
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #36

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #36

Sunday, 08 September 2019

I need to take a quick nap now before I do work tonight (yep) so let's be quick about this. My left eye is twitching for some reason I don't know why I thought it's because I'm getting lucky but it's been like this all weekend and all I've won is in-game (lol) and I'm not rich yet so it might be an issue maybe I should go see a doctor or TCM or something okay LET'S START

をニパ Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2
"So, as punishment... let's play again" Don't you love Takagi-san? With this much of a condescending attitude? *laughs*
Come on Nishikata. Where are we in this series already? Just nod because you like the girl. *laughs* In this new episode (#TakagiSanS209) of the second season of this still amazing series which displays how dumb Nishikata can be, because like every day he is always prepared to have a showdown with Takagi even though we know he will lose every time lol. Okay, I love myself some plot progression maybe over here, so let's talk about it. Firstly, he (generically) learns from what was taught on TV. Sorry, "again". *laughs* So yeah, he decided to do the "acchi muite hoi" thing (just Google it or watch the episode) on Takagi thinking that she would involuntarily react to his questions before he does the pointing? Nice try, Nishikata. Sadly technically I learnt that only at high school so I'll let you win on that haha. The point is more on that one will do a physical action to emphasise on the words they are saying, such as agreement in this example. So yeah, Takagi did the smart thing by not doing so (I'm sure you also can once you've been duped haha) and then using it back on Nishikata who of course, can't stop himself from loving her. *laughs* Next, we got the trio again! This time, by the pool. Yukari-chan is ironically, scared of water yet can't stand the heat. I think you can go die now you have no hope lmao. Unlike me, Mina-chan decided to help her to not lose hope, and think of what she is actually good at. Because we know Sanae can run, and Mina can cook, just in case you guys don't know. But hey, Yukari-chan, I know what you're good at. You're good at being envious of people in love lol. Moving on, the day has come. I didn't expect it to come anytime soon and I'm sure it happened before, but hey, it has happened. A day when Takagi didn't tease him once at all. HE MISSES IT THOUGH!!! *laughs* Besides the tsundere boy getting on my nerves (I only respond to females btw, the tsundere thing) we also found out that she got into a quarrel with her mom, which will explain why she is down in the morning at school instead of teasing the lucky boy lol, and not going home early because she probably hasn't thought of a way to apologise to the mother. Hey, Nishikata, you can't read someone's face and ask "Are you okay?" instead, don't you? *laughs* I will, by the way. Well, at least you brought a present to cheer her up. It might be a fail, but she laughed so I guess you win for once. And yes, if you missed that sweet moment when she asks him to stay for a while more... I think I got diabetes haha okay not yet. This last one though, in this episode, might have sent me to A&E haha. So lastly, the couple is messaging. Nishikata is messaging about random stuff like Kimura's butt arm lol, and Takagi messaged about how she settled things with the mother. You know, just updating things to your prospective partner to let him know. *laughs* (I used to have such days, I forgot) (I'm so envious of you right now Nishikata) And then Takagi did the casual survey about his preferences and I tell you, I can come up with better replies on those, no joke. I'll say "suteki wa suteki" when she asks if I like steak, ask what she meant when she asks if I like heartmark (and that's why I'm boring compared to the boy), and probably die over seeing Takagi send me a video of her saying she likes me. *laughs* Oh damn, this one you win, boy. Also, in all seriousness, I'll send back an image of myself when I don't blush which I probably don't have so I'll avoid the subject by sending her a butt arm haha. (Yes the lack of strike was intentional) I know flirting is a thing middle schoolers do in Japan probably, but every episode I watch just makes me think back of the times where I was popular and girls may like me I don't know. *laughs* Oh well, Nishikata, at least Takagi is enjoying it lmao also stop describing my childhood with this Anime I feel hurt haha okay it's not there's no teasing involved
P.S. Not Takagi will be like "You know I can find a way to make sure you lose, right?" and stop Nishikata from playing? I doubt it'll work but haha
P.P.S. "Read manga and laze around" You're the perfect otaku Yukari-chan come hang out with us haha
[Because this hardly happens here's GIF of Nishikata haha what]
I gotta slow the frames down because he was doing it too fast lol
(Oh the caption should be "when my sergeant tell me to knock it down 20" lmao)

