
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #46

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #46

Sunday, 18 November 2018

I'm still tired from yesterday and I've not been sleeping much today, and I want to do a little more for Klassic Note Spirit posts this week (It's done already, I just feel it's too media-empty), so it'll be delayed for now. I'll try to finish in the next couple of days, I promise.

Let's finish this and sleep early I seriously need more sleep haha

Ash is not just sick, he's lovesick. You know, just like how Golzine is of him as he is of that boy haha
Hey just in case you guys didn't figure out Ash Lynx was quite an American senator in the late '90s lol they manipulate history like you don't even know how. In thie new episode (#BANANAFISH19) which I must say fills my brain with nothing but boys love, talks about more of the life after Ash, you know, submitted to Golzine because of that little boy lol. Anyways, it wasn't good, as he's probably just resisting helping Golzine out to take over the world as we know of it. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if he's involved in world affairs haha. On Eiji's side, he found out that Lee helped in making Ash submit to Golzine, and hates him for it now. And now, he wants to save him? I don't know. What's even the point to that now? Well, considering his physical condition now (if he isn't faking it) he may not even be able to make it out of that party himself, let alone out of that crowd of protection, it would seem. But hey, someone's face gives a lot of motivation to a person, you know. Even if it's transgender-related I don't know haha. Blanca however, has other options besides leaving for the Carribean after he's made his stay. Lee found out his history and that he was a soldier fighing for the Soviet Union in the Middle East to sum it up, because no one should know about this apparently, but Lee managed to do it himself. And so, Blanca decided to form a contract with him, but just to be his bodyguard. No guns, no fighting, just protection. If you need firepower I guess this guy beside you won't be it. And against Ash too? We shall see. All in all, a mote content-filled episode to make sure you can catch up to what has been happening for all characters in the story now and quite a set-up to the next episode where the party starts and we may see Ash leave the clutches of Golzine? I mean, without anyone covering for him it may be tough. We shall see it for ourselves, yeah?
P.S. I like how Lee or even Eiji gives so much of a f**k to this situation about Banana Fish and all even though Ash don't even give a shit about the whole thing lol really? I thought this show was about the gay-

アニメ Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru!
"Normally you'd notify someone that they're being let go a month ahead of time" lol Misha breaking labour laws right there
Wow even I just forgot that Midorin was a masochist haha Misha-chan what have you gotten yourself into haha. The new episode (#UzaMaid07) proves that firing that awesome yet irritating maid off was a bad choice, and we have a counter-example to demonstrate that. Ah, I love this Russian tsundere especially when she doesn't know she's in it haha. Well, there's two parts to this as usual (man, stop updating the eyecatch already haha) so let's talk about them separately. Firstly, we have to deal with Tsubame being fired as a maid. Well, Misha had to. *laughs* Yeah, and by finding a replacement which wasn't any better at the one thing Misha wished Midorin was better at, and that is cooking. So yeah, she had to either eat trash (which Midorin liked cooking them) or just eat outside food which obviously wouldn't be any healthier since it's, you know, never geared to take care of your body. That probably was the only downside though as Misha got to enjoy less irritating stuff from that ex-maid and still gets the other maid stuff from Midorin done quite well. Yeah, just the food. Okay maybe also the fact that she doesn't have to deal with a full-on masochist lol. So Misha decided to ask for Tsubame back. Just for the food. And if it's not obvious enough, it was all Tsubame's plan to leave anyways because she knew that she had already gained the trust of Misha's stomach as much as you have every other reason to hire someone else to be her replacement, and to be honest? I expected that too actually. *laughs* Second half bring us a (balanced) day in the life of Tsubame (with Midorin) working in the house and also shows us the extent of how much of a masochist this Midorin is because she is quite an extreme one to be honest. Although with reference to last week's episode of her getting referred to trash and peed by a dog please show some self love Midorin it's real disgusting to have to deal with scat and all those stuff. *imagines Midorin being happy reading this* Oh well anyways (haha), the life of the maid is mostly justy house chores, dealing with meals, and the occasional spying on the kid. Yeah, including that last one which is totally not suspicious and illegal. Also, that Tsubame clean's only Misha's room is kinda creepy haha. I mean, which one do you want: a lolicon who expresses love so much it's irritating, or a masochist where whatever you say or do will have a positive effect, even if it's something bad. *laughs* I'll leave you guys to think about it yourself and by the way the show's selling Misha figurines with Russian blonde hair and with a changable clothes lineup better than Barbie Doll? If so SIGN ME UP haha
P.S. "I licked up the curry I had leftover last night this morning" Wow Morikawa can you don't AND THEN SHE IMMEDIATELY ACTED SICK lol
P.P.S. Ladies, if there's one thing you can take away (food pun not intended) from this episode is that (and may I quote Tsubame) winning over someone's stomach is the best tactic ever. Ladies, you hear that? Well I'm not so picky but if you make food the standard of Midorin I'll just eat outside lol
[Omake: I really enjoyed Nu-chan (who voiced Tsubame) getting irritated by Midorin (voiced by M.A.O.) to be honest totally liked it also Midorin's disguise it's getting all the lesbians cross-dress fans excited haha not me btw]

