
The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #41

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The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #41

Sunday, 11 October 2020
Okay you know I'm going to watch "Tonikaku Kawaii" first just because there's a bed scene in it this week haha okay separate beds but still

Also, now that I think about it, the guy's saying his wife is cute but is like, aroused by the fact that they are sleeping in the same bed haha is it because she's too cute you can't sleep? I hope that's your excuse because if you are thinking of anything else I'll call the cops. *laughs* Okay I should get to watching Anime real quick so I can watch this episode for the rest of the day lmao

Also also, just as an indicator, if you see me announce the end of this blog means that I'm happily married to a woman haha it'll happen someday maybe I gotta try first on my side first to say the least I'm somehow waiting for unrequited love to come back lol is real life even Anime

をニパ Majou no Tabitabi
"Who is this beautiful girl donning a brooch that signals her status as a witch..." Okay here we go guys cocky Elaina is in town lol
"I'm pretty sure I've locked my room... " "Don't forget that I work here" Okay that's sexual harassment, girl you will be punished and that's the last we see of her lmao. In this new episode where Elaina is far away from home as she has now become an actual witch (#MajoTabi02), I have a feeling we're getting grown-up lessons every week. Yeah, this week is the same too somehow. Okay, story first. She entered the Land of Mages, which, obviously, can only be accessed by air I would believe so this is just a place for witches. (Almost typed that wrongly so I slowed down lol) Elaina flies in the air like the many who were doing the same, and gets bumped by some apprentice who can't even drive a broom. Heck, she isn't even an apprentice. Cue Saya, novice and later as we found out, working in a faraway land from home I assume, to earn a living while trying to pass the witch exams. She apologised for bumping into Elaina mid-air, we got to see some cool magic (man, you saw that 3D animation?? lol), and all is well haha. So she went on her way, but as soon as Elaina is finding a place to stay.. she gets kicked out of every single one. Hey, realised something is wrong already? Also, deja vu from last week lol. I'm just going with the flow though haha. So yes, her brooch is missing. Probably also the reason why she didn't get invited into any of those fancy hotels and why the staff kept saying "please find a more suitable place to stay" because man, this is a nice Anime, they don't shit on you like Fran does. *laughs* Anyways, she ended up living on a cheapskate place because coincidentally... Saya works there. Hey, she did ask to repay for the bump so I guess we're getting a discount haha. And since Elaina has to find her brooch back somehow, she decides to stay here until she can find her brooch back. Then we'll talk about getting an upgrade haha. Man, if you have watched the episode already pardon my stupidity, but I really thought someone else stole it. Like, some evil witch or novice or something. Turns out, I wasn't that far off. Ignoring that first, and suddenly Saya comes into her room to ask her for a favour. To teach her magic, she says. Considering Saya's story with her sister and asking this genius to help her out (again, this genius thinks the exam is easy lol), I can't help but find a teacher-student relation between this pair and the one from Anime "Kaguya-sama" from last week because I mean, the younger sister graduated as a witch and she didn't after all this time would prove that she might not be a proficient learner. I say this in the nicest way possible considering this Anime is nice in nature. *laughs* But as she takes her broom lessons and picks up magic skills from Master Elaina (hey, you're welcome, girl) (haha), surprisingly, learning might not be Saya's problem after all, this girl. And thus Elaina continues her hunt for her brooch. And after bribing the woman who saw her fall from the sky and suddenly Saya wanting to sleep with her like it's a lesbian Anime... (haha) I know right? You suspecting something now? *shows Among Us meme* "There is 1 traitor amongst us" haha okay video game jokes are dumb let's do Anime jokes. So the joke is, that Elaina stole it. *laughs* Okay, joke's over because yes, who else? So, in case you need a recap, someone flew in from faraway land to earn a living and practice magic with her sister (so how can you suck at flying), and her sister graduated not long ago, leaving her behind. Guess who is lonely right now. So lesson this week is, about loneliness. Yeah, in life too, and I hate to say it myself since the show did it better, self-improvement is obviously hinted as a solo journey in itself. And so is the magic exam. I mean, you have to defeat everyone in the one magic test to emerge victorious no wonder you get hated by everyone especially if you graduated at 14 haha BURN THE WITCH lol. (Okay me when are you going to watch that movie) So yeah, I forgot this was a slice-of-life series so we won't get an evil villain that she will have to defeat after stealing her brooch for 10 episodes lol, and I'm glad Saya graduated in the end. Easy story, isn't it? I think I can get into this. I mean, it's simple in premises, we do get to see cool stuff once in a while, and if I don't mind the cosiness of women with women I think I'm good. *laughs* Surprisingly not used to Ede-chan being so nice just because this Anime is haha I'm joking she is a nicer than we think in person. Next week... I haven't seen anything yet but you know, at least it's gonna involve a new character who won't steal her brooch. Or will it happen again? Haha Elaina you need accidental protection insurance lol bye
[Wait, ChouCho writes lyrics AND melodies now?? Okay 2014 me...]
P.S. "Madam Witch, is there anything I can do to apologise?" Yes, don't hit me again while flying *laughs*
P.P.S. "That's a traditional way of prostrating oneself from my country known as dogeza" How to identify a Japanese witch lol seriously
[I must say one thing bad about this Anime is that the mature stories distract us from seeing how cute Elaina is. I mean... Right? Haha so here's more]

