
The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #25

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The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #25

Sunday, 21 June 2020
I really think this site needs an update.

Well, more like, I want to change the naming conventions of the stuff around here. You know, for example, "Entertainment News" is such a terrible name to represent the Anime and music I watch and listen every week. Well, I can't come up with anything better but when I do, I guess.

Also unrelated, do you guys wear trunks before? Guys, of course. Very, very like just wearing pants without briefs. I guess not letting them balls hang around is quite a good thing isn't it? Also, briefs are like diapers I don't have to clean up lmao I hope you do haha let's start

アニメ Kakushigoto
"Are you my father's illegitimate child?" Ooo boy for a moment I thought we're setting up for season 2 haha don't DomeKano me author "Then, am I the one?" Goddamn haha
Wow for a moment, just for a while, I thought like, the father re-married. Is this why he quit his manga artist career? Such a sacrifice, this Kakushi. *laughs* Okay, jokes aside, in this final episode (#Kakushigoto12) of this wonderfully funny yet sad series... we gotta end this, right? And end this they did, this Anime. Let's talk all about it, we not doing flashbacks now we're on real time this episode haha. Firstly, about who Hime-chan actually is.Well, who the father actually is too. So, if I didn't understand this wrongly, the one guy who walked into the old house where Hime is looking through all the stuff as she was 18 now, claims that he is her brother, is not wrong because the father was somebody's illegitimate child. And yes, that I don't think any of us will expect. Of course, I don't think this is something we will infer when we refer to secrets in this series, yes? Still, Kakushi did rely on his sister to keep his secret items in an event of an incident that did happen. More on that later though. And as for the other side we know already, that the old man Kakushi was seeing in the past couple of years, is the father-in-law, and also a great painter himself making loads of money I believe. And yes also, why the family is not relying on the in-law's paycheck is because their interests in art are different. I mean, this should be obvious from all these episodes so I won't elaborate. Then, what happened to Kakushi over the past 7 years. Ah, this is the content heavy part, to be honest. Man, did they dump everything in one episode here. So, in his years of writing Tights, Kakushi himself is also trying to find back his wife. Hey, what happened to the wife, you might ask? If you believed that the mother was dead like I did, you're not entirely correct, for the wife went missing in a boat accident. Not dead until found, we call it. So yeah, Kakushi has spent years finding the wife, and with some jerk out there exposing his activities to the public, he eventually lost motivation to write his comedy story and stopped being a manga artist. He then went into doing labour which probably isn't his forte but he still had to make a living to keep Hime-chan going until at least when she graduated high school, and he did. Sadly, it was also when he got into the incident that led him unconscious in the hospital for nearly a year. Yeah, to be done by manga... he would be better off just writing them, isn't it? Which brings us to the last part of this seven year gap. Why?? *laughs* Yeah, now then we covering this I swear we talked about this halfway through already. But no less. Why? Why quit his job as an artist? Because someone exposed your lengths to find your wife? I mean, if it's a job it can still pay, so why not just continue? Well, normally artists at this point will just stop the series to make another one in hopes of changing the mood or sales or whatever in between, so he might be able to get away with this. But yeah, loss of motivation might be quite a big factor to this anyways. So yeah, last but not least, what happens now. He just regained consciousness, but... he forgets about Hime-chan. Well, not really, he knows he has a daughter. Just that, 7 years of memories have been wiped from his brain. Remember he was his by a stack of manga in the incident that got him into hospital? Yeah, that. Which is bad because suddenly Tomaruin is the editor again (still is, but to Rasuna-chan), everyone starts doing their assistant work like it's a miracle from 7 years ago haha, and the team got a new assistant... wait a minute. *laughs* Yeah, the dad just forgot that his daughter had grown up. While most of them decide to play along until he can recover his memories (including Rokku somehow, still alive btw dogs can live to a decade), Hime decided that, after hearing what the dad really wants, she really can't live with this pain anymore. So yeah, she went back to the old place, got all the works of Tights he has done over the years back into the hospital, and let him remember what happened that has been part of his life till now. Man, if you didn't tear up here go watch another Anime. *laughs* Oh and to end this, Hime-chan has a secret she now keeps from her dad: she draws manga as a side hobby now, or even in school, damn. Not dirty jokes though, more like we're going to rely on her for the next shoujo manga series hey I'm not complaining haha. Overall... wow, I don't even know where to comment. Man, was this quite a ride. Okay, I mean, if they started with this and THEN told you about the past, it wouldn't have made much impact. Although I would argue they may have pushed a little too much in telling you what may have happened in the near future, like how Kakushi has kept his secret well to the daughter, the author or production whoever did this, has managed to keep most of the actual backstory from us well too, so I would say they have done it. Making an impact. Before this I would have believed that something happened to Kakushi, unlikely dead, and he's still writing manga. But I guess not. *laughs* It's still a great series in my opinion, and just like how Kakushi managed to keep his and his daughter's live going, the Anime has gone so smoothly, I can't even complain. The weekly doses of jokes, Hime being Hime haha, and everything in between (Naru-chan!! Reporter now, by the way), this is still pretty impressive of a series overall. I, I'm just lost for words haha. Man, will I ever get such an Anime again? I doubt so. Making you laugh every episode and then dropping you the bomb? This is it, guys. I want a season two but they wrapped this one up so good, I think this is enough. Hey, Rasuna-chan you want to also give us a secret you've been keeping for yourself? We could do with a new series lol or maybe whatever your manga is we can animate that haha
P.S. "He was trying to run away from manga, but was crushed by manga" So if I try to run away from women will I get laid? Haha just asking
P.P.S. "Wow! A hot dude at a place like this?" Haha Hina-chan knows her stuff hey one's future is important as much as Hime-chan's one is also lol
[To end the series, MORE HIME-CHAN!!! Sorry. MOE HIME-CHAN!! Haha 10 years old one btw]

