
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #41

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #41

Sunday, 13 October 2019
Wow that was quite the journey, Monument Valley 2. Yes, I did wait for it to be discounted to play it. And I got the first game for free so whatever I gave them Google survey money they deserved it

My plan for the weekend was continue to work on the migration of mobile view to full on responsive view for this blog, and posting the first Wanted List of girls (separate from the page) and... the former took too long to do haha. And yes, I ignored many minor bugs so that the site still views content correctly. So yeah, I hope you have noticed the changes. Hopefully I'll iron out the issues from looking at posts over the past 5 years and hopefully by then I'll move to WordPress haha just joking let's start

アニメ Keishichou Tokumubu Tokushu Kyouakuhan Taisakushitsu Dainana-ka: Tokunana
"I'm here to protect your futures" Eh I'm okay I can die lol
I like how two people can talk up a plan in a bank robbery but the bad guys told them to not move. Well, technically it's okay lol. Okay, in this first episode (#TokuNana01) preview of an Anime original series, I don't think I'll be continuing this, to be honest. Let's talk about it. Firstly, the flashback. Seiji the main guy has a story to tell on how he became a cop today. He was saved by a detective based on an event 9 years ago (I mean, you'll know it by the end of the series lol), and that made him want to be a cop since it's cool? Okay, idiot main guy, checked. *laughs* Then, there's the worldview. Not really explained or shown in the trailer, this modern fictional world is full of beings from other races. Elves, vampires and other giants are among the most notable besides humans (not Game of Thrones reference I promise I don't even watch that shitshow lmao), and they live peacefully along with each other. Yeah, most of the time. This already gives in to how much this world already doesn't excite me considering we were given the clue that there are also dragons in this show. Lastly, and the main focus of the episode, is using a bank robbery to show the powers of Tokunana. To be honest? I was not impressed. I mean, Bungou Stray Dogs had a WAY better scriptwriter than this show haha. So, military guys came into the bank to steal a diamond, and left in a armoured vehicle only to be stopped by the group. What's most irritating here in my opinion isn't much of the action (it's reasonable at best), but all the inferences provided from intelligent thinking ie. the other guy Seiji talked to, Ichinose, and how loosely they connected with each other. It's like playing L.A. Noire but missing all the secondary story routes and getting to the ending. And that, I think I don't want to see repeat in future episodes anymore. Not going to bet it'll be any better. The seven people are cool though maybe. Ichinose just looks like a more matured version of Seiji lol, Seiji is the newbie now because he called himself hostage in the bank (the diamond probably has something to do with the real bad guys), that little ninja girl with the drones and explosives won't blow up my interest anytime soon haha, the leader is a less cooler version of most action show leaders I'm sorry, the driver might just be a driver I don't know, the sniper of an old man is probably 2nd coolest among the bunch, and if you didn't see a shinigami in this Anime yet go back and watch the last part. *laughs* All in all, not really something I could sit on and call awesome, so I might as well skip it. It's just not cool enough to call it. To end this, and I don't want to be critical, the theme songs are quite bad lol, and the animation is barely tolerable. Must they make it so sketchy? Haha okay maybe it's just me
[TL;DR Ninja girl is cute and shinigami woman is cool. The rest are trash lmao]
P.S. "We put our bodies on the line and it'll work out" Okay, no wonder many policemen have to sacrifice for justice lol please use your brains cops
P.P.S. The Tokunana's head is like "we don't have much to do on off days so just let us do some work" lol well it's kind of theirs now that the accomplice mentioned the Nine

