
The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #31

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The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #31

Sunday, 02 August 2020
Hey, long weekend!! You come and pass by so quickly, I wish every weekend is a long weekend haha

So yeah, it was a long weekend. *laughs* Hey, you think I have much to say while I spent every moment of daylight doing everything I can from catching up on mobile game storylines (because you can save it until you want to watch it so I just watched 4 hours worth of it last night) to watch someone play Yazkusa Kiwami 2 which I has watched otherwise at home when working from home which would be great? You know how many hours I've burned apart from going to see the doctor? Oh yeah, and of course, receiving a package every day for like 3 days this week. Wow, those were the days.Β  Man, you think I have the mood to do this now? lol I'll still do it though but I've not been resting all day so now the headache's getting me in...

I may not be in a mood to watch Anime, but good thing is always, my mood will be better after watching it. Beats working tomorrow already, amirite?? Haha let's start

"Well, what's more important than studying is morals" Well dad look what your son became now, that Makoto haha
Oh yeah, still forgot they had to sh*t out a Sakura Magic here, huh. *laughs* I guess we are making it then, lol Laurent with the drug making videos haha where you get them from? *laughs* In this new episode probably prelude to the end of this first arc still (#GREATPRETENDER04), Doctor Makoto has to make it. Yeah, Cassano be building the factory for him to work on his creation, of course. I mean, after asking for like 10 million (USD btw) I suppose you have to do it already, huh. Again, even if you are real and make it out and it works as expected, you think you going to leave the place alive? It's entering the lion's den with the rocks falling at the entrance as you walk in, guys. Hey, maybe this Anime will prove me wrong. Firstly, story. Since it takes about a week to get it done and for Makoto to die probably, the bodyguard Salazar has to keep him company so, you know, he doesn't try to leg it with Laurent or even by himself as we have seen him pussy out many times in this series so far haha. Not that Makoto will want to attack on Salazar, but as someone who has gone through similar stuff as him, seeing him sacrifice for his (broken) family is probably not worth it, so since it's a Sunday Makoto decides to let him bring his son (who is in social services, mind you) for a ride at the theme park even though Salazar is technically at work still, protecting this... treasure haha. Anyways, the FBI managed to snag him at the (male) toilet lol (Lola how did you get in that place haha) and ask him to be the spy in this operation so they can get rid of the lot of them when they are doing the exchange. I mean, isn't the exchange practically Makoto himself? Well, good luck trying whichever way you go haha. Besides that, Makoto is also struggling to see if he can save as many people from this disaster considering we know more of his family background to be as, yes the father was a criminal. The father used to be with the law as lawyer, but I guess he turned for a second and all is lost. Probably also bad breed for the kid too, as Salazar with his kid, but you know, we don't ask too much. Good thing though, Salazar isn't that far helping Cassano, since his job as a bodyguard is to protect his life, so everything else he's into (including making movies) he won't care, even if he doesn't get the awards lol. Anyways, Makoto eventually agreed since I guess he can't really get away with this now considering Abbie is right in saying that he jacked up the price in the first place haha. But, on one condition. To spare Salazar. I mean, everyone else could be spared if they have a similar story to this guy, but you know, they didn't get assigned to protect the ninja haha. So, what will actually happen in the exchange? I don't know, I don't even know the camera in the bear just to spy on Makoto on his sleep making everything they talk about in the room practically known to thank goodness, Salazar himself. I guess he put it to see if he escapes, but otherwise... yeah. Since I'm dumb enough to not know the plot twists, my usual approach to watch these types of shows is just to not think too much and let the show take me on an adventure. We shall see how this plays out; hopefully it's as good as the animation level is as of now tbh I'm still impressed by it so far
P.S. "My job is to protect Cassano from harm. Protecting him from fraud was not part of it" Haha well said, Salazar. Really goes to show how much these guys are fending for themselves at this point of time.