をニパ Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo.
"... My companions were peeking at more amazing holes" Haha you're not wrong Kazusa HONGO NO lol
"You could just practice on me" Oh God what have gone into Sugawara you aren't my type but still. In this new episode (#AraOto10) uh oh Kazusa is doing a Hongo-san now searching for thongs lmao. Okay, man is the progression here going on real fast every week, so we gotta cover all grounds before this all explodes in another two weeks. Ready? Okay. Firstly, from last week. Oh God we really shouldn't talk about Sugawara now, but hey, let's talk Izumi first. To the guy, he may have touched Sugawara's butt, he may have gotten a boner (I mean, I would) (haha maybe), but most importantly? He didn't like the girl. If it's not obvious enough to you all Izumi's reaction is what we call "you're not my type", but to Sugawara... she doesn't get it, I guess. Again, most of them don't even watch romance drama, by the way, just so you know. *laughs* Jokes aside, I guess Izumi is the kind of guy who likes to be simple, is only into porno probably just because he feels alone (just go Google and find out why people masturbate and you know) (and no I'm not dropping in my two cents lol), and really likes the pure feeling he might have experienced recently known as love. With his own childhood friend. Quoting from Kazusa, yep things are going fine... not until he doesn't wish to hold your hand on the streets. That, she may have a tough lesson to learn of the truth in the near future. Skipping Kazusa who is literally just enjoying her time shopping for underwear lmao (I want to be her childhood friend now lol) (Kawano Hiyori, I mean) (haha), we move on to... let's do the topic of conversation since the whole of last episode then. Hongo-san, I mean. Not only is she found out to be on the streets at night with the sensei's car (by Sonezaki and Amagi, more on that later), we now know what her true intentions are up till this point. So yeah, before it was needing of reference material as she searched the Internet for guys to f**k, but now it's jealousy. Real jealousy right there. Same could be said about Milo-san here who can barely answer the same damn way as Izumi about Sugawara, but suffice it to say he was pretty relaxed on this one because at least we know Hongo doesn't have the guts to... okay since she saw his d**k then I would say "esuibatsu". Which is probably why the man chose the cheapest hotel and the smallest room so that he can save some money to teach the high school girl a lesson without doing anything. Really wasteful though, I would argue haha. As for Sonezaki though, we should be glad Amagi really is either trying to avoid getting scolded by the girl for being maybe horny I don't know (I mean, look at Izumi) (BOOM GOT YOU haha) but at least he has the guts to say being in the red light district with his girl is creeping him out. Good for you Amagi, you're the nicest guy in this series now haha. Talking about people being nice, there's one particular person we can talk about who is NOT being nice, and that is Sugimoto. Okay, depending on how you see this, we can talk about this for another half an hour, but to sum it up yes Sugimoto is trying to be popular with girls he likes. NormieΒ he is not going to be if he ever gets a gf, as we are dealing with some girl who actually knows what she is doing even instinctively. Mo-chin, talking about you, girl. So yeah, Momoko realises she has had enough of the guy, and I guess she did iron things out with him in this episode. Despite the many threats and the real threatening tone the guy is putting on her, she resisted all of it and literally told him to get out of her life because he's irritating, for starters. "I don't even like you" lmao. Finally, the romance drama we've all been waiting for lol. So yeah, buzz off, Sugimoto, lest we find people to beat you up. And, we found out that Mo-chin is lesbian. *laughs* Okay not true, but as how Momoko talked to Sugawara you would think she's MVP this episode because Sugawara, no, Hongo-san didn't even go that far lmao. (Hongo still MVP btw she's the reason I want to stop watching this series altogether haha) Sugawara probably didn't get the hint, but Mo-chin, this might be the worst way to get your friendship back. Well, not like she knows what happened behind the scenes on Sugawara. So does Kazusa not know anyways so whatever, drama. Unlike the tomo though, Sugawara at this point might be getting even more confused about what she is experiencing in one night. And she isn't even getting laid on the streets yet lol. Smoothly transitioning to (arguably) the prettiest girl in the series, Sugawara may be even more confused than ever. Between Izumi not liking her and Mo-chin's confession lol, and her probably still finding that "esuibatsu" moment before she "dies" will still... how to say, Sugawara probably had too much going on her. Considering all of her underlying reasons now is based on that dumb teacher who told her to go for it, whatever it might be now, it's not going to end well. Hey, if it's drama you need... Come on then, Sugawara. Do the ultimate drama thing that your sensei likes by muffing with Mo-chin. DO IT. *laughs* Okay jokes aside because this is not that Anime "citrus", I would say that her confusion might still drive her into doing something real dumb, and that, we will have to see it for ourselves real soon, I hope. Mo-chin may be the wildcard for a moment but this girl, man... All in all, plenty of development which were mostly expected (I'll ignore the Mo-chin confession to Sugawara lmao) but more importantly, we have some time before the end. So, here's another cliffhanger. Jujou is pregnant. *laughs* Yep, I mean, if you need a backstory I suppose the teacher will share with you guys or the girl herself will once Sonezaki tracks her down lol, but yeah, with retrospect to this episode I guess we'll talk about what happens if you explore that "hole" too much. *laughs* STD it is not, but it's not going to be an expected ending, if it's not a surprise already. The drama is throwing me off on this one, and I can't really back up now that you got me so far up (lol), but we shall see how this ends. It's either going to be a WTF or an OMG. Still, I would like to see it till the end. Don't disappoint me, Anime. I don't want full on "esuibatsu" scenes on this show okay we may already have ruined it with Hongo-san ah DAMMIT haha
P.S. "But today (no one is calling me out on the streets)" Well Sugawara it was quiet and late into the night too there was little to no traffic on the streets all the traffic lights were green haha
P.P.S. "You got so hard too" Haha I was wanting to say that, Sugawara? I just didn't expect this Anime to impress me lol but I figured it might happen since she was such a SLUT haha
[And as expected because I thought of it first initially and TOTALLY as a joke, there weren't any red lights because that's probably how it works in Japan at night, always green unless otherwise. Hongo-san you got screwed so hard you don't even know. *laughs* Can I be the director of this series already? I already know the author's work even though I've never seen it. *laughs*]

