
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #19

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #19

Sunday, 12 May 2019
Hey, guys. It's kinda late, and I'm just enjoying the music videos on Apple Music Japan to get the most of my money out, so if you have a subscription be sure to check them out. Yes, all sphere members have their music videos up by now. Not their latest song but hey, Aki-chan technically stopped singing new songs in 2017 BOOM got her haha

I also realised yesterday that (because of the Anime's official Tweet) Natsukawa Shiina voices one of the characters in the show. I don't know if I mentioned this before here, but yeah, she is finally an imoutoΒ in an Anime I watch haha. (Okay I don't recall Sora no Method so whatever hahaha) So I'm watching this week's episode first just because of her involvement in the episode. Sorry Senko-san! *laughs* For once, we'll start with Stray Dogs this week. An Anime imouto is still an imouto, even if it's in some crazy-killing action show haha don't die too fast please

Note to self: Over here in your review you did not even FOR A MOMENT (lol) mention about Nan-chan three years ago when it aired haha (I guess people do change... I meant me haha)

をニパ Bungo Stray Dogs Season 3
"...until they tell us where the Guild's property is." I mean, you know that (1) it's in the sea offshore and (2) they aren't all dead yet, right?
Normally, if you explain too much about your defenses, I'm pretty sure you'll die really fast haha like a walk in The Park amirite??? *silence* In the new (haha) episode (#BungouStrayDogs30) that must be the best episode ever for this series to say the least, we marry the Detective Agency with Port Mafia. Hey, even the two leaders mentioned about a truce after the Guild incident, so what's wrong with a retired member of the Agency to a Black Lizard underling? Haha, not true though, just a heads up, but yeah, also why I watched this first. That aside first, let's talk story. Ignoring that stupid group who wanted the Detective Agency's coffee downstairs lol, Kunikida started to investigate into the Moby Dick incident (if you need a recall that "airship" sank after defeat with The Guild) along with the weretiger Atsushi by visiting retired resident hacker Katai, who is known to be a NEET (if it isn't obvious enough) and a hikikomori (screwed up spelling there omg) ie. he doesn't have to leave the house because his Ability is so useful it'll make me stay in my house if I have it lol. His Ability is hacking any electronic objects around him, which makes him the best person to maintain a server room in any capacity lmao. (Google, want to hire this guy? He's not for hire btw) Problem is, he needs to concentrate, for example, at his comfort of the house, but he got totally confused when he went out of the streets (he what? haha) and saw someone he liked at first sight. Turns out, along with Higuchi at Port Mafia who was also worried about the girl's presence after seeing her with her beloved (ugh) (just stop it, Higuchi) Akutagawa (Ryuunosuke) (we'll get to why I use his first name in a moment), the girl was not an ordinary woman. Well, she was Ryuunosuke's younger sister. *laughs* Also, she is in Port Mafia as Gin, which easily explains why she (it's a she) hardly talks and poses as a guy so to likely follow her brother who is an Ability user to stay in the organisation. Hey, she is one skilled assassin even without an Ability though, that's for sure. For starters, she has a wonderful voice. *laughs* All in all, a wonderful episode about a love that can never be (for Katai giving the love letter, and for Higuchi since she can be assured that they don't do incest) (I think) (haha), and since he can get over it instead of implicating another innocent person into this fray (I would argue though that she can protect herself real well anyways), we can finally get back to serious work hopefully. He just gotta cry it out first like what I normally do. I just... didn't have the courage to do it like he does, so I deserve it. *cries* And to end this, if you didn't read the opening paragraph, Gin was voiced by Natsukawa Shiina, also known now as my beloved voice actress imouto haha she sounds weird in this Anime though (Also, only ONE LINE in this episode AGAIN?? wtf she can do better than this haha)
P.S. "He really is bad at talking to women" lol I mean, I only am bad at talking to women I like, but this guy... haha
P.P.S. That is, THE BEST FLASHBACK I've seen in an Anime series EVER hahahahahahaha *looks at Gin flashback again*
[Also, I spoiled myself on this episode technically because I saw the image of Gin with Ryuunosuke on some Wiki. Still. They look great together haha Higuchi don't point your gun at me]
As with all characters in this game, Katai Tayama's "Futon" is a story about a middle-aged man falling in love with a young woman. Accurate enough haha

