
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #18

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #18

Sunday, 05 May 2019
Man, that was a good work break. And if you missed out whatever happened I did this week before the weekend because you only knew I updated "Attack on Titan" and didn't see it until the Reiwa Era, you have been missing out haha

Anyways, I did a post daily for 5 days over here, talking about cute things which is mainly just three music videos, Ibuki-chan's new photobook and a manga, in the aptly named "Kawaii Golden Week Japan" series I don't intend to tag so yeah, just click back to see them.

Let's begin. I have been relaxing and doing back-end stuff for Klassic Note and playing too much idle phone games (okay for this I need to stop) that I didn't spend enough time to do what I want? Well, I read some Kuroshitsuji and there is hope. Hey, Ciel is not going to lose without a fight. Or at least, he isn't fighting haha okay let's get to the interesting stuff lol

をニパ Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne!
"You didn't join me in the bath because you were intending to peep at me, right?" Uh... *laughs*
Okay, I promise I'm just watching this on a whim haha. Thanks to Kido Ibuki's introduction of her first role in her photobook (review here) I decide to take a look and... I think I'm already disappointed. Story goes (ignoring backstory) that Akiko has moved in to live with her twin brother after being separated for 6 years (we're not going to touch on why) and... she has a brother complex. Thank goodness it's not those that take action first as she still politely asks for permission to hug or kiss him which makes this a very good show for brocon jokes but I swear this won't make me watch it. The drop probably happened for me the moment the brother said the word "dormitory" which should easily indicate that he couldn't possibly live in such a large abode and will have other occupants who will, no doubt, get in the way of their sibling relationship haha. I would argue at this point I believe that even as her first role, Kido Ibuki has proven herself to be born an Anime imouto role since the beginning lol, which kind of explains why her subsequent roles are also similar haha. All in all, I can see the antics coming, but considering this is a joke show in itself, I doubt it'll get crazy ecchi or even hentai scenes like those shows I rather not mention which shamefully I watched (the water in the bath in this show is real clear though tbh haha), but yeah, not watching it, even with the lovely imouto voicing. *silence* Okay, it was hard to reject this show, okay? But I only liked like, half this first episode so I wonder how long I can go if I do watch it lol. Also, not giving Chihara Minori her first song in Klassic Note. No, damn, way. *laughs* Let's get back to normal shows like foxes lmao
P.S. TL;DR cue that meme image I made where every word Ibuki-chan says can be recorded as I would like to be her onii-chan haha
Yes... Haha

をニパ Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san
"You're much more worn-out than usual!" Hey Senko-san, that's work like, man. *laughs*
In this new episode (#SenkoSan04) Senko-san teaches us what it means to not rely on technology. Well for starters, you won't be able to wake up on time. *laughs* Well, that was an underestimation, 'cos Nakano didn't even wake up for work. (Okay I assume this is those things that you can appear in office if you have work so being absent doesn't get you penalised. I guess he's just hardworking?) (Or else how can he be so calm? lol) So yeah firstly, Nakano replaces his phone alarm clock that usually will wake him up. Not that Senko-san isn't a reliable mother (lmao) (sorry mom!), but then again we are kind of reminded of how much Senko likes to pamper Nakano, so when even he says give him 5 minutes she'll take it for real as if not doing otherwise is possible. I mean, why such a crude way to wake up, Senko-san? Because if we don't there will be no way to wake this guy up lol. So yeah, he's probably fired haha. Next up, is a more generic overview of people who can't use machines. I don't believe there aren't that many people out there like this now, but considering Senko-san hardly will use such things with the power of fox fire (hey I wished I had that power lol), she instead decides to give it a try. Ignoring her powers to improve the rainy day lol, she instead decides not to rely on her deity powers to do housework for a day. It just... fired back at her real fast at some point. Good thing the electric breaker tripped or else I think the neighbour can help call the fire department haha. Again, not her fault, but it might be her fault for using them. I mean, no one will blame you for not keeping up with technology, is the thing I'm trying to say. No really, we still have to fall back on primitive approaches when machines fail anyways, and we can't even say when they will break down. So don't mind, Senko-san. Nakano hardly does any cleaning so you're already doing him a favour lol. We also got a preview of what might happen next, as Senko has proven to be ineffective in improving Nakano's life, so another one might be coming into the fray. Who and what will be done to the already lucky man? We shall see it for ourselves soon.
P.S. Again, if your work is killing you, TIME TO CHANGE JOBS BRO- Oh well, it's Japan anyways anywhere you go it's only going to be bad lol