をニパ Joshikousei no Mudazukai
"We're friends, right?" Tanaka Baka asking the real questions lmao
For once, I don't get a joke, and it's from Robo. Oh well. *laughs* In this new episode (#JoshiMuda10) we finally get an episode of Aki-chan Saginomiya. Is this an Anime miracle? Haha okay sarcasm that no one understands aside, we finally get to know a little more of this mysterious genius. Majime? Take notes. *laughs* Besides Wota who wants talent in her life (hey count me in haha) we now know that Robo here (not going to spell her name all over this btw so her nickname will have to do) actually wants...?? I mean, apparently if it's not anything that can biologicaly extend her life she's not going to be interested lol I may be joking but remember this because we'll get back to this real soon. So yeah, it's about her and her friends, and a guy who likes her? What is this, a shoujo Anime?? *laughs* (ooo Kaibutsu-kun is in there main girl who voiced Wota here btw haha totally recommended) Anyways, let's talk about Takahashi. (not Rie btw lol) Somehow this guy reminds me of that class chairwoman in some other idiot show lmao, but suffice it to say we're seeing a shy guy wanting to confess to the smart girl. Come on, admit it, we've all been there. Then you realise deduceΒ assume you aren't smart enough for her and... *laughs* Unlike us (lol), the guy bravely approached the girl while she's alone one day to... borrow the book she's reading? Okay, Robo didn't reject it so that's a start haha. Surprisingly, all things fell into place the moment the guy could relate to how his friend was literally described in the book even though we know Robo was probably reading this to understand how living conditions can cultivate various bacteria and microorganisms such that it'll affect our daily lives or something lmao. Anyways, he thanked her for the book which made Tanaka and Akane believe something's about to happen and that they gonna get laid in the future through recommendations (Tanaka especially lol) but I think thanks to the friend he might have been labelled as being gay now. *laughs* Oh well, so much for that love story, I guess. (For more romance stories please refer to the romance genre haha) And then the trio got into quarrels with each other. I know there are 6 permutations as to how this can happen thanks math genius, we will only talk about two of them. Firstly, Wota VS Tanaka. The way to resolve the conflict though here, as shown by Robo, is to stuff Tanaka with useless things to do providing satisfaction so to remove those bad memories of conflict lol because we know Wota is rather forgiving and that's easy to just let her be. Really, the lovey-dovey thing between those two are freaking me out haha. Then, Robo VS Tanaka. (I know right it MUST involve that idiot haha) For this though... besides the fact that Tanaka is already forgiven by killing a microorganism in front of Robo's very eyes since the book she used to kill it is good lmao, we now know of a rather sentimental flashback of how the trio came to be, and why a genius like Saginomiya would be in a neighbourhood school with the other two. And I think you should consider it too smart alec, because that is what I call friendship. As dumb as this series might be, it also shows us how much difference things will make when you hang out with friends who know you. That's what makes life interesting, so you won't feel alone. At least, that's from my experience. And it's different from that friendship with those two guys lol, andΒ yes Lily, it's unlike your feelings for Majime btw hers for Saginomiya is respect haha. Hah, I'm tired. *laughs* And now I know why the Twitterverse (it's an actual term btw haha) is crazy about Waseda on the premier airing of this episode, because... spoiler alert, he's Tenshoku Ten-whatever P. WHAT???? *laughs* So yeah, just as a recap, the producer is what Wota likes, so whatever the high school teacher does as a music producer (composer too probably) is liked by, you guessed it, only high school girls. And that's why he will never get college girls hooked on his stuff. Too bad bro, but if I ever attract someone's attention I'll grab whatever opportunity I get maybe even if they not my age group haha not true btw. (Besides, you did say they will grow up so...) To end this, I'm eternally grateful to whoever voiced Yamamoto (you also called Yamamoto??) who just ruined her solo singing career for life lmao (if this is not in the soundtrack somehow WE RIOT) (NO FUJIWARA CHIKA GO AWAY haha I wonder who copied who), but yeah this is by far still the most entertaining series in this season so far. You need to see the smile on my face after every episode besides Episode 1 haha
P.S. Aw man when Robo said Tanaka is a "majime no baka" I almost wanted to kill myself lmao sorry Ninomae-san it wasn't on purpose we didn't want to give you that nickname blame the real idiot haha
P.P.S. "...She's like a pastry with nothing inside" What a PERFECT description of Tanaka lmao oh by the way bro that girl you like is called Saginomiya
[I can't believe the Anime is so spot on describing my house so here's a special reveal of how smelly my house is JUST JOKING haha I'll just talk about visuals]
Oh I love this quivering so much Someya Satomi-chan stop it lol
("Damn it again that face voice" haha)

