
The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #14

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The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #14

Sunday, 05 April 2020

Okay serious talk, that doesn't mean I can watch Anime day and night or whatever, and I tell you, it's more stressed not knowing what to do at home then being at work, which is why I rather go to work. Then again, might be good time to chase after the Easter event in Animal Crossing now since I'll be playing most of the time instead of working- Just joking!! And stop reporting me to my boss!! Geez, I thought you were on my side...

Sorry about the drama, but it sounded so drastic of a change, I thought I'd emphasise on it. Speaking about Anime, we have new shows coming up! Not "Kaguya-sama" though, that one is next week. Still, let's see how this season holds up. As per last week I'm giving two first, but man do I want to give that Mikakoshi as main girl Anime so bad. What is it, "Arte"? But women empowerment isn't a topic I'm interested in THEY SHOULD BE AT HOME DOING CHORES okay misogynistic me let's move on okay? lol

アニメ Hatena Illusion
To be honest? There isn't a broadcast date announced. Will update if we know when it will be on; We can't let that Michelle get away with this (lol)

アニメ Kakushigoto
"It was then, that I swore to keep my job a secret from her for the rest of my lifetime." Yeah man, that nurse really said it, huh. *laughs*
I SWEAR if people ask about your dad's job and you say you don't know it'll be someone's flag to insult or bully you in school haha now where have I seen that before... anyways, in this nice shot (not the balls, no) of a first episode (#Kakushigoto01), things are picking up. Again, not talking about balls because this is a family friendly site lol, but hey, new editor? You're fired. *laughs* If you get this joke you'll love this episode and this series in general, because to summarise this show, it's someone having a panic attack all day long. It's famous (hentai) manga artist, Goto Kakushi, (Yes, the title's joke is also in his name, but we'll talk about that later), and his secret to his daughter, Hime. That's enough for a bunch of jokes, to be honest, and I think I can give this. Here's why. Firstly, story. In a sort of time travel forward, I assume when Hime is in high school the father decided to tell her the secret, that he's a manga artist. Yeah, it's not even about the hentai portion; he just thinks he doesn't want to give the impression for the kid that he draws for a living, hence the "kaku" "shigoto" joke compared to "kakushigoto", for those who don't Japanese out there. I mean, the subs could have done it better but hey, if you know of you're already a genius haha. So, about his job. It's not much of an issue if you aren't famous like some of the doujin artists out there who, probably because of the pandemic out there, is suffering because there is no Comiket now ie. physical events where they sell their work. But Kakushi here, he is famous. His work "Balls of Fury" is a bestseller, so much so that everyone around his life knows about it: from the nurse in the hospital, to the teacher in school (who, obviously, did not tell Hime about his job), to that new editor... oh yeah, that idiot. *laughs* So, that new editor's visit to his place. Which is why Kakushi was worried about that guy not aliasing with the previous editor to know that (1) do not visit his place in any capacity and (2) to never reveal anything along his line of work. That jerk did both. *laughs* Kakushi ran back home fast (whilst changing back to his suit disguise) (man, he's efficient) to see that one guy wearing the new merch for his manga at his place and Hime... thought that guy was the CEO. Haha, I'm liking the vibes of this already, to be honest. Then, the show gave insight into two things you should mind about if you want to continue watching this series, which are the kids themselves as they find things to play around, for example in this episode, explore the town to find the one hero like they are some investigation squad (lol), and Hime's relationship with his father. In this episode however, Kakushi gets to live another day despite being a hero like, twice: one at the river and one at Star- Anyways, (Haha I like how Hime-chan can only say it that far too) and also what Hime wrote as her wish for her father: to be someone important, I assume, at work. Because yeah, even till now she doesn't know what her father works as. Again, not that she needs to know because thanks sensei for making that unimportant (lol), but yeah that's when the father keeps thinking about how to, you know, be more important in his job. Just so you know, there's no promotions as manga artists unless you're a mango- Sadly, it requires him to eventually be famous (lol mango) (Also, word pun from me by the way, but you guys should know about the "mango" that grows on trees- Oh that's an English joke. *laughs*), and if he's famous as a (hentai) manga artist Hime-chan will know. Ah, the agony. *laughs* It is as of these incidents that he is more worried about the daughter knowing he's a manga artist even without the hentai label, which is why I bracket that word every time I mention it. We shall see if that works for him in the end haha. Then again, I imagine this series is a lot of these jokes where he gets close (but not close enough) to letting the daughter know about the work, and I think I'll enjoy a dozen episodes of this to be honest considering they are relatively short so there's a couple every week instead of dragging content out. Next, the animation. If Hime-chan isn't cute enough for you to refer to as "-chan", go away. *laughs* In a nutshell, the animation might be simplistic, it might be a little crude, but it can display all the characters very well, and I think that is good enough. It kind of needs to be a little sketchy for the series to make jokes like how the father can run quickly back home, for example, and so because the drawings are sketchy to make it look fast- Okay I don't want to talk too much on Anime production, just so you know. Lastly, the drop, which brings us back to the plot. If you didn't have a hunch about what will happen in the near future about this story, then you need to watch more shows like this lol. Even if you don't watch stuff like "Usagi Drop" (no word pun intended, just listing the most stereotypical of such a genre) you would realise such a single father and daughter relationship show will require him at some point to explain things to the daughter about his work. I mean, I think she will forgive him, even if she knows what it is. Her reactions will definitely not be like what he thinks, because that's what he is good at, it's his job. And if he makes a living off it, that's a job. Think about Twitch streamers and ask yourself whether his job is legit again haha. All in all, I might just give flumpool my first song from them lol (they sing the opening theme), Rieri is kawaii haha, and I can use more jokes until I have to cry when they end this series. Yeah, it's as funny as you can get with such a genre, and I think I'll enjoy this every week.
[HIME-CHAN GALORE!! I'm not into elementary school kids haha]
P.S. "Before that, he couldn't even draw unless he's totally naked!" Wow, just wow haha you think all hentai manga artists are like that- Okay they are all guys don't think too much haha
P.P.S. "Personal information could lead to occupational discrimination" Wow this kid, your sensei has taught you well. You think most kids know about this or did I just know about it at 27? *laughs*
[REFERENCES GALORE!! Such blatant ripoffs I can't even]
[TL:DR; You must have a great childhood if you hanging out with Waki Azumi, Hondo Kaede and Ozawa Ari lmao when they are kids too?? *mind blown* Okay maybe not Ozawa I'll switch her with Rieri hehe]

