
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #45

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #45

Sunday, 10 November 2019
Well, let's talk about what I learnt in programming this week haha

In summary, I learnt how to use third-party external Javascript dependent on another external Javascript framework (D3.js if you know it), host it, edit it to my requirements which might have been left rotting for 4 years now (which is why), and I also learnt to write a calendar and fill it with pop-up events using only pure Javascript. Those can be seen in the new Wanted List page, by the way. I should put these skills in my resume lol I've done enough of this for the week let's watch some entertainment

をニパ Sora no Method OVA
"I am a saucer, so I don't really know when I was born" This series in a nutshell haha Noel I don't know anything too tbh
The dad is so sadded her kid is hanging out with her friends but yeah in case you forget the mother isn't here already so yeah, real sadded. In this unexpected special episode (#SoraMeso17) which I guess numbering it would be useless especially when it's 5 years after this Anime original has aired... let's revise a bit, shall we? Firstly, Nonoka. She's the main girl. (She be voiced by Nan-chan) (I don't know her back in 2014 by the way but today... haha) She's the one who came back to this town after leaving in middle school, making a promise that she and her friends will be together forever... yes it was the father's fault for moving. Noel was technically summoned to fulfil this wish with strong emotions, in which case the saucer that is with Noel herself will not leave until it was fulfilled. That is pretty much the premise of the series. The OVA episode here adds in new secondary character Carol (Kouno Marika), who is a fellow saucer kid as Noel, but is here to tell her to move on. Although I would argue that if Noel wants to settle down and there aren't any monarchy above them saucers then why not just settle down, right? (At this age though? lol) But yeah, Noel the saucer kid has fulfilled her promise as per the saucer (it's not hanging in the sky anymore, for starters) ie. to be with the others forever. Yeah, kind of a flaw in premise, but that is precisely (maybe) why she hasn't left the town yet. And also probably why her blue saucer is nowhere to be seen. In Carol's perspective and thanks for the background clarification which isn't present up until this episode, their "job" is to go around to fulfil wishes using their saucer, so yeah, Noel is not doing her part as of now, settling into the cafe run by Yuzuki (Toyosaki Aki) and helping out as a waitress? Yeah, that might be a little too far. (THAT OUTFIT THOUGH lol) And thus, Carol decides to chase Noel's saucer away from the town. *gets serious flashbacks* Apart from the slight logic flaw which comes from the kid(s), it is obvious this episode just wants to inject some logic to the otherwise sensual series. Noel didn't give much reason to stay or fulfil the wish for Nonoka, because it didn't need reason. It needed a power to wish for it to come true. Add in cold-hearted think-a-lot Shione (Komatsu Mikako), ex-souvenir shop counter Koharu (Yoshimura Haruka) (I know all the girls now lmao) and baka aniki Souta (lol but I swear this was mentioned in the original series, by Yuzuki) and the group is reunited... for a celebration. The episode also centers about Noel's... beginnings? I guess she doesn't know when she was born (I guess we all don't), but Nonoka decided to make it an occasion: on the day the 5 of them made the wish. And Carol was invited too. Just that... she's reluctant. Firstly it feels like she's right or maybe she didn't get how Noel was technically stuck to this wish lol, but also because she is rather stubborn. Even after being treated to onsen, good food, and everything else in between (I did not see that bath scene lol), she still knows that it isn't right to stay since - and she's not wrong - the wish has been fulfilled. Whether Noel was counted in it... it's as vague as the last episode back then tbh. Not that I understand the series well because I promise you I have only seen the first episode again from like, half a year ago just for the feels and before they announced this, but yeah, that's what we know so far. And in a surprising twist (seriously?), remember Carol wanted Noel to leave? She wished for it too much and it happened. The saucer reacted. Noel was to be leave the place. But as you can see (spoiler because happy ending), Noel didn't leave so yay happy ending, since as much as the saucer(s) get to fulfil wishes, it also can be controlled. I guess maybe that's why Noel was still in this town. That... is as much as I can comprehend. How the two saucer kids share the same birthday though? I'll let you to think about this yourself. In a nutshell, it was a lovely trip to the past when I liked the Anime as little as Carol did of Noel (lol I made a dere joke there), the theme songs were nice, Marinka was a great choice for Carol's voice I guess (although I would argue anyone can take her place in this haha) and Noel's humming was so top grade, every time I hear that melody it brings a tear to my eye. Cya next time, saucer, and if you want to fulfil my wish for a season two starring just Carol fulfilling other people's wishes, I'll be sure to watch. That much, I can wish.
P.S. "When you were born..." Yeah kid, when were YOU born?? Probably about a few centuries ago or something lol don't ask
P.P.S. Official hashtag btw, the one on the top of this post
をニパ Houkago Saikoro Club
"You have always been soft on women" I don't really want to know the context of this, to be honest? *laughs*
Ahahaha shy Midori is kawaii~ *laughs* Okay, jokes aside (Midorin don't get offended by this please), the new episode (#SaikoroClub06) talks about a reality check? Uh oh. In case you didn't like the words "economics" and "creative work" please look away now- Don't worry I won't bore you with that because I can't stand it myself anyways. This episode, the girls playtest a game. Made by Midori-chan herself. Ignoring whoever Emilia is because she just appeared to say like, two lines lol, Midori-chan is making her own game. Sadly, it's not ready to be played yet. Well, according to her. Shunning her friends, she goes for the manager of Saikoro Club (I didn't know that was the official name of his shop) and in playtesting the guy's old pal... Who are you? "[in Japanese] I'm George Beresford" Who?? *laughs* Ah, it's always a joy shitting on Japanese speaking English lol. Anyways, some famous board game designer showed up in Midori-chan's life, and he does the bad guy's role by telling her the hard truth: you can't make a board game alone. Refusing to explain things because even I know what it is without watching this whole episode, and I guess you may have guessed it, it requires people to offer criticism and opinion about your game. If you make something and no one likes it, it's not a game it's just a creative work. Like me, I have a lot of creative works in the making that'll never complete lol. Anyways, she decides to rush it up using her own effort out of spite (haha I like myself a dere Midori-chan), and invites her two friends to play it. It's called "One Room", it's not a game that exists that's for sure (kudos on the author for not choosing something that exists haha I guess he's a designer too), and it's about working and buying stuff to fill up your house. And if you have playtested board games like I did (I just happen to know friends who want to earn a quick buck making board games) (yeah sad reality, isn't it) (I wasn't joking when I said "quick buck" though), you know that plenty of opinions will come in if you have played a game for the first time, especially when it doesn't cover all bases and has lack of opportunity to expand. (Did I just nail it for her though haha) And most importantly, point balance. All these require time to play through them in all cases and determine whether it'll make the most sense or in some cases, whether it'll be the most popular way to do it. That's how it'll win the hearts of the people who will buy your game. Again, it has to tie to economics. Okay reality check aside, Midori then realises George is right, as she notices one can't make a board game alone. Yeah, she's not alone George because she has friends who she can torture, uh, I mean, play with till the game is perfect!! (Don't think of the torture part, please) Well, I didn't expect things to be this technical, but hey, I've already gone this far, so I'm not complaining. MVP Midori-chan btw; I'll take shy girls any time of the day haha. Next episode seems like a more proper introduction to the new character Emilia, and we'll see what she has to offer. Looks like someone who might be German and looks like she knows a lot about board games, so maybe she can playtest someone's game too lol it isn't bad Midori-chan but might I offer another suggestion: you can stack items in your room, like on top of the table, which will by default give you more points than the table, which effectively allows patching of lower score items. Just saying. *laughs* Hey, if you have better ideas... tell the author you can't get Midori-chan btw lmao
P.S. "What do you all think? Not very good?" They are scared of you!!~ Haha Midori-chan don't hit me but on the other hand could you? *laughs*