をニパ Tonikaku Kawaii
"... So that means I'm married to her, right?" Yes bro, you are. *laughs*
"ALL I CAN GRAB!!" O~kay bro she may be your wife but I can still call the cops on you, you know? *laughs* In this... long line of fanservice episode I would predict (#ToniKawa02) the couple go to sleep. I like how he can keep up this energy at like, midnight or maybe it's not that late yet (lol it's 3AM), but you know, I would be sleeping right now if not for the fact that (if) I just submitted a marriage document half an hour ago lmao. Yeah Nasa-kun, it's because you've never cohabited with someone before considering that above all things, it's a woman. *laughs* Hey, he married the heck out of her what can I say. Oh, and just as a reminder, he's a genius and so he has thought processes meaning everything will take a while to happen haha. So, story. Story goes that, and man this is a long night haha, that you know, them wedding bells are chiming and it's the first night together, those two. (Man, imagine it's just the papers and cya tomorrow haha) Seriously, all I feel is enviousness throughout this episode. Like really, replace Nasa-kun with me and Tsukasa with her voice actress and I'll be in heaven too hehe. (Akari-chan!! Ah that feels great haha) Anyways, the guy got some thinking time as he waits for the girl's return, and... well you can figure it out what happened. It's a small room, they have to live together now, and... there's only one bed. Huh. What do you think happened haha. So as Tsukasa went to get her belongings "because lockers aren't free" (wait, how far do you live from here?) (*checks document from Episode 1* it's Tokyo too don't tell me she sold her apartment or something?? lol) and came back, and they came to a decision that either she goes to sleep somewhere else for the night, or you know, I guess we can just go to those 24-hour department stores to get one right now. I mean, it's only 3AM haha. (I think I need to find out where are the local 24/7 department stores in my area just in case) (haha) (well I don't live alone so we have spare beds here and I think the family will notice something's off if this story happens to me) (lmao) So yeah, they got some necessities, well not everything (because they thought this is some manga where hanging out at night is fun lol), so turns out Nasa-kun has to go to the convenience store again to get more stuff since... why does Tsukasa look like she has nothing on her suitcase? *laughs* (Not even underwear? lol) (Edit: Then again I think something may have happened such that she lost almost everything) Well then again this guy IS rich so I guess why not. (Me spending my paycheck like) (haha) (But in his case he's actually spending it on a woman BOOM GOT ME lol) And... it was a night to remember. On separate beds though, so don't you worry nothing bad happened. What DID happen though is, well, Nasa-kun's observation of her wife's behaviour. I guess why not right? He can't sleep anyways and she is indeed mysterious up to this point including herself not revealing to her husband why she agreed to such a thing (I mean, even I would think this marriage is a dream) (this is Anime though so for me it's worse lol), so you know, we learn things through other... methods. Like, now we know how Tsukasa doesn't retain her sleep position for a while such that her tied hair is untied already, how she can sleepwalk to get water in the middle of the night (hey girl it's your first night here too how did you...?), and this is by far the worst because it sucks, steal other people's blankets and let them freeze till morning. I feel you, Nasa-kun, I feel you bro. *laughs* Oh also Tsukasa level of shame which is very dere and I like lmao. All in all, man if I'm enjoying 12 episodes of this I wish this series had 10 seasons haha this is too good I can't even. So, three things we've learnt about Nasa-kun this episode since Tsukasa is still a mystery: (1) His knowledge on everything. Again, not praising him again because he's a literal genius by middle school means I guess, and even so his knowledge on daily stuff is seriously good, for example, talking about futons. But I guess he did mention that his memorisation of stuff is real good so he already wins me by a while because my memory capacity is the size of 1950s electronics haha (TIL first RAM was mass produced in 1993, also my birth year) so I guess this is the way to show off your knowledge. Again, still waiting for that bionic SD card slot in the cyber future I won't be seeing in a century or so lol. (2) How manly he actually is in his thoughts. Firstly, I say "manly" instead of "gentlemanly" because he's sick in the mind. Well, can't blame him at 18 but man, considering he has been only studying thus far, I can see that s*men accumulating for years since his puberty days waiting to rush out of his body lmao. From thoughts of "skinship" (and I'm not talking about just hands, just look at him thinking about sleeping with the woman) to nudity... he pretty much covered all bases by this episode. (3) How his decisions have failed his genius brain so far lol. Good thing though, he can regain control real quick so that's a relief. So yeah, which is why in just two episodes in we haven't seen a kiss scene because he won't jump on his wife kissing her at night (lol) which is good news maybe. I can do with more of this edgy stuff another day haha this series is the best. To conclude, I swear something happened between them behind the scenes such that he HAS to marry her at some point like you know, he probably got her pregnant HAHAHA cya guys next week for new characters I guess (I like how in next episode preview Nasa-kun says "they'll peek on you" so they peeked on you? lol)
[TL:DR; F**K HIGH SCHOOL BECAUSE I'M GETTING LAID~!! As in getting married at like, 18 haha but isn't that everything already??!! *sigh*]
P.S. "So we will sleep in this bed? Together??" Okay calm down Johnny Nasa-kun's brain is like a porno now lol "She's not wearing a bra *grins*" O~KAY haha
P.P.S. "Not to mention, certain cricket myths dictate that the bed should be at least 120cm wide..." Wait, what? *laughs*
[I aim to see Kitou Akari in my dreams calling me "darling" by the end of the year watching this Anime. Will report if it happens anytime before this series concludes haha]
It wasn't a great cut but I like housewife AkariΒ Tsukasa hehe

