
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #50

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #50

Sunday, 16 December 2018

I can't believe my whatever sinus infection is not over yet. Coughing on Thursday night, I had to see doctor on my work leave day, and had to say no to that Malaysia outing with my colleagues because with the way they work I'll be more sick by the time I come back home now. I haven't packed because I knew this will happen though haha

It wasn't that fun at home though. I didn't manage to do anything in faith of sleeping will help improve my condition but seeing as I am *cough* now I don't think I've recovered. Hey, 1x useless body right here, if anyone wants it. *sigh* No wonder I wasn't getting laid the girls knew just by seeing my fugly face lol

Let's move on to less sad things, shall we? The only things that are making me happy this week are getting sad too. Can I just have a solo crying session now? It's been some time since I did that lol okay moving on~

"He doesn't exist for your salvation" wow Blanca got him good there
In the still pretty sad new episode (#BANANAFISH23) of this series, we now know what this series is all about, and it's not underworld action, fight scenes, or conspiracy and lies. It's about love, and not specifically gay love, okay? (lol) As mentioned by Blanca most clearly in this episode many times to Ash and even to Lee, it takes a lot to love. And to lose that will make one go crazy. To lose that will make one lose meaning in life. (I mean, I've never been loved so that makes me one of them lol) To lose that will make one choose other insane options instead of protecting others. In this episode, Ash was stopped by Blanca so that he can help protect Eiji from... probably the most wanted criminal in the state right now. And Ash? He's taking it in maybe. It was of good reason that Blanca did that for him even just as a trainer, but hey, it's also of concern. For Blanca, it would seem like his state of professionalism is over. He'd rather take emotions into his own hands, and help protect Ash by saving Eiji, which I might say is a real noble act even after hearing of his story. Lee's wasn't much to pity though, as his one was just quite brutal, even though his standpoint is what we have been thus far until Blanca decided to change sides, which is to whoever can't feel love then should make others also feel the same. That need not be so, as Blanca has exhibited this much in the episode to (1) join Ash and his actions to stop the Banana Fish plan/save the people in the building, (2) to give him one last chance to see Eiji who is in hospital now and is often visited by the cops, and (3) to disobey all his own actions as a professional, meaning he has to go against Lee and Golzine now. On Golzine's side though, things have started to take a turn. We see in the last part where Foxx decided to take things into his own hands, and being the most underhand of them all, he will no doubt heartlessly drug as many people as possible in the Mental Health Institute (which mostly are the gang members from Ash who were captured, mind you) (and Max) and even kill the proprietor in order to advance on his selfish plans, whatever that may be. What his plans are though... well I guess he's a military guy, and he's internationally well-known, so... maybe he wants the fame to himself too? If the story goes in this direction, I wonder if Ash will make the ethical choice again (as he did to Shorter) and end the lives of the people in the building himself. #RIPGolzine anyways it was a good run old man haha hey at least you get to f**k all the little boys you want in Heaven lol

アニメ Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru!
"Your existence in the first place brings me embarrassment" Haha Misha got her good there haha I just LOVE these tsukkomi
*looks at flashback intro* Tsubame must be nosebleeding right now looking at this *laughs* Okay, the new episode (#UzaMaid11) really brings us a lot of fourth wall references like the fake end and how no one mentions Midorin's age but since it's shown on screen the girls know lol. Okay production jokes aside, it's interesting to see how our very query about Misha's place is going to be unveiled to us in the next episode in the most cliffhanger way possible: making the maid mistakenly step into forbidden territory. Hey, the Anime adaptation got to end somewhere haha. Okay, setup first. In a nutshell, Misha invited Washiwashi to a stayover, and heck even Morikawa-san knew about it. I know Tsubame will know about this we're not concealing the plan from her unlike the last time lol. So yeah, in an effort to live life with a bunch of friends, Misha ended up having two friends up at her place. It was great and all, and the usual antics from that irritating maid kind of throw Midorin and me off lol, but yeah, it was all in an effort to reach the plot twist. So yeah, if you watched the episode already then I can say it here anyways, which is actually the two guests being afraid of the dark - Washiwashi and Morikawa - that accidentally led them to the mother's study room (hey, it's "accidentally", Misha-chan) (also, should've got the door locked) with them stepping on dust all over the room and knocking the bear on the chair over. No really, it's not Halloween yet, the girls are just freaking out for whatever reason. *laughs* Stupid things aside, the reality came in when Misha noticed someone entered the room without her permission, and in an effort to not let Misha lose her friends, Tsubame noticed the situation and immediately admitted it was her. Why though? If it was the classmates' fault (actually both are in the wrong) then why push the responsibility to herself? On the other hand, it's logical for any of us watching this episode to think the production was forced to weave a convincing story so they can make Tsubame the scapegoat, but even if this is not the real story then what can Misha do about it? Kill the people who did it? So what? What if Tsubame loses her job? That's it? Isn't it more troublesome to find a more dedicated maid who can take care of the house? To be honest, there are many ways to hide the truth behind your past while still letting people dig- well, clean up the place a bit. Not referring the dust to ashes on this one because I'm not that cruel to shit on people's past, but suffice it to say I'd like Misha to wake up her own mind when we reach possibly the last episode next week. Heck, it's childish to think like this, Misha. There, I said it. Happy now? *looks at Midorin* Okay, could you just stop getting high over there please? *laughs* We shall see how this lesson will be taught considering no one around her is technically close to her. Anime, prove me wrong.
P.S. "normal girl" haha *gets Asobi Asobase flashbacks*
P.P.S. "If it can be done tomorrow then it's okay to do it tomorrow" wise words from a slacker haha same here *laughs*

