
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #30

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #30

Sunday, 28 July 2019
I should just take MC tomorrow, huh.

I feel like if I say this I would get better to go work, but then I noticed I may have left a trace to allowing the company to file a lawsuit against me preparing for this, but hey, it's technically paid leave, so... I'm already kind enough to only take once so far this year haha

My head hurts so let's do this quick thank goodness I watched... one of these two early haha yep you might have remembered I have to work too

をニパ Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo.
"(High school girls) They are disgusting" Well, if you referring to this school besides the five of them, the yeah I would agree haha
In this new episode (#AraOto04) we... AMAGI GET F**KED YO~ *laughs* Also, if "guddobai" isn't the cutest thing you heard this episode, nothing will be. I guess everyone has a part this episode so let's talk about them. Firstly, Sonezaki. I mean, just look at her, literally. Besides that image change, she also thought that this wouldn't get her hated by the class, and it's a yes, but now it's literally got too much attention such that (1) Amagi is trying not to embarrass her further in class than he has to to stay in class lol and (2) that one gal wants to be friends with her. Of course we are referencing to the one time she said something and Sonezaki didn't really retort on (I guess this will be for a future episode), but suffice it to say that Sonezaki, as literary as she is, wants Amagi to prove that his love for her is real. Hmm... I guess a 50-page report would do? *laughs* And yep, in the most obvious turnover possible, and really, because it's expected drama, the guy wrote it, it was crap, but it's pages of him saying she cute (you're not wrong there haha) and asking her out. What a guy haha I hope he didn't ask for help on this lol. So yeah, what will Sonezaki's answer be? We shall see. Next up, we can finally talk about the one girl who got left out real quick after doing the "tomo yo" thing with Kazusa... it's Momoko. Yes, Mo-chin, as we call her. She tells Sugawara that... because I guessed that she might be the control group, she has never been in love before. No one, literally no guy in her life has ever appeared before to tell her about love. So yeah, she worries about even giving advice to Kazusa who right now is just crazy fantasizing alone there (haha more on that later) but too bad because she won't have time to be alone now, because the one guy in the same tuition class who met her while transferring schools as a kid literally told her about his feelings. Hey, not that love must be immediate, so they became friends. How you know? Exchange LINE numbers, that's how. *laughs* So yeah, she also ended up sinking into (lol) the feelings that Kazusa pretty much does, but they seek out the books for answers. Well, still better than YouTube videos lol but I would argue Sugawara has been right about love so far. Well, not until she was seen with Izumi, which brings us to our next victim lol. Kazusa... she is stuck. Stuck good and well, in a pothole of wild imagination on whatever will happen to the childhood friend, and it's no longer just taking care of his lunch or whatever. But she is trying to get out of it. Books may or may not give her the right answers, and that's why I say ask people in real life. Reality, man. Which brings us to what Hongo-san wants lol. I guess her ultimate motive is to write the novel she wanted to represent love on, but turns out hanging out with the advisor/teacher/internet friend may be better. I wouldn't know if he has experience or not, but considering he's some adult already, and thinking that this girl is impersonating a middle aged dude online... well, he's got more experience than me, that's for sure. *laughs* And honestly, if Hongo-san continues on like this and this turns out to be a mess, I'm going to enjoy this dark horse of a romance story, I'll tell you first. All in all, plenty to absorb in one episode, but I can see Mo-chin's potential in this one. Again making predictions, but I want her story to be the sweetest. Well, not really out of a Shoujo manga kind I don't mind, but make it pure. And no "esuibatsu" please; I'm not going to imagine her (or even anyone here) getting pounded haha. As mentioned once again, the author might be setting out to make these references a way to talk about romance in real life. And that's good enough.
P.S. I... think that means he won't jerk off to you lmao Kazusa you poor girl you still got chance though if you get what I mean haha (joke is he will still do you just not what he did in Episode 1 they are two different things btw)
P.P.S. I mean, sensei, if they are hard and dry you can just pound them meats until they soft and wet- Okay I may have said too much lmao
[Kazusa GIF because it's funny haha]
Since Izumi shaking her head didn't work she decided to do it herself lol
TL;DR I want to be the guy friend who sings Yoru no Honki Dance's "fuckin' so tired" in front of a bunch of virgins lmao #LifeGoals

