
The Klassic Note Review 2020.06 Issue 1

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The Klassic Note Review 2020.06 Issue 1

Sunday, 21 June 2020
Didn't expect this to appear on a Sunday but whatever. Even better, because I doubt this will take my work stress away if it appeared on a weekday that stack of photos with the new photo albums I bought yesterday will do more than that haha

Hey, we're back!! I don't think we broke the seasonal review thing here, but hey, I'm trying. This time around, it may not be a familiar name, but it's a veteran. It's "ta-shi-ka", by the way, if you heard me clarify this on Twitter. *laughs* Yeah, screwed that up for like 7 years. Thanks, intro to music video haha. So, let's get to it! I've got Anime to watch later to let's be quick lol not where this is the theme song though

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
tacica - aranami [Single]
Regular Edition
Anime Limited Edition
(Despite the simplistic cover of nothing but lines, I would argue they paint a distinctive image for the songs themselves)

Origin: The year was 2013. I was in an... overseas assignment for a couple of weeks. In my world without smartphones and the Internet back then, I chose to bring my handy MP3 Player with me on the go. And since I watched the movie recently then, I chose to review album "Solanin songbook", and this song was the only one that caught my attention. Fast forward to maybe last year, where I also reviewed the actual single and gave another song; tacica didn't really leave much of an impression in me, but the songs that I gave were still ones to remember. Knowing that they are veteran and digging through their music library isn't really a thing for me now, I decide to just give them whenever I hear them. And in came this music video on YouTube with an Anime tie-in, and this must have been the most impressive I've heard of them yet. The rest, was history. I gave the other song in the single, and I know, I have to talk about it. Let's see what actually makes this veteran's comeback so worth talking about!

(1) aranami [Raging Waves]
From the 1st chorus:
"Ignoring today, about what (we are) doing tomorrow
Get rid of it today while we're still talking (about it)
(Like the) raging waves of everyday life, do not chase away the unexpected"
This song... hmm how do I start. It's a nice song overall, to be honest. Everything in part of what is not wrong about a song, they have nailed it all. No bridge, great choruses and verses... I can't even start to complain about the song. That's my impression when I first heard it on YouTube, and also my first step into giving this single a listen. I know it's an Anime theme song so they don't try to screw this up, but for even an Anime theme where many have failed this one is a resounding success, I must argue. For the lyrics, it's rather simple, and considering the vocalist's complicated tastes in composition and lyrics, I'm not going to praise on his writing, but rather compliment him in how he still makes the songs as awkward overall as they are lovely. No really, fitting into the theme he did. And that, I'll take it.
Rating: 4 Stars (Above Average)

(2) Zouge no Tou [Ivory Tower]
From the 1st chorus:
"(I'll) borrow the remains of (that) form
So to accomplish (it) until (it) ends
As the world of fate continues and continues
(I) wish (I) could laugh away the days and carry on"
If "SOS" is all you remember about this song, you're not alone. The reason or more than that, which gave this single a thumbs up, is again, not how awkward the song might feel to you. No really, this is normal in tacica, trust me. While giving the song some thought, I remember liking the feels of the song, from the introduction which made an impact, and this is also reminiscent of early 2000s songs. I know, it feels old, but this reminiscent style is also tacica's strong point, and I think with two singles down in review (the other being 2009's "Penguin Elegy", not all songs given by the way), I have faith in liking this style of theirs, just like how there is faith in humanity, as written in the lyrics. It feels mystical, but also reflcting on real life, and that's kind of cool. The downside to this song might be the short yet inadequately placed bridge and the sometimes abrupt ends, but I'm not going to complain. This is song to be a song to remember, at least for me.
Rating: 4 stars (Nicely Average)

Conclusion: I would say reviewing their single from a decade ago did help make this review happen because what they have in their styles is nicely represented in this single, and I'm not complaining. Otherwise if you like the Anime I suppose this one fits the theme well, and if you have not heard of this duo, you might want to give them a chance. It's refreshingly different, you'll grow to like the like I do.

-Kaineng, on the Klassic Note

Package wise we got another digipak case which in many cases help save resources on conventional jewel cases which also take up more space, but unlike many digipaks I've seen so far (thanks, Chatmonchy!) this one doesn't have an inlet to keep the booklet which is, in this case, just placed inside the flip. Thank goodness for the sealed protective cover otherwise I wouldn't know how to keep this lol oh yeah there's the covers I bought lol
Looking inside and opening up the booklet, then did I realise it's not a booklet. It's... just a big piece of paper haha. No really, I thought it was a joke too when I saw a reminiscent single I've reviewed like 5 years ago looking like this. Still, the booklet of course, gave more insight of the titles of this single, specifically the B-side which in this case has a non-Japanese title as seen above, which is "tower d'ivoire", and... I think you can read the definition yourself haha. Overall, what I expected from this package. I mean, if you're expecting like a bromide or postcard from this you think too much really

This is it, I guess. Later today I'll come in with the Entertainment News for the week, so be sure to read that too. Cya guys then, and until next time... I hope you have been listening to songs, because I haven't. Upcoming releases in Klassic Note is real empty I'm resorting to listening to Teshima Aoi this week some how haha I don't know now maybe I could go up the Ivory Tower to get some realisation myself lol bye