をニパ Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san
"Another one?" I mean, there goes your salary Nakano haha
"Are you turning into a fox yourself?" If he ever does, Senko-san, your job would be done because he'll just caress his own tail to death haha. (Not implying about self pleasure but you get what I mean) In this new episode (#SenkoSan05) we have a guest. It's all white, it's called "Shiro", and it has a tail. Uh oh. *laughs* The new demigod stops by for Senko-san's cooking, but more importantly as shown in last episode, she wants Nakano to be more satisfied because Senko-san so far has not been effective in relieving his hectic work life. Well, nothing will, to be honest (haha), but still. It feels like Shiro may be more willing to let Nakano like, pet her head, but too bad Shiro is even more worried about being touched on the tail, so yeah she makes a run for it lol. Senko-san is still the best haha. I thought Shiro going through the wall will give something to the even more tired Enouji, but I guess not then. Maybe we'll see it happen? I don't know. Anyways, more happy stuff to keep us happy and remind ourselves Nakano at this point is pretty much in pedophile territory already, being with the "mother" in the bath (Happy Mother's Day everybody lol), and her scratching your back.... hey, it was more effective in removing his "darkness" though, so that's good for him to say the least. Again, if you want to experience people enjoying being happy and satisfied, this is the show for you. I suppose Nakano won't think of sex to any extent here lol, so we're good. Even though I'd argue touching the tail is already sexual harrassment, and with the visual cue inciting people to think of their age? You be glad the police aren't at your place yet, Nakano. *laughs*
P.S. I don't want to know if "mouse tempura" is a thing haha ugh
MFW my friend is in trouble and I don't want to help lol

をニパ Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
"They will be together in a den of depravity?" If you put it that way, Ao-chan, then yes haha
Man, Yabe-san, you are really "yabe" with your words bro stop teaching bad stuff to our Ao-chan haha. In this new episode (#AoChan06) we got a guy who can pinpoint how many months a couple have been together (and how many times they did) just by looking at their behaviour. *laughs* WE GOT A GENIUS HERE, GUYS!! Haha anyways, it's Yabe-san the editor doing by because the dad can't come up with new ideas, so he gets to go "collect research information" with Ao-chan in a place... we would love to go but Ao-chan honestly should stay out of haha. Ignoring all the blatant boobs that are hanging around with the meat (lol), Ao-chan saw Miyabi... working with his beloved Kijima. Oh well, so what else is new? Well, she didn't notice her friend is out there being a b*tch making sure she gets the guy and not her, (and it's not working lmao) but yeah, Yabe-san is added into the fray because he can call Ao-chan by her first name, just like we're doing right now. Is that a problem? I guess so, in Japanese formality, to say the least. Still, plenty of misunderstanding just like this, Ao-chan is getting real jealous but more of being mad at Kijiima because she really doesn't understand him enough, and Kijima notices Ao-chan is kind of a dork so yeah, as a normie what else are you going to do besides making sure your feelings get across? Yay main guy going to carry this show going forward! *laughs* All in all, a great episode to offset the otherwise dull trip to the hotel lol, but hey, thank goodness the dad wasn't here to witness them all but really, Yabe-san is technically worse, and we have to put up with that handsome and serious face haha HELL YEAH NEXT WEEK BEACH EPISODE!!! *laughs*
P.S. What is with the intro after opening theme of the cow SFX and an image of boobs lmao
P.P.S. "12 days, 108 times" lmao what? haha "0 times" OKAY WE GET IT Yabe-san lmao

をニパ Joshikausei
Oh, so that's the mother... lol. In the new episode (#Joshikausei06) we talk about weight loss. And amongst all the techniques scams that are out there, planking (as shown in the TV in case you don't know of it) is actually one of the most effective. 30 seconds is beginner's lesson btw, and by the time you can do 1min on a regular basis you probably are fit enough that you'll start to lose weight. No joke, I speak from experience... past experience actually haha. That's what happens if you're like Momoko's mother I assume? Who realised she was so thicc (not spelling mistake) and is still eating while watching televsion all day. Starting it will be hard, so she takes her daughter Momoko as motivation haha. It works though, so good for her. Hopefully that'll also make sure the daughter will follow suit because she isn't ideally slim anyways hehe
[OMAKE!! Because I can make these and I see one] ok nvm it doesn't work haha

