
The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #35

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The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #35

Sunday, 30 August 2020
I mean, if it's not introducing Sumi-chan I guess we don't have to prioritise watching that Anime first haha Sumi-chan~ I hardly even know here lol

Or maybe it's because I'm high over her... voice actress  because that package is here! The "August Otaku Package" that I've waited for this whole month alongside my boring workload right now haha okay work aside, please be sure to read that up before the month ends also new Klassic Note Reviews!! Man, what a way to end the month I'm so hyped for Akarin and Moeshi next month lmao yes the latter came in with new goods over the weekend hehe

Well, at least that's something to look forward to besides Anime- Talking about Anime!!! *laughs* (Nice segue way, me) (TIL it's not same spelling as that electric scooter like thing)

"We're not friends" Wow not even friendzoned this is like "acquaintance"-zoned? Haha Abbie why 
I like how Makoto asked Abbie out on the Singapore Flyer only to be afraid of heights lmao yeah I think we know that from a couple of episode ago already bro why did you find out just now? *laughs* Anyways, we're not getting that truth talk, bro. Ask Cynthia or somebody they may have an answer. See, not everyone will talk about their troubles more than once. In this new episode (#GREATPRETENDER08) where we are setting things in motion... Cynthia is not loved. I know right? That Sam has pretty terrible tastes wait till we bait him with loli Anime haha wait what? *laughs* Okay, story first. Story now is of course, not on Makoto's confrontation of Abbie, and on why Laurent slipped his tongue (yet again lol) on saying Abbie wants to die, because we're not close on that reveal, so I'll skip that for now. But other than that, you'll see that things are going sort of, to plan. Well, the final plan now is to make him bet in an underground casino to bet on Abbie here, who will then lose to Clark ie. his bro, so they can rip him off all his money at once in one fell swoop. But first is to bait him. With Cynthia- Well that's not working though. (Man, I would argue that it'll work for me if I get to have sex-) So, we need another plan. This time, it involves Makoto. They are going to "hire" him (because they did already lol) by (1) crippling one of the mechanics in Clark's team and then (2) bait the brothers with this idiot so that he can go into their team to sabotage them, when necessary.To do that, they have to go kind of a long way round, but they did make it work, but they will need some help. Introducing Lewis and his wife - the former in a wheelchair now - after the incident we have heard of last episode. Lewis wants the guy dead though, but you know, we don't really do killing here so you can do that yourself haha or just hire an assassin. Because as much as Laurent and the bunch will rip people off money, they won't kill them. They are "confidence man" by the way not "hit man" lol. Anyways, Lewis in the end did decide to let the wife help them though, so with her mediocre acting skills and Makoto's mediocre mechanic skills totally exaggerated by hired reporters and Kim who wanted to take him alive with her group of punks, gave the brothers an exciting story as to what happened after Lewis lost in an accident to Clark. Sounds reasonable, and Sam took in the bait. Turns out he likes people who are as evil as he is. That's good to know haha. More above that, he actually likes to gamble, so with the mention of Makoto actually involved in black market betting and egging Lewis to win (since they also don't know his true motive and is at place, letting them make the story up so I assume he won't let these guys out), piqued Sam's interest to bet on the air racing he was hosting all this time. You know, what's more than earning off a script of an air race? Betting on it and winning more. So on Makoto's recommendation, Sam went (of course, disguised) to the underground casino haha everything is rigged by them lmao good thing this Sam is into gambling. So yeah, that's first half of the plot done. We shall probably see in the next few weeks the conclusion to this scam where they try to get Sam to bet on Abbie so she can lose. The losing part might be easier than we think once we know Abbie's backstory which might be revealed by someone else because she probably doesn't want to talk about it twice anyways not like Laurent's mouth can be kept shut he even revealed Lewis is a former soldier lol no wonder he talks about killing haha hey bro you can't use guns here btw so do it somewhere else lol bye
P.S. "(Women) are only muses until they are 20. After that they are dirty old hags" Wow bro, watch your mouth I'll take as many old hags as I want especially if they are Cynthia lol
P.P.S. "I need some people. I'll treat them with Hainanese Chicken Rice afterward" lol that's not an interesting offer at all- Oh they not hiring me haha