をニパ Bungo Stray Dogs Season 3
"... that no one would save a villian like me." I mean, I would, if I knew about it haha
Oh wow, thanks for the REAL season preview haha. But seriously, you think it's that easy? Like, an ability list? Who keeps that shit with another person? *laughs* Anyways, the new episode (#BungouStrayDogs29) kickstarts the official season after the flashback arc, on a character we actually know if you (or I have) watched the movie adaptation. His name is Fyodor, and if you cannot remember his ability, I can't either haha. Anyways, it's considered as secret since he also didn't reveal anything in the movie besides being an onlooker, but hey, that's all we need to know. We welcome the death of a villian real fast this season with newly introduced Port Mafia "Executive" Ace - who if you have watched the episode could hardly be referred to as one - to take Fyodor in after he has been "kidnapped" and in a cell. Hey, I guess it's all according to his plan, after Ace thought of as many ways to make sure this leader of another organisation doesn't leave. But hey, being too smart for yourself might have backfired at this juncture. Ace "learnt" of the ability of Fyodor only to know to be duped and thought of suicide in order to escape his ability space... and he died for real haha. What an idiot. *laughs* Again, do more research, man. Although I would thank you in place of everyone in Port Mafia because you didn't let them be harmed in the process of taking Fyodor in. However, you might have f**ked it up and just dumped them in the waters now that someone outisde has all the information? I highly doubt that is the bible but let's assume it is now haha. (I mean, if only the ability names are there it's still considered a list haha) How Fyodor came to know of such a list is a mystery (like seriously, who writes all of these down besides this series' author?), but yeah, we have a new enemy in town, Yokohama stray dogs. This is going to be fun.
P.S. Like seriously, Ono Daisuke, you not getting flashbacks when voicing this "hell of a butler" of Port Mafia? lmao (Okay you're a leader technically I guess)
P.P.S. "Including the details of the (Port Mafia) boss' super secret ability" Man, production and all, must you tease us with this? *silence* Okay now I REALLY want to know haha

をニパ Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
"Looks like he got him in the groin" lmao I just noticed the dad is as funny as all of us
"Horie's body is beautiful." That's all the confirmation we need bro!! Says her father haha. In the new episode (#AoChan05) where nothing much happened, we go back to that one place where Kijima is ready to go to a love hotel with Miyabi. Nothing happened, no joke. *laughs* But yeah, as we all can see, Ao-chan is worried for everything. So even though nothing much happened, she keeps thinking something happened, and... fainted in the bath. I'm not sure if this is spying or just Kijima dropped by her place lol but, at least the dad is around haha. And after talking to each other, Ao-chan is pleased to hear that this normie is a virgin, and got all happy about it. "I'm smarter than him now" lmao Ao-chan that just makes you all the more of a bi- Anyways, she helps her out with his English assignment becaue that one book written by her dad under another one of his aliases is not great lol (and that's how he keeps his career going I guess, writing for various genres), and... Kijima starts wondering if the girl is not a virgin haha. I mean, with all assumed knowledge of sex and everything (even if it's from books) a virgin is still a virgin, bro. As with all of us, I guess. (If you aren't please leave now) I think now I do feel like some part of the narrative is missing, whether if it's from the original manga or not I won't find out (since I only read the first chapter), but still, like the flashback to Miyabi and Ao-chan as kids they haven't really explained or unlikely we'll get a childhood episode because the show length is so short. Oh well, if they ever do please make it good. As of now everything is awesome (I'm starting to like the dad now lmao), but I just hope they can conclude the story enough to satisfy all who watch this... technically 6-episode Anime. (I clippped more screens than the two shows above combined lol)
P.S. "I've observed things in a calm manner" Sure man, with jealously densely packed into it? You sure are calm to not do anything yet, Ao-chan. *laughs*
P.P.S. "I'M. A. VIRGIN!!" So impact, haha

をニパ Joshikausei
Hmm in this week's episode (#Joshikausei05) we talk about skateboards, and if you aren't interested in it this video may trigger your interest haha. Anyways, the girls are on the way home, Momoko saw a skateboard and started playing with it. As usual moving too fast in a schoolgirl outfit will get you into some kind of trouble lmao, so they just sat on it. Accidents happened that I rather not mention because the glasses girl probably knew it was dumb, but the girls had a lot of fun out of it. Remember when the world liked skateboards instead of video games? Hey, just saying. All in all, another short episode which makes me really think about whether I should watch this on a weekly basis because really, it's way too short. Even manga reviews will be longer than this, some of them. Well I guess images speak better than words, so here are some of the highlights of this episode haha

