
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #20

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #20

Sunday, 19 May 2019
And hey, it's Sunday! You know what that means...

I'm sorry if this one came out late, but I got bored and watched another YouTuber play simulation games and I can't stop laughing lol. Anyways, a lot of things are going to change after the awesome holiday in-lieu tomorrow ie. my phone number so I hope that'll make me real busy dealing with everyone who will be shocked of my number change which is nobody haha

I need to ask the one colleague who changed his phone number how he did it for WhatsApp... okay let's start

アニメ Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san
"It's somehow heartwarming... just watching her is fun" Literally me watching every idol I know of haha
Now that I look at it, this guy's spending his days off WAAAAY better than mine even if I like, hug around with my photobooks lmao. In this new episode (#SenkoSan06) Nakano continues to enjoy being aside a couple of fox deities, and that is the life, people. You wished that was the life. *laughs* So yes, Shiro came to visit again, and literally just fighting over ohagi with Nakano, used a fighting video game (not going to talk about the super inconspicuous references here) (yes it's a reference to PS4 and Super Mario Bros Ultimate haha) to win over Senko-san's cooking, and yeah, Shiro won every time because other than Nakano didn't really have the time to play the game even if he did play a lot as a kid (it probably got rusty after a while), she also cheated. Yes, she read his mind. F**king cheater. (I want to bring in last season Anime "Kaguya-sama"  Ishigami to shame her but nah, haha) Anyways, Nakano looking at her eat might be already a joy, so he's okay skipping afternoon tea snacks haha. Hey, says a lot about idolism these days too, so... *laughs* The second half is what I kind of expected, Senko-san visiting Enouji's place. Because really, she could use some help, being busy with her college and manga artist stuff. So yeah, Senko-san helped clean up her place (by using her spiritual powers so it can be done faster) (cue Ishigami shame on cheaters scene again lol) while she gets to eat her lunch in like, a week. *laughs* Like seriously, girl, you have a rack so take care of it haha. She returns the favour by giving Senko-san an outfit Enouji probably won't use since it's for reference... it's a maid outfit haha. Hey, gotta put up with the cosplay fluke you're setting here, Senko-san. (And like, Enouji thinks you guys are married lol) So yeah, she cute, Enouji is satisfied with those photos she can now upload online because not like Senko-san knows of Internet privacy lol, but yeah, I'm sure this helped her out to some extent, the college student. And... Senko-san thought this was some romance comedy, so she wore it for Nakano to see too. Whatever dude, Nakano is not that into maids haha okay I take my words back Nakano is a programmer by day so he's MOST DEFINITELY a NEET haha it's not just guys Senko-san lol
P.S. "I have a problem... My neighbour is too cute!" Haha wow Enouji you don't say
P.P.S. "It's some legal lolita! I'm jealous!" Ah, it's not like this, Enouji-san haha

アニメ Bungo Stray Dogs Season 3
"Chosuiri!" lmao you trying to be Ranpo-san, Mr. Illusion? (haha sorry forgot your name) (ah, it's Tanizaki)
That was... quite an intro lol so much agreement in this from Atsushi and Kyouka I can't even *laughs* In this new episode (#BungouStrayDogs31) if you didn't feel that this show will get anywhere close to a romance comedy, think again haha. This week, we are presented with two more stories as Fyodor takes another week off his supposed work schedule for appearing in this series lmao. Firstly, it's about Kyouka-chan. Hey, sorry for not thinking that the supposed mother in Port Mafia is behind this because I keep thinking it must be the now bad guy we are talking about (well technically Kyouya is also a bad guy, but still) but hey, we can talk about this kind of stuff once in a while. We drag Lucy in so we can do some harem story, but most importantly, besides her screwing up the search of this one briefcase of a job, Kyouka-chan found a document which describes her past, as dictated perfectly by the government. So yeah, her father was a retired spy, and the mother was an Ability user whom which Kyouka inherited from imperfectly (the reason why the phone was the trigger instead of just doing it instinctively) and... one day an assassination attempt on the parents was successful. With enough time to save the kid, the parents were killed by the Ability and the mother left the only gift she can give her despite it being the worst thing ever probably, it's the Ability. Hey, who says Abilities can't be kind after they killed your parents? (lol) But yeah, if you like to extrapolate, Kyouka probably had no where to go considering even the government wouldn't help her as they had to cover this secret, so she "got taken in" by Port Mafia. The rest, is as you have known. Next, we have another similar story but I wouldn't call him a parent, is Atsushi's case of knowing that the headmaster in which the "lab" he was in as an orphan... He's dead, in a car accident. Ranpo-san probably intentionally gave him the case and with his "Ability" figured out it was related to Atsushi, so it didn't take very long for him to realise how much of a piece of sh*t and how much of a "parent" he was to him during his time in Hell as a kid. (Don't even bring in "Yakusoku no Neverland" references in here, please) Yeah, Dazai is totally right on this one. The guy was shit, it was Hell, but it was also him that told Atsushi to (1) not blame himself for his past and (2) do good not be evil. And what turned out to be just a visit to celebrate Atsushi's newfound job (lol) (no experience required haha) after leaving the place became one coincidental disaster in which the weretiger wished the old man is alive now. Hey, good on you, Atsushi. Now at least you can get your past truly buried, along with the guy of course. This episode is sad, it's happy, it's really funny when it is (lol Lucy), and man do I not want these short stoies to end. Covering so many plot holes, this truly is a show trying to salvage itself before the new opponent rages. We shall see what more we have on board, I guess. Just... tell me which ship it is, yes? Don't give me a document torn off a page and tell me to search all boats on the nearby pier haha
P.S. It seems like next week is about the rich guy from the Guild. So we may yet be covering more backstory after the Moby Dick incident, but now on the opponent party. Man, this show is so comforting to watch now, I only got hyped on the Demon Snow killing all the assassins in this week's episode lol
P.P.S. Lucy in Bungou Stray Dogs is better than whatever Kana-chan acts in Hanayome. There, I said it. *laughs* (Must be the slight tsun or the nude scene lol or maybe we are in yandere territory with Kyouka already I don't know lmao so many feelings and none of it is crying for the headmaster haha)
[As a final note, I really am interested in how Kafuka-sensei thinks of all these Abilities considering I only learnt off BLEACH and mine aren't as impressive as an Ability that leeches off someone's blood and does mind control man wtf this is so cool!! haha]