アニメ Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!
"He's got a weak vocabulary too" Haha Sakurai don't worry because I'm only going to say kawaii too lol unless their body is hotter than their face lmao ah-
Wow must Uzaki-chan make such a drama plot in the public? It's like she's made to be a drama series director or something lol poor Sakurai with the wicked eyes haha. Man, that's was some intro lol also why those women so bossy huh you want in too?? *laughs* Oh yeah the opening theme releases next week I have to make the decision now lol. In this new episode (#UzakiChan08) where the best thing in this series is to watch the Asai family meshi-kui (more like, loafing over people's... exciting lives) over the main couple haha OKAWARI when Sakurai started talking lmao, yes he talked about his night with Uzaki at his place to the other two nosy people which basically represents all of us haha. But again, I think this episode may have shown how they can settle things between themselves. Okay, maybe with a little push, but yeah, to restore Uzaki's lively personality and Sakurai's... great time with her haha dammit you don't know how many people are envious of you bro. *laughs* But somehow because of the incident last episode which is just basically her puking on his bed due to excessive alcohol consumption (they should've just laid that out to the bystanders first lol), Uzaki feels bad for (1) letting her senpai pay all of her drinks because I swear since she' not drinking beer which is the cheapest drink in the menu it's probably not good on his wallet and (2) the puking, on the bed. The toilet is fine; Sakurai probably slept for a night on the floorboard until he got a replacement haha. So, with a voucher in his hands, he invited out Uzaki to you know, lighten her up for the mood for you know, causing trouble to her senpai because really, what is life here when you don't interrupt other peoples' lives, right? (Someone please interrupt my life preferable a woman haha) (NO MOM NO lol) So, the two had a good time, it was getting stale because Uzaki still isn't as open as she is before (you know, shitting on her senpai), so as Sakurai has learnt from Ami-chan she just needs to be complimented, well, to the extent of being cocky, and that'll heal her up. Yeah, as in not by making her happier, but by knocking him out lol poor dude. In his time out (lol), we finally get a glimpse of their summer back when they were both in high school. A flashback, we call it. *laughs* We get to see younger, longer-haired Uzaki and Sakurai OH MY GOD THAT FACE lmao okay jokes aside, we get to see them in swimming club. Because that's where they spend time together, and bonded to become so-called friends, because Sakurai technically doesn't have any lol. Still, it's just about Uzaki being bad at swimming, and Sakurai cheering her up with some corn from the summer festival at night. How sweet isn't it? Probably it's also because of these little actions that got Uzaki into her senpai, but hey, I'm just speculating. *gets a bowl of rice and chopsticks and laughs* So yeah, that was quite the ending to finish the series I would love to get a second season... What? We're not done yet? *laughs* Yeah, I thought it was too fast for an ending here haha. Next episode.. you want a thrill, girl? How about sex- okay bye haha
P.S. lol the hard cut to Sakaki on a ship bro what were you doing anyways
P.P.S. Okay that "you" are going to invite Hana-chan from Ami-chan is the best haha Ayachi didn't know you can only do that one English word lol
[Since I can't think about eating all the time here's some from the summer festival haha]

アニメ Kanojo, Okarishimasu
PSA: Find someone who loves you like how much Ruka-chan loves Kazuya. No really, take my word for it haha
Oh in an interview of Touyama Nao who voices Ruka-chan she says she's the opposite of this girl she won't come for you at all haha that's kinda sad imo never mind I'LL DO IT. *giggles* Okay, talk about Anime, me, Anime. Oh, Kazuya? You should be glad because if she is going out with me and is so persistent in her messages when I sleep on average 9 hours per day... count yourself lucky because I'll have panda eyes by tomorrow lmao. In this new episode (#KanoKari08) where Kazuya is "forced" to go out with a... rental girlfriend lol she technically still is though, man, is his life going great. *laughs* Okay, if you didn't see that with some level of sarcasm, then just watch the episode and you'll know, Kazuya is having a hard time, according to him. Hey, I'll take Ruka-chan anytime of the day if I weren't technically going out with someone that my friend rented out as girlfriend. So yeah, it's not that simple, Ruka-chan. *laughs* Also, what's on Kazuya's mind might be real different too at this point. Well, for starters, he doesn't jerk off to Mami-chan anymore. Yes, this guy's jerking off to Chizuru now you ass- Anyways, as if that isn't distracting enough, we got Ruka-chan!! Yes, she is persistent, she just wants in, especially when the seasons change and it's a roller coaster ride ALL the way till Christmas... Kazuya if you don't want her please do tell. *laughs* So yeah, he's been avoiding her, so she appears at his school again. Worried that the friend's going to get hurt again, he tries to convince her to not appear at the worst of places, in exchange of like, going out with her for real DUDE what's your problem going out with Ruka-chan haha. So cue the main part of this episode, where Kazuya spends Christmas all by himself until... he saw Chizuru. Hanging out with another guy that isn't him. Okay, that may sound superficial to you, but apparently he got some witch magic going on him to think that the girl's going out with another guy - listen to this - for real outside of her rental girlfriend job haha. Hey, we really don't know much this far in so yeah, I guess I can get some witch magic in me too lol no dude I just go home haha. Anyways, Kazuya does the manly thing by stalking them (man, you know stalking is actually tiring, right?) all the day into the night, where... well, with that whole slew of things, thought they were going to kiss or more like, Ten-chan Chizuru  (sorry, haha) is going to get duped into getting her measurements checked (wait, what) (haha) (I mean, if you don't do it like Chihaya from "Servant x Service" it's not sexual harassment lol) so much so Kazuya is just thinking all the wrong stuff that like, she is about to get duped into a great night with this Umi-kun and doesn't know how to approach her to warn her about whatever is happening... You see, having Ruka-chan in this situation would help. *laughs* So much for ignoring her, right? Haha hey I'm just saying. Anyways, they found out, and yes Chizuru has to reveal what she is on about so far, because she's going out with (SEE WHAT DID I TELL YOU says Kazuya haha) her colleague in acting school. Yes. That's it. She's a prospective actress. Hey, I would like to slot in that "AV actress" joke but. *laughs* Okay, normal actresses also need to have their measurements taken, please? It's not weird just ask... not Kazuya haha. So yeah, he got found out, she got found out, the two kiss but turns out that is not the case (lol), because turns out it was more than that when Chizuru gave that poor boy a gift for his single Christmas. Yep, she did it alright. But yeah, on surface that it's just the Ruka-chan thing and keeping her under control (and he's doing a good job so far lol), but yeah, for compensation of some sort or whatever I'll make up an excuse for you Chizuru so you don't have to haha. So yeah. Pretty exciting so far, this series. Yeah, you know something's happening. I don't know what is, but hey, someone's career is going to take off haha okay why author you have to put my brain to think of acting in so many levels now I think like Kazuya lmao Ten-chan I'm glad you're just a voice actress. Wait, do voice actresses have to take their measurements too? I mean, some of them leaked theirs on their official profile page before so we KNOW it exists haha cya guys next week for more lies
[TL:DR; Ten-chan "has learnt to make some alluring voices" haha I understand it's for Anime lmao also Umi-kun is into dudes he's not interested in women lol]
P.S. "She's no girlfriend; she's a client!" Haha yeah she's renting you now lmao oh this Anime... Next time, on "Rental Boyfriend" (hey Kazuya doesn't look bad to be one) "My Girlfriend Cannot Be This Irritating" okay this OreImo title reference no one will get haha
P.P.S. "Besides, I'm just a rental. Who knows if Kuribayashi loves me for real?" About that lol no Kuri don't hang yourself~!!
[Okay I am legit disappointed when Chizuru says she's an actress because now she's everyone's sl*t so here's more Ruka-chan haha]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Wow, what a week lol okay it's not I don't know why but I think that Scenarioart one is event... only... haha at this time of year? Oh well haha let's talk about what we have first then. the peggies' new single for Anime "KanoKari" is... well, I expected more and they disappointed, so girls, the music video for the B-side won't help too much in giving more songs besides the opening theme which was actually good in comparison. I'll probably just give the one song from Scenarioart's new mini-album because I don't know why it isn't out on streaming (maybe even download) but yeah, and last but not least, about Tsuki no Michikake. Long story short if you follow me on Twitter, their style appealed to me when I heard they composed a character song for a mobile game I'm still playing, and I wanted more. So yes, their only mini-album so far from 2 years ago wasn't bad, but it needs polish. (Yeah it even had a Chinese dialect song, don't ask me why) (They are also one of the guests back in Chatmonchy's final live) Even then, I'll still give a couple of songs so it'll pad the emotional tunes for the year tbh

On news concerning Twitter and beyond because that's where most of Japan is anyways, Game "Alternative Girls" released a new character song from Usui Miyuki - a masochist character in the game - but it's so healing I can't even so I recorded that down until they can give me the full song lol, Amamiya Sora's recent live on Blu-Ray is pretty good especially when you see her tied up and blindfolded haha (JOHNNY GO AWAY!! lol), I already created a playlist for Amamiya Sora on her birthday since why not we're only two songs away from this and her album is next week, I don't have money to pay for TrySail's studio livestream lol, and nano.RIPE's new music video collaboration is... not in the best album because they decided to sell them separately as singles from what I read on YouTube. Eh... I don't know I'll see what happens when it arrives; they are making this a lot more complicated then I thought. Oh, and since I noticed it, MixBox is a live streaming music service where you can hear songs from music label Lantis for 24/7. I don't know how long this will last but hey if you like their artists help yourself haha

So for next week, we have a slew of releases to kickstart September, from Amamiya Sora's new album which will probably the focus of next week, halca's new single which I hope will prove me wrong from the first time I gave it in Anime "Kaguya-sama", and Uzaki-chan's opening theme song... single we shall see about that haha. And Scnearioart's new songs if that mini-album refuses to appear but that's still on the list

Haha so glad I saw that, but I'm relieved to see Nagatsuma Juuri getting a main role in a... short Anime series aptly named "Dogeza de Tanondemita" (Trans.: I Asked For Favours On (My) Knees), with Sugita Tomokazu as main guy who just kneels (the characters name is also based on that lol), on a rotating cast of... mostly females so Juuri-chan here is joining Ogura Yui (haha), Tomita Miyu (ooo haha) and three others (lmao I don't even care), to get asked for favours from this guy. So yeah, it's most likely just setting out the scene, letting you think there is no choice to resolve this, and he just kneels and it always works lmao that sounds like an Anime to watch. Well, it's not full-length anyways so I can bear a couple of minutes of this nonsense haha. Cya guys next week then, and until next time... well read up the previous posts, would you? I took a lot of time to do those on Friday haha okay bye I have to wake up early tomorrow morning