をニパ Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!
"Why not make use of those public holidays (Golden Week) to go somewhere yourself?" Yeah, you mean video game worlds? Haha Sakurai should know
Uzaki-chan lol why you even have a special rhythm when you knock on doors with the doorbell haha kawaii. In this new episode (#UzakiChan04) we... have to bring Sakurai out on holidays? Yeah, I feel you bro, I rather stay at home considering it's a good day to do WHATEVER I WANT TO GO AWAY BITCH haha okay that's as far as my joke will go. Also, if you have a buddy like Uzaki hanging out (get it? her rack? haha) with you on holidays I'll ditch my video game playing life haha. No really, girls, try me. Also, don't ask me out to play Pakemun GO, okay? I don't like those animals. *laughs* So, let's so play around with these two so we can see more drama again because you know, there's at least two people who are happy watching these two flirt with each other haha. So yeah. Firstly, the holidays. Normally I would just catch up on the video game stuff specifically mobile games now because I play three of them and I have no life lol, but yeah, you should've seen me catch up to all sorts of stories in that one game I've played for 4 years... for 4 hours straight. Yes, I almost slept through it haha. Anyways, Uzaki is way more interesting than that, so Sakurai put down your console, and let's go out to... catch virtual gorillas? lol must they remind us how ripped Sakurai is haha. Also, without protective glasses from the screen, staring at those for long hours has taken quite a toll on the guy, so the couple decide to go shop for glasses and guess who's there. I mean, I thought the dad would appear but you know, he only needs a pair for Ami-chan's in the shop! Yay! (Ayachi! Ayachi!! Haha ikr rival material) And... we have the mocking session of the week, featuring Sakurai within nothing other than without glasses. So yeah, I don't get the "Ayyyy-oh" reference if someone could tell me I would appreciate it lol maybe I'll read the manga to see if anyone mentioned this. Then, the two took the train home. You know, in a super crowded train and Sakurai pushing Uzaki against the train door... you know what I mean. Yes, and thus comes in the weekly ecchi stuff of the week. Again, I'm not that sick, and then again Sakurai is trying really hard to imagine a verdant field so... good job on keeping that up, senpai. But yeah, once you've done it (pressed against a rack, that is) you'll know how great it feels haha I had my first when I was 11 lmao shut up. *laughs* ANYWAYS, Sakurai felt bad about literally dropping her off on the station alone, and went to apologise to her on Ami's suggestion, and initiated a hanging out at his place because you know, it's raining all damn week and Uzaki's rack is going to go mouldy- Okay, I'm sorry, I was referring to her favourite "SUGOI DEKAI" shirt haha well it ate the rain up so whatever lmao. So yeah, with so many game references to gain a lawsuit, the guys played Meowcraft (lol) all day ruining Sakurai's streak of probably finishing up a Yakuza game (lol I was watching the Twitch streamer earlier sorry), ate Uzaki-chan's cooking which is just curry rice, and... ruined his next day even further by letting her drop by again at his place lol. Well, again, if I met someone else (a girl preferably) (lol) in college that didn't ask me out just to study... it didn't happen so sorry, me. *laughs* I would say again, story pace a little slow, but it's fine, it's kinda slice-of-life anyways, but if dear author you want to spice up the jealousy from Uzaki on Sakurai talking to Ami-chan as his workplace all damn day please do I'll eat that pot of spicy curry all up haha no seriously I want to see it happen
P.S. "I'm being played like some kind of toy" Haha Sakurai that sounds great let me get ripped and popular like you first lol
P.P.S. Yeah okay I feel like I'm getting duped by the subtitles because it's just the train announcer saying "the next station" and "the station after next" and these jerks can come up with station names I know they are real locations but
[F**king ever heard Taketatsu Ayana who voiced Ami-chan get horny out of excitement? Not this Anime haha this one is very mild]
Gotta adjust the brightness a little but it worked out...?
(Whatever haha)

