
Fourth Book Worth of Photos: What Happened To Summer??

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Fourth Book Worth of Photos: What Happened To Summer??

Tuesday, 19 March 2019
(Click here to skip to THE INTERVIEW)

Happy birthday again to me, I guess. *laughs*

"Heisei era's last summer", they say. Thank goodness I'll see this miracle of a photobook before the era ends, to say the least.

Hey I'm back - at a friend's request lol not really -  to cover this book in which we both bought for each other on his birthday (happy birthday bro) and for my birthday (which was like a month ago exactly) because of his recent interest in - you guessed it - Kouno Marika. Well, he got more interested in Sumipe when that music video dropped, so... be sure to check that out! lol (yeah he got no Marinka, that's the joke)

Anyways, if you still wonder what last summer was with Marinka, let me take you on a journey...
(Oh this is recently on digital too by the way you don't have to buy a physical book like me hehe)

This came in from quite quickly after I noticed my close friend decided to gain some interest in the girl shown below, and since his birthday is coming soon it might be the first time I buy a birthday gift for a friend, and it's his day today. Happy birthday, bro. Hope you enjoyed Sumipe because I SWEAR THIS WAS BETTER hahahahahahahaha

Kouno Marika 1st Photobook "Marinka"
[Buy on Amazon Japan]
As you'll see below, I got this from - instead of an online store - a local bookstore. Yeah, it's not a real local bookstore considering this one is Japanese in origin and no local bookstore will import this unless you sell Japanese books, so finding these there shouldn't be a surprise. Although I would argue that the seiyuu photobooks are hidden in some corner in the store and it wasn't until I took out my phone, scrolled to the shelf number from the online website and saw its shelf listing did we manage to find the exact location in the large store for where the books resided, and specifically this. So yeah, it went a long way. *laughs* It's really easier more fun to buy locally, isn't it? I need to live in Japan haha

Let's unwrap, shall we?

This review was sponsored by Kinokuniya Singapore haha couldn't have done it without you
(#NotAd btw)
 *10 minutes of frustrating anti-theft tape and transparent cover ripping later*
The only downside to buying it on a local bookstore is that you don't get these slappped on your online purchases
 As you can see the pricing, this is technically still cheaper than the average price I spent (~$82) to buy even the pre-order version with free bromide (photo) because bulk purchases, man. Logistics 101 in case you don't know

I see these and I know I'm going to have a good time already haha I say that for all the books I've never seen before
SUMMER, HERE I COME!!~ (you can click to zoom in on the goodness; approved goddess on this one)

写真集 Kouno Marika 1st Photobook "Marinka"
(It's word play on her nickname, as the summer word in Japan is read as "ka". References if you need it)

This is seriously her first photobook, and it came out on summer, so... I died of hype last year tbh
The photobook is mostly based on stuff she did on summer just to showcase as much of her beauty as possible, not really with a strong theme but summer is a strong theme, so heck, I'll take that.

AAAAAAAHHHHHHH (More on the special free gifts later)
Hint: It's a poster (later guys, jeez)
Schoolgirl Marinka? Hmm, I don't know...
Things to do in Summer (alone)!! #1:
Playing with sand. You gotta.
Wrong angle, cameraman.
Things to do in Summer (alone)!! #2:
Play ball. Man, you gotta.
Ooo be careful there Marinka we can see your-
Can I surprise hug her now? Please?
Things to do in Summer (alone)!! #3:
Breaking the watermelon
And... she missed so we returned the watermelon to the fruit store owner haha
Sexy schoolgirl Marinka? Okay...
Summer girl Marinka is best Marinka imo
Things to do in Summer (alone)!! #4:
Playing with river water. It's different than the beach.
I want to be the (tunnel) wall now haha
Eh you catching bugs, Marinka? Careful they might sting your beautiful chest-
"Ah, that was fun!" I can hear it from here
"This is for you, Marinka"
Things to do in Summer (alone)!! #5:
Eating ice cream! Hell yeah!
Things to do in Summer (alone)!! #6:
Waiting at the bus stop under the hot sun? #TheFeels lol
Things to do in Summer (alone)!! #7:
Travelling! Where is she going though...
It's a ryokan!
So thin, so very thin...
Things to do in Summer (alone)!! #8:
Blowing bubbles! Because why not?
Things to do in Summer (alone)!! #9:
Playing a retro... video game console? What is that?? *laughs*
This is to tell you to open your mouth haha
Things to do in Summer (alone)!! #10:
Eating shaved ice! She just sinked into it lol
Things to do in Summer (alone)!! #11:
Eating watermelon! Hell yeah x2
Under the kotatsu anyone is the best. This one is just fanservice
(That hip though...)
I can stare at this forever hehe
I know it's summer but must you wear such thin clothing?
Sexy Marinka is- Oh I said that already? Haha
While she's doing her toenails, I'm looking at her-
I came twice tbh haha
(Wow, this changed pace really quick didn't expect this *looks again at back cover*)
Things to do in Summer (alone)!! #12:
Blowing bubbles... in the tub! Kawaii...
Things to do in Summer (alone)!! #13:
Drinking champagne in the bathtub??!!
It's not just irrational it's also... very... very... *nosebleeds*
(I don't care if it's refraction with her clothed or Photoshop but I... I... *bows down*)
Things to do in Summer (alone)!! #14:
Dress up in a yukata! This one is really good
Gotta show some back skin there hehe
After that Ten-chan photobook this tight top thing is really making me horny happy haha
Best shot in the photobook imo even better than the bath
She is just showing off now...
Realistic proportions from the side view many are reluctant to show tbh
Things to do in Summer (alone)!! #15:
Bugs again? This time in the rocks
The scenery looks so great from here. Marinka is just making it perfect
This was the best choice as the photobook's cover the top totally sold me on it hehe
Things to do in Summer (alone)!! #16:
Having some candy apple! Gotta try that someday tbh
Trying to be yankee, Marinka? Haha nice try girl
Marinka against the afternoon sun
I hope she didn't pluck those sunflowers from someone's garden lol
Flashback time! Marinka in 2016 ara kawaii
"Ideal school life" lol really?
Okay, just a heads up from here: This is just extra highlights from her first monthly serialisation of magazine "Seiyuu Paradise R" (which also published this book for her btw) so normally this was done as a compilation but thank goodness that it wasn't because I wouldn't have spend the money to get a compilations as most of them are (and they just top it up with a couple of extra shots and sell it for money, them capitalist bastards lol)