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
This week's releases are so many, I can listen to one once a day. (Well one is technically from last week but still) And you can hear almost all of them on Apple Music, so why not talk about them, yes? (Ah, I love the year 2019 where I can stream music) (*All releases mentioned thereafter with streaming available will be denoted) Firstly, Asakura Momo's new single is... short of awesome, but I'll take a good single so yeah the quarterly release review is happening haha. *MaRuRi to Ryuga's new mini-album is okay, but I'd rather give the topic song(s) somehow so yeah you guys barely passed on this one. This is still way better compared to *Base Ball Bear's new mini-album (I'm going to ignore the physical version which will be released live only on the 15th) which I only identified the topic song as passable, and *SID's new album which didn't even get me interested in the topic song and just one other new song. But seriously SID, I miss your older tunes. Moving on to unexpected releases, thank goodness Fuchigami Mai's new single (didn't notice it was Limited Edition only but whatever) didn't disappoint so I took a B-side even though too bad it's not enough for a review (I mean, you dumped a Live CD in there which I have watched in video and they sucked so... haha) which is fine I guess. *Tokyo Karan Koron's new mini-album might be the underdog this week for getting me hooked to classic yet short melodies where I brainwashed myself during work hours lol, and *OGRE YOU ASSHOLE's new album is still weird. I'll probably give a song or two once I got over the super cheesy lyrics and by that I mean disgusting not romantic haha

Next week is easier on me for music releases so thank God haha which I don't believe in, but it's still quite a couple so we can talk about those next week if they are good. SIX LOUNGE is back with a new mini-album since the one two months ago damn were they this fast, and I'm giving FIVE NEW OLD's new album a chance. We shall see. And if I don't think I will exceed song count in Klassic Note this year and if my Google feed and/or Apple Music want to hint me on artists I know releasing new songs, I'll try to listen to them as and when I can. Really, it's thanks to them I know of half the releases mentioned releasing THIS VERY WEEk, by the way. See? Smart AI technology is smart. *laughs*

On the news around and mostly on Twitter, fumika is releasing a full album this October (FINALLY lol), you must listen to Scenarioart's drummer Kumiko play a keyboard on her first solo song, and congrats Waki Azumi in her solo music debut with Columbia Japan after Kitou Akari got hers with Pony Canyon. (Columbia is good too, look at Yuuki Aoi and her new album) Man, with all these (technically) idols on the rise it's no wonder Klassic Note has to change focus in recent years. I tried, man, but mainstream isn't writing good songs for me to like. Anime producers though... (Haha now you know why Wota likes Tenshoku P? I feel it in my nerves tbh)

I have to conclude soon so sorry if I didn't catch the latest of latest news on Sunday since I HAVE WORK DO TO TONIGHT ugh haha. (Well, it's part of life too so whatever) So cya guys again, and until then... maybe I'll add in the embeds for Apple Music just for this week becuase it's so much to talk about the Tweets and likes online wouldn't justify but I'm tired from just doing this up for the Anime part too haha bye