をニパ Babylon
"Nothing happened, and they said they were raped?" Hmm she must be a great, sexy voice actress haha nope not providing examples
"We're going to be doing more evil deeds in the future" HELL YEAH haha please Seizaki stop saying stuff like this to your female assistant lol. In this new episode (#Babylon05) where talking about sex isn't overrated, we finally talk about the evil that is Magase Ai. Cue her uncle who technically is her stepuncle I suppose, and also a doctor of a mental institute. It took quite a few episodes to get to this, but despite the fact that Seizaki refused to believe, we might have some woman here who can drive people to die just from sexual seduction. The doctor described a past incident of students from her school with anxiety syndrome all saying the same thing: they were "raped" by Magase. How though I'm not going to explain too much because I swear the doctor is almost going to jerk off in front of the two investigators (and one of them is female btw, Jesus) (I mean, how can Hiasa not be offended by this lmao), but suffice it to say Magase is hot. So hot, jalapeΓ±os will wilt when she walks near it haha. (Can we get her an AV debut though? Haha just asking) And the doctor is even kind enough to give her "counselling" which basically in his own words are "I want to meet you everyday" and she gains from it because she is now a master seducer, if you haven't noticed by now. Back into investigations, Itsuki released a new YouTube video omg issued a public debate in front of public TV, and invites all political candidates to talk about the suicide law openly. I mean, if you didn't notice because you hate politics as much as I do, it's a way to generate consensus. Whether to support or refute the suicide law.Β  And Itsuki is determined to make the former happen. I mean, just place Magase Ai beside the cameraman facing all the guests lol. Anyways, there's only like, 2 days before the debate, and 3 days till parliamentary election, so at least Seizaki is getting worried. And he might have gotten even more worried when he received a call from Magase which is from a phone number of (in case you didn't notice) (ikr I think I'm so smart lol) the investigator specially called in to investigate on the woman. So yeah, RIP dude you will be missed. *laughs* Suffice it to say, something happened, and he got sent into the highway with cars fast enough to kill him. "Suicide", by the way. So yeah, she talks about RPG games and the devil and stuff (the author's an isekai otaku too? lol), but yeah, and she wants to become one. The devil, I mean, while Seizaki takes on the hero role. In summary, as Seizaki and the uncle has mentioned, she is evil. Very evil. And she knows Itsuki who intends to pass the suicide law. So there you go, the perfect combination to let you pass a crazy law without good reason. At this point though, I would argue with Seizaki that Magase is indeed capable of seducing people just by her existence alone, to the extent that no meeting of the 64 people would be required to do whatever happened 2 episodes ago. Which probably means someone drove down the freeway and then gave little instruction for this incident to happen or something. Which makes this totally possible now, I believe. How will things go on from here though? Your guess is as good as mine. To say that the suicides so far might totally be induced just from her existence might be totally possible, although I would still argue that the drugs thing from the first episode must have something to do with it. As a kid Magase Ai was looking at guys until they got anxiety syndrome; adult Magase Ai might have just touched their lips and they will die from drug overdose. Trust me, it's that easy considering it's her. "You will feel no pain" Maybe the drug is just a painkiller lol okay I'm done talking about death
P.S. "How she can enslave men" Hiasa you're just not good enough lmao
P.P.S. "What kind of a person is (Magase Ai)" She'a a weird fuck. *laughs* Nah just joking she's a weird fuck who wants to kill people lol
[TL:DR; I get dreams of me wanting to f**k someone and woke up in my bed not wet. I guess that's what Magase Ai is doing to those people. *laughs*]Β Magase Ai is voiced by a 40-year-old btw lmao
[TL:DR; Before: Magase Ai found hanging around with a dude. After: Dude found dead. We don't know what is in between.]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
There are quite a lot of releases I guess I can talk about, but again considering it's this time of the year I will probably not give much to be honest. Amamiya Sora's new single is available on streaming from Day 1 (thanks MusicRay'n from here on) and... I didn't like it. Again, when everyone else is singing such songs it's hard to be happy giving this one. Seriously, that "Eternal" single would have been better. Think about it. Ryokuoushoku Shakai's new single for some drama is... okay? I think? I'm just giving chance here so don't ask too much haha. SCANDAL's new song is out now, and... I think it has style. Style that I may give. But since they are announcing something next week (more on that later) then I guess I'm holding back for now. The lyrics are the focus here though, I think. I would argue it sounds like an appeal to their music audience lol and finally sumika's single from last year because I remembered not giving KimiSui their theme songs this year and... we're not getting another Klassic Note Review, don't worry. (It's like I'm preventig it from happening lol) Also, no toΒ sphere's new single. Oh we talked about it last time? Okay haha I just watched Gekidan Sphere so I'm just reminding myself (more on last para)

