next season of this show but I guess not haha
P.P.S. "And I don't want to be like Golzine and f**k little boys with all the power I've got I wanna marry a little boy" haha Ash please don't

アニメ Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru!
"Is the JSDF full of perverts?" Yeah pretty much it's a place where otaku gather and develop fetishes lmao <insert sick made-up name of JSDF here>
But seriously what's with the wide angle camera animations we got here? *laughs* The new episode (#UzaMaid06) brings us a new character, and to be honest I'm not quite ready for it, but whatever I'm no masochist I don't have to feel this much haha. It's Midorin, previously Tsubame's superior but also, a real masochist. I won't talk about the many stories which are mentioned in this episode because I'm as bored as Misha-chan at this point lol, but suffice it to say Midorin found someone to look up to, but more than just in formality in a workplace, it seems. That, and Misha-chan took it to her hands to not only use her fancy of Tsubame and specifically her cooking as bait to fish her out (literally), but also to get rid of that irritating maid that has been in her house all this time. That'll be interesting to watch because the dad probably won't disagree on this (I mean, the father's got a good share of her weird antics), but that then still depends on whether Midorin will be able to do her job. You know, cook spectacularly (probably not), take care of the kid as efficiently as when you pull that alarm that's on every kid in this show lol, and more importantly, not be distracted by anything else. For the last one, I have a feeling Midorin would not be able to do. Anyways, this was a wonderful episode of stories (a lot of them), wide angle shots for some reason, and so many puns if I list them all out I'll have to do a dozen of postscripts so I wouldn't go watch the show youself you masochist haha
P.S. Okay wow I did NOT expect Misha-chan to pull the alarm lol that is a thing?? *laughs* Nice.
P.P.S. "This woman's stupidity must be rubbing off on me" haha this is real funny tbh the realisation of stupidity
[OMAKE GIF because I can and if only there'll be a Twitter/Instagram account where Tsubame posts all her images of Misha-chan it'll be about a dozen every hour haha]

[Update 2018.11.14: So sorry it took this long because as I mentioned I didn't sleep on Sunday so sleep deprivation propagated and I slept for two nights haha]
アニメ Gaikotsu Shoten'in Honda-san
To be frank? That one fan that Honda-san received a call on is LITERALLY me when I saw special gifts for CDs when I started buying them I'm like "I hope they don't get fingerprints on them" lmao (Eh, now? Not so much haha)
In this new episode (#HondaSan06) which got me engrossed once again to how wonderful this series is, we got a strong guy for a new colleague, a sorcerer as a manager, and fans who are literally that superhero Two-Face lol. Firstly, the bookstore got a transferred staff who worked, to translate, at logistics. So yeah, he's strong. He makes carrying boxes of books and paper like he was carrying a pebble. Not even breaking a sweat, this guy. On the other hand, he's probably going to be the kindest customer-facing person in the store which already beats all the women in the house lol. Secondly, we have a legendary manager. Unlike many others, this guy anticipates book stocks better than the pros can do at playing with the stock market. Upon the death of a manga author, book stock can already be arriving the next day as if by magic, but I guess the only downside is it's going to be hard to search through everything which I would say is their fault so whatever haha. Lastly, this series teaches us about the purposes and the creation of book fairs inside the store. With more releases participating, of course it'll bring up the popularity of the store, but it also drew in freaks who can't stop thinking of getting their hands on whatever you put inside those books. If you have not been reading Klassic Note Reviews, like CDs those are called special gifts. Also known as "tokuten" in Japanese, these small gifts are exclusive to the release and kind of a way to encourage buying typically First Edition or pre-order stock to drive sales, I believe. That, and there actually are fans who will ask about whether they can get their hands on a copy and that THEY MUST and that THEY ONLY WANT THE GIFT which is NOT FOR SALE by the way (Don't look at me I only bought from the auction site once, I swear) and the staff still have to ensure NOT TO LAY HANDS on them even though they have to package them? Yeah, therefore, also to prevent theft from just looking at it, they flipped it around to the illustration instead of the photo on the other side, which many fans blindly ignored it and confronted the staff like they owed them money. Retards. *laughs* Haha another wonderful day at the store, and I can't believe there are more stories to behold. "We're halfway there, guys, we can do this!" Haha said the manager while preparing for the fair facing a wall of unpackaged books lol
P.S. Once again, too obvious of a voice because I can recognise it anywhere, that mage bookstore manager was voiced by, yours truly, the guy who voiced Kurotsuchi Mayuri in BLEACH. God, his voice is so good.
P.P.S. Thanks to this show for showing us what it means to prepare for a bookstore fair. I never gave a sh*t even in the bookstore fairs where I'm at, so... maybe when I go to Japan I'll take a selfie of them cut-outs to appreciate their efforts. *salutes*

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Keeping this short and writing this early as I have work to do blah blah blah look at intro haha. I forgot about Ryokuoushoku Shakai's new mini-album which dropped off this week, and also that they got signed into a major label so congratulations (RIP online YouTube music videos), and the album is... I didn't give the new topic song. I did give two songs though, one being that one song they sang months ago after their 1st album, so that's good. wacci's new album was okay, and I think I can give a couple, but a couple more it isn't qualified for. Then again it isn't bad, but you kow, Klassic Note is all about melody so... most of them already couldn't make it pass the checkpoint haha. I also concluded on Kalafina's best album by letting them go with a "blaze", if you get what I mean. I may finally be giving up on Chatmonchy's best album as personally I think the mini-album in June was more pivotal to their end than this. Stay tuned next week to see if I mention them again here lol

Talking about next week... *searches "14" on my Twitter likes page* (FYI 14th November is next Wednesday which is when most Japanese music releases are officially out) (if you need me to explain why they have digital pre-release and on-store flag days I'll do that for KN10YEARS maybe) we have fumika's cover album which I'll probably not give any songs considering Aki-chan and Yoshioka Kiyoe didn't make the cut either, and TrySail's new single (try clicking anything else in there from like, after Valentine's Day next year haha) which will probably be a pass again. The topic song isn't terrible, so that's a good start.

On Twitter news this week (sorry for the spamming of overlays for PC viewers because I see the agony in moving the mouse through this paragraph), yanaginagi is releasing a best album come early 2019 and ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION will release their new album in December. That's it, actually. Maybe I missed something or I didn't have enough time to listen to songs, but I'll try. Really should go listen to some indie artists sometime maybe no promises even to myself

I'm done. Cya guys next week then, and until then... Honda-san will be up provided if I'm not dead from lack of sleep tomorrow, pop-ups will arrive when I'm able, and hopefully you've been reading up on The Klassic Note Spirit because I took time writing it. It's going to be hard finding thumbnails for next week's posts so I'm finding ways to do it now. Enjoy your weekend while it lasts, yes?