アニメ Yesterday wo Utatte
"Just pretend that I'm another crow" But I don't like crows BOOM GOTCHA haha
Eh, just as PSA, don't feed wild birds like crows or pigeons of any kind in your town/city, please. I know it's ecosystem but you're raising it to ruin our lives, so please stop. *laughs* Okay, this series, I think I can watch. It's drama, so prepare yourselves a bit before you even start to watch this, to be honest. And as it is a little shallow in impact, you may have to feel more in order to like this, and I think I can. In this first episode though (#YesterdayWoUtatte01), we are already setting premises more than you can imagine. It's got sad plots, it's got reality checks, it's got maybe some sparks, it's got... everything about life. Let's talk about it. Firstly, about Rikuo. Thanks Hana-chan for revealing his name to us by asking for a leftover bento ie. you don't have money to even pay for one and you take those that are sub par standard and feed it to a woman instead of the birds lol, but suffice it to say it is not without some history. Rikuo's life... let's say it's kind of rough. He graduated from high school, but instead of going to university like many of his classmates probably or going to get a full time job like his crush Shinako as a high school teacher (probably apprentice), he works part time at a convenience store. Wouldn't say that's a glorious achievement, but I think like him too, that if it doesn't give me much pressure, and I can still live life, I'm okay. Which probably also explains why I'm still at my first full time job for almost two years but, uh, let's talk about Hana, haha. She's cute. *laughs* (Voice totally reminds me of Sakura-chan from "KimiSui" btw) She's young, she's in university now (yep yep), and... she probably likes the guy. Story goes that he probably liked him at first sight from five years ago while helping him pick up a dropped item, but hey, who knows what happened in between. Not like we're going to get a confession anytime soon because this is not how it works (lol), so we can wait for that to happen someday haha. She's weird, she likes crows and even is friends with one called Kansuke (who probably tipped on his location for food earlier lmao), she lives alone, and is a student of Shinako? Okay this is getting confusing. As far as I can understand from their conversation when they met, it sounds like Hana dropped out of high school and somehow got herself into university? Hey, just so you know, dropping out of high school is unlikely getting you anywhere in life so... I don't know. We may need more explanations down the line. Meanwhile, she is what Japanese would refer to as "sekkyokuteki", but hey, I've never gotten those in my life so... *laughs* *sob* She talks to Rikuo often, they talk often... you know, basis to forming a relationship. *laughs* Okay, his part time colleague is already pissed off why he can't get laid playing music haha. (Maybe because it's punk rock? BOOM GOT HIM lol) Then, there's Shinako. (It's Kana-chan in her 30-year-old voice?? OKAY haha) (Come on it's 31 lmao *gets punched*) I wouldn't say she pops out of nowhere, because she and Rikuo are friends, real good friends. Yeah, the guy's feelings for her is like, not much. Not "a truck load" much to say the least. *laughs* (Ugh "Kaguya-sama" please come soon haha it's next week btw) But she's kind, she kind of likes him but not in that way, and she rejected the heck out of him. Oh well. *laughs* Hey, should've done it during graduation but, you know, psychological complications haha. Also, must be status level issues lol okay we will not touch on societal issues here we can talk about that in the next three months lol. They end the episode with talking about Rikuo's hobby probably prospective job scope, photography. Thinking on how crows would work well with punk lol, he tells Hana-chan to take a pose. So far so good, I suppose. It's not something to get super hyped about, I am rather digging on this love triangle that might happen at some point hehe, and there's a cute girl albeit with a crow, so... *laughs* We shall see how this develops. Probably not crazy, but it will touch hearts. If you can feel it, you can watch it. I can, so I will. The quotes in this series sings a lot to me to be honest, and I'm not making a word pun of the title haha I wonder what it means... cya next week haha
[Wow all these screenshots are all single shots because they are not together HEY YO! Haha so here are the only couple shots I took]
P.S. "Why do I have to work before the sun is up?" Hey, SO GLAD that's not my life now haha even for schooling that is ROUGH lol
P.P.S. *crushes Alumni paper invite* That's literally me haha except I ignore emails or Facebook invites lol
[TL:DR; What is wrong about two girls and one guy? It's when you put another guy into the mix haha that's for next week probably]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Sorry Nu-chan. I mean, really. I'm sorry. I have failed to, for the past few weeks, listen to your best album again even if it appeared on streaming. Now we're done with this week and next week onwards I'll have more new songs to listen... I'm feeling bad already. Again, I'm sorry, it's all because of Animal Crossing (haha), but really, someday I want to revisit your best album, hopefully within this year. I also just heard FINLAND's new digital single and... it isn't bad. Again, if you can give the vocalist you can give all their Rock music styles because it's good. If you can give the high frequency scratches of her voice, that is.

