
The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #15

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The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #15

Sunday, 12 April 2020
Happy Easter, everybody. And you know why I care? Because of Animal Crossing and I STILL HAVE TWO MORE RECIPES LEFT SO I CAN GET A GIFT FROM ZIPPER it's probably something egg related I don't care haha

Hey, hope you guys had a great weekend AT HOME, to emphasise. Everywhere around the world is probably in a worse situation of the pandemic than where I am, so take care of yourselves, yes? I just play Animal Crossing and watch Anime all weekend along with the one public holiday on Friday so I'm good haha didn't go to the hospital this year lmao GOT ME AGAIN lol okay me please stop

Let's Anime then. Great to have Kaguya-sama back man; Koga Aoi is my secret crush where I'm still thinking if I love her face or not and then flutter over her embarrassed voice haha please do a tsundere role someday

をニパ Kakushigoto
"We only made it in time because we made the gyoza, amateur!" Like that newbie, I don't get it haha
I watch this series and I'm like "What's the difference between Hime-chan's life here and Takagi-chan's?" lmao okay stop associating with that wonderful series haha. In this new episode (#Kakushigoto02) where the dad gets to take a break after submitting his manuscript, he forgets the daughter is going on a school trip to the beach. Yeah, beach episode, everyone. This early?? *laughs* Also, can confirm the father is a paedophile haha wait what? *laughs* More importantly though, they are not half-a**ing this series though, as we have seen so far even. Let's keep this momentum going!! Haha okay the story. Story is as straightforward as seen above, where Hime-chan has a school trip and the father wasn't invited lol, but you know, he's a guy who worries for the chou-kawaii musume so I guess we have to go along with his antics haha. To do this, he invited his colleagues to a villa nearby the location of the school trip so to, you know, protect her? I doubt Hime-chan will get into any sort of trouble since really, she is a kid who doesn't like to think much about it. Well, back then. Even then, the father can be seen going throughΒ all sorts of things including getting an Indo chef to make the curry good (lmao I broke when the guy said "Namaste" haha) which ended up bad for kids I guess (I mean, kids only like sweet curry in Japan, just like I do) while putting the others to clean up the damn place haha. But seriously, in order to protect that cuteness (sensei not talking about you lol), these means are necessary, will probably be the general theme for the series, so I hope you are ready for more. Talking about more, because there was a typhoon the following day, the manga team ended drawing up a wonderful chapter indoors. Hey, that can be the extra chapter for the next volume haha. Next, we have fire drills, wait, drills. For what, you say? In case Hime-chan drops by. I mean, it's likely that a 10-year-old will drop my her father's office considering I don't think she even knows where it is to even navigate to here, but hey, we cannot take any chances. *laughs* So, the cover was then to be similar to what the dad wears to school: a suit, so, like a business establishment to cover up for the farce that is the manga studio. Surprisingly, it was proven too good when a bunch of security officers came by and thought this was some antisocial cult to be hiding something. Yeah, they were hiding something, sir. You don't know about intellectual property, sir? "To protect that cuteness..." haha okay no porno references, okay? I'm not talking about nipples. HAHA MOVING ON!! *laughs* This suspicion from the cops is probably because days before he and the daughter were in the summer festival somehow Gotoh's works were all over the festival grounds, probably ripped off to sell taking subtle references from a popular series, for example. You see those often on the streets and online (mostly China), so yeah, Japan itself is no exception. But yeah, hentai manga though? That's a first haha. So instead of just playing it off to the daughter which will cost nothing since she doesn't even care she won't like that stuff anyways (balls, I mean) (haha), he paid off literally everyone who sells those products. Well, he's rich because of this series anyways so I guess he technically is buying back his property rights lol. To conclude the episode, we have an interesting conclusion, where we hit back to when Hime-chan was 16. Remember last week's intro? Yeah. We continue from there. Whether we will continue to do so for next week might be a question, but what we do know is, there are more boxes, just like how there are so too when she was younger. If you need help answering this and more, remember that she doesn't have a mother, and the father can't hand sew her a kimono with his skills which is none. So yeah, what actually happened so far though? And why there are four more boxes after she hits 16 though? I guess we have to watch on to find out. This series is LIT, guys. If you need to laugh this show is more than ready to give you jokes at every corner they can find which is whenever that alarm rings at his workplace lol
P.S. "That's why it's easy to borrow a villa from a manga artist" Haha this origin story is like a life trip that no one wants to take lmao you can watch the episode yourself to find out what it is
P.P.S. "The spiciness was too real" lmao I can only remember the Namaste thing Hime-chan haha please stop
[Yes yes tell me Sakura Ayane and Uchida Maaya sound great in this Anime because I can't help but agree with you haha maybe it's because I got used to hearing them]
This is going into my GIF collection haha it's funnier if you know the context

