
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #40

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #40

Sunday, 06 October 2019
Hey, it's a new season of Anime and some of them are out, so let's talk about it!

You may have noticed some changes in the homepage by the time you read this. I'm trying to make this look similar to the mobile page and... I guess it needs improving. So yeah, trying not to write cr*p here since this will be the post description which covers quite a lot in the homepage so that it looks nice for desktop since mobile doesn't have this problem life is boring so let's get this done with so I can sleep early and work again tomorrow *laughs*

アニメ Houkago Saikoro Club
"We can never get lost!... Because we don't have a destination!" Wow you just blew my mind haha this logic
I like how in Anime when you ride a bicycle and fall into the river face down your bag is fine floating above the surface lol. In this first episode (#SaikoroClub01) of a series I didn't expect myself to like, I think I'm with the main girl Miki: this is fun. And especially to even just watch. I will not dictate my affinity with board games (maybe next time), but that's probably also half the reason I gave a chance to this series to see how technical it can get despite its slice-of-life elements. Firstly, we talk about main girl Miki-chan. She is from Kyoto living in the city (or is it the other way round?) (don't ask if I can differentiate between accents btw), she is alone, and she likes being alone. So when super lively girl Aya-chan comes by in a bike and accident-s in front of her (lol), she... almost went the other way haha. Awkward it might be for an encounter, but hearing from her voice that she is a local (I assume we are in Kyoto), Aya asks Miki to show her around her place. Funny how much time there is after school to walk around unknown places and still have fun (#CannotRelate) (I feel you, Miki-chan), but yeah, that's how Aya-chan works. Pretending to get lost is actually fun. Well at least, according to her. Sorry if I can't relate, but that's probably how most women work, with window shopping being probably the best example I can think of. But yeah, I guess at the end of it Miki-chan did have fun knowing of places around her hometown she doesn't know of. Then, they saw the chairperson lurking out at the streets at night. Ooo... sounds like something indecent lol, but Midori here is working part-time, and so, as she said, it's not against the rules. (Then again the irony is rules can be broken unlike when it's law where you will get punished for breaking it) Part-time working may not be anything abnormal (especially if her family's not so well-to-do), but it's for a board game shop, it seems. Stalking the chairperson to her work location, the girls find themselves in a world full of boxes with the potential to show you a good time lol. Well, board games. Having a fun time playing it, that kind of "good time" haha. The manager who looks like some ripped dude who will f**k you in a porno (lol) introduces them to our first game in the series, where you get to play as a rug salesman in the Middle East by occupying places on the board and charging people rent. Sounds like a board game that can be fun if you have people who give reactions (lol Aya-chan), but otherwise it's as much as I expected. Halfway through, Miki complains she can't play the game well and asks Midori for advice. So yeah, to avoid breaking her own rules lol, she joins her as a teammate. Despite not following the rules somehow, she is very good at finding loopholes. (I think there is a hentai doujin out there of her finding loopholes to have underage sex lmao) Otherwise, it was a game, they had fun, this would probably be more fun if they did it in a future live event or livestream (please make this happen I know the VAs we WILL have a good time watching them play), but yeah, not really deep into the technical stuff, to say the least. Okay, overall impression so far. I know they will not throw in the jargon too much until they reach the 3-episode rule thing, but yeah, for now it's just simple slice-of-life to show story progression and how the trio will come to be. Now that Miki-chan has something to do for the weekend (lol), at least we will get to see more of them playing board games but too bad, not in full because there's only 20 minutes in this thing and the staff can't animate all of it lol, but suffice it to say it was entertaining to watch. Educational it might be, whether inside or outside of board games, but with Marinka here being the hype girl I can't see what is wrong with me watching this series. Hopefully I won't get too bored after the new guy comes in next week but hey, I see the potential of this gearing towards plot progression than board game progression. Don't disappoint me, Anime. I know Aya-chan won't. *laughs* On a side note, I may want to think of giving Tomiya Miyu's debut single ie. the opening theme, a chance. She's 19 this year, by the way. (Meh, Tomacchan started at 18, show-off. *laughs*)
[Oops didn't realise the screenshots are all her AYA-CHAN MVP THIS WHOLE SERIES lol prove me wrong]
P.S. "You're not allowed to enter cafés or other entertainment locations after 6PM" Yeah because she's going there, the chairperson lol
P.P.S. "I didn't know she had friends like this" No, not until today haha
[Also, some hidden clues after looking at this board game Marrakech: When the guy faces the edge of the map he will move along the edge of the board, I would assume clockwise. So yeah, either roll a 4 or pay.]

アニメ Null Peta
"And there's a bamboo shoot mixed in (these spikes)" lol joke level over 9000
Wait, this is only five minutes??? Okay, let's talk about it then. *laughs* In this rather hilarious sci-fi maybe series which has little in time for first episode (#NullPeta01) there are plenty to talk about. But considering the length of this episode, it's not going to get my attention for long. I mean, I'm done watching this already it's so short. *laughs* Anyways, story goes Null (yep it's a name) is a schoolgirl trying to resurrect her elder sister Peta back using technology (hey HDMI and USB-C glad to see you in the future lol) and... it kind of failed. Retaining nothing of the sister's looks and gaining a shit ton of abilities, she aims to be the best anee-san in the universe lmao. That's it. Yep. That's episode 1. I would imagine this is the EXACT SAME STORY as the video game that will also come out soon after this, but man... is that it? I can see potential in this, and it is kind of funny, but comedy this short is not going to get me hooked, I assure you. Remember, for reference Anime "Ao-chan" two seasons ago was 10 minutes, and that didn't even have a concrete story. Yeah, probably will be dropping this since sci-fi and this is not much to impress me even on first episode, so either I give the theme song and be back in December lol, or I play the game (no f**king way haha), or this is the last you'll see of it here. Goodbye Null-chan, you will be missed haha
P.S.  To be frank? This reminds me of Nichijou with Hakase being a kid who makes a robot do her bidding. Well, the difference is this one doesn't listen to her orders haha well the Nichijou one didn't too actually