On news from Twitter and beyond, GLIM SPANKY's new song is out on May (not single/album release yet), I suppose Horie Yui's music website got revamped as an April Fool's Day joke haha, yanaginagi's new single is releasing in May as she sings for that one Anime again (go find out yourself you idiot lol), Asakura Momo's new album previews are... I'm trying to ignore them right now to get a clean slate of giving her new songs including the topic song too so don't ask if I liked them, and yes as you can see above, FINLAND's new single released last Sunday. This year's April Fool's Day jokes aren't as good as last year's haha I'm not referring to music artists they can't joke even at a time like this

For next week however, we listen to two long-awaited releases which hopefully I'll get to listen to the latter hopefully, which are namely Asakura Momo's 2nd album with a distinctive topic song as I have mentioned my affection for it, and Kugimiya Rie's new mini-album which is a first since 2012 where I liked it back then. Really, didn't expect Shana to sing this well lol. Anyways, since she's under music label Lantis, good chances we might not be able to see it appear on streaming, so I'll rely on the Internet probably to make this happen. Fingers crossed though. Mocho's album however, we don't have to worry too much. Thanks, MusicRay'n! *smiles*

This is it then. As you would have seen from the intro here lol, I'm going to be working from home starting next week so hopefully I'll get to play more Animal Crossing spend more time during breaks doing up the menial stuff on this PC which mostly include clipping of live performance videos for now as far as I can remember it staying on my Downloads folder and not going anywhere haha. You know how much time I can save just by having a quick lunch or not travel and play Animal Crossing- I mean, you can play on the train though, just saying. Also gonna be wearing a (reusable) mask since I don't know when on public transport just for tomorrow since I still have to go to the office for a bit tomorrow, but after that we might be over here for a while. Doesn't mean I'll listen to Nu-chan's album though, no promises haha. Cya guys next week then, and until then... #StayHome, people. It's safer than suffering from hearing disabilities from the renovations that might be happening at your place and your mom playing the radio louder than you can hear yourself yawn when you wake up. Yeah, that's my life for now haha I rather go to work the virus keeps my noisy mom at home I can't even- Go check out the new Klassic Note Review once you get bored of me talking here, yes? *laughs* Bye