
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #11

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #11

Sunday, 17 March 2019
Because I can't hold it in anymore (lol) and I've been thinking about Sumipe the whole day, here's her new music video as theme song for upcoming Anime "Nande Koko de Sensei ga!?" which I promise you guys I'll not watch that sh*t show but this

Please excuse me as I jerk off to her for the nth time today lmao

Okay jokes aside, let's talk about Anime. I only got that long of a cooldown time so let's be quick haha

アニメ Domestic na Kanojo
"I assume that teachers don't have a lot of absences..." I mean Miu-chan, sensei are also human, you know. They gotta take a break and f**k sometimes lmao
Wait so Natsuo broke his leg?? How is he going to s*x the teacher now?? Oh, it's not his third leg? *laughs* The new episode (#DomeKano10) of this... they still going on huh, with the lies. Wait till you notice that knowing the truth about all the feelings around these people that'll probably make us jump as we continue to enjoy the honeymoon period of love that is between Natsuo and Hina. Okay, it didn't last that long anyways haha. But firstly, about Kiriya-sensei. Yep, he was a novelist. So in the days after the school festival (maid cafe? lol Al) where he took absence from school, he was actually working. He got this other job covered from the school though (like someone else's relationship lol *wink*) but yeah, he was most definitely not feeling well. Well, from lack of sleep to finish the novel, to say the least haha. And then, we move on to the real topic this week - Natsuo breaking a leg. Not going to keep drawing references to his d*ck (lol) or the phrase "break a leg" (lol x2), but suffice it to say it was Miu-chan who nudged him down the stairs. Yeah Miu-chan, don't promise that you'll do anything in return, please. The medical fees are enough lol. *looks at Natsuo's classmates* (He can't deal with that many women anyway lmao) Anyways, this will kind of put a hold to his frequent trips to Hina's place if you recall she moved to live alone and would like some company haha, but yeah, he's been lying even before then. Well, at least, to Rui-chan. I bet the parents also don't know, but technically the stepsister is of concern here. (Okay I'm not going to play with your brain by saying he's lying to his stepsister to be with his stepsister haha) On the many occsions that Natsuo "went to (his friend) Furuya's place" he did not even cover his own tracks, and that Rui-chan already found out the moment he went to the cafe the friend works in and chatted with him for like a minute. So yeah, like every guy who is in a secret relationship, he came up with another terrible lie. Sorry Momo-chan he will NEVER go to your place ever again haha. Surprisingly, Rui-chan believed in all that. Not that she'll be downright furious to do nasty things to ruin his life as she found out the truth, mainly also because that they are family and she likes him too, so... It was kind of complicated. But yeah, he did get found out. Turns out fiction imitates life as you continue to write about your love life on paper and people can go to your room to read it lol. Still, brings us to a good stalemate as to what will happen next. Will Rui forgive Natsuo for everything up till now considering he also didn't mention about his first love (infatuation, as of back then) to her? What will Hina-chan do then? I'm still assuming the parents do not know about all this, by the way. As Furuya has mentioned, it's going to be hard covering the truth, as Natsuo confidently stated otherwise since a couple of episodes ago. The story is about to get some form of conclusion, I don't think all the girls will be involved in it (Miu-chan is already busy with Kiriya-sensei and Momo is busy studying lmao), but at least among the main three... this is going to end up in a 3P I'm sure they are just SELLING the s*x to us at this point lol *looks away*
[Just to end, this show was animated by DMM pictures, and if you need more help understand what DMM is up to in the adult movie industry please research at your own risk haha]
P.S. TIL it's Akamori High School lmao I have no idea about the school name at all tbh too distracted by all the SEX haha
P.P.S. "With that leg, you probably can't satisfyingly clean your body, right?" Yep, that was the REAL translation from Japanese, by the way. Emphasis on the adverb haha (the English translation isn't wrong though)
[God, this is so wrong I have to hide all this sin that I've created]
アニメ Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai
"If he didn't do anything to her, that'll piss her off too" You know, #TsundereProblems haha WE'RE TALKING ABOUT PHYSICAL CONTACT HERE PEOPLE lol
Uh oh who let out such a scoop to the school about Shirogane visiting Kaguya at her place?? *laughs* Okay, too many things to talk about in this new episode (#KaguyaSama10) so let's try to touch on all of them. Firstly, the conflict. Well, if you guys remembered the best episode of this series (lol) from last week the two got into bed. And nothing happened. But it became news in the school for some reason (I doubt so, the Shinomiya family should have enough money to seal mouths haha) so that's kind of a problem. Then, there's the gift from the headmaster. Well, technically Ishigami you're right in letting the President eat his share since he said there were only two in the room (doing what, I wonder) so there are only that many pieces of cake, but heck did the courtesy turn into conflict really fast. And it lasted an hour too. As Ishigami went to get help which was probably the worst decision ever, the two almost went from fighting to kissing by feeding each other a bite haha I love this show. But yeah, expected that wildcard from that far away from the corridor already lmao. Then, there's advice. I don't know about you guys, but hey, all's well ends well, I guess. And don't ask about what the definition of "well" is, because there isn't much. Kashiwagi was right about everything until it hit Kaguya so bad that she doesn't know she's a tsundere lmao, and Ishigami just read too many romantic comedy novels to know anything about romance haha. So yeah, Shirogane kind of apologised by noticing he did kind of take advantae of Kaguya (you jerk) (lol) by touching her lips? Give me a minute. *watches episode 9* And so he did. Nope he didn't. And I'm not going to check the manga for it but he didn't. But yeah, we don't know what happened in between, that's for sure. So yeah, Kaguya gave him a return so they are even so... Lastly, summer vacation. I know it's a little late to play this like, towards the end of the series maybe, but hey, time to think of whether to go to the mountains or the beach again- Oh we not doing that anymore? *laughs* And amongst all things, Chika-chan has her own plans for travelling overseas so that sucks they don't have a wildcard middle person to link those two together, but still. (I hate how right the author and the narrator are about going on trips together as mixed or else it'll be boys team and girls team all summer) Ishigami decided to hang out with the guys since he's a first year and probably won't see them soon unless they want to fail and get retained like him too lol, but yeah, thanks for allowing some meetup to happen. So yeah, next week is about summer festival? (FIREWORKS!!! lol KAGUYA TRIGGERED haha) I much want a theme park one but hey, beggars can't be choosers. In such a show where even (arranging to) hanging out is scarce, I'm going to take anything even if it's just licking a pinky's worth of cream off that shortcake lmao
[Note: Kashiwagi is MVP of this episode, by the way. And every episode she appears in amirite Mocho?? *giggles*]
P.S. "I just wonder if there's anything that you like" chin chin haha can't say that
P.P.S. "I'm the Love Master" That's what I say when I don't have a partner lol Ishigami also Shirogane that's me when I talk about stuff I like too because WE ARE NERDS lmao
[Here's a couple of GIFs because I can't hold back lol]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
My trips to work and back are very meaningful this week as besides Monday every day I have something new to listen to haha let's talk about it shall we? Tuesday I declared Indie Week in Klassic Note even though it's just that one day which I went back to Audioleaf to listen to some indie artists to be honest, haha. So yeah, picked up a couple of notable ones including synchre which might go in my alley for instrumental tunes albeit the electronic or techno theme present, Ghost Sense is best contender for best artist I've heard all week AND they are on YouTube, and PastelQuartet is... a more boring version of fhana probably haha. The last one I'll probably give it a miss, I suppose.

