
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #37

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #37

Sunday, 15 September 2019
I'm going to a friend's wedding lunch (yep, and yep) so I guess I'll watch this earlier instead of on Sundays. Hmm, it might be my first wedding event where I attend alone. And also wear casual. I don't even know what to wear now lol


Oops turns out it's next week well you're getting a preview of what will happen next issue anyways so... Okay it's my bad I'm sorry hey at least I don't have to rush all the Anime today haha let's start

をニパ Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2
"Just make sure they are not mistaken" HOHO Takagi making the moves here?? *giggles*
Takagi you piece of sh*t you could've taught him how to use stuff properly instead of sh*tting on him lol he's your guy you know. *laughs* In this new episode (#TakagiSanS210) Nishikata keeps coming up with ideas to defeat Takagi like he always does. But seriously, if Nishikata were a war general he'll be demoted real quick lol. And as with each episode, this one also fills me with jealousy. I just didn't mention this every time because it'll piss someone else off haha. Okay, what happened. Firstly, it's about eye drops? I think this is the first time in my many years of watching Anime that I witnessed administering of eyedrops. Did they do that in "Hataraku Saibou"? I don't care. *laughs* Anyways, Nishikata's eyes are tired, Takagi-sensei gave him eye drops so his eyes won't feel too dry, but as with all of us (or not) we are too afraid to apply it ourselves. (I'm in my mid-20s already dammit haha) So yeah, apparently this can also be made into a shoubu, so whatever Takagi wins whoever is the target she wins anyways. (I would love for Takagi to walk away when he closes his eyes though that'll make of good comedy and won't appear in this romance Anime) And yes, if the focus isn't that someone just walked in to them doing it (lol) I don't know what is. Yukari-chan saw it apparently, and decided to tell... well Honjou-san, for starters, about it. Seemingly duped by Honjou's lie, she continues to spread this supposed rumour of them two kissing to her two friends which... (Okay did Mina-chan just make a KANA-BOON joke?) (Well it's a thing btw so I guess...) they don't believe because it's not qualifying as a "scoop"? Sure girls, whatever you say. (I have a scoop too! Mocho's new single review is only due next week! Aw... haha) Next up, after school activities since school ones are boring and playing with someone else of the opposite gender is more important lmao. You try telling that to anyone in the streets and see if they believe it have such a middle school life haha. Ignoring reality checks, Nishikata decided to play a game of hide and seek throughout the town?? He starts out with a game of rock paper scissors... I think Nishikata has been secretly practicing to lose at TakagiΒ  in this (*wink* mobile game *wink*) and of course it isn't without reason. He then set out the rules to be 30 minutes and covers all ground within the town. With such obvious clues like this, either one would make it an impossible mission to find someone that fast, or you will play the reverse and stay somewhere close to the starting position. There you go, saved you the trouble of watching Nishikata's stupidity take action lol. I think he needs some education on common sense lol. And once again, very coincidentally (lol), people walked in to their hiding place (well not directly) and stayed around so they can't leave. I mean, why leave, right? So thought Honjou and his new boy (lol) Hamaguchi, who kindly offered a drink from his bag while taking a break from the walk home? Hey, we gotta find somewhere to sit down and talk. Sadly the girl doesn't seem to be doing much in return so I don't know where this will be going lol. So blah blah Takagi decided that... I can't use Chinese proverbs here, but yeah, keeping thr rumours true will help, so it probably made Nishikata jump with those zero centimeter vibes (I got your back, Ohara Yuiko haha) and... I guess everyone else will keep their relationship a secret. Again, it's not a good thing to let the school know you're in a relationship in Japan, depending on the school of course. So the main couple left, and on the way back they saw a piece of paper on the ground which Takagi picked up (see what she did here) and saw what looked like a treasure map? And then they went treasure hunting. You think Takagi has planned this like that one Kaguya-sama so to spend more time with the guy she likes? Haha I doubt so, but she sure is enjoying it. *wink* Anyways, Takagi teases his boy by asking him what happens if the treasure turns out to be a porno magazine and they can't think of ways to hide it and probably will get confiscated by the teacher by bringing it to school the next day... *getting deja vu hallucinations* (KONOBI GO AWAY) Haha okay it wasn't any of that, but it was a spot under a tree. What spot it might be we don't know, but Takagi the smart girl deduced it to be a kissing spot?? So why would people label their kissing spot via a map placed on the streets again? I don't know haha. But hey, I sure know this is Anime filler since it featured a music listening session under the tree with the two of them which suspiciously transitions into the unique ending theme of Takagi singing the first season opening theme. I mean, come on. So elaborate, Anime. And then they got the author to write this into one of the episodes so they can use it this season as if it's canon? Naughty girl, Takagi. *laughs* To end this, someone give me the recorder version of the opening theme in the soundtrack or we riot blah blah haha bye
P.S. "How's that, Takagi-san?" You're an idiot. *laughs*
P.P.S. "Seeing her defenseless like this... it kind of makes me excited!!" I'm calling the cops lmao
[More images since this gonna end soon so I need to make more jokes haha]

