
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #46

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #46

Sunday, 17 November 2019
Yes I bought that new Harvest Moon remake on Switch. It's called Mineral Town or something. What? It's not in English yet? Well, I bought the Japanese version because Nan-chan is playing it on YouTube and I'm tempted to buy it since last week and it's also to prepare myself for the upcoming Animal Crossing game coming next year. Thanks Stardew Valley; you made me like these games now haha

(Sorry for shitty stock controller because this is the only game I've played in the past half a year since my sis somehow abandoned her birthday gift from last year so it's mine now lmao)

Okay, I got to stop for now because we got stuff to talk about! Sorry if my attention span is low because of this farming game lol I literally played it all Sunday haha

アニメ Houkago Saikoro Club
"Now we line up (these dice) to create insults to hurl at each other." Eh Maki-chan? I don't care about Miki-chan but can you be concerned about the TV ratings here? *laughs*
If you had to scare the sh*t out of Miki-chan for me to say she is cute even though we don't get to see the other two... sure, whatever. *laughs* In this new episode (#SaikoroClub07) we almost got away without playing another board game or two lol. Wow, somehow it feels longer than usual, this episode. Okay, let's talk about it. Firstly, about Maki-chan being bored during summer holidays. I know, we could totally get a Miki-chan exclusive with just her hanging out in the cafe and doing nothing but no, this woman just dragged her out to the hills to play with water. Well, in return Miki-chan brought a game with her, and yes, it's not in case she has anyone to play with she just bought it she just didn't expect to play with whoever just saved her life as a kid. Anyways, since there are many ways to play "Monjirou", Maki-chan chose one with the insults (why), and of course Miki-chan lost badly. And as she said, she can't do insults because she's kind and compassionate enough to not be a d**k. It takes some level of instinct to win at a shouting game, mind you. Maki-chan be a good example lol. Flip that around, and Miki-chan can't stop praising how lovely Maki-chan is (I agree) (haha) because I can't help but see Miki-chan hanging out with a beautiful woman because in this part I think I've been blessed more than just cute girls in this series haha. That accent though, I guess I'll never get used to it tbh. Second half, it's student council vice chairperson flexing time, as Shibusawa since we saw her last time after failing to be convinced of Midori-chan's current situation instead of helping her to plan for the upcoming school festival because the chairperson is hospitalised, insisted on the rejection of their class proposal to host a board game cafe in school. Again, and I think the chairperson who came back in a limp also knows, it's whatever it takes to make the festival a good one. Shibusawa be too stuck on her emotions, seriously. Anyways, the chairperson (I really don't remember your name, senpai) (lol) probably read the proposal, somehow knew how to go to Saikoro Club by himself (don't ask me why), and decided to ask for the girls to show him a good time. *laughs* Okay, as in playing a board game. It's like a proposal presentation, but the easiest way to present board games is to play them, as Midori-chan mentioned. They played a game of rescue, where strategies are of utmost importance, and luck is not proportional to risk when you aren't holding the tile to game over lmao. All in all, a fun game, and obviously Shibusawa will live in agony knowing her nice senpai approved of the cafe haha. So yeah, more will get to know about board games, I guess. Midori-chan's creation though... she wants to be humble, and I doubt it should be subject to mass criticism (or praise), but hey, you do you, girl. We shall see if this holds up then. Next episode, we finally get to introduce the fourth girl? I like how in the preview Aya-chan says she saw a cute girl there- isn't that you? Haha we shall see for ourselves if she can top any of the three main next time. I highly doubt it will but (haha) (AYA-CHAN MVP ALWAYS lol)
P.S. "You know, Miki-chan, you can't just say random (compliments)" Well I wanted to say "eroi" but I don't have the pieces so... *laughs*
P.P.S. "Miki-chan, she might have a sadistic side" Okay Miki-chan, just for this episode you can do whatever you want to me haha wait what