をニパ Yesterday wo Utatte
"Did you leave something back in Kanazawa?" Haha GOT HER lol man the female colleague is so spot on I can't even
So, uh, if you were missing Shinako's long hair like I do because you have long hair (on females) fetish... well, it's gone now so watch the show for the plot, yes? *laughs* *sob* And as we can see in this new episode (#YesterdayWoUtatte02), the triangle has formed. (Bermuda has nothing to do with this lol) Okay, maybe rectangle but you get the idea. So, this episode, we talk about Shinako. She.. uh, cut her hair, for starters. Not that it's really important because guys be guys when they like her even with short hair amirite?? Eh, not that straightforward. So, after the rejection. Obviously, the two did not talk. Things happened, there was the graduation, the teacher is involved, she hanged out with her colleagues with an after-party, and all is well. Until she got found out at the one park everyone walks past by Rikuo, I guess. And Haru-chan too, I guess. And Rou too, I guess haha. So, about Rou, but maybe later, let's actually talk about Shinako's back story. In her drinks with her other female colleague, she talks about how she came from Kanazawa to Tokyo after high school to study in college which of course, eventually landed her a job as a teacher there, but did not talk about her reason for migration. Hey, you don't have that long to find out. In Rou's confrontation to Rikuo at the store, and Haru-chan's to Shinako after school is over, we now know. She... I would say, is not interested in love for now, and her main reason probably for not accepting Rikuo to any extent considering Shinako is just being concerned of the sloth lol, is that she has been there before. In love, of course. And if it will make one sad, we know something happened in Kanazawa. So, long story short, before the high school graduation, Shinako had a neighbour. The family where Rou is in. But he's the brother. Of the actual guy Shinako liked. Who was unwell. And she took care of him until... he was no more. Yeah, sad story, I still had to say it anyways. But yeah, not like they have gotten out at any point I guess, considering this was technically worse than that "KimiSui" movie lol, but yeah, maybe it's really because of that, that Shinako sees relationships a little differently now. And I guess yeah, Rou is here to warn the supposed rival (lol what) to not get his hands on her? I don't know. We don't have an objective on that side. But seriously bro, for you stepping into whatever is between your brother and another woman? I'll date the shit out of Shinako OUT OF F**KING SPITE, you freaking kid!! *laughs* Okay if only Rikuo would toughen up to say it this way, it'll make of a good battle. Talking about battle, the other two girls are having at it too. I mean, if I might say in place of Shinako, if you can get Rikuo's mind off her, Haru-chan, it's more than just a favour. *laughs* Because Haru-chan here, thinks that these two are a thing (which we know, of course, it's not), and wants to declare war with her, I guess, to fight over Rikuo. I would argue that Shinako in the end may have some, just some, thoughts of getting it back with Rikuo, but somehow she is just scared. Of everything, I guess. I mean, won't say I don't have such a period, but no one wants me so... *laughs* Of course she didn't, so the two aren't even friends now, I guess. Sadded haha. Because as much as Shinako feels relived for detaching such a relationship, again, it's likely her fear of such things that will make her stuck on this forever. But I hope not, because we gotta prove it to her that love is great, signalling back to Haru-chan's potential aggression towards the guy after knowing that no one, NO ONE actually wants him anyways lmao. We shall see about that next week, girl. That one might have some fighting in her at some point in this series maybe haha
[TL:DR; You think Hanazawa Kana herself has such a past which is why she's not married even at 30 because of this?? *mind blown*]
P.S. So it IS normal for not going for Round 2! Man, those colleagues of mine keep making me like I have to stay I can't even
P.P.S. Come on Rikuo you think "I'll walk you home" will make her forgive you of your confession to her that day? *laughs*
[Note to self: (Refer to conversation at park) "Lixin, we need to talk." Haha]