をニパ Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo.
"If you had to sleep with Milo-sensei or me, or else the world would blow up, which would you choose?" Wait, what? *laughs* (Mo-chin I choose you~)
Haha I like how Sonezaki is always defending for the wrong people that's why we have those Hong Kong protests yo~ Haha nonsensical political jokes aside let's talk about this new episode (#AraOto11) yes? (I privated this blog so they can't catch me lol) (Google no~) Ahem, in this new episode where everyone decides to keep their mouths shut even though we know clearing things up is more important, we finally confirm that Kazusa is straight. *laughs* Hey, I got to be half as weird as Mo-chin, right? But apparently, everyone is going bonkers haha let's talk about them. (Long paragraph warning again, in case you need this) Let's start with... Jujou, I suppose? Well, there isn't much to talk about besides now the whole school knows about it especially Sonezaki, so she's getting into a fit. We'll leave her out first, so let's talk about Mo-chin for a bit. Her thinking is pushing into Kazusa once again, and she is real worried for her maybe as a friend maybe as she avoids the "tomo yo" thing and warns her about Sugawara. Sugawara, however, has ditched her life to go have sex with- She can't do it. We treasure our lives too much, including her. She won't do it. Not even for money. *laughs* So yeah, as the selfish people we are (lol not reality check btw), she instinctively punched the sensei which is probably the best punishment we'll see of that guy (lol because of white nostrils I mean you know his hair is also white?) and we might not see that man again for a while after this hotel visit. Moving on, Sugawara continues to press on by kindly warning Kazusa about her confession to her boyfriend, and... Kazusa doesn't mind? I seriously didn't think the result was weird to me until she ran down the streets lol, but what I thought WAS weird is the process of talking through it. I'm like, "Isn't this like that musical they were doing during the school festival??" *laughs* Uh, no? Then why... oh well at least they got things ironed out, but I must say this feels so unreal, if it's not canon material I wouldn't be surprised haha. Then, Kazusa hurriedly runs home to see her boy. I don't know how you can think doing it with the guy seals the deal (I guess she "learned" it from Jujou lol seriously?) but suffice it to say she is not taking in excuses from the best man in the series who will kindly tell her that he likes her not for the puss (oops) but she still won't believe it because she knows someone else will come in and steal the man. Hey, you have no confidence in your relationship? Apart from that Jujou-san burn (lol we are sorry),Β  you would think that Izumi is going to get his boner up and love Sugawara forever- Maybe that'll happen too I'm not going to rule out the possibility but (lmao) suffice it to say you should keep that pair of crotchless panties Kazusa you might need it sometime in the future- Oh she cut it up into shreds. Oh well. *laughs* Moving on to Sonezaki, we probably are concluding the series of Anime with a climactic ending, and it starts within the school. Being spotted on the streets near a love hotel, Sonezaki and Amagi are in their way to be punished by the school which of course, as stated by the Vice Principal, is a convenient way to set new school rules to ban boy-girl relationships on the ground. (I seriously thought it was due to them proliferating that stuff ever since the festival since they were the biggest news since then) Since we all know what really happened and the couple being spotted on the streets was probably a mistake just like how Hongo-san was spotted with Milo-sensei was a mistake (lol *wink*), Milo-sensei chose to help defend the couple by implicating himself int his mess before Hongo could. That, as much as it is a brave act, is not going to change things since the Vice Principal is evil (I mean, the Principal comes to school in his pajamas how can he be evil lol), so the girls of the Literature Club decide to do the criminal thing by - I would believe this since it's Anime - kidnapping Milo-sensei and holding him hostage so they could negotiate with the school's leaders to revoke the recent changes and charges to the school and the students. Hey, the show's gotta end in something. Figured out that this would be decent enough of an ending. *laughs* I dig the climax btw (lol not esuibatsu I promise), and I think we can all see how this will end. Looks like next episode will be a fun one, amongst all things. But I could also see, from this episode, how much it stays true to the title of the series. Not because of the words specifically mentioned shortly before Milo-sensei was kidnapped (lol), but more on the feels. So far it has been wild, wrong, totally irresponsible and rash. That, is a good but confusing setup to a series which bears its own title to the fullest. And that, I can't wait to see what is in store for the final episode. This, everyone, is going to be great.
P.S. "You thought I was searching for that porn Blu-Ray?" It was already at her home lmao you think he knows? *laughs*
P.P.S. "I hate my current self so much" THEN WHY ARE YOU- ARGH if I rant too much above then you know this postscript was written first haha (Okay I didn't so [lol me] why then would she want to descend herself to such a level just because she can't decide if she can confess to the guy she likes? Or she scared of getting rejected? Either way... lol)
[Because this show's gonna end and I want to make more face reaction jokes haha]
Since Kazusa MVP this episode let's give her... a... frown?? haha