アニメ Babylon
"Can you handle whatever he throws at you?" Yeah, Nomaru? Even your kids? *laughs* Okay sorry for word pun
Wow Seizaki, didn't realise you can get into illegal territory, you naughty man. *laughs* What is it though? We can talk about it here. Just... don't involve that witch lol. The new episode (#Babylon06) is at its pivotal point, I would argue, in this whole suicide law fiasco. And boy, what a plot twist we have here. Excitement (to not commit suicide) aside, let's talk about what happened. It's 2 days before election, 1 day before the public debate on TV. Problem is, no lead to arrest Itsuki. So how? Seizaki did the most wild decision I've seen in Anime forever, which is straight out go illegal. Because normally in drama you will go quietly to do evil, but this motherf***er just straight up disbanded the investigation group and decides to arrest, excuse me, kidnap the mayor himself. Brave move, dude. Sadly, as the one guy Kuji'in mentioned, since all of them heard it making them all accomplices, Seizaki is not going alone. Which brings us to the second half, the debate. Ugh, I didn't want to review on this part to be honest, but only putting a one-liner here might be too much of a compromise, so we will talk about it for once. For you, Anime. Four opposition against Itsuki on TV. Firstly, on socio-economical aspect. I would argue that the guy is fairly valid on worrying about suicide only increasing with the law in effect and it will gradually if not greatly impact society flow in general (I mean, can you predict who the next guy's occupation will be to commit suicide?), and Itsuki brought up examples to talk about how society behaviour might change in reverse if implemented (correctly or not we'll leave it for opposition number 4). As much as I think Itsuki is correct, it will be wrong immediately considering it is Japan. Best part is he mentioned drugs and legislating them compared to others who don't. And that's why you don't, bro, uh, I mean, dear author. *laughs* In context, Japan has a fairly traditional societal view on things and not as open as Western nations (don't quote me here), but suffice it to say that such a law will not allow people to think much rationally even if given the choice. The best related example I know of which is kind of valid for opposition number 3 (now you can quote me here) is that given a human or human-trained algorithm we have the tendency to do evil (search "twitter racist bot"), and for this case then people can be influenced to die without much barriers anymore, considering law isn't even a thing if it's allowed. Secondly, it's about ethics and accountability. Same as above, but now it will disrupt society as a group. If tomorrow I tell you someone won't be around for work you think that SME boss wouldn't go crazy and die too? (Don't worry boss I won't lol) Yeah, propagation is the biggest problem. Itsuki's argument here is totally shallow here, as he argues this with laws that do not exist being possible but have been allowed, for example homosexual marriage. Again, the opposition is right, that is not a law, and it has been spent a lot of time to analyze and to be allowed, and moreover it's not a crime, so he kind of brushed through that haha. Suicide isn't a crime too, just so you know. Itsuki decided to ignore opposition number 3 (to be honest I freaked out when the guy slammed the table during the debate haha wtf dude) in his argument since it's rather extreme talking about incitement being a law and he may have influenced 64 people to jump off the building (unlikely, as we mentioned) (which is why the investigation is going nowhere) by arguing that the legislation of suicide law will let people think about the act seriously. I mean, which brings us back to opposition 1 where people will tend to do evil. I mean (don't quote me on this, but) if I had a choice as a kid thinking irrationally I would die even at 26 OKAY MOVING ON Haha last but not least, Nomaru being the last opposition, taps on emotions. I mean, I'm an emo kid so he lost lmao (I'm the 2k+ people who already died in Shiniki during this period lol) but assuming I don't exist in Shiniki (haha) he argues that people's tendency to save people from suicide is high such that a law should not need to be legislated, and if need be only in controlled circumstances. The second point he didn't argue much because we'll come back to the other in a moment, but Itsuki can never argue that laws like this need time for planning and not immediate permission to be put into law. Even if he says it now his new parliament will hardly get any momentum going to fixate this into something people will accept, for starters. (Looking at you, Brexit) Going back, Nomaru then argues that if we are around someone who wants to commit suicide whether it be family or friend, then things like counselling and assistance will be given to those who think otherwise in society. Yes, that is a bind. Yes, that is kind of a rule that is the invisible societal contract we have signed since we were born, but emotionally he says we will not see people die if without good reason or things like "I don't want to live anymore". People, with or without a choice, have to live. That's, because there isn't a way to allow you to escape. And eventually, a meaning can be found. What if I told you you can die even long before you found meaning in life? Then that's it I guess? Not like Itsuki can argue that. To support his point, and I think this is the bad part, Nomaru brings out the kid who posted the video about his dad wanting to commit suicide. Man, and he allowed the kid to be elected into parliament? Yep, using Itsuki's election rules against himself. Haha more on that soon, but Nomaru promises the government will still be led by politicians, even if the kid isn't old enough yet. And here's the plot twist: the father of the kid is in the studio. Guess who it is yourself, please. So yeah, this show has turned into... kid versus dad in parliamentary elections? Well well, Anime, look what you have done. *laughs* This is a new territory in storytelling, that's for sure. So yeah, we shall see what happens next week then. I'll put a one-liner to end this later, but suffice it to say, it's pretty f**ked up as of now. Also, Itsuki still has Magase Ai along with him who can technically incite people to commit suicide. Soon it'll be a haven where she will be the forefather of teaching people the beauty of incitement to death (on whoever they want eliminated) and Itsuki will rule the new Japanese district haha yah right remember to write down "fictional Tokyo" for reference please haha I'm tired cya guys next week to see if Itsuki gets kidnapped or not (my guess is only Hiasa and Seizaki will be left out of the 23 people) (yes, left alive)
P.S. "We can go next year, or the year after that" Hey I'm not that busy b*tch I just happen to be tied to a case involving politics lol. Also, dear wife, we better go soon you guys might not live through this week lmao
P.P.S. "If it's awkward calling me Sekuro, I'm okay with Hiasa" YES we got her, guys. WE GOT HER haha don't tell the wife lmao
[TL:DR; People will most definitely die if the law is allowed, Itsuki. Many people want to escape the world because of the many small things that can be exaggerated into a decision to leave society and give up on life. This will not work, I promise you go watch some Anime "Fractale" to learn more haha but seriously]
[TL:DR; Itsuki became a politician and proposed a suicide law so he can kill himself. Well played, bro. Well played.]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Okay, I don't have much time left this week so let's be quick as there's many to cover this week which I didn't notice again, if Google didn't remind me of music releases so thank you robot lol. Tomita Miyu's debut single is... fine, I guess, but I still don't get why they would choose her to do a solo music debut she's young. *laughs* So yeah, the B-side isn't that great so I skipped it. Yeah, sphere's new single too, because I thought I can give another chance and then realised that I can't. Moving on, yanaginagi's B-side compilation is... pretty fresh considering I don't really listen to her singles yet along B-sides so this is quite a listen. I may give a couple of songs if all goes well. seven oops' new album also releases this week which I listened over the weekend (before Harvest Moon took over me lol) and... I still think they excel in emotional songs. The topic song which was lively and light-hearted wasn't impressive as some of the emo songs in the list, to be honest.