Update 2018.12.17: I'm still awake and not dozed off at my bed so why not haha
アニメ Gaikotsu Shoten'in Honda-san
"A customer caught me" Oh hohoho LITERALLY amirite?? *laughs*
"It's when the healing stops working that it's time to move on, I guess" Wow I'll take that advice in well, paper bag head. The new episode (#HondaSan11) is all about extremities, because the production thought you didn't get enough mood swings watching this series because you're likely just laughing all the time lol. Okay, mood swing number 1: fear. Hey, who knew that after 10 episodes of those snippets dealing with bad customers we can still get more, and heck they just changed the setting to like hell? Lol seriously, but yeah it's when times get tough is when... you call the department head haha. Hey, you gotta. We don't get paid this high to deal with that one freak who can't handle only getting one book which is selling like hotcakes. But hey, it was fun to watch, to say the least. Man, that namecard is real solid where can I get the printing on that for mine? Oh, only in hell? No thanks. *laughs* Mood swing number 2: happiness. The reverse, actually. When you actually know of a good customer, asks when necessary, and still thank you for helping out. Hey, did you even know that work is all about helping out? If you are not helping out on anything but just furiously getting stuffed with money, you're not going to be happy working. And as paperbag head said, you're better off quitting. Which may be never. Hey, when one's passion for a job is strong, it takes a lot to change one's mind. Still, if you need me to live a sh*t work life, I'll leave I tell you. Not for now though, I've got much to learn as much as... not leaking anything here, my company's product isn't great. Oh no don't kill me please I could use two hands to mastur- do programming haha looks like we're ending this series with Christmas it seems hehe took a look at the official website to see if this is the last thankfully not
P.S. "You Can Quit Your Job Whenever You Want" Hey don't drop that title on me now I just got employed for less than half a year here haha
P.P.S. Lmao the candlesticks on that pumpkin head man they making this first half of the episode really look like Halloween

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week was quite a week in Klassic Note, possibly the last of the active weeks in this year probably. 7!! seven oops new album (You can't find the release? So do I) from where the drummer left was meh, as I ended up only wanting to give one song, and even it's not in the list yet because I have no confidence in giving it. Eventually. *laughs* ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION's new album was finally decided as I only gave two including the topic songs just for the fact it's nostalgic of their early day style which I honestly missed. Hey, I need to give Ajikan more, man. I feel so bad not giving this Klassic Note veteran already, you know. Still, no reason to give more if I can't feel for them if not for this weekend lol (see post intro for details) Survive Said The Prophet's new single was actually an expected fail, as I try to grasp what the heck was going on with the rest of the topic song as I heard the Anime theme song in the show which was actually really good. So yeah. The B-side too, trying to capture us with the Anime theme song feel they did last season? Nice try, guys. But I've heard of your style 3 months ago so this is not surprising or fascinating already to be honest. Also, not to forget that I reviewed Asakura Momo's 2nd single from last year because I wanted to give her something which is not her album or her photobook or a chance to go to a handshake meeting haha okay my inner fanboy is showing lol

Next week brings us KANA-BOON's new mini-album after quite a release this year and me not giving them, I'll try to give more this time around. No promises here, guys. Your music isn't as impressive as I thought you guys are. Hey, impressions are deceiving in Klassic Note. I hope you'll forgive me. (Audience: Who you're taking to now?) Oh. That, and maybe I'll listen to the albums mentioned above again, I guess. I want to give chance. I seriously do.

This week was quite a ride on Twitter, with fhana opening up their music library in Apple Music and other streaming media - (one of) the first artists from Lantis to do so - which is great to say the least celebrating their 5th anniversary album (Wow, it's been that long? WHERE WAS I??), VELTPUNCH promising things to happen in 2019 (please do, I have no one to give #1 song this year I'm in trouble now lol) and among many other things new releases including Taketatsu Ayana's new single and Anime tie-in once again (See? People do like your singing, Ayachi) and Yogee New Waves new album in March next year following that many digital singles singing for summer and fall but I only liked the spring one which was in March this year hehe sorry guys I'm very picky when it comes to songs

I guess that's it then. One more week of work after having to face my colleagues for MIA-ing on that trip (because it's easier to book accomodation in bulk) before I can get to enjoy my last week of this year at home, probably doing up everything Klassic Note for KN10YEARS and song awards this year. Heck, I haven't even come up with a list yet. *sigh* Can I just shrink the rankings to 10 songs instead? Oh hey, maybe I can just give 20 songs this year instead of the 20++ songs every year lol. We shall see. Or actually, I shall see how. *laughs* Okay *cough* cya guys tomorrow for Honda-san or else next week then~