"She's a pitiful lamb who is used by Coleman. Let's forgive her with 70 million euros" Haha man this level of cynicism I can't even
Wait, is Makoto going to be the liability in this one? Come on bro let's cheat the shit out of Coleman man then again even with the real one we're still getting a lot of money anyways lol. So, in this final episode for the 3rd arc of the series (#GREATPRETENDER14) I'm afraid to tell you guys that Fara has ran out of assets to sell. *laughs* Wait, she's not the bank? Haha okay James we know that already. Also, I like how they show international currencies in the auction; such a global Anime haha. (FYI it's on Netflix worldwide as exclusive premier) So, story first. Story goes that, remember James knew of an underworld auction that I guess, Laurent "stole" from his auction instead of Fara buying it, and now is demanding black market prices so that they can rip him off? Yeah, this episode in a summary haha bye. No wait, there's more to that. Firstly, about protecting Fara. Wait, what? *laughs* Yes, I probably also didn't see it coming 'cos I didn't expect her to not be involved in this auction, but hey we ARE trying to deceive James Coleman of his money and not Fara, so I guess this makes sense. Abbie drops the hint to the butler (after the butler received a suspicious call) who knows that it's a bad idea for her master to keep supporting James' interests for less obvious reasons (wait till you hear the recording, woman, then you'll know) (haha), and thus gives Fara a way out of this by not letting her pay for the auctioned item, namely Snow of London, of course. So, in summary, the auction is obviously to throw James off first with ridiculous price tags for less than famous paintings so to screw his judgement off the roof, then get Fara out but assure him that Fara has the money prepared for him to bid in the auction aka 70 million euros at this point