Next week brings Tomacchan's new single for Anime "Sword Art Online" and I PROMISE there aren't any new ones already so I may take some time to review some of the songs which released earlier OMG three releases are out on Christmas this year. Klassic Note needs a different schedule for awards now OMFG I haven't thought of who to give awards to yet!! I should stop playing games haha

On news on Twitter since I have spent some time to update which singles and albums are releasing within the year and beyond, for some reason I gave web short animation "Shiohi Girls" a watch (the actual content is less than 30 seconds long btw) but I totally dig the ending theme which will be out next week early (I assume a new single by OMIGAWARA, the artist, is on the way) (why is cinema staff's name in there), SCANDAL announced their new album due February next year in which I have given their latest song already, vivid undress is releasing an album in December following major debut (yep) so congrats, and I hope the album other than the topic songs are good haha, and Amamiya Sora's new single is for Anime "RikeiKoi". Oooh boy for the last one because she be a lovesick girl in that Anime and I want to be the guy and listen to her sing an opening theme hopefully one up Tomacchan's or at least any of the Mocho songs we've heard this year hehe please make it happen

Okay I'm done I need to brush up for work tomorrow. Oh, and about the "Shiohi Girls" thing, I figured it's too short to talk about it because legit it's meant to display one-liners with romantic impact, so... my reviews involve about 6 on average haha. But I'll talk about it when it ends in 24 weeks since they air twice online every week. With Koko-chan, Kana-chan and Kayanon in the cast amongst many others, this is Tsurezure Children but way, WAY shorter lol. I'll give it a watch every week I technically follow Kana-chan and she retweets this stuff haha also subscribed on YouTube just in case I missed it hehe. Cya guys next week then, and until next time... you can moonwalk in the Harvest Moon game.Haha yeah. I'll attach a GIF here to show you guys if I can connect that Switch to my PC haha bye

P.S. How to moonwalk: move the stick in the wrong direction while holding the run button