アニメ Babylon
"We didn't have a warrant." "I asked for one" I have a feeling the break-in is happening first before the application for warrant lol
Did the kid say he wanted to be in a case that's politically related? Well, he got it alright. *laughs* And after this one, I think I might have to keep watching to find out why. The first episode (#Babylon01) talks about a mystery. Hey, don't all mystery start out mysterious? Of course they do, and this isn't any exception. The premises might be simple: there was a police raid of a pharmaceutical company on suspicion of a drug overdose, to simplify things. It may sound like a simple case, it may take a lot of time for the duo of Fumio and Seizaki to read through all the documents to find out what really happened in order to conclude this case, but in the journey they may have dug out more stuff than they can cover. And this, I think it's enough of a premise to keep watching. Firstly, the investigations. This hierarchy is going to be clean cut. Well, until we find out the boss of the investigations group the duo is in is also corrupted haha. I guess not for now, so let's assume all the guys here love their jobs and want to get to the truth and are not evil. Seizaki seems a little... something I don't know, using his best friend who is a journalist in this investigation. Still, things are going well until they saw a document covered in blood and ink covering contents of two pages worth, which might be someone mental involved in this. Also, further investigations lead to an unintional entry to a suicide incident, now tied to politics with the recent mayor election coming up. After Seizaki's head asked him to bear all responsibility so the old man can retire in peace lol, the duo continue to investigate into this supposed multi-level mystery which might just in the end involve the drug on which they raided in the first place. Next, let's talk about worldview. The city in question is fictional, it's specially created to work independently off west of Tokyo apparently (sounds like some new commercial district my government here is building lol), and you know, they need a new leader. With this much modernity and technology progression you would wonder why anyone wouldn't want to reap in the benefits of being the leader of the city, right? So yeah, the leading electoral candidate is popular, but he might also be evil. That, we might be able to see more about it in the next few episodes. Lastly, suspense. This show is very different when you have a proper author on the line. Since this is an adaptation, the original story is gripping yet continuing at all times, from identifying the bloody paper, to seeing the anesthesia suicide, to... you can watch the end yourself but supposedly Fumio is dead (sorry for spoilers), it always gives you intrigue to want to find out more after every corner. And that, I applaud the Anime production for holding it well and not dragging it too much. All in all, it may be mellow, the real surprises aren't in there yet, but I'm curious to find out more. I mean, the guy hanged himself and wrote to his buddy a farewell message? I mean, if not arresting the suspect in the hotel with an affair makes you want to die, I should be dead multiple times now lol. So yeah, what actually happened? I highly doubt the enthusiastic kid will hang himself, and if you can type this long of a message I assume it's with his own consent, so...? I guess we have to watch to find out. THEY GOT ME haha. On a final note, as this is an Amazon Prime Video special, the first three episodes are already out as we speak. If you guys need to confirm if subtitled ones are included too that'll be good, but suffice it to say I will follow TV broadcast schedule and (also hold my horses, and) watch this once a week. Yep, if you can't wait then please help yourself, but this series shows promise. And considering it haha the main arcs, I can't wait to see what happens next. No really, now I have to live with thinking of two suicides for a week lol Anime why
P.S. "Most people won't be interested in this story" I mean, besides us? *laughs*
P.P.S. "Ano Tomokazu" We know who you are referring to there's only one guy named Tomokazu lmao (click on link)
[Not that I'm crazy or suicidal (yet, haha) but dying from anaesthesia overdose with classical music playing in the background in your place sounds like the least painful way to die tbh how does the author think of these]

