
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #43

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #43

Sunday, 27 October 2019
Hey, welcome back.

If you haven't read my literal smooching of Kitou Akari's debut single yet please help yourself. Meanwhile, if you have noticed how the site changed to a somewhat responsive format... please tell me if anything else breaks on this site because I can't check all of them on my own so I'm only fixing what I saw over the past few weeks. I just hope it'll last haha it was worth it though I look at it everyday lol is is just me

Well, let's get to stuff this week, yes? Uh... I really want someone to sub the new Sora no Method episode though I don't really want to watch it without subs I can't catch up to it tbh

アニメ Houkago Saikoro Club
"The student council members must be an example to all students." Yeah, and look at you. *laughs*
Hey, Midori-chan, if your "other things to do" is to play board games with other cute girls, you are forgiven. *laughs* In this why-so-serious new episode (#SaikoroClub04) we get a character focus episode, as with all slice-of-life. Sadly, it's not one we know of. Yeah, they literally throw you into a new character's life now that you sat in well to watch this series lol. It's Shibusawa Ren (Ren-chan from here on), the vice-chairperson of the student council of the school, and... somewhat related to Midori-chan. Firstly, the problem. Ren-chan needs help planning for the school festival, seeing the current chairperson is hospitalised for just having quite a quirky character lol, but yeah and her influence only works if there is an idea going, so yeah, everyone in the room is drawing blanks on new ideas is the issue. Then, she decides to ask for help. Who else to ask besides Midori-chan, the girl who was with her in student council in middle school, who was a genius planner full of ideas, and together will make them stronger than ever as a team? But of course, Midori refused such an offer. I mean, if you didn't even realise why she isn't in club meetings but in a board game shop, you need to watch episode 1 again haha. So yeah, even Ren-chan won't be able to influence the determination that is Midori who has decided to, hey not that everyone can, be a board game author. I know those exist, but hey, to know that they aren't shadowed by game companies and instead being placed their names upfront, that's what will make board games a work than merely a product. Much is to say that on video games besides indie but, you get the point. So... Ren-chan insists on her help, so she asked for a showdown. Again, for someone who knows how to play every single game in the shop, Ren-chan is asking for a duel she cannot win. Nonetheless, the game introduced is simple yet mind-blowing in concept that if you don't use your second brain of deception you are not going to succeed and end up with enough cows to build a barn out of it lol. (Not going to make the cow jokes on these girls since they don't have any milk-) So yeah, Ren-chan lost real quick surprisingly over Aya-chan who is the professional at losing lol (I guess she got used to the games she learnt a little about how not to lose too bad) and... yeah, left because she can't deal with the result. *laughs* Ah, what a sore loser. Anyways, when she says she will be back is not going to be a joke since we have half the series to cover lol, but we also now know a little more about Midori-chan's past. The reason she was in the board game... game lol, was because of her elder brother, who played a board game Catan with her when she was a kid (the game doesn't look easy as it's resource management) (man, Midori-chan must be some genius), brought her into the shop and that's when she met the manager for the first time. So yeah, deciding on her life dream now doesn't seem to be much of a far-fetched reality. It's not impossible, but hey, what's wrong with having dreams that are hard to achieve? Just like how Ren-chan has to do the school festival as her own being the leader of the student council, so Midori-chan's dream... they all are determined to make it happen. You know, that stereotypical encouragement Anime that Miki-chan is losing out on for some reason, but I'm sure she'll get around it by the end of this maybe haha. Next episode... I mean, if this is not fanservice I don't know what is this episode may be kid Midori-chan MVP but we know next week it's going to be Aya-chan WITH THE SWIMSUIT!!! *laughs* To end this, we are also introduced to the fourth main character of the series with the lovely yellow long hair reminiscent of another Anime character lol, so it might not be long before we know who she is. Don't tell me she is already a board game author Midori-chan is going to be sad haha or happy she can meet one tbh
P.S. Seriously, why does half the girls in this school wear ear piercings? It's a thing there or...? *laughs*
P.P.S. "I'm not leaving until you say yes" Okay, then let's play a board game while you're here. Haha Ren-chan you got JEBAITED haha #FeelsBadMan well not really