Next week is something I care little about since it's Tomita Miyu's debut single but sure I'll give her in the face of Anime. Also, which I probably cared a lot more since I found this out last week lol is seven oops' new album. I'll give this for sure. Coming in with a clean slate, guys. Please treat me well with good songs I can't forget what you guys did to me in 2015 lol (they were the No.1 song that year)

In news online, I thank Anime music label Flying Dog for releasing their music library on streaming (international, on Spotify too) so I can hear my Nu-chan and Naobou whenever I am now (typically at work haha), Fuchigami Mai's new single releases next February because suddenly I care now lol, SCANDAL is livestreaming next week with a major announcement and unless it's them changing music labels again lol it's most likely an album with new songs released every few months, and Ikimonogakari's new album since their hiatus releases in December. Last week in Klassic Note too so yeah don't expect too much giving from me guys I'm wrapping up for awards at that time of year.

That's it, folks. I have a current intention of declaring this year "The Year of Photobooks"Β (lol) and concluding them with Baba Fumika's photobook (legit one, not all half-naked lol) which is releasing next week and probably Uesaka Sumire's releasing next month. I guess I'll order next month and review them by the end of the year. And then that'll be it. I guess I'll do the conclusion in that future post but for now, don't expect any more after this one. Yes, not even Kitou Akari's 1st photobook in January next year. Yeah. Cya guys next week then, and until next time... man Gekidan Sphere is really good compared to Sphere Club, the last time the idol group attempted at drama I'm not going to review it though I need to get into my work mood soon lol bye