をニパ Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai?
Five dates till nirvana, people. Get to it, guys. *laughs* Just one, two, three, four, five...!!?? lol
Once again, the means that are done to achieve an objective in this series surpasses many Anime as even shown above this season, goodness gracious. *laughs* Welcome back, guys. To the love series that will never end. *laughs* Besides that stellar opening theme we got in the end which will haunt accompany us for the rest of the series lol, we're back in place man, the Student Council. And man, does it feel stellar after watching that theory lecture that is "RikeKoi" haha if you remember Barnum Effect you have watched that show lmao. Okay, in this first episode (#KaguyaSamaS201) we start off with Hayasaka. Again, if we haven't told you noobs about this series yet, she is MVP. Every episode. Even if she doesn't appear. Prove me wrong. *laughs* As her butler and closest assistant, she serves as the best person to execute Kaguya-sama's (evil) plans on Shirogane to, in case you forgot the original plot of the series, confess to her first so she doesn't have to. Shirogane is also plotting on that too, but you know, he doesn't have a personal assistant. *laughs* So, Kaguya-sama is always plotting on something, to say the least, but we don't really know because after getting the guy to fall asleep which means cutting his coffee source lol, he, uh, slept on her shoulder. Well, plan cancelled then, we got other things to enjoy haha. Next, the other couple who WAS successful compared to these two losers lmao. Remember Kashiwagi? Haha you bet I do. Her guy though... is kinda changed. Like a lot. And when we thought like the other two that he's here to show off his wonderful relationship, turns out it's just then asking how to progress probably because the girl said she wanted someone who looked more fashionable since before that he looked like a nerd haha. For that, I think we have reached nirvana haha what is that anyways? Hey, I guess I don't know I haven't even dated anyone five times yet HAHAHAHA okay next. Third, they play a board game. If we think it's all set up by big tits girl Fujiwara, we aren't wrong, but then again it's not that harsh. Sadly, the game is really imbalanced as Ishigami died on his first turn lol, Shirogane married Fujiwara and had 9 kids (in case you don't get it it's the former that is wrong haha the 9 kids one is probably true), and (at 57 probably haha) Kaguya had to marry divorced... wait for it, Fujiwara. And they had kids. Haha yeah, it's as poorly planned of a board game as you can think of. Really, the only merit of this step-based board game is that tiles are removed every time it's stepped on so players at the back can catch up. That's the only good thing mentioned. If you need critics as Ishigami if the game was fun haha. Lastly, horoscopes and birthdays. I think we have mentioned this before, but yeah, Shirogane gives no two sh*ts about birthdays. So Kaguya is that desperate to celebrate it for him but worries that he doesn't care. I mean, we know what this series is so if you didn't even suspect that Shirogane is the opposite of what he shows in this Student Council room you got another thing coming haha. A pretty solid episode of stuffed material in the first episode, I would argue, and I hope this momentum will carry on and give us a stellar ending at the end. Hey, someone's gotta one-up "Takagi-san" haha excuse me while I listen to more of Suzuki Masayoshi haha I'll like it eventually lol
P.S. "It's about my girlfriend" "He got to throw that in" Haha Shirogane yeah you're right HE IS lmao
P.P.S. "We made a board game as the tabletop game club!" *gets Saikoro Club flashbacks* Haha it's not that good lmao
[You're a true fan if you laugh at Shirogane's sleeping voice haha it sounds like "Supsssh" lol]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
Okay, this week. FINALLY we have new music haha. Asakura Momo's 2nd album is... surprisingly good, as first impressions do show my generosity after like, 2 weeks without new songs lol. Okay, I'm trying to not give everything but at this point I might as well be. Better check if she's eligible for review or not it's been a while since I gave an idol an album review lol Aki-chan~!! *laughs* Kugimiya Rie's new mini-album... isn't nowhere to be found, but suffice it to say that I can't get my hands on it. So yeah, we shall see when it appears then.

On news and livestreams within Twitter and beyond, Asakura Momo just hosted her release event video (yes, not livestream) on YouTube premier just now which was meh but she cute so whatever haha, Aimer's YouTube Channel surpassed 1 million subscribers so as a reward she released FIVE music videos in full for the artist who hardly releases anything in full due to... you know, Aimer-san is a good IP for Sony Music Japan, so... haha. yanaginagi livestreamed a mini live on her debut anniversary (FYI it's that leap year day) and is still available until May for listen, but what is more interesting is that I found a song which was not in her usual catalogue, so I'll probably give it a listen next week. And finally, SPECIAL OTHERS released previews on new songs for their upcoming album which I haven't listened yet so to not be spoiled but yeah, temptations are getting into me real quick haha.

So for next week, besides that one yanaginagi limited edition mini-album which I'll give a chance, Scenarioart's new album in like, 2 years since their departure from major label is coming out. This one... it's anyone's game man, including theirs, because they can go pretty far with their music, so let's see how many I can give. The last time I did so in like 2015 I was pretty generous, don't get me wrong, so I hope to continue the trend. Been avoiding the dozens of preview videos so to not get spoiled for first impressions. Then again I don't know why I'm avoiding them considering I give previews as Song of the day in Klassic Note a decade ago and every single preview I can get my hands on I listen. Oh well, expectations, isn't it? On the other hand I would argue that I did like the one song from Mocho's album so much I felt better hearing it in full when it wasn't disappointing. I would say previews make of a more extreme impression when listening in full, and I would like to avoid that tbh.

Okay we're done. I'm finishing this early since my dear Futon-chan is streaming laterΒ (with future archive too) for probably 2 hours just like she did it yesterday with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe since she's cooped up at her Japanese abode like the rest of us. Hey, not complaining anyways, since you don't get a lot of stuff when the world isn't cooped up at home and you will pay to get out of the house to meet idols and stuff, but you know, I don't. *laughs* Cya guys then, and until next time... hmm I hope you're not too bored at home if you are get a Switch and start playing Animal Crossing haha I would say some of the glitches make of the best of this game but if you are bored there's GTAIV too I'm SO HYPED I canΒ  get my code redeemed with this version of the game without online multiplayer which I don't mind because now I can push people down a cliff again MUAHAHAHAHA haha bye