アニメ Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
"He's different from a male celebrity" lol I'd like to assume Ao-chan that you have NO IDEA how pecs work on men haha #MaleStererotypes (okay maybe she's into those South Korean skinny gays lmao)
*hears opening intro* Uh... Ao-chan are you okay?? Haha truly living the title of this episode (#AoChan07) I suppose. Good for you, girl. You have truly become one desperate depraved woman at last haha. Didn't take very long, isn't it? *laughs* In the new episode which I stated the episode number already, we're at the beach!! Yay!! Uh, I mean, we're here for the study group, right? Funny how it all went to the drain when Ao-chan didn't even notice it was held on a hotel near the beach. So yeah, she sat on the beach instead of somewhere far away from that happy place lol she technically chose the beach over the study group. Sorry, dad! *laughs* (I'm sure the father will forgive the daughter on burning his money away like this) ("It's for the future, dad" lmao) Unfortunately, this three-hour time gap ahead of time that Ao-chan gave herself to revise and redeem herself over the pathetic results she got in her term exams are ruined, mainly by the presence of Miyabi and Kijima, who are here for different reasons. Whatever the case, three hours is plenty of time to play before the meet, so yeah, Ao-chan kind of gave in. She is so easy right now I can't even *laughs* So yeah, she got herself a swimsuit which shows off her assets, went to the sea alone with Kijima to probably ask for something she would never expect to be done on considering Kijima doesn't think like this but she does (again, she depraved, bruh), and... got trolled by Miyabi who cut a slit on her bra strap to make sure it'll give way at some point. And it did. (*pinky finger on lip* lmao) So yeah, good job Miyabi for making her the real culprit for Ao-chan's absence for the study group, and I just hope the dad doesn't lose the rest of his hair over this haha
P.S. I mean, ask the series' director how Miyabi suddenly wore a swimsuit and suddenly found a job at a beach hut in order to stalk Kijima- *silence* haha this show
P.P.S. Something inside me wants the main couple to sex but I see the next episode preview and I'm already regretting saying this. This is a pure show, guys. We only do ecchi lol
It is about pleasing Dad but the last one didn't make any sense tbh lol
(Yeah you can click on this)

アニメ Joshikausei
Again, not like I experienced this because technically I live in a tropical nation, but I can still relate. This new episode (#Joshikausei07) talks about cold weather, and if you expect this country which is one degree north of the equator to have any snowing you've got another thing coming haha. Anyways, Momoko was cold, sad in the classroom and more importantly, bored looking out at the snow, so she decided to play with her friends. In case you have never tried this before, due to the properties of condensation of warm air (ie. your warm breath) over a freezing or cold surface (the glass panel of the window) will cause rapid cooling and create a layer of water on the surface, allowing one to draw over it to create a two-tone drawing, kind of like if you draw on a piece of paper with just a pencil. So yeah, the girls got excited and started playing with it, eventually filling up the classroom with it, which is technically just one side as the other side is just the corridor which is not cold enough maybe, the front is the chalkboard (damn, so backwards haha), and the back is typically a notice board, in case you wonder how a Japan classroom looks like. So yeah, the joke here is that the teacher came in, placed the kettle on the heater (go Google yourself for examples, or just watch the show haha) and steam start to come out from it, heating up the window panels and also revealing the drawings that have faded away due to the cooling effect of the environment. Not until you have a constant supply of steam haha. Bigger problem here is, Momoko wrote her name on it, so... yeah the three got to clean the windows after school haha what an idiot lmao