をニパ Kanojo, Okarishimasu
"But.. I've been deceiving Grandma this whole time" Yep yep Kazuya glad you remembered that haha now is a good time to tell her btw
I guess we have to find out more about these two, so thanks for filling us in. In this new episode (#KanoKari04) where we are TOTALLY unaware about what Mami-chan is going to his ex lol, I feel you, bro. (Yes, talking about Kazuya) I feel you, on why you'll like Mami-chan so much. (Then again she did go out with two guys before so...) Too bad I don't get to live that life but you do, you piece of sh- Hey where were we? *laughs* Besides feeling disgusted by everyone's actions especially Kazuya (which you shouldn't, we talked about this before this guys is a cucumber lol), he... uh did the right thing? He's totally getting duped by Mami-chan though haha let's talk story we got a lot to go through. Story goes, uh, what happened behind those rocks? I don't know. *laughs* Whatever that is a kiss or something that get someone's boner up lol, Mami-chan said in reply that that was in impulse, and don't ask him to mention this again. Well, you know, the fanning thign where we've seen last week on her ranting to want them to break up, so... yeah, you got it though, Mami. As the group keep asking for the two about their details especially the girl, things get real awkward considering the lies Kazuya keep putting out like seriously, so after fetching a call from the granny and remembering that he should end this lie as soon as possible, he declared to the group that he was about to break up with her already, so to make the awkward stuff justifiable, I guess. The best friend Kibe beat him up to tell him to wake up and not ditch the perfect (rental) girlfriend, while also reminding Mami-chan that she's been found out lol. Well the latter is more important, and suffice it to say we can take it from Chizuru in a nutshell, and since all of them don't know the reality that she's getting paid to do this, Kazuya's decision to end this (which will probably reach the grandmother in a week as she gets discharged from hospital) was a wise choice. No really, it's burning a lot of holes in his pocket he can penetrate them all day already so... *laughs* (sorry, I promise, only sex joke in this paragraph) However, this is where it gets a little more complicated, as we speak. Firstly, Kibe wants to apologise. To the girl, and to his friend. The girl first though, and the friend gets to eavesdrop on them lol. In Kibe's speech though, he knew Kazuya had the life, but it normally doesn't get to what he wants now considering his position, and he still cannot believe his buddy got a girlfriend (again), so in summary it's more like the "can you give him another chance whatever the reason you guys are breaking up are" but we can't do it because it's because of money lol, so... Kibe-san eat your tickets up haha he gave two ferry tickets for them to make it up with each other. Of course this wouldn't work, and Chizuru is kinda off a little and yeah kudos to most guys probably including me for not being able to notice what is wrong with someone when they feel unwell, as Kazuya just left her alone and you know, think of ways to get back into the trap (literally) with Mami-chan (the trap, literally) (haha) who is waiting for him at the hotel. It's going to be a long wait though, as Chizuru somehow went overboard on the ferry and Kazuya did the manly thing (the second in this episode since the declaration of break up to the friends) by jumping down to save her. It's no Titanic, but yeah, you bet I won't do that for Ten-chan- Ah. *laughs* Ask me again when I ACTUALLY get her as my girlfriend hehe. All in all, I thought I would see Ruka-chan this week but guess not even for next week, so let's see how this breakup goes. You know, still gotta act their part till the end, isn't it? And beyond, as a schoolmate and neighbour, to some extent I KNEW this wasn't going to end this easily lmao cya guys next week
P.S. "I trust Kazuya-san" Or we can just breakup! EASY!! *laughs* No really, it's that easy haha she's a rental girlfriend guys
P.P.S. "They don't know the full story; Of course they won't get it" Yeah Chizuru you're totally right they don't know you're the fake lmao
[As a side note if you don't read my post intro and outro, let's see if we can slot in those KanoKari special interviews for the Anime on magazine "Seiyuu Grand Prix" of this month, if it arrives by next month. No promises on doing that yet but I did click on the order button hehe]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
This week on Klassic Note was kind of short due to work, but also means we had some time to listen to more, and I did end up giving the one Klassic Note Review the go, so anticipate that soon I guess. Meanwhile, yorushika's new album blew my mind for probably being the best last month (lol), ending July with a set of great tunes to remember. Maybe it's because of the composer changing to more direct styles and melodies over time, but since I heard a cover of an old song from them in the new album, I also decided to give their debut album a listen and... didn't go as well haha I didn't have the mood to give indie stuff now tbh. I mean, after hearing whatever is in the new one? Man, you'll know. *laughs* Also, as mentioned earlier, I told myself to listen to her one song she made a music video in as I think I mentioned before, so now Minase Inori's newest single which released about half a year ago will be under review as soon as it arrives. Don't know when since Japanese shipping is not great now (eg. HMV Japan has prohibited international shipping temporarily) so we shall see.

On news on Twitter and beyond that concerns music because if they are not you'll see in the outro lol, Amamiya Sora's new music video preview is uh, not exactly what I expected so I hope the rest of her album is going to be good when it comes out in September (also sorry your upcoming tour is cancelled), Ryokuoushoku Shakai's new song is out in digital and of course, slated for physical release where they release their album officially end August, and MOSHIMO's studio live videos must be the best stuff I've seen online. No really, they do the hype up thing, create sort of sound effects for the audience to cheer along, it almost feels like a real live performance. Except it's not. Hey, kudos for them making the effort to make it real. Not like I'll appear in Japan to listen to them so this is as awkward as it's cool lol

So for next week, finally, FINALLY (haha I know I said this last week but hear me out), AFTER FOUR YEARS, we can finally welcome the legend in Klassic Note back with VELTPUNCH's new album, and yes, Ive been hearing those new music video songs end on end every day, I tell you. Can't wait to see what they will give me this time I really am reminiscing this style of theirs - emo or not emoΒ  2000s Alternative Rock - really hard here. My age may have something to do with it but

Okay I'm done for the week haha. Going back to catch up on more Yakuza Kiwami 2 gameplay because I'm tired of playing games myself and I spend much of my free time watching people play- ANIMAL CROSSING FIREWORKS FESTIVAL!! Oh yeah, I enjoyed that too just now it was a lot of fun. SCREW YOU NATIONAL DAY FIREWORKS!!! *laughs* Which is why I say I need to catch up on the watching, since I spent time playing. New villager incoming too, hope my ripped bro likes this new buddy so I can get off his abs lol. Also, if you haven't gotten a hint from any of the segments above, yes the next package is probably part of the "What Do Otakus Buy From Japan" series (lol) (WDOBFJ?? haha I'll think of something else) ("Phase 4"? lmao)Β and mostly because new bromides so why not pre-order a voice actress-based magazine so I can show you guys what it looks like. I mean, you can just search online for it when it comes out, but it doesn't beat the physical, excuse me, beat the special gifts that come with it HAHA HYPE lol cya guys next week

P.S. I should stop wasting money lmao also reason why I haven't pre-ordered "Douki-chan" volume 2 btw it was a hard decision making this change when I saw the out of stock notice when I placed the magazine with this one in another store where it sold the doujin, but I switched to Minase Inori instead. Inorin, this one's for you. No special gifts already though; it's a been half a year since release too haha

P.P.S. Okay now my home page doesn't work as expected now? (If you've read this far) SCREW YOU BLOGGER STOP RUINING SHIT WITH YOUR NEW INTERFACE UPDATE haiz I'm changing to WordPress haha