[Update 2019.05.13: I thought I needed a break after a day of work outside of office but I guess not haha]
をニパ Attack on Titan Season 3 Part.2
"That I'm the timid Bertholdt, you can keep my guard down?" *silence* Yes, till the end, yes. Haha
That one guy who overheard the flashback conversation from Reiner mentioning his Titan? Yeah, try finding him around, yes? Haha that's what happens when you can't keep out mouth shut lol. In the new episode (#AttackOnTitan52) things have quite the development. We were started with a flashback, specially a flashback we know of, just on the side we have not heard of. Hey, remember how Marco died some time ago? It wasn't an accident. *laughs* Anyways, yep he got wind of the conversation of the two traitors, and died for a bad cause. Talking about evil, am I right? Again, not like Reiner and Bertholdt gave a damn about that since the beginning, as we have seen then in the flashbacks and also the conversation with the "War Chief" Zeke who is probably like one of them in a larger group of beings I would argue, that want the end of the regime within those walls apparently. Maybe that's why they "obtained" those powers? I doubt you can be born with them, but hey, what do I know. Then again, we have only knew that little more about the political regime that rests with the precedence of the throne within the walls, with Christia being the new leader after overthrowing the fake King, but even in all this... Reiner and the others want this destroyed. Why though? To be honest, not like I care because it's going to be a hell of a war anyways, but more of now that we are actually introduced to the worldview in this series. That, I'd like to hear more. With Bertholdt (I swear I checked the spelling once and have been looking at the sample since haha) transforming to his Colossal Titan form after failed negotiations with Armin (I doubt that is any level of negotiation since he's like "Nope") and seeing his partner pretty much half dead at this point, he plays the strategic move of taking down the leftovers head-on. That, or what's left of them. #RIPHange which I thought I'd never say but it's not like they can play hide and seek to a nuclear-level explosion. What Armin and the others can do next? I... am not feeling hopeful. Is this the feel of despair we know of since the start of the series? Man, I just want this series to have a good ending, if any. But it looks like it won't happen without a fight. A big one it seems, from the next episode preview. And the Beast Titan (ie. War Chief Zeke probably) is making its move. Hey, not going to say no to more action scenes, I would say.
P.S. "I have a feeling no matter how this plays out I'll accept the outcome" That's me talking about societal issues lol Bertholdt you fucking son of a-

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
Uh... there was supposed to have quite a few releases this week, but damn, this is one of those weeks where EVERYTHING is not available on Apple Music and the Internet isn't feeling generous, so... I can't do much to be honest. I'll wait then. We can still though, talk about sphere's new albumΒ - which unsurprisingly was not in Apple Music unlike the rest of their music collection - and it was... less than great to be frank, as I desperately try to find new songs to listen to, and the topic song... is a real disappointment. I get the music video, the nostalgia, but no. It's not a best album, we reviewed one back then already. I want new songs, something good. And... I only ended up with one. Damn. I know. GRANRODEO and LuckLife's new singles will be delayed until I review them in full. Stupid uploaders.... *laughs*

Next week, if all goes well (ugh) (I like how in 2019 this is still a problem) (yes we will talk about this problem in a future post, I need time to prepare research data) then we may see Kawano Marina's new single. Yes, this girl who once sang for Anime back in 2011 is singing for herself now. Under Teichiku, because we did mention this before, but it's okay since she is writing her own songs so production won't kill my impressions from the music video... I hope. Fingers crossed haha

On Twitter news, I hope you guys have caught up on the new live videos of TrySail dear Aniplex/SACRA MUSIC has kindly put up for us over the past month gradually, since I did select one to talk about every week for the past month. Yuuki Aoi's new album comes out in end of June, Sunrise In My Attache Case is back with another album (I'm holding back my hype since they followed me too closely two years ago lol), and Yoru no Honki Dance released their new music video which is... so their style, so I'll give it. When there's a song you can't stop dancing to from Honki Dance I'll dance to it. They are the only exception on twerking haha is that how you use that word? lol

Okay this shall be it. I'll be back for Attack on Titan in case you wonder why one part is empty haha. Also, spent some time to spend a lot of money to buy a lucky number phone number because supposedly it'll change my life. I don't think I mentioned this, but if not for a fraction of my childhood where I read that one numerology book and sat down to listen to my fortune that one time two weeks ago, I wouldn't have paid money to do this. Don't worry, it was for my mom. Happy Mother's Day, mom. Hope me spending money to change my fortune will make my and your lives better. We shall see. I still need to go to my own telco to change the number... it's a complicated process haha it's easier to reserve a number online on that one telco that isn't mine, in a nutshell. Cya guys then, and until next time... I need to transfer some lucky Mother's Day money to my mom for once. I feel bad letting her takeaway dinner for the rest of the family already haha bye