[Update 2019.05.20: Yes because it's a holiday in-lieu and I got time to do this. Let's finish this so I can think of how to write APoL maybe]
アニメ Attack on Titan Season 3 Part.2
In case you didn't get Conny's joke about Eren's house being destroyed, he was saying "Eren ie ga...!!" as the family name was pronounced lol best joke this season
Wow Armin you really pussied out real fast there after gaining some Erwin attention, huh. Well then again, he she was right about reading the enemy wrongly so... yeah, bad times, man. In the new episode (#AttackOnTitan53), we are near doomsday. I know it's happening within a few hours in the story, but for us is weeks of torture haha. Anyways, what happened. Armin is shocked by the appearance of the Colossal Titan. Again, they had an idea to fight Reiner but not the super huge Titan that can just swing Eren's Titan form to his death? I mean, what a way to die, people. *laughs* Then again, it really looks like despair is on our side again, as the guys led by Jean is not going to make them win at any rate, considering the Colossal Titan is just heading to the walls to corner what's left of the humans. Well done, War Chief Zeke. You've done well in assuring their deaths. On the other hand, Erwin and Levi aren't going to stare at the Beast Titan along with the newbie Scouts (poor things haha) (should've stayed in town to face the shaming lol) and witness their own deaths, so Erwin decided on one last stand. Which is literally sending them to their deaths, as some or most of the newbies discovered, but hey, Erwin wasn't wrong. It's only the living who will remember the deaths of many (maybe), knowing humanity is saved from a calamity from the Titans and would once see their hometown within the walls again. It was not a small sacrifice, to say the least. It may be dumb, to see their chances of survival. But that is war, man. That's all that is. (I wonder how many war reference materials the author read before writing this series haha) It's as stupidly simple therefore, on Erwin's orders, that they run the horses as distraction firing the smoke guns hoping not to die by the rock showers that the Beast Titan is raining down at them while Levi goes in for the kill. You think it'll work? We shall see next week. On the other hand, even if they succeeded, it'll be done by the Colossal Titan though, so yeah, RIP everyone, I guess. Or maybe the death of the Beast Titan will ensure Bertholdt will stop his actions? Sounds like a plan, but we gotta get rid of that Beast first. And from the next episode preview... no spoilers, I guess. *laughs* Man, this show is getting intense. To end this, I just feel bad that Erwin will not be able to know about the truth of that basement as he sacrifices for humanity after living twice as long compared to those newbies who don't even know the truth and think they are just dying in war. Pathetic, isn't it? RIP Erwin, I can say that first before next episode.
P.S. "...Don't let him (Bertholdt) see you" yeah in Titan form? Unless the Colossal Titan is blind haha okay he kind of is all he sees are houses
P.P.S. "We can stake our heroic deaths for a chance of victory" Hey, when you go back defeated the people will only complain, so why not die and win this for once, eh? Ah then again Erwin lost an arm already, so...

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This was quite a week in Klassic Note, as mentioned last week, and thank goodness last week's stuff caught up, so let's talk about all of them. Ignoring ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION's new single which is a flop for me imo (I genuinely don't want to give the verses for BOTH A-sides), Kawano Marina's new single isn't exactly fantastic (I totally forgot the songs aren't written by her) (uh oh) so I just gave the topic song, I'm more into the mood for Scenarioart's new digital single even though it's not technically official (as it is only sold in live events) and also because I wasn't in the mood to hear it in the first place, so... I guess they dragged me into their world so I'm giving another song other than the topic song. Thanks, guys. Haven't had this feeling in years haha. GRANRODEO's new single almost hit the shelves I swear but I decided to give the B-side a miss (aw...) haha, and LuckLife's new single... let's say I'll give one of the two B-sides a chance. We shall see. And no, not listening to GRANRODEO's new album which released this week. I'm not that into them haha

Next week brings us... nothing, but the following week will be a battlefield for mainstream and Anime artists alike, so for now I could use a break. Well, I've been lazy in giving and listening to songs already, so I think I should catch up. For example, mol-74's new album finally surfaced online (not on Apple Music though) and I think I can give a couple more songs. Their usual style isn't the best I will give them, but they aren't bad. That's as much as I can promise. I only took the hype train like, twice, so I don't know how it feels now that I can give a couple more songs from the album. I'll confirm next week. This, and LuckLife.

On the Internet this week, Sunrise In My Attache Case's new song is... surprisingly mediocre so that's a good start lol. Hmm, that's it, huh. Oh well. *laughs*

This is it, I guess. I'm not a man who likes to drag on stuff (ignore the length of this post please) (do not ignore, on the other hand, the sweet "go to top" button that was added this week) so I shall stop here since there isn't much to talk about in Klassic Note already. I would like to spend tomorrow's holiday (in-lieu) doing up APoL, but I know I'll end up not doing it anyway haha. I'll try, I'll try. YouTube is too much for me and my attention for music and is robbing me of those times. Maybe using the Surface Pro to type on APoL with music playing on the main PC will trigger my past memories of writing this novel I intend to finish in my lifetime. Cya guys next week then, and until next time... stay healthy. This weekend has been so much fast food on me I feel like dying haha bye