
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #44

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #44

Sunday, 03 November 2019
I guess I'll watch Anime earlier and do this before work. Haha yeah, it's that part of my job again.

Welcome back, I guess. I had a wonderful week. But I doubt you'll have a better one than me because I'm on work leave haha. However, you will probably have a better one than me because I still can't hear much out of my left ear and because I half-assed planning for the week I think I only did productive "work" for like 2 out of the 5 weekdays lol what a way to waste time staying at home. Okay, this time around it might be not for own benefit and I might get away with open sourcing this system if I complete it someday so...

But seriously, going to work taught me to be more disciplined and prepared for time during breaks so that I can actually do the stuff I don't get to do in the face of money. Oh well, can't wait to screw up planning again for end of the year haha let's start

アニメ Houkago Saikoro Club
"We're so lucky that Miki's aunt runs an inn!" I don't want to say this, Aya-chan, but yeah, this happens in Anime quite often lol
Sorry for spoiling this, but yeah, someone's relative probably had a place for them to stay so they don't have to stay in a hotel lol I wonder how rich people in other Anime are when they don't have to do this. In this total fanservice episode (#SaikoroClub05) where everyone around Miki is just happy she has friends now lmao, she brings her friends to the beach. Yeah, what did I tell you? *laughs* So yeah, they went to the beach. By solving the hardest problem which is accomodation apparently, the girls had a chance to go to Kanazawa, go shopping, take a ofuro in the inn courtesy of Miki's aunt (it felt like she was blackmailed by the mother tbh), and... it rained. Oh well, let's go home. *laughs* Of course not, because besides Aya-chan being so sad and crying about it raining on the day they want to go to the beach, so is Takashi, the other kid in this inn who also desperately wants the same thing Aya-chan wants. The beach, guys, the beach. So, to offset that sadness, the girls play a board game with the kid until the rain stops because this is a board game Anime or else we'll have a full on bath scene haha. Introduce Kanazawa's unique shogi alternative, Goita. I don't think I want to explain the rules here since Midori-chan - excuse me, Professor Midori-chan - is being MVP already explaining games every episode probably knowing that she would chase the audience away if she also did it the first time playing it with the aunt (fourth wall explanations over here, so they can explain it to the kid), but seriously, how is the kid not even aroused at these onee-chan wearing their bikini under those thin shirts lmao. I'll be totally distracted by that and lose more times than Aya-chan btw lol. (I felt a strange awkwardness when they did not mention quite enough of chest size because Midori, she bares them all haha) (okay creep moment over let's move on) So for this episode, the idea is teamwork, or to say, play smartly according to what your partner is doing on the other side of the table since it's alternate turns and you don't play one after the other or together. Board game intinuition, they call it. This episode also brought upon Miki's flashback on how she didn't remember this game because once again, she got a bad impression of it when she was a kid. Man, why everyone is bullying Miki-chan those people deserve to go to hell lol. And to wrap this game up, and just as an advice for any game? Don't tell people "why you don't get it" without explaining why, especially on exceptions in game strategies. The victim will just either hate you or hate this game for life because they think it's too difficult for them. So yeah, teach them. Games are supposed to be fun. If you lost interest then that's it. That's... what I know from experience anyway since I'm a boring man. *laughs* Anyways, the episode is fun, we did get to see the girls in the beach as much as it is rather lacking (not for Midori-chan it's not) (BOOM haha), but we now know this was all a plan for the aunt to spy on the niece in place of the mother to assess whether she has made good friends or not. Well, I can't think of otherwise because this show isn't evil (well last episode maybe lol), but suffice it to say "there is nothing to worry about it mom" because Miki-chan got lucky, just like how she plays board games. *laughs* What, you want me to talk more about the girls half naked? *looks at them* Nah. *laughs* And next week looks like an episode I can really relate to, so I guess we can talk about beta-testing of new games next time.
P.S. You may not remember anything from your childhood Miki-chan but YOUR AUNT KNOWS EVERYTHING lmao I mean if your childhood is bad I'd rather people also remember the good stuff for me instead
P.P.S. Gotta love those Anime level sleeping right there #RealityCheck but that's not how most of us fall asleep btw we don't talk to sleep I'm not such a heavy sleeper lol
[Because this fanservice episode is too much probably the only one we'll get here's more]
This is so wholesome I can't even
MFW I saw high school girls half naked lol not true
(Insert or***m joke here)