Wednesday was declared Takigawa Alisa Day in Klassic Note (lol) after that single review I did the night before, so I went ahead and listened to two releases, namely her first major album and her mini-album after that. I have a feeling I just got duped into following her 2nd album with the new single which might release soon within the year, but nonetheless, I tried to give her chance. Mostly due to the other releases for the week that I listened, this might be on hold for now as her compositions did not hit me as much as the single did, to be frank.

Thursday I went ahead and listened to THE ORAL CIGARETTES new single and Sangatsu no Phantasia's new album and obviously, the latter got way more attention. It feels like a joy going back to listen to Mia-san sing again. The songs which was inspired from novels she wrote (which I could not find unfortunately) were immediately in my list, as explained from that one Tweet as I gave both of them a listen on YouTube and said "see you next year" and wow did it come back quick haha. Friday was just a revision trip haha but I did also listen to Shinkuu Hollow on Koga Aoi's recommendation (well she retweeted the band, so...) and it wasn't bad. Not going to be considered for this week though. I also went ahead to give more of a listen to the indie artists which I hear the playlist from Audioleaf only which is limited, and I probably gave another song from Ghost Sense.

My weekend was spending trying to give Takigawa Alisa songs but to not much progress. Next week then, Alisa-san.

Next week brings us long awaited Yogee New Waves new album even though I did not give much attention on their new topic song just yet. I think I'll have the mood to listen to them soon, thanks to a recent (well last month) listen to their live performance on some of the new and old tunes which I did not give. I'll also probably listen to Rie's new album which will technically be her first English album in UK, so I better not keep my hopes too high I want Japanese songs you know lol

On Twitter, Ikimonogakari released a new song to celebrate their major debut anniversary which got myself some attention from this other guy who didn't know yet (lol not like I know too it just appears on my feed and I just click lmao), I will hold back on listening to LuckLife's new single preview for the Anime impression, and Uesaka Sumire's new music video... I think the intro and outro for this post will speak for itself haha also below *fap fap fap* Haven't done it though to be honest, fapping to her. Maybe out of respect? I draw a clear line between idolism and porn lmao. Then again I have a feeling I'm just not in the mood to because there's work tomorrow haha

Okay now that I think that music video may have child pornography references I've decided to make that above experience better for all of us by prohibiting you to watch it directly (Audience: WHY) (because I like CSS hover effects haha) and showing you some GIFs here that I've made immediately after I watched it instead hehe (It's on GIPHY too btw used that to crop these #uesaka #sumire goodness)
She needs to start a lingerie brand hehe
Legs too?? Am I going to die tomorrow? haha
My dying wish is to sleep with- Sumipe nooooooo
[P.S. And no we're not going to do another music video review like what I did about... 3 years ago? This is as much as you'll get haha cya guys next week don't die jerking off to Sumipe haha]