アニメ Houkago Saikoro Club
"If it's after school hours there won't be a problem, right?" Damn, I wish my childhood was your school, Midori. *laughs* Games, by the way. Games.
If this isn't a triangle relationship between the main girls I don't know what is WHY CAN'T WE HAVE CHARASON OPENING THEME SONG INSTEAD?? *laughs* (Tomita Miyu sorry not sorry haha) Okay, besides the slice-of-life goodness Aya-chcan can't get involved in between the other two lol, the new episode (#SaikoroClub02) introduces us to a new character. It's a "he". Yeah, you can see where this is going. So yeah, he's Tanoue, Midori-chan's childhood friend I suppose (why Midori doing the tsundere thing it's not like he likes you lol), but also, that he has a crush on Aya-chan, if Miki didn't very explicitly tell that to us pretty much the whole of the episode. It's simple, it's kinda pure, but the guy isn't getting what he wants. An opportunity, I mean. The only one he got was sitting beside her seat on day one. Because he has a class full of jerks for classmates wonderful classmates who are helpful and kind, this guy is having a hard time finding an opportunity. I feel you, bro. I really do. *laughs* That is not until Midori has to introduce him to her newly-made friends (lol) and Aya-chan suggested they all play together since the more the merrier. (I need that cast play game livestream promise me that Anime producers) And, they sit down to play a card game, specifically a bluff game. And with this game, we have learnt that Aya-chan can't lie (well she did, but we all know when), Tanoue keeps trying to save Aya-chan from a loss (spoiler alert she lost lmao), Midori-chan knows everything about the game already, and Miki knows the guy's dirty secret haha. All in all, the episode was still quite a drag, but at least the guy got what he wants, that is, interaction with Aya-chan. Too bad the girl thinks you have a thing with your childhood classmate so that sucks, but hey, at least he's in now. Good for you, bro. Good for you. Besides the drag in the story though, everything else about this series is fine. Also, I did say technical stuff will bore me down on this? If you just survived this episode you'll get what I mean haha. We're reaching the three-episode rule already, so hopefully I won't have to break it and stop watching this series Aya-chan is so cute I don't wanna haha
P.S. "If I'm doing it alone (game from last week) I wouldn't have known what to do..." You are WEAK haha sorry Miki-chan you're good
P.P.S. "I guess we never talked even though we were neighbours!" Because your other neighbour was a piece of shit-
[Just to clarify, this Oono-san here will never win that Oono-san, you get me? YUUPON SAIKOU lol]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week continues on the fever week that is last week, and also to follow-up on albums which I didn't have much of mood to give. I'm concluding Sunrise In My Attache Case's latest album with two new songs (I really am not in the mood, I guess) (2017 was a miracle for them lol), and Mrs. GREEN APPLE's new album also concluded here in Klassic Note. This week also had plenty of live performances from this year's rock festivals (specifically ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL) so I took a look and took focus on two artists which I'll listen to next week I guess.

Talking about next week, all hype is on Kitou Akari's debut single which is rumoured (by me *laughs*) to be all the talk in Klassic Note and due to be on its shelf if it is good, almost foreshadowing over Polkadot Stingray's new mini-album which isn't bad but let's hope my impressions of them have been wiped well so I can give them a second chance, to be honest. To add on, in my spare time (typically at work haha) I'll give a listen to more of Nisshoku Natsuko with her intense piano music tunes despite being a veteran, and BUMP OF CHICKEN's new album this year since you know, they got me with their new song and I found this so now I gotta give it a listen haha that's how I work here don't mind me

On maybe the latest news hitting Japan probably not as hard as this weekend's typhoon (I hope my girls are alright lmao), with a quick dig I saw THE ORAL CIGARETTES and BUMP OF CHICKEN finally releasing their full catalogue on Apple Music Japan (your experience and region may vary) (lol UNISON SQUARE GARDEN stop the half-assing and give it all out instead of curated digital albums), YUKARI from RYTHEM is collaborating in lyrics with Tomatsu Haruka on her upcoming single (if you can remember any of them) so that's interesting, Amamiya Sora's new music video is not going to impress me anytime soon, and nano.RIPE's new music video might be even more disappointing. Come on, no one is listening to your songs online already. Pick up your pace, would ya? *laughs*

That's it then. I wanted to watch the new episode of Anime "Sora no Method" which has been out to the public as a 5th anniversary special introducing new character... I don't remember who but it's voiced by Marinka haha that's why I gotta but then I realised I can wait for subs so... if it doesn't come out by then I'll watch raw. It's just harder than reading books since I have to pause the video every 3 seconds lmao. Other than that, likely board game club and suicidal meds Anime were in the lines for now, so we shall see how long they can last. Cya guys next week then, and until then... I should get a haircut haha I don't care about it though if I don't have to go to work haha

P.S. My condolences to whoever suffered (if Death hasn't taken them yet) in the recent typhoon that hit Japan in its strongest in 60 years. Waki Azumi though, is just posting about her life at home on Instagram all night lol I'm surprised her telcom services didn't get cut JUST STOP THIS I don't want to jerk off to you-

P.P.S. Yep you bet I forgot about manga from last week haha next season then