
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #51

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #51

Monday, 24 December 2018
Merry Christmas... Eve, everyone!!

Yes! This is a (delayed) Christmas Eve Entertainment News Special!! And it's definitely not because I'm at a gathering and forgot to watch shows on Saturday but it's totally because I wanted all the shows to end with Honda-san so we can have a Anime fiesta!! Muahahahaha....

Ok, jokes aside, let's begin. All three shows are ending this time around, so next week... well let's hope I can do the previews for next season then haha

This blockquote is dedicated to the most dedicated underlord who loves to f**k young boys and created the legend who saved the world, Dino F. Golzine. Rest in peace, old geezzer.
No seriously, they gotta kill one of the main guys. Figured out it was that old perv. *laughs* Okay, in the final episode (#BANANAFISH24) of this superb series which was originally written 20 years ago, it was pretty straightfoward. Meaning there's plenty of development making this probably the most fast-paced episode in the series. Golzine was shot good, but hey, not in the head yet, so technically he can still be saved. Foxx is one sick bastard, as we have proven from his words that he is kind of a Golzine himself, but as he mentioned to the old man, he's no soft guy to Ash since it's not his creation anyway. (Spoiler alert: Ash's creator was his parents down at that house in the countryside so technically Golzine you're not too) That, and Ash was apprehended again by the army veteran, but hey, didn't say he could'nt get out of it, with a pending injury and on anesthesia. Hey, doing a handicap for you, seeing your white hair. *laughs* So yeah, plenty happened which is not Ash dying as also the gang behind him went on to clear the armyin the building as best as they can, and when they can't they got Blanca just in case. Guns can only get that much more accurate, so why not a minigun on a heli, yes? Well, you forgot the sniper haha. Every turn on this rollercoaster ride of fights makes all this waiting worth it. Hey, I'm not just here for the super cheesy storyline lol. We end up with Foxx being drilled and then shot on the head by, you guessed it, Golzine. Heck, this man has much endurance considering he's that of a size and he can manage to crawl himself to the main computer to hack it AND walk to the top floor of the building to shoot the one guy on the head. Sorry Ash but I've got to say he's the most legendary human living on Earth right now- Oh, he dropped down the building into a sea of fire? Never mind then, you can take it, Ash. *laughs* #RIPGolzine, by the way. Respect. Moving on (haha), Foxx refuses to die, but then again if I have a drill and wasn't too weak (Ash at that state is still stronger than most people alive, FYI) he could've just drilled through his head, just saying. No really, I can take that much gore. Been corrupted by some magician psychological Anime already. All's well ends well, the building isn't rigged enough to blow up all the gang members and the prisoners so they are good, Max marries his ex-wife once again, and Sing? Let's say he's MVP this episode. Hey, we killed the real MVP who saved this series already what you want me to do about it? (#RIPGolzine haha) Lee was useless so he carried him up as well as Chinatown, Eiji leaves for Japan on a wheelchair (man, 0/5 on TripAdvisor lol) and Ash is not there to say farewell. Because he doesn't want to. Not until Sing finds hiim and passes him the one letter that if you didn't tear up to it as it's being read go watch a kid's Anime because this one is not for you who can't appreciate what has been going on all this time. To summarise, it's the opening of one's heart through loneliness even though through all the danger and adversity it feels like a saving than more of a befriending, at least, to Eiji. And for Ash, it's Eiji showering his kindness all over him that makes them gay *ahem* that makes them all the more tied up in the strongest bond we know of as friendship. All in all, wonderful series, didn't regret watching it (thank Mikakoshi for the recommend), and now I'm going to miss making gay sex jokes now. *laughs*
P.S. In a production perspective, I know it feels rushed in the last episode, and we've seen Ash clear buildings like a pro with and without handicaps, but yeah, it ties up with the story well. Aniplex, thanks for making the series good. It was a good run, and I enjoyed every episode. It was cheesy, and at some point I may thought of changing gender lol, but still. I want to see Ash Lynx in Japan. I swear. Preferrably without a gun haha