アニメ Gaikotsu Shoten'in Honda-san
"It's not really that interesting in real life!" Wow the author burnt himself there lol
The new episode (#HondaSan07) brings two things that we'll go to love and hate in life as a bookstore staff, and I'll leave you guys to say which one was the love and which was the hate lol. Firsly, wholesalers. In case you aren't aware of how it's designed, bookstores get their books from wholesalers - places who stock up the supplies - which are then taken from the publisher either directly or through the inventory network as far as one can stretch across the country considering how big your franchise is. So yeah, it can be hard to keep up with stock. Aren't you glad there's online shopping now? *laughs* And then, there's the party. Not that I don't know how to drink alcohol (yeah, thankfully), but going to a drinking party won't be fun. Well, not if you're a nerd like me and some of the others in the store, so Honda-san volunteered himself for the task. As much as it's a time to bond, it's also good time to learn about stuff happening around working for a bookstore, and that... someone was an author of one of those hot-selling books which just recently became an Anime. *laughs* Yes, the author's writing about himself. Read on the original work or look at earlier episodes for the background. All in all, not that it's mundane like he described it himself lol, but that since this is Slice of Life you gotta appreciate what happens with such a workplace, and how your books appear in your hands as they will today. And I'm not talking only of Japan; next time relate this to your local bookstore and you'll get what I mean.
P.S. Since I thought about talking of that list of manga artists that I knew, let me go through them starting this week. Or when I have nothing to write here lol *ahem* Tite Kubo, as you all have known, is famous for his big work "BLEACH" which made 300+ episodes of Anime and FOUR MOVIES goddamn, and sold millions of copies just in the Soul Society Arc himself. What was less known about his work was his previous work "Zombiepowder." which I actually liked its characters and action but its story borrows too much on earlier major works of that time, say Dragonball for example. So yeah, he eventually stopped it with one arc of story in four books. The reason he gave when he stopped was that (other than the reason above) he was pressured by his manager and publisher to come up with this kind of story, and it doesn't represent his own creative work. So yeah, no wonder it was so good? I loved it though, and prayed every day that it'll continue. I even name my self-created characters after his artwork. She's not that fierce in my story though, just the image. Maybe I'll prove my point when I can finish writing APoL- oh yeah one of them was in Chapter 14! Here's a shot from the manga for reference. No good? Here's another haha. And I'm not going to force you to read the chapter, just the front one about the HQ will do haha

漫画 A Channel
In the new chapter (109) of... who's that girl? No, not talking about Run-chan or Tooru, the other one. Anyways, the three went to a cat cafe because someone wants to try out her skills on her resume lol, and in case you don't know what they are these are places where you can hang out with cats, situated as a cafe. So yeah, as the name implies. So this Hira-chan apparently can make cat sounds but only one that's in pain so maybe don't make more of that sound alaready? Haha this series just needs more dumb people, and I don't mean Run-chan or Satou-sensei lol

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Okay, not much on new releases, but I did do some digging, literally. wacci's new album got some conclusion in Klassic Note, as I only picked out a couple of songs I'll only give, which is fine btw I think this is good enough imo. fumika's cover album is just a listen for fun for now, and I'll see if I can give more time so I'll give a couple of songs. Then again, it's because she chose more recent songs to cover anyways. TrySail's new single is... short of fantastic despite leaving the electronic genre, and I'm only prepared to give the B-side. The topic song? Meh. LuckLife's new single was a hit and go for first impressions since it's been some time since I listened to them (I still haven't heard of their latest album) so I'll have to listen again to see if I can even give the topic song. Lastly, Tokyo Karan Koron's new mini-album was... okay, and I want to give new songs from them, so... again, I'll need more time next week.

Speaking of next week, besides re-reviewing the above releases, we have a couple of new releases upcoming. BLUE ENCOUNT's new single for Anime "Banana Fish" will be out, and as of now I've watched the music video and heard the topic song and... man is it hard to give. Kind of explains how I didn't give that one song I heard from them 3 years ago and joined the group of artists who represent the male voice in Klassic Note. (Be sure to read on the Klassic Note Spirit to learn more) GLIM SPANKY's new album will be out too, and I have listened to the topic song and honestly I'm not impressed. There's the one music video/topic song from a couple of months ago which I'm probably prepared to give right now, so that's something to remember for now. ClariS' new album also appears next week, and honestly I don't know what I'm expecting, so fingers crossed for that I guess. It's the second time the new duo is releasing new song and the previous one wasn't that impressive so... we shall see.

On Twitter news this week, Survive Said The Prophet's new single releases in December for Anime "Banana Fish" (yes, the new ending song), and what the f**k did I just watch a music video of. Yes, I know of Fuchigami Mai and her solo music debut earlier this year, but that doesn't mean I've been giving her songs. And this, might be her first. If I can remember you, Mai-chan, I'll give. On other news, Kotobuki Minako's new single is coming out early next year, along with Mai-chan's new mini-album. It's not the same week though, just same month.

Okay I'm done here I can barely keep my eyes open. I've also been watching streamers play Pokemon Let's Go on the day it releases which is yesterday and... I think I'll love the game overall but hate the catching mechanisam because motion controls, man. I'll be getting myself the game as part of a surprise for my sis' birthday present which is, you guessed it, a Nintendo Switch console. So yeah, Black Friday sales hopefully will give me an offer. I know of Singles Day, but I REFUSE!! Haha no I got a new phone anyway. Surprising how the Google Pixel 2 phone case came from Amazon faster than the phone itself which was imported but sold on a local online store haha. Oh well. Cya guys next week.