What if Marinka was a cheerleader and a person of sports?
Well, it'll look like this haha
Her monthly serialisation, named "Ma-reincarnation", joins her nickname specifically with the word "reincarnation", talking about scenarios of what she would be if she were born... as something that isn't her. Many are literally just fanservice btw. I'll refer to the titles of each feature below as much as possible.

"(I) want to be a surfer" wow she looks like it though anyone with a rack wouldn't be a-
She just wants to take this shot haha nothing to do with surfer
"What if (I) was a nobility..."
Then you probably wouldn't be with us now haha
"What if (I'm) Marinka which is a combination of Cinderella and Marie Antionette"
Hey Marinka? Kids today don't know either of them~
(I just happen to know, I swear. I got real confused reading the katakana)
Okay this one is cute I want to marry her now haha
"What if... Marinka is a (happy) idol by day, but Hard Rocker by night?"
I'll... probably not like you as much haha please don't (not posting that Rocker getup)
"What if (I) graduated in the Showa era?"
Then I would confess to you as a senpai tbh
"What if (I) were a librarian in a bookstore?"
You'll get laid before you even come into the seiyuu industry. Wait,-
Fairytale Series!
"Momotaro" wtf
(It got into fictional what ifs real fast...)

Hansel and Gretel so this is Gretel I assume...
... and this is Hansel.
This is not a male haha
"Kitsune no Ongaeshi"
Eh... no comment haha
"Little Red Riding..." Gun?
That wolf is sooo going to die haha
Off-shots are the best, isn't it? *thumbs up*

For the interview, since this is the one - of those which I intentionally avoided for the other three (well, by chance) - that has such a thing, I'll try my best to note down in point form some of the highlights about her life till now with some photobook scoops:
I did enjoy this photobook, Marinka. It was great. It was worth all the money the moment I see you supposedly naked in the bath haha okay serious talk. It wasn't perfect, but Marinka this is the best I've seen you yet. To this, I thank my friend for this gift haha


Wow, I wrote down a lot haha that's from like, two pages worth only btw


In case anyone wants to read the full interview (in Japanese), I tried my best to take the shots with my phone camera (which I also read off from haha holding the book was tiring okay?):

Because this is the First Press Edition of the photobook (it's a miracle it still exists in this part of the world #gratefulness) it comes with not just a bromide (photo) but ALSO a poster!! NOW it's really worth the money liao haha
I forgot but did they have one where she's in the bath? lmao
A2-sized poster, ladies and gentlemen.
Now I want to paste it on my blanket hehe
(On a side note, I've tried real to find out where this combination of special gifts are from since they vary across stores but couldn't find a match. Hmm...)

To end, and since I haven't bathed *thinks of Marinka in bathtub* and still don't feel like sleeping even spending my after hours doing this post (yes, right after lunch until now) (also, likely because of what I've seen), I shall finish this by answering the survey they provided. (Sorry Nan-chan) No, not going to write on it and scan. I can't write Japanese and I've not been practising haha
So... if I send back the survey before November 2018 I'll have a chance to get a Polaroid? *laughs*
The questions are:
(1) Write down the works Kouno Marika was in that you know of.
Sore ga Seiyuu!, Alternative Girls
(2) Write down the shots in this photobook you think were great. (can have many answers)
All of them (Duh! Okay I have a thing for tight tops haha they don't wear tight clothing often hehe)
(3) From here on, write down what type of outfit do you want to see Kouno Marika in her monthly serialisation "Ma-reincarnation" or any other ideas you may have.
(Eh, I don't really know a lot about that since China is not cooperative so... *laughs*)
(4) From here on, write down three seiyuu you want to see publish photobooks. (Obviously, from their publishing firm)
Kitou Akari (Because I know her and she's in the magazine photobook plz)
Tachibana Rika (Didn't we have enough already though? I don't care I want some Rika-sama bikini hehe)
(5) Write down any comments you have on this work and/or any messages for Kouno Marika.
(Refer to last paragraph of THE INTERVIEW) And Marinka, I want you to play games but on your own so I can have an excuse to never watch those YouTubers anymore lol but seriously, your voice was a gift to us. Thanks for everything till now, and this is for you. (Albeit half a year late and technically I didn't buy it but still)

See you guys around.