
The Klassic Note Review 2020.08 Issue 1

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The Klassic Note Review 2020.08 Issue 1

Friday, 28 August 2020
Thank goodness, as I've probably said 6 years ago, that this doesn't cross to the next month because I'll... be... talking about Nan-chan's single then NO I HAVEN'T PRE-ORDERED YET Klassic Note rule is unless we heard a preview for all the songs I'll see if there is any on TrySail's radio for this week later haha

Welcome back. If you have arrived from the one "August Otaku Package" (aka AOP) (it's an idol group's name btw I gave two songs already) from the previous post which I didn't put this on so tagging will be fun lol, we talk about music now. Surprisingly, everything here is idol stuff. Sorry, mainstream. You guys didn't release great singles to put on my shelf haha

Shall we start then?


Uh oh I have to determine an order for this, huh. Heck, whatever I pulled out of the box first- I'm joking Inorin first HAHAHA because it's been some time since I gave a three-track single too

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
Minase Inori - Kokoro Somari [Single]
(Close-ups are great, especially when it's Inorin, I promise you. Very deceptive cover too; more on that later)

Origin: Minase Inori-chan, I have done it. On your 8th single. So, about her. You might have known of voice actress Minase Inori, for she is famous of her roles in Anime, but also, of her powerful singing voice since she started in 2015, but it was not until 2016 and her 2nd single that I heard of her power in songs from record label (now) KING AMUSEMENT CREATIVE, and along with any song that was given to her, her powerful voice still shines through the horizon, making her one of many power singers in the Anime music industry. Of her share of powerful songs and cute songs because she is, she also sings a good portion of motivational and emotional songs, and with her single in 2020 and her second time writing lyrics (her first composition and lyrics were on her 3rd album), she shows us how well she can present herself in music in many ways than other, even without writing lyrics. Let's see if this can represent her as a music artist, or even more.

(1) Kokoro Somari [Coloring Hearts]
From first chorus:
"With the warmth on (our) overlapping hands, (I'll) give you love anytime
Overflowing thoughts (that I have), (I'll) continue to convey (those thoughts) to you"
Okay, topic song and my first impression of this single. How can I describe this... I've not listened to good emotional songs for a while, and I think the whole package in this song makes it so good, I'm agreeing with the many people out there who might have been more impressed by the music video (not starring her, sadly), but honestly, this melody is as soft as it is of impact. Pair it with dear Inorin's lyrics which say about love and being together, it sure colours the hearts of her listeners, for it is sure to touch the hearts of many. For being an Anime theme song, this might be way too good and different from usual theme songs which ask for impact, but this one tells a totally different story. A story, even I would be touched singing into the last chorus. If you want a song with lyrics of impact, you need not look any further.
Rating: 4 stars (Heart-Touching Above Average)

(2) Bokura wa Ima [We Are Now]
From last chorus:
"Every single one (of us) are not alone, every single one (of us) is not determined as (we were) born
Tonight on this place, to the future (we) will create (a) legend that will pass down"
As the B-side which changed my mind, this is not only just a long melody probably the longest she has ever sung, but also it has a different background which will explain why it took this long for me to review this. Firstly, this was coincidentally or not, used as the theme song for her live tour after her 3rd album from last year, and of course, due to unforeseen circumstances, all of them had to be cancelled, sadly, but she held an online event to celebrate how far they have come, and give a proper conclusion to this... tragedy. By singing to be together in the present, the lyrics remind us about not being alone, that we can go through this together, for the future and beyond, and preserving till the end. If this doesn't make you like this song which might have lesser impact in the beginning, nothing will. Not even the subpar English used in the end as an emblem. Add on the usual Rock style in melody often used on this artist, it is enough to make me like the song as long as I have the mood. And you know, I happen to have it, which is why we are here now.
Rating: 4 stars (Motivational Average)