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
Okay, there's quite a big break between this and the last few chapters which are online in case you didn't know the series ended last year so... yeah, I'll talk about them as far as we can. The "new" chapters (150-155) talk about random stuff, dagashi too, but also, into the eventual end of the series. We'll talk about that in a moment, but first, random stuff. They talked about Hajime-san complimenting or even just taking over Yo-san's YouTube channel lol (I wonder how many views that video got *bends forward*), the two guys fought over Ki no Ko and Take no Ko (go Google them and you'll get why they even fight) (not that I tasted it before though they should just be snacks so I don't care? haha don't beat me), they talk about the new Moe-level mascot Umami-chan (again, imouto banzai haha), Kokonotsu was sucking on a lollipop which lasted long enough to let him know whether he won the newcomer artist award (lol Hajime was right though), and Sayashi went on another date with Kokonotsu. That last part, we cannot not talk about it. Mostly about Kokonotsu's goal of being a manga artist. It used to be his life, now he's hesitating. Mainly because of Hotaru-chan, but maybe because taking over what would be heritage might be a life choice too. Again, I can never be more envious of someone who has a seat in succession of a family business. Well, anything other than the financial industry in those stupidly long Taiwanese dramas I'm good lol. I'll keep this short because I have a feeling I'll talk about it in the future anyways, but suffice it to say he's struggling to make choices. And that, at least Sayashi assures her support behind this dumb dude who still doesn't realise that he is going to be a successful man in the future with a woman behind your back haha
P.S. This postscript is dedicated to a quick review of (from the above also from yours truly) Kotoyama-sensei's new work "Yofudashi no Uta". The first two chapters (in Japanese) describe the life of Kou (who looks like Kokonotsu for some reason) leaving his house to experience the night life around his place. You know, to see those people who drink into the night and past this middle schooler's curfew, as in Japan. But, he met a girl Nazuna (who looks surprisingly like Hotaru lol) who introduces him into the night, to the adult life, and helps him curb his somewhat present insomnia which is not making him any better in school or even his life in general. In the most novice fashion, he got "duped" (I suppose, haha) into a house, onto a bed (uh huh), and... someone drew his blood out. Not a mosquito (lol the kid), but turns out Nazuna is a vampire. And like in legends, one bite doesn't turn you into a supernatural, since love and passion is required. Now you can see where this goes. Added in with things he has to deal with as a somewhat smart and attractive guy in school (someone confessed to him in school), this is going to be fun. Hmm... Kotoyama-sensei is this book out yet? Because I would love to read it. And can we get Ayachi to voice the girl? *laughs* Just joking it can use a different cast if this becomes an Anime. I would say, nice premise for a story. Not that I read or watch a lot of vampire-related stories before but
P.P.S. Wow that 32-page read took an hour haha no joke I am improving though with a read success rate of about 85% imo

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week is quite a week, surprisingly, in Klassic Note. I still can't decide on how to give Sunrise In My Attache Case's new album (probably will just give another and give up) and I immediately jumped into another the next day with Asai Kenichi's new album which released last week and is... rather good. Okay, it's not fantastic, but again, with his style hitting me at this time of year when I just want some good old melodic Rock tunes, he came in at the right time, before Mrs. GREEN APPLE. Talking about them, Mrs. GREEN APPLE's new album is okay, and I ended up giving so many of their topic songs from the album and its singles and not given any new new songs, so... we shall see about that. Ignoring their rather unappealing pop style (lol) their melodies are fine maybe. Again, maybe it's just me wanting to give more songs from them or male vocals to balance the analysis for the year since I've given so many females over the past month. Also, Ohara Yuiko, I think I've fallen in love with you. The music does not matter haha okay maybe it's because of that first song in your album

Next week brings us... nothing. Uh oh. But then again I could use a break we are close to 200 songs this year already and it's only October, geez. On Twitter news and everywhere around, Uesaka Sumire announced a new album which will release early next year (maybe I'll listen, maybe I'll not), yucat announced a new mini-album continuing her adventures in the PARALLEL WORLD releasing in November not in streaming so maybe I'll only see that next year, The Floor is releasing a new album due December, and sphere's new music video preview isn't fantastic tbh. Not bad, plenty of good news due end of the year. I'm going to have a hard time closing the Klassic Note year though but not with LuckLife that will never appear on time for me to listen lol

I'm also kind of preparing on a proper revamp to suit Klassic Note to my busy work life now that I have much lesser time to review stuff besides new songs. So music videos, Anime soundtracks and so on might be shelved for awards and commendations where applicable, along with some of the ones that require dedicated time to maintain and add on to give a proper sample to talk about every year. We shall see how it goes and I'll confirm by the end of the year when I do the awards.

Okay, I'm done for the week. I say that because I don't have work leave or MC or time off tomorrow lol but hey, do we really need one? Cya guys next week, and until then... oh, I created a post talking about... girls I like haha I'm such a nerd so be sure to read all about it. The rest of the list will be done by the end of the year when I have time hopefully. It was supposed to be a separate post but I figured I could play around with it and make it a standard column. Maybe I should make it look like those western things to suit the title when I have the time which is none haha bye