アニメ Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru!
You know what? There's no such thing as happiest times. So wake up your idea, kid. Not here to break dreams, but still.
If "WAKE UP YOUR FUCKING IDEA" isn't in your mind this whole episode, then you're probably still too young to read this, but hey, in this final episode (#UzaMaid12) of this series which we'll miss Midorin's... whatever lol, we make sure you're into little girls. Also, this is a nice storytelling session, so stop crying already, geez. *laughs* (Thanks for the occasional jokes, really helps here because) In the conclusion for the Anime series, we carry on the mishap that is someone treaded into the territory that is forbidden. Besides the obvious of the need to lock up that one room you don't want people to enter, again it's just a matter of explaining what that room means to Misha herself. I'll talk about everyone else first. The kids aren't at wrong, but as Midorin as mentioned, probably not a good time to apologise, but over the phone wasn't that sincere, so I hope those two did apologise at some point. Not going to chase over that here though. On Tsubame, shelving on the responsibility, shitting on her, and then attempting to leave is actually the most f**ked up way of shirking responsibility, by the way. We're all growing up, after all. So good thing this episode is actually not a lot about that. On Misha's side, it's good to know her concern is not about asserting blame or hating those who tainted her dreamland, but more of her worry about forgetting about the deceased mother. And with this, I would say the storytelling session was a good job in making this the most tear-jerking series this year. Well, at least, from what I watched. Misha first. So yeah, we know about the mother thing, we know about the room thing, but with Yasuhiro's explanation we now finally know it was also at her best times with her mother living with her (maybe Yasuhiro too), and the family was happy. Technically yeah, but the love didn't go around back to Yasuhiro so whatever lol. And of course, on Tsubame. We now know that she lost her eyesight which explains that obvious patch that is not totally due to cosmetic effect so we can remember her by a visual trait as all Anime intend to depict, we now know that she joined the Air Force because she wanted to find her deceased father in the skies, and we now know in loss of hope she found her life once again... in that Russian girl. Okay lolicon, you're forgiven. *laughs* So yes, Misha then realised: they both lost something and are trying to find something to cling on to what we call life. Very bad for most depressing children as I've gone through this a bit, but to find any meaning in life after loss is a real important stage in healing that heart. And yes, Misha maybe taking this too much but considering she's an understanding child and her worry which we have mentioned earlier, I applaud the author for coming up with a most wholesome story to tell a story about life. For this, I really enjoyed it. And yes, so much so I even love the irritating parts too haha seriously Misha-chan you need to be more like Midorin a bit lol
P.S. "It's not good to hold it in, so just let me know, and I'll deal with it" Yes this is a Midorin quote after she gave someone a potty haha yeah you know what's going to happen SHE'S GOING TO BATH IN IT HAHAHAHAHAHAH
P.P.S. lmao "(4) I'll bear your (Misha) child" Hey we got our season 2 material already- What do you mean it was rejected?? haha

アニメ Gaikotsu Shoten'in Honda-san
"That granny was like 'feel-good', I almost took her to the BL shelves" Wow please don't
Well, Honda-san, just so you know, I had my Christmas Eve party in the office wearing that Christmas hat. *laughs* (I hate work, can't you see?) Okay, in this final episode (#HondaSan12) of this series which cannot not keep the jokes coming, we cover the final two runs which will, as always, summarise what is good about this series. Firstly, Christmas. Heck, you hate to wear those hats too, Honda-san?? I just did it today!!! *half an hour of ranting continues* Okay, back here. *laughs* When it comes to holidays, it's always a good time to hold sales, attract customers to clear up dead stock, and set up new stock for the upcoming events or releases which will no doubt fill up the shelves slower than the customers can clear them, no joke. That, is overall still better than dealing with the gift wrapping, especially the kids department because if you think Santa got a busy time at that house North of the planet you haven't seen the shops at Chirstmas Eve haha. Then, there's the ending. Ending as not in the series, but as a closure, but of the shop. Since there are working shifts, Honda-san got placed in the night shift along with colleagues and a whole bunch of part-timers who apparently can do their work better than this dork haha. So yeah, Honda was just there to make sure no one else comes in. Thank goodness it wasn't some crazy customer who needs last minute presents or something lol. Which brings us to the end of the series, all with checked-out cash registers and cleaned up stock. So, in summary, this is a light-hearted yet very knowledge-imparting series, I must say, about what it feels to work in a bookstore in Japan. And I think the author - who happens to have the same name as the main guy - kind of nailed it, along with funny jokes at every corner, really makes this show never boring even if the topics are pretty much the same. Hey, customer service in a nutshell, everyone. Who needs to work part-time (I don't) (I never) (no really) if you can just watch a show about work and learn from it? See? Instant experience gained. It's like opening that experience bottle in Minecraft and doing a Level 30 Enchantment within the duration of each episode. *laughs* (That's going to be a gaming joke no one will get) (Oops thought this was about games) (About game guides?) All in all, I liked this series, never regretted picking it up, sad the only things I can see besides foreigners are that back silhouette of that one part-timer who has a ponytail and looks kind of cute, but hey, you get the euphemism of what the author is trying to achieve here, isn't it? What a way to make jokes whilst still making a straight face- Oh wait, that skullhead doesn't have a face tears just come out of it straight down lol
P.S. TIL staff are told to announce to the ceiling when the shop is about to close to warn customers to check-in their purchases before closure. *silence* Wow, they don't have a speaker system? *giggles*

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
In this last week of Klassic Note reviews, we give what's left on the list... on the list. KANA-BOON's new mini-album for the winter season apparently is getting me ready for the spring season which is likely to come until April next year so... I wish it'll come soon though haha "I'll wait for it". Warmer weather, I mean. I also took my chance to give ORESKABAND's only song this year celebrating their 15th anniversary which is full of ska which makes me wonder why I didn't give the song two months ago probably where there are many good songs. Hey, I still gave it though.

There won't be anything releasing this (next) week though, just so you know. Not that I listen to anyway. I need a break too so I can start thinking about what songs to give this year, so...

On Twitter and around the web this week, Toyosaki Aki and Kotobuki Minako music videos are on YouTube for some reason (if you can access it it's still region locked) (that and you need a YouTube Music Premium subscription ugh) (before this announcement they were nowhere btw), Touyama Nao just announced her 2nd album slated for next year, and... that's it actually. There are more photos of cute girls wearing Santa outfits online (in chronological order) (yes the last one is a joke) than there are announcements on music. Don't take my word for it; count them yourself.

Have a Merry Christmas, everyone. By the time I post this it'll be time, I'm still coughing non-stop and I still haven't got laid. Santa, you've not been doing a good job, by the way. Maybe I should beome Christian haha bye