アニメ Yesterday wo Utatte
"We shouldn't have to keep worrying about what the others are thinking" THIS, Rikuo. This is it. This series in a nutshell haha
Man, Rou-kun, f**k off. Seriously, f**k off. Haha I forgot we were still here. But yeah, I hate to break it to you but, uh... I'll let Shinako say it lol. In this final episode (#YesterdayWoUtatte12) of a roller coaster ride like every other romance Anime, this one... not as exhilarating as the others until they make you numb or faint (lol), but enough to let you remember. But man, did this last one make you want to shoot yourself on the foot and then step on it until it stops bleeding. Haha okay, analogy aside because that's gross lol, story. So, if you have figured this out somehow you're great in relationships because I'm at Rikuo's level when it comes to love, the couple... eventually broke up. Firstly, about Rou-kun. Again, he's just as he is, Shinako keeps thinking that she's at fault to anything and everything anyways. Again, Shinako, not your fault, you were at his best interests. And yeah thanks Rikuo for staying around and not leaving her alone, what a gentleman. But yeah, I wouldn't blame you Shinako. Rou is always the one that likes to exaggerate thing and then make a fuss about it so to ruin other peoples' happiness. You intend to let the woman stay single forever, you shit? FANCY TELL WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR DAD, YOU PIECE OF SHIT haha okay Rou-kun can't do it anyways he's a pussy. *laughs* He ended up staying over at his friend's place too. What a piece of- Okay that's all the sh*tting I'm doing for this brat for the series. Still, this of course, will shed some light on what is about to happen. Again, it's not a bomb, but it always start out as a reflection session or something. So yeah, fast forward a little, the main two are dating, yes, but that's also where they start doubting themselves about what they are doing to hurt others, by being together. But seriously, this is the price of getting this ship going while sacrificing everyone around them? It's a small price to pay, man. *laughs* On the other hand, yeah I think Rikuo may have realised it. He is not liking Shinako enough like how Haru-chan likes him. *laughs* Maybe that's why. Maybe that's why he will go through all lengths to apologise to the poor girl who likes him and wants to see him every day after her work at his workplace at the convenience store. Maybe that's why Shinako still wants Rou-kun to be family with her, like they have always been in the past. Sacrificing selfish love together might be too big of a price to pay. Hey, did I say if you figured this out you were a love master? Haha legit didn't see this coming. But yeah, I would agree that if they carried on on their own both of them wouldn't be happy. Then again, Rikuo's infatuation and Shinako's hesitation may have played through without the people around them, but that IS life itself. It's never an alone game when it comes to relationships. If it makes you uncomfortable or you indirectly hurt someone and feel bad about it, then you gotta do something about it. I would argue that that shouldn't be how love is, making everyone doubt their actions, but this is some healthy thought man. Also, this is Japan not the West so aggression don't work here unfortunately. Eventually, Rou-kun did end up having Shinako visit him probably to make amends because she feels bad every time and Rou is a jerk lol, and Rikuo did end up choosing sloppy seconds haha okay Haru-chan I'm sorry. But hey, you did make someone happy so you're good, bro. *laughs* Haru-chan is cute, by the way, gotta give you that haha. Overall, not an ending I would have expected, but if it goes the other way around ie. they get together, it'll be real awkward for everyone else anyways, so.. maaaybe this is for the better? I don't know. Really didn't expect the series itself to regret doing the series, by the way. This show might be the first lmao. I guess I may have gotten on the wrong ship then, thinking this is some straightforward romance masterpiece. Still, I still like the mood of this series in general, as they don't really go on and on about emotions and let misunderstanding do the talking, and you know, keep things short and sweet, even in Rikuo's love reflection session with Shinako at the bench. Still, real disappointed that Rikuo isn't with Shinako anymore because seriously, we're NOT getting another season where we get to see Rikuo go out with Haru-chan and that makes me sad haha. Well, at least we know now that Haru-chan is happy, so that's good for me. Eh? Did I say I like Haru-chan? Oh? Did I though? Haha you will figure it out on my own I've got things to think of lol
P.S, "Let me stay over" Can we even do that now? With the pandemic around?? Okay just a modern context joke don't mind me
P.P.S. "What is dating? What is it like to love someone?" Haha Haru-chan ikr I don't even get it, this love thing.

