
The Latest Stuff From East Coast: What Otakus Actually Buy In Japan

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The Latest Stuff From East Coast: What Otakus Actually Buy In Japan

Monday, 27 July 2020
Don't ask me why I stored these cardboard boxes and didn't throw the bottom two for this long lol
Hey, what a start to an already short week haha Friday is a public holiday here anyways AND I DON'T HAVE TO OT TONIGHT!!! Man, it's like they know this package is coming hehe

Welcome back. About a month ago we have reviewed "Phase 2" of the supposed three-part shopping fever of the year (four if you count my birthday in February haha), and finally, all of them have arrived in one big box. The reason it took this long is mostly because of coordination: most of them took quite some time to reach a common spot ie. the forwarding service warehouse, so it can be shipped here. So, not going to title this post "Phase 3" of course, so here's an election joke from my country recently where a (now) minister screwed up his speech for his district and repeating "The East Coast Plan" for about 5 minutes lmao ah that is future PM material by the way

In general, and not beating around the bush, there are 5 sources in order of purchase full of... a lot more items because I buy quite a few from each lol, and they are shown below. Feel free to skip to whoever you like because I know, it takes a lot to like ALL of the stuff I like:
"Columbia Fes 2020" Bromide Sets
Inori Minase Live Tour 2020 "We Are Now" Goods
TrySail 5th Anniversary Live "Go for a Sail" Goods
Taketatsu Ayana LIVE HOUSE TOUR 2019 "A" -Analyze-/-Another Bromide Sets
Doujin Manga "Ganbare Douki-chan" Vol.1

To make things a little different, and instead of showing them all and being lazy since I have some time, let me talk about them one by one, how they arrived, and how they even made it into the list in the first place. Ready? Let's go!! (Not a Minase Inori song reference btw I didn't give that one lol) Oh, and I guess I'll do this in purchasing order even though I opened them in a different order just so I can tell a story.
... Oh, this is the book haha later
(Yes, it's "Aozaki Shouhei" btw)
Just a little unboxing. Just a little, I promise. We'll do it along the way- That's why there's the page anchors above though! *thumbs up*

Again, I asked my bro if he wanted Itou Miku but he said no so...
As you can see, this is from the (already cancelled) "Columbia (Music Japan) Festival" of 2020, shortened as "ColoFes", and is opening their goods for sale online because you know, if not for some virus I'll never be able to get my hands on them haha. So thanks whatever, but yeah, I couldn't stop to get myself down to some of the solo artists I follow, so left is Yuuki Aoi being not cute so sadded, versus Ajuju so now you know why Waki Azumi has to pad this order so to make this worth a trip haha. Anyways, this one was a pre-order way back in April when they knew it was hard to sell (along with livestreams of course to promote the goods), so I took a step and got myself a couple. Surprisingly, was not the first to arrive despite being the first on pre-order. That honour goes to...

She loves me! She loves me!! lol

Can never get enough of close-up Inorin. Thanks, as always.
... Minse Inori's recent (cancelled) Live Tour and its official goods! Since Inorin doesn't even have a photobook, this is often seen as a way to sell as much personalised merch as much as possible, and again, thanks to whatever, this one got itself online. Twice. Due to popular demand on the first batch of pre-orders due June (which I was in of course, the next one is due October btw haha), they sold these stuff which vary from pamphlets to these guys you see to like, a plushie(?) to some keychain keyhole thing I know you want to "Nisekoi" girl but now is not the time lol. Anyways, I'm a fan of photos as you can see in previous posts haha, so I only got myself one of the two clear folder sets because who can resist Inorin confessing her love to you (haha), and of course, things to add to my bromide collection. You're welcome, me. *laughs*

AS A BONUS, by the way, for purchasing any number of goods, it comes with any number of special trading cards of of course, Inorin herself, so yeah, just more photos of her, so why not? I got three since it's two sets of bromides, in case you wonder.
So yeah, this one might be the most worth it already, unlike...

Quite a surprise opening this one up from behind haha

Ideally, it would be 4 badges which are each member and one group shot but
...TrySail because THERE ARE NO DAMN BROMIDES!!! Haha, no really, just clear folders, so I got myself a couple as they appeared at the end of June. Also, some gacha luck and it didn't turn out that bad, but I would argue that Mocho's the one is better, but who knows? Maybe the odds are still in my favour I would love 2/2 badges but you know, I might be pushing my luck. The keychain is great too though, no complaining there will be putting that on my new bag soon hehe. Sadly, didn't notice it's a pre-order and they are ended up only shipping out mid-July. And that's why this one box took this long to arrive. So meanwhile, while waiting for these lovely ladies to arrive on my (secondary) doorstep (forwarding service) I ended up buying...

... some married woman Taketatsu Ayana!! No seriously, this was AFTER the marriage lol but yeah more Ayachi because Phase 2 wasn't enough~!!! Well, upon seeing that I have like, two weeks before TrySail ships out (literally) (no pun intended), I thought to myself what I could do to pad this package so to make the shipping fees worth it, and (instead of Kitou Akari badges from the same store) I went with Ayachi, since there are loads of her bromides on the PONY CANYON official store (if you are not Japanese ( (If you don't Japanese you can go to the English site they recently made it accessible for international audiences thanks to whatever again), so I just got a couple more that I do not recognise. Yes, if you think this may look familiar because this is also very close in purchase to the other two bromide sets I recently got in the previous package... where I DID NOT buy from the official store. Yeah. Was that worth it or this though? By my estimates now this would cost more since I didn't have to pay for international shipping even though item prices is higher than this one here.

Ara kawaii~
Last but not least...

...not going to show any spoilers here because again people will want to R18 my site haha, but yeah, not porno, not hentai too... it's what they call doujinshi, or (healthier) fan-made serialisations by indie artists, and recently, infamous doujin tights artist (as in leggings) Yomu-sensei introduced a more story-based work aptly drawn with tights and named "Ganbare Douki-chan" [trans.: "Hang on there, Same Year-chan"] which kind of blew the doujin industry back in May with this one, so much so as I regretted not giving the pre-order back then. You can just check out the Twitter account and you'll get what I mean, but in summary you live with a same year in the company you work in and... you're popular. *laughs* You get the idea haha they (yes) all want to seduce you because you're the sex icon now haha. So yeah, not much text (to the extent where all characters are without names) which is great and I can understand anyways, and the artwork will make you happy even if you don't get the words since it doesn't have a strong narrative. All implied, if you can get the fireworks happening in there haha
That is quite a lot of receipts lol

Goddammit Yomu-sensei why you give me Volume 2 now? You could've hinted a month ago and I would be able to save on shipping now I have to buy pre-order this haha they got me. I guess that's how otaku live, huh. Giving all their money to international shipping. Or if you study there your 4 years are going to be buying there without paying for shipping since physical stores (ignoring 2020 of course) and THEN selling them in auction sites where idiots like me will buy them because I can't go there physically THIS WORLD SUCKS haha cya guys next time then. Until next time... I hope something else comes by soon that I can stack upon that Douki-chan manga haha Ten-chan and Nan-chan are releasing new music hopefully I can buy something for their live tours lol bye
P..S. I'm making this super small and blurred so you have to click in to see the goodness lol she's just dreaming of getting laid man don't we all hehe