アニメ Babylon
"Did you all kill a person to achieve your plans?" Haha, that's what we want to know too, Seizaki.
"Think about this well" Okay so is this a threat now? Ugh, no one wants to be involved with politics. But hey, did Seizaki mention that he wants to work for the benefit of the people? You ask for what you get, so make the decisions now. *laughs* In this if I'm not wrong, conclusive episode (#Babylon03) for the first arc of the series (yeah, that's fast), this just probably blew all of our minds as living humans (lol okay I'll try not to) trying to understand the logic of this story thus far, and yeah, it's as ridiculous as I expected. Hey, didn't know you are making a sequel, Edogawa Ranpo. *laughs* Okay, story. So, totally not as expected as last episode because I thought they were playing political here instead of psychological, Nomaru who was the leading candidate in the elections, is actually a good guy? Let me explain. So as with my deductions last week, I mentioned that Seizaki will have no much choice but to tell the truth, but he will not be able to continue investigations. So throw that out of the window since he still can, and surprisingly, it has NOTHING to do with what Nomaru intends to do on the new city Shiniki, with his negotiations with others and everything. But wait, it wasn't supposed to be this fast. Being in Magase Ai, someone the people in the Shiniki initiative knew about all along, was the primary... seducer, okay, negotiator (haha) (since we can assume in Japan that most leaders were men) of most of these stuff, which makes Shiniki's future bright and prospective with all the new laws, benefits and possibly solutions as a testbed to improve Japan as a country. It's all going well and all, but Seizaki is feeling doubtful. Why though? Mainly still because two people commited suicide over it. So yeah, the truth is because of that woman. Remember Emiko? As revealed by his higher-up, this was one of Magase's many disguises as a woman, to change her image and use her... seductive skills to control men, to summarise. Not that we won't take the bait because we aren't it yet lol, but suffice it to say that she might have been a double spy for Nomaru's plans since she was introduced from Itsuki, who is poised to become the new mayor himself since Nomaru has no plans to be one. If you didn't notice, introducing the woman was a solution AND a mistake. The politicians didn't get that correctly, but guess what, Seizaki's investigation group did. Firstly, from the evidence. From Fumio's steps, he was only discovered through pacing software (I assume this is the future where AI is awesome haha) that he was visiting a woman before he killed himself in the apartment to meet with Seizaki, and there were no traces of a third-party present. Not that the crime scene was cleaned perfectly after, but since it's clean means a drug is involved, which brings us to the next point. Second, the drug's real identity as prosecuted from the investigations group in episode 1. Turns out, it's a suicide drug. An insomnia drug engineered to make you sleep... forever. Yeah, what a way to go, yes? So since this doesn't really have much of a trace, it can be disguised, wait for it, BEFORE the new law takes effect, on other conventional methods of suicide to make it convincing. From overdose of anesthesia which probably no one can confirm if it's a viable way to die without hurting yourself, to hanging as from Fumio, they all look like normal ways of death. That is, if you use it with the drug. And who gave them the drug? Remember Itsuki? Remember Magase Ai? Yeah, you can make the connection. And so, the new mayor-to-be's objective is revealed. With dozens of people lined up on the tallest building in the city and you know, jumping off one by one, all we need to remember in this episode, and for goodness sake guys this is just Anime, is that this city just allowed suicide to be justified. So, if you do not know (because secretly I know of this fact when I was a kid I literally found out about it myself and saying it here might be illegal) that suicide is punishable by law, you got another thing coming. Especially those ones where you don't die, haha oh those are the worst. *evil laughs* Yeah, so turns out the evil is within thyself, fulfilling the pressures of living in society and seeking death as an option which quite a few youngsters have been doing as a reality check outside of the Anime... wow is this totally going up my alley. Oh, I won't kill myself though as I got to watch this till the end, but you get where this series is going. This, is going to be one hell of a ride for the next arc MIKAKOSHI IS SINGING THE NEXT THEME SONG!!! *laughs* Okay NOW I can't die haha I gotta live for next episode lmao
P.S. "Shiniki is a special administration zone" So it's like Hong Kong? *looks at protests* Can Japan even play this series now? *laughs*
P.P.S. "I know that there is someone out there who killed Fumio" Yeah I just hope I don't have to come back around and point fingers at you guys haha that'll be a plot twist *looks at ending* Uh... I wrote this sentence only after reaching the end lol
[Okay, so TL:DR; Ano Tomokazu who created the drug probably is aligned with Itsuki, who seeks death, who created the sleep forever drug, and probably beta tested on himself and... I guess it worked. *laughs* What a way to go, what a way to go...]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week... well I guess I can talk about them haha I mean, they aren't bad. And I'm in the mood for it so why not? Anime "Saikoro Club" ending theme single came out, it wasn't bad so I'm giving the topic song. sphere's new single dropped in unexpectedly, and despite them promoting the B-side which is also the theme song to their new drama short series on TV, don't expect another Klassic Note Review anytime soon because it wasn't great. Well, not until I give a watch on that which will not be this week to say the least. fumika's new album is... still on hold, as I struggle to even give one song based on my standards today haha. I'm sorry, fumika-san. I want to give you chance, so maybe, maybe I'll close one eye on two songs is as far as I'll get. 14-track album, by the way.

Okay I'm pretty sure we don't have anything else new next week so yeah, I'll be looking through the ones I've heard before which I let it rot over time because I'm too busy with work to have the mood to give them. (Procrastination ebe my middle name haha) Oh yeah, and I'm ditching BUMP of CHICKEN's new album just because and hopefully picking up a flood of circle's old album since I sort of liked one of the songs they sang in a live video I saw recently. Well, it's the off peak season at this time of the year already, so I'm not going to rush to listen to more songs. I hit 200 this year already I'm good haha

On news online especially on Twitter, just in case I didn't make it clear or you skipped the Anime review if you dislike suicides lol, Komatsu Mikako is singing a new song under Q-MHz starting the new arc from next week (damn, no Apple Music streaming?), Tachibana Rika's music library is out on streaming services following her new digital single which... I think it's already better than most of what I've heard so far lol, and Yuuki Aoi is releasing a new single due January next year. Maybe I'll give Rika-sama some chance by listening to all her releases now that inconvenience is out of the way haha I used to spend a lot of effort to listen to songs you know now it's just whenever it's on streaming lol I GOT WORK MAN I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS lmao I will still do it though it's my legacy

This shall be it, my head is aching for some reason probably from sleeping too much. My left ear is still disabled for some reason following the trip to the "doctor" last week so... well I'm on work leave now so that sucks haha. On things related to Klassic Note, do expect a scale down to the song awards as I will like... declare on how this should go on from her seeing my work schedule. Automation is on hold now that I learn of database management, so maybe I'll come up with a simple app at some point hehe. I've got plenty of things to do to make that happen though, so as ambitious as this plan is I will not finish it by this week. Still, I'm trying. Maybe open source it to be like a music management and analysis system in the future, why not. Cya guys next week then, and until then...