アニメ Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai?
"... I want to enjoy life more." Hey, Ishigami, don't we all?
Wow, can this series stop with all this backstory? It's creeping me out lol ANYWAYS. *laughs* In this new episode of (#KaguyaSamaS211) somehow... this ending theme song is all the more bittersweet the more I hear it. Song's coming out next week by the way; be sure to give the single a listen. So, story. Last week, we learnt of Ishigami's story, how he did something bad in middle school like beating somebody up, and became the loner he is today. This week, we get the backstory. For a reminder from here, it's Ogino the jerk, and Otomo the dumb bitc- Okay, let's start. Story goes that I guess or let's assume Ishigami fell for Otomo's charm at some point for being, you know, caring of some classmate no one cares about. Hey, you don't see those girls every day, maybe that's why. But, here's the big BUT here, he has a jerk boyfriend. Well, Ishigami found out he's cheating on her, this Ogino. And to protect this girl, he eventually went to confront the guy and told him to stop. You know, like, break up with her or something. Polygamy isn't a thing in Japan, you know. Hey, I respect you Muslims but monogamy has its advantages you know. Not going to turn this into a talkshow by the way, we have a story to tell. So, instead of backing off, Ogino went the evil way as many would have done being a kid of a noble for some reason (hey remember it's a rich kid's school here), and derided to trade his very girlfriend for Ishigami to keep mum about his... wrongdoings, I guess. But you know, as Ishigami was kind of desperate, he went the violent way to beat him into giving up his evil deeds, but you know, this influencer ended up turning the whole school on him and made him the victim, so that's kind of sad. Ishigami just ended up being suspended of school until his high school days apparently. But seriously, what did the guy show Ishigami? I'm curious now lol probably the girl naked? *laughs* (Edit: Oh, it is a porno haha) I mean... *laughs* Okay, not like anyone will understand anyways, just like how no one understood Ishigami. Sense of justice my a** that dumb b*tch can get cheated so many times we don't even care- Back to reality, and that's why Ishigami is what he is today. Quite a backstory, I tell you. But in the world of Shuchi'in, things like this happen. You're not in a neighbourhood school where everyone is an idiot- is trying to live life happily and not get into trouble. Hey, you tell me, life. Serious talk aside, I would argue that Shirogane, who eventually dug him out of the cave, was right: he could have done it smarter (like you know, gather evidence to his deeds and show the girl) instead of resorting to violence, but he did do it though. Ogino did get scared and dropped off this school because he was worried about the many times Ishigami never written an apology letter to him since like Ishigami mentioned, he can never put himself to do it. Obviously because, Ogino was doing something wrong in the first place. Infidelity, we call it. What, it can't happen in middle school? *laughs* I mean, most of us don't even have someone to cheat on yet so... *laughs* Still, and that's why Ishigami put himself together, with all his might back then, to protect this girl. All in an effort to not let the girl Otomo experience infidelity. Man, is it worth it though? I mean, I haven't eavesdropped on a man of a girl I liked cheating on her so... *laughs* I don't know how it feels, bro. But hey, I feel you Ishigami, for coming this far and worrying too much. Because worrying is part of life. But worrying won't get you anywhere. Not that it's bad, but you have to stop at some point. And with this, and the girl's appearance in the sports festival just to shit on the person who technically saved her from agony... not worth it, bro. Really, not worth it. *laughs* Anyways, Kaguya-sama might have been involved in bringing in the girl somehow (I don't have evidence but I can't beat Kaguya up lol), Shirogane is MVP this episode somehow because man did he clear Ishigami's name down to the sewers, and Miko-chan if you like a guy who will beat up someone for your happiness... Haha cya next week for the final episode then. Man, how are they going to one up this? Maybe another lockup in the sports equipment room?? *laughs* We shall see next week.
[I didn't think of anything in postscript because I was too engrossed in the backstory so here's a GIF for omake]
"Shut up, idiot"
(But seriously though, that girl IS an idiot haha)