をニパ Joshikousei no Mudazukai
"I think it'll be easier than humanity deciphering the C-value paradox" I got to search on that for a minute but man, Saginomiya, you... *laughs*
Are they really going to end this series with Wota now that the character popularity survey is out? I put her as my first but is it too late for her to reach the top now? *laughs* In this surprisingly emotional new episode (#JoshiMuda11) we are... man, is it really unfair to do this now? I'm in literal tears right now btw because of the story. Since this is not all over the place like last week, we can talk about it using one topic, and that is about aspiration and fanatics. I'm sure we are fans of someone who makes creative work at some point now that you watch this lol, but think about it yourself: How much of you will be able to meet the guy in person and convey your feelings that you have epxerienced so far about him or her? Well, for Akane, this one went on a full package, to say the least. So yeah, as with last episode's preview, Akane wants to tell his beloved Teishotoku-P (nailed it) (sorry for last week I striked it off already haha) how she feels about his songs. You know, the music producer that is Waseda, her form teacher in school. The first part is... an inspiration story lol, as the Anime tries really hard to write a song (I mean, in case you don't know, manga authors don't write melodies but lyrics they can) and fit in the lyrics as ironically as they can do Waseda's afternoon haircut session lmao, and... if you listen closely they do make sense, but thank goodness this guy still knows how to write a song to not make us want to remember his haircut lol. As good as the songs might be (we got like, two song previews this episode too), they aren't getting much attention besides ultimate fan "akane-san" (IKR is it not obvious enough) who, of course, loves his music to the core since it helped her through tough times in her life. I would argue that about the songs I've listened over the past decade, but this is where it'll set Akane and me apart: the fan meet in a doujin event. Okay, how this is fan meeting thing more awkward than that one from Anime "Tada-kun"? Well, apart from the joke in itself that is this series, the show tries really hard to make jokes as well as progress the story from Waseda realising it's his student who idolises him instead of a matured university/college student (lol), tries to disguise himself so not to disappoint Akane (I mean, he could've substituted the fat guy in and it won't even matter) but then the teacher kind of realised that deceiving the fan after so long might not be a wise thing, so he revealed his identity eventually after all that covering. It might be a shock to Akane (I mean, it would be one to me too tbh), but yes I've been waiting to say this since the beginning and add in the "me too" in this, but I don't care who you look like, because I still like who you are in a creative work no matter what. Listen to yuiko and you tell me if I should care about how she looks (you have been warned haha she chubby face though not the best example) from her recent reveals on Twitter. All in all, a surprisingly lovely episode which might be Anime filler (prove me wrong haha) (Edit: Okay it isn't haha wow), but hey at least it motivated Akane to not write the BL path for her manga lmao. All was lovely and emotional until I have to end off this episode's talk with Majou. Well, besides her superior fortune telling which I wish she could also help me on my romance haha (if it shows it's her I can take her too, whatever), she also hinted on what the final episode of the series would be, and it's about Tanaka. Considering she is dumb enough to eat cold food despite Majou's accurate analysis of her future, who knows what might happen to her in the last episode of the series. They probably won't kill her but will come close enough haha if they do kill her then Yamamoto will take the top spot in popularity FOREVER lol I'll never get tired from having a cute idiot run this series we never have one (prove me wrong) and it's one who likes to climb to high spots to be saved every time maybe she should get her fortune told by Majou as insurance haha
P.S. Wota's singing is going to suck because it's Anime- *hears her sing* Okay it's Tomacchan singing her best YES haha we need the soundtrack on these please do it (Also they should collaborate, Waseda and Akane but seriously who knows if it isn't already?) (OMFG it's included in the final Blu-Ray volume of the series!!!)
P.P.S. Since I have a spare postscript lol, let's talk about the popularity survey!! The manga author nailed most of it by associating popularity with amount of appearances in the series so far, and if this episode can't tell you which JK is on the top of my list then you can put her at No.2 haha. Besides Loli and that idiot (lmao) (oh yah Waseda too get rid of him I'm not gay haha) I'll agree on most of the Top 10 imo
[Okay I still think this can be a joke for the series, but glancing through the manga I now really want to read through it but maybe after the Anime ends and they persist on not doing a season two haha Majou's stories are rather funny I would argue AKANE MVP!!! Haha]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
This was kind of a week in Klassic Note. Hey, I was so bored until I decide to like a new song that hasn't been released yet, okay? Haha talking about you, No Buses and your new album just lost to that one music video you just released this week somehow. I guess I should go back to find some indie Rock I'm missing those feels already. Speaking of feels, FIVE NEW OLD's new album is definitely the opposite of that, since I have no feels as to what their style might give me, and that might not be a good thing, for starters. To be frank? I tried to give chance but all I could give is the topic song. Maybe this retro style isn't for me but that makes me wonder how I can give people like Sambomaster or even Yoru no Honki Dance. SIX LOUNGE's new single might be great, but so far I've only given the topic song since I'm honestly not in the mood to listen to an emotional song (you know, it doesn't keep my work life going), so I may come back to this one. And speaking of coming back releases, Base Ball Bear just got another song on my list from their latest EP which I hesitated to give. I guess it came back to me haha