をニパ Joshikousei no Mudazukai
"I really don't give a damn about your miracle" Man, this burn on Tanaka how did she appear unscathed every episode? lol
Wow Ninomae-san, you make every kid in the universe have to reflect on why they skip their exams when you went to it in that manner haha. In this new episode (#JoshiMuda04) yes we have caught up, but not on the jokes to be honest haha. "If it's between Tanaka-san and shoelaces I'll still like shoelaces more" Wow, my opinion of that idiot in a nutshell, by the way. *laughs* Hmm it seems like it's all over the place again, so let's talk about whatever links to the one person, and that is Ninomae Kanade, or Majime as they call her by now. So yes, Ninomae-san, we now know what she is interested in. It was hinted in previous episodes so be like Tanaka or even Wota (I just forgot her name lol) but it turns out to be Robo, or Saginomiya. It turns out that she is somewhat of a genius, and it takes a lot to be her friend. I mean, look at her selection of friends. *laughs* Ninomae wants to be friends with her I guess, but maybe it's just socially awkward for her or she doesn't have that chance to interact with her, so she can only watch in a corner whilst many girls flaunt over her for some reason. #PopularGirlProblems, I guess. *laughs* Anyways, Ninomae thought it was wise to learn from the one girl she couldn't believe would be Saginomiya's friend, and that is Tanaka. But yeah, since this idiot is too volatile and is practically unpredictable (I have a feeling I'm saying this every week already), Ninomae probably didn't get anything out of it, to be honest. I mean, just from like a test, Tanaka has already proven herself to be mindblowing to all of us already, even more than Ninomae. And yes, Saginomiya didn't give a damn, she only sometimes laugh at that idiot (very rarely even), and is harbouring her own fantasies somehow not mentioned in this episode on whatever came out of her last episode lmao, but suffice it to say it takes a genius to understand a genius, isn't it? Not really, as an opportunity presents to Ninomae to perform. And in case you wonder how you can avoid drenching yourself in the rain while still being able to lend your umbrella to the girl you admire who cannot wait three minutes for the rain to stop... the answer is already in the statement I just made. You can wait, can't you? So, you wait. Lend her the umbrella and say you can wait. That's it. *laughs* Not that you'll be any cooler otherwise (pun intended), but all this is kind of reminiscent on behaviour in front of people you admire, I guess. And then there's the Yamamoto thing which is probably what normally represents of all the girls who admire Ninomae just that this one is dere but in the "I'm in the Darkness" kind of way lol. To end this, FUCK YOU TANAKA because you technically bullied three people in one episode today including a kid!? *gets punched by Akane* (I remember her name now) Ah, you wish Tanaka will be absent from school but even The Plague can't kill her so whatever lol
P.S. "I had a dream about going to school, but I thought it was unreasonable to go to school both in my dreams and reality, so..." Wow, so if I dream about work can I tell my boss I can't go or it'll cause a time paradox? lmao
P.P.S. Hearing you all episode is a joy, Takahashi "Majime" Rie. Never stop being (popular and) awesome haha just... slow down a bit it was hard to catch up lol

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
Let's be quick and straight to the point. I feel compelled to give Anime "JoshiMuda" theme songs single especially on the opening theme since... the bridge part wasn't good (the lyrics are just like "What about tomorrow? What about tomorrow?" kind of shit lol) but hey, again, part of the Anime experience so why not, yeah? Coalamode's new mini-album got to some conclusion this week too, so I'm giving a couple of songs I guess. Hey, it left quite an impression to make me want to write lyric Tweets in two languages, man. It must be a good song lol. I'm still thinking how to give Iwasaki Ai's new song, and... man it has been some time listening to Takebuchi Kei and her new single is... well she might have been better than the average English singer lol. I mean, so hear it for yourself and you tell me if it's good.

Porno Graffitti's new single releases next week which I have mentioned on hearing the preview, and on Twitter, miwa's new single is close to releasing on August revealing a music video preview, Fuchigami Mai is back with another single due August if I think I haven't gotten enoguh of giving that cat song early this year lol, and I hope you know of the FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL live broadcasts on YouTube and that ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION was on live yesterday afternoon. Well, I missed most of it when I saw the Tweet so... you can just rewind back, yes? It's YouTube after all haha
(*All Twitter news mentioned are sourced from their original Tweets available on the Like page of @KlassicNote)

I guess that's it then. A reminder that Takagi-san will be on the next issue instead of adding on like last week, so don't come back again if you seen these idiots above already lol. Right now looking at Futon-chan (Tachibana Haru) and her Periscope liveΒ talking about her... last comiket photobook? Well, if you don't get anything above because you not otaku level (lol) it's just a cosplayer popular enough to release a photobook which is cheaper and possibly better than all photobooks (all 5 of them) I bought thus far because it has swimsuits. Yes! She won already, this girl haha. Of course I can't go there to play (there's like a gacha segment to roll for limited prizes too), so I'll wait for after two weeks later to be online and I'll be sure to get it and talk about her more here. Meanwhile, allow me to excuse myself while I take an early sleep for I have already slept all day to make sure I go see the doctor tomorrow lol. Must be the workload lol haha they should've known to not pressure me when I only take a low pay haha bye

P.S. There's a retweet campaign too I can't tell you how much I want to tweet about what's on my desk but I didn't... follow... her haha again, it doesn't matter because I'll spend the money anyways, and this time around... O-KI-NA-WA-O-KI-NA-WA *laughs*