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Well, as you should know, I didn't listen much to new songs, but I did listen to songs I've not heard of. Thanks to one Kohara Konomi (it's in her Instagram story if you have an account) she was listening to a song from Teshima Aoi's mini-album in 2008, and after listening to it... I would say it soothes the nerves from my hectic work schedule for the week. Also, it's 2000s melodies so they won't suck so bad compared to now haha. So yeah, I chose a couple along with it. Thanks, Koko-chan! You've contributed to Klassic Note once more.

Around the world of Twitter and beyond if necessary, be sure to listen to SPECIAL OTHERS' new studio live videos on YouTube because they are AWESOME hehe, Aimer is due for another new single which I hope I'll get a listen and if it's any good, Earphones' hit their debut 5 years ago so there's a re-arrangement of the debut song out for their upcoming new album which brings back memories I'm getting likes for my Tweets lol, and also listen to THE ORAL CIGARETTES home recording of "ReI", the project song for many artists which interpret the title and write a song in their own way. I've only heard theirs and I can already say theirs are the best haha

So next week, we're finally on to Fukuhara Kaori's new single which is in time for Anime "Kaguya-sama" to end next week too, so... don't worry the song has grown on me and I've heard the music video in full so I know it's good already. Next season there's halca-san so I'll have to worry about that lol. Surprisingly, listening to the livestream of Anime "Kanojo, Okarishimasu" it ain't too bad, because it isn't an emotional song. Thank goodness haha

Well, I'm done. Excuse me while I drop by Isobe Karin's new broadcast series announcement livestream right now since I'm done with my weekly assignment lol. Also, have to go back to workplace tomorrow so that kind of sucks but that's better since I technically have nothing to do and I'll be able to find something to do by then hopefully. Cya guys next week then, and until then... well there are a couple of posts when you click backwards for the week so be sure to read them all! Until next time... I need to sleep more haha getting tired from work already considering we don't have to take work leave for any reason now lol bye