アニメ Babylon
"Is suicide really a bad thing?" Well, if you don't care about everyone else around you, then it isn't? Think about it.
But seriously, Itsuki. You did not create a solution; you just created more society problems. In this new episode (#Babylon04) of the new arc apparently, we try to stop all this from happening. You know, at least, reverse the declaration or something since he's the mayor and can do whatever he wants now like legalising suicide for whatever reason. So, before we go to the storytelling, and TL:DR; (why put it here though lol me) this episode is about the discussion about general approach to stopping Itsuki in his actions in preparation for the parliamentary elections. Now to the noob politics talk which I promise I'll keep it to this episode. Firstly, Seizaki's team. He has been given rights to investigate the incident and to arrest Itsuki... but according to current laws, and it's the same in Shiniki. So traditional Japan laws, and not that we can pass a new law to arrest him now, current ones. Those that can't do much, that is. So yeah, might as well learn new vocabulary since abetment is the focus here. Seizaki now had to gather as many investigators as he can to get to the truth. Next, we have a new a character to introduce. She... she's a robot. *laughs* But Seizaki is right: she is any number of times more useful than Fumio haha burning him even after he died lmao. She's Hiasa (so, so glad I can call you by your first name because I'm not Seizaki lol), relative of the Vice President of Justice, and an absolute genius in law, so this will make Seizaki's job easy since she's a walking encyclopedia. (Refer to postscript for personal opinions lmao) So yeah, he gathered the guys we've seen thus far, introduced us to... okay there are other new guys around but who cares haha (oh this guy, he looks like some Arrancar from BLEACH for some reason lol) (I SWEAR HE'S AN ACCOMPLICE TO EVIL lmao), and with only 10 days into the election and with Itsuki putting down election rules which will make him win especially when he explicitly stated that candidates must talk about the new suicide law (to be), this is going to get a lot of attention, but not a lot of likes as of now, so at least the society has some level of salvation. Still, this needs to be stopped, and we might have less leads than we can find. All 64 who jumped off the building can't be traced on motive, camera footage of the city doesn't reveal much, and Itsuki is still missing as he disseminates his announcements through online videos. To the end of the episode, the one special order of an undercover investigator who Seizaki hired has good leads on Itsuki himself which will probably be discussed a lot next episode: the fact that he still can't be found, and he has a history he can't tell when he was a student. That, and Magase Ai, it seems. So we shall find out. I mean, if influence isn't the thing that ties everything up, I don't know what will. So yeah, all in all this is turning out to be a fun investigation to watch, as much as it might be fast-paced because Seizaki be like "let's go" and he got results immediately shows how much power still is in his and Nomaru's hands, so hopefully things will continue to go well. Well, not until we realise Magase might be some evil witch who can cast spells or something lol I mean isn't she now? *laughs* (Well technically there's that fall asleep forever brew lol) We shall see for it ourselves. Be warned: his family and people around him might be sacrificed at any moment's notice, so don't get attached to them too much. Itsuki does seem to take the psychological path though, but that doesn't mean it can't lead to violence, so I'll be looking forward to that haha. Other than that, well... prove to me that this is a good story, Anime. I want to ensure Itsuki's survival to the extent that he can't kill himself and lives forever haha he might be God now to those people though. Ahem, excuse me, those "idiots". *laughs* What, I can't insult them now? Come for me, dead people haha okay that's quite enough I may be drugged or seduced soon lol
P.S. *looks at Hiasa* Instead of working can we have s*x first? You look like a total banger lol wait a minute am I becoming... a politician??? *laughs*
P.P.S. "Politics isn't difficult" Yeah, you just have a couple of drinks, f**k a woman, and- Oh wait, wrong reality lol sorry for the politician jokes

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Well, despite the lack of new songs I still did manage to give a listen to some of the recent releases that I may have missed, and catching up on earlier ones since it's the end of the year already and I'm not pressing for new ones now. fumika's new album is finally decided on, so... basically only one new new song because the other was from a digital single or something as I wait for this release to happen, and it did. So yeah, fumika this is as much as I will give for now. a flood of circle's 2011 album came from listening to them on a live video, so... I haven't really decided whether to give other songs in the album besides the one, so... maybe not I guess? I also got a listen to the new theme songs from Anime "Babylon" which were done by Q-MHz - the music producers group which is all the craze in Klassic Note like, 3 years ago lol - and... I liked the first one. The second one which was sung by Komatsu Mikako (yep, Mikakoshi) wasn't that great to be honest.

Next week brings us Amamiya Sora's new single which... I mean, you heard the music video preview, right? I guess I don't like her when she sings impact songs haha. On the other hand, Tomatsu Haruka's new music video preview is really awesome considering her having experience in singing Anime "Sword Art Online" opening theme songs is giving her an edge, and I think I'll like the song when it comes out in a couple of weeks. Other things on Twitter include Yogee New Waves' new music video for their EP due end of the year (meh) (haha), I like that The Floor's indie releases are available on streaming now because that's where I started to like them, Ikimonogakari released a new song which I didn't like, and miwa's new song and probably single is going to be the next Anime "BORUTO" opening theme song. And oh yeah, as a side note, I talked about indie rock band "iki" earlier and what happened to them on Twitter after I've not heard any news from them, and... you can look at the reply from the vocalist yourself haha. I mean, you won't get famous just from me tweeting your music video bro I'm just a nobody on social media

Okay, I'm done. Also, I'm done with the Wanted List page by now so you guys can take a look at that, I suppose. I think I also have a couple of drafted posts I can catch up on so I'll see how that goes. Also, if anyone else is reading this, I'm doing an open appeal on people who know computer hardware to assist me in my next upgrade for my PC. As you all might know, I'm still on Windows 7. Yeah, that antique of a treasure that's going to end support next year. So yeah, I'm jumping ship not because the new ship is good, but the old one is sinking. But I may just end up changing out the system SSD and upgrade to Windows 10 and be done with it but I'll see about it. I'm not free in time and in cash to do this anyways. Cya guys next week then, and until next time... I wish I have something to bundle with that sphere- *ahem* new calendar I'm going to get for the new year. Yeah, I gave it away, didn't I? Haha come back next week, would you?

P.S. I... think we'll talk about things like Gekidan Sphere and the new "Sora no Method" episode next week if I don't get subtitles for these by the next issue.