Next week... I mean, if I ONLY mention cinema staff's best album next week on Twitter and NOTHING ELSE then I'm sorry haha. We shall see. This recently initiated Colleciton Artist in Klassic Note is making waves, and if I really get bored even on their indie releases then maybe I'll take a trip to Audioleaf. During work. *laughs* On Twitter and the Internet, stop hyping me for Natsu kawa Shiina's new EP due end of the month, Kawano Marina's re-debut 2nd single is due this November and has a title and produced by the guy who did her very first single for Anime (it's "A-Channel" btw), and THE ORAL CIGARETTES came up with a music video in collaboration with whoever Rozalina is lol.

Note to self: Follow more artists so you can pad this part of the blog post every week haha

Wow, I still can't believe I'm doing this long post talking about Anime and music every week since like, as long as I can remember. Yeah, since the previous blog that I migrated from. Played the collectible games on GTA Online this weekend (yes that 6-year-old game) just to get more money and remember the times I enjoyed that game. Oh well. I'll just wait for Rockstar to give me more in-game money just by logging in. Yes, I'm going to do that later too haha. Cya guys next week then, and until next time... I want to spend more time playing games instead of sleeping and playing those free-to-play games that burns most of my days away I think I'm stuck like the rest of them kids I'm just glad I don't have to watch ads to play any of them haha bye