(3) Well Wishing Word
From first verse:
""(We'll) be together forever" (you) say
(I) won't promise, (I) can't promise; Miracles aren't forever (either)
"(I'll) be sure to meet (you)" (you) say
(It's) my intuition, (acting up) for some reason, so how about (I choose) you instead?"
Cute song alert! Cute song alert!! This is my first impression of this song. And I tell you, I can use more of these songs because they don't come often. So it already wins in style points, literally, because they made Inorin sing a cute song. Kawaii style: checked. Then, the lyrics. One would argue all one would hear is "bye bye" in its contradictory lyrics which talk about being together but not really because of the times to be apart, it's kind of an awkward situation in love one would rather not get into, but in a positive sense. This is what I felt from it, and it might to you if you understand where this is getting from. Ignoring that, the melody is great even with the off-beat bridge part of the song which I tend to criticise, but overall it's a lovely song. The next time you hear the intro again, tell me if you will make an impression of this or not. That's how much it has gotten into me already, to be honest.
Rating: 4 stars (Lovingly Above Average)

Conclusion: This particular release was not expected mainly because of lack of mood to give one song, but now that I have given it I think this truly represents what music artist Minase Inori is today. From emotional, to cute, to happy and inspirational... she has everything covered. And with such a versatile yet powerful voice, it's hard to not give her a listen. As an Anime fan, as a music listener... she presents herself so well in music, you will give her any number of chances to impress.

- Kaineng, on the Klassic Note

(I SWEAR CORONA if you weren't here I could've at least seen the DVD live footage of her singing this song by now ugh I hate viruses lol)


(Haha I used to do stupid stuff like this huh as I realised going through my archives)

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
Earphones - churata churaha [Single]
Radio Edition
Live Shinjigen no Mirai Dorobou* Edition
(Okay, I know it's Radio Version, so hear me out below. The covers though...)

Origin: We have come full circle, girls. Cue to their recent anniversary in June, celebrating five years of this unique voice actress group together. They had humble beginnings, stemmed out from Anime "Sora ga Seiyuu!", and as newbie actresses, took their first step into the music industry. Style-wise, they are one of the few who would go for a sensual experience instead of just releasing new songs, making them very unique in perspective in the growing industry of idols. Personally, I've heard of the three of them - namely from covers left to right: Takahashi Rie, Kouno Marika, Nagaku Yuki - since the beginning from the Anime, and of course more importantly, from their Limited Edition debut single which totally does not define them after their first album in the same year, then took over in singing songs in a variety of styles instead of following the Anison norm. Calling on their 3rd album here, they continue to amaze with music, maybe just words and chatter, but emphasis on what is close to the ear: earphones are recommended for best experience. With this one representing their music well, I think we can talk about it to our heart's content.

(1) churata churaha
From first chorus:
"Jumping into (my) dream world
(I) want you to be in happiness
But somehow staying around and rolling like (a) fool, (I) wonder why?"
As you can hear from the beginning till the end, besides the obvious never-ending vocals, it also presents a very rare style heard even in the Anime music industry: smooth jazz. Truly unique though, and coming from production of yet another derived band of producers, have I must say, come up with a masterpiece ever since I heard of it in 2019. Just purely for the melody and music, it's already enough to catch your attention. Of course, being Earphones, the focus on their marketing is actually, on the words used in their singing, or sometimes, speech. Such as kisses and whispers which are ASMR-like, it presents a different experience on a whole new level, literally. Overall, there's not a moment to relax on this lovely song, it's loads of awesome, and I can't compliment much. If you are okay with the occasional lack of singing, this is a wonderful melody, to say the least. The lyrics talk to space, as per credit to the Anime movie starring the three of them as the theme song.
Rating: 4 stars (Above Atmosphere Average)