[Update 2019.05.06: Yeah, didn't get lazy on this one because I remembered the start of action last week hehe]
をニパ Attack on Titan Season 3 Part.2
"Give your hearts!" And then I remembered Erwin only had one arm and couldn't do it because the other arm is gone haha sorry not sorry
Man, so much action, I thought I was watching another not sad show about titans haha. The new episode (#AttackOnTitan51) progresses the fight in a battle of wits. Yeah, the moment the Scouts noticed they were dealing with a couple of tacticians, they gotta use their brains and be fully prepared of the fight now. So yeah, no thoughts of leaving, Erwin? *laughs* Anyways, Erwin did think way ahead in this battle, and now knowing that the objective of the enemy is to surround them and not allow them to leave in any case and you know, slowly tire them to their deaths and taking Eren when he's weak, they gotta think of a better counter of a plan. So yeah, firstly, to protect their escape. Well, not that that have to now that I say it like that, but yeah, at least the enemy still thinks so. It was enough to trick now Titan form Reiner into following Eren who he believes is making an escape which will make the battle meaningless, is then engaging him in a fight once again. As reminded by Eren, he would have won if not for super big titan Ber- Berd- I give up haha. That guy (haha), who somehow stopped him with his titan presence, so now everyone is playing safe by staying away from the walls so we don't have to witness a lucky chance victory from the enemy again. To add on, the Scouts have a secret weapon up their sleeve. It's explosive, it's powerful, and it did damage to an Armoured Titan. Hey, what era are they in? Is this even allowed? *laughs* Anyways, after much explanation and the risks it might occur now that they fired it in succession much faster and moreΒ  with respect to the first which blew some of them away, let's hope this won't result in casualties. We shall see. Although there is good hope that even if Reiner didn't manage to break his nape with all this explosions, Eren might be able to deal the final blow. I just hope he does, we can't let emotions get in the way now. Oh yeah Eren is heartless when it comes to his hometown, that's for sure.
P.S. WTF next episode flashback again? Just die already Reiner haha

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
This week has been a "mellow" week in Klassic Note. I guess that's what happens if you take breaks haha. Anyways, updated NEGOTO's best album (also their last) with 1 new song and two others I didn't give in the past, as seen from the start of this paragraph. Other than that... I didn't listen to anything new. I'm serious. I really took the week off.

Next week brings us a couple of releases I've been waiting for a while. Firstly is sphere's new album after like, 2 years? Probably more than that if I meant album, but yeah. Not that it'll break any new ground, but I just hope there are good songs in there lol. No really, the previews aren't making the album look good. Also, GRANRODEO's new single for Anime "Bungo Stray Dogs", and... from the preview it sounds fine, so I hope it stays that way when it gets extrapolated. Not going to jump into their upcoming album literally releasing the week after, but hey, we shall see. New releases are scarce in Klassic Note recently so I might just do it. Their style isn't bad tbh (and when I say that I meant their melodies suck haha)

On news all over the Internet including Twitter, cinema staff's new song is available for listen after the new "Attack on Titan" episode aired and... it's not terrible to say the least (their single releases end of the month), and no surprises that Ohara Yuiko will sing Anime "Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san" opening theme song for their new season. Yay. *laughs* To be frank the first wasn't impressive though, I barely gave it a pass. Okay one more for the rule of three, and is that in deeply searching forΒ new songs available for Apple Music Japan many artists previously not seen - Younha's early days in Japan, LITTLE CREATURES, Yuuki Aoi as of new label, ALTIMA etc. - are out there now. When they put these in, I don't know. But I know I'm going to enjoy their presence.

That's it I guess. I still have a lot to do though, after just doing the one thing which is (not going to be secretive here) creating data for calculating availability of songs on Apple Music and JOYSOUND, Japan's biggest karaoke software which has a phone app and it's harder to export data from there to be honest. But yeah, I found out some fundamental problems with my song list so I may have to fix those. Also, I noticed my old blogs are rotting so bad I need to fix them at least aesthetically. So yeah, will be trying those out in the next few weeks. Been testing out on this blog's predecessor today all day after watching Anime. Until next time guys, I gotta go back and play my idle phone game haha