(2) Wagamama na Allegory [(The) Selfish Allegory]
From second chorus:
"Walking hastily (along)
(The) scenery (is) going to go away
Slowly (our) bodies move by instinct in (this) parade, connecting while (marching) along"
Ah, this of course, was the deal breaker. And surprisingly, listening to this from the single I know why I liked the remaster from the album a year later already. Firstly, remember the producers of this single? Yes, they wrote this too, and interestingly, I did not take interest in it until I heard of this... re-produced by the same people, in gospel style. Yes, there is a much softer, quirkier version of this melody. Peeling off the shell that is the parade theme as can be heard from this release, the album version totally changed my mind of this song, and I came in to appreciate the melody more as I listened to it more, and is of course, how I ended up giving it. But yeah, initial impressions were way different, and I think it is indeed a good lesson to many producers out there as to how it'll change the song entirely if wrapped in a different package. The lyrics speak to a... play on the usual marching theme, and if you didn't find it familiar because it's meant as a credit for Christmas, you are not alone. But to be frank? I really prefer the album version, but this isn't too bad.
Rating: 4 stars (Album-Better-Than-Single Average)

Conclusion: It ended up to be a good single, since in Klassic Note we give melody, and with production changes, impressions change with time, and I'm glad to have given this a second chance with a different mindset. Other than that, Earphones is truly a piece of art in the saturated Anime music industry, so take some time to hear them out if you can, whenever they are not singing Anime theme songs, of course. Production made them so powerful, it challenges the way we think about music even as an Anime fan. Even if you are not a connoisseur, the first (topic) song should also leave an impression, if it hasn't already, for me.

- Kaineng, on the Klassic Note

(*"LIVE New Generation's Future Robber Edition", as termed from their 3rd anniversary Some Dreams Tour 2018)

Let's talk about regrets surprises the origin for this package first. Man, storytelling is tough haha

So, because I bought both of these with a certain magazine *wink*, and totally missed the wave on a certain store (Gamers, by the way) by I think two days? Yeah, those guys were quick. So I ended up with HMV Japan which, even in the pandemic period, is prohibiting international shipping from its store which usually offers them, but yes, to pad the order, I then thought of giving Inorin's single with it to cover for local shipping because it's higher than if I bought it two days ago haha sadded

Problem is, that because I didn't think twice like what I did after it shipped off, is that I could've just went for the official store to get a chance of getting a free bromide gift which... I actually have with Earphones. Yeah, that single is one year old, by the way. I thought I would try my luck on getting it from their official store, and man, did I have a wide grin when I saw two items registered in the forwarding service hehe it's Marinka too so even better haha okay Rieri would be good too but it differs on store

BUT! I think the only consolation here for not buying it from the original store for Inorin's single is that, with every purchase of her CDs you already get a trading card in it. Yeah, so that's a relief. So, about her single though...

I was surprised to, besides seeing this small freebie hehe, also how differently the jacket (booklet) is done for this release. It might be the most unique one I've seen so far, using translucent material for the cover (and back too btw) and overlapping with white to show the "colouring" of the background with of course, yours truly. This truly is a wonderful physical release I can tell you despite the lack of bromide and inlet image DAMMIT now I really regret this even more now *sob*

So much for the live tour announcements, huh.

For Earphones, eh.. it's a normal package, to be frank. Again, if you don't think their style is already unique while of course, trying to fit in with that airline Anime they were starred on last year, you have not seen enough of life haha. But really, if you saw the making video of this you'll understand how hard it is to do a photo shoot with the three of them technically glued together in one outfit lol I want in too Nagaku Yuki go away haha

That's it for tonight *yawn* I need coffee or sleep whichever hits me first haha okay maybe not coffee lol. Oh, and if you see some stuff missing or incomplete it's because I'm rushing to publish on time for today only; I'll touch up on the rest of the stuff when I have the time over this weekend if I'm not going to be too busy working or just watching after that work part settles down and then me having to go to work on Monday super early to act as support just in case anything happens. *sigh* I'm so glad for this now, as tired as I am now. Okay, cya guys next time then, and hopefully by the time I wake up I'll spend the time do up this post. For them. That's Klassic Note for you, man. Okay have a good night because I know... I... will... *lands on bed*

P.S. (Dream talk but) A capella Earphones before bed is saikou!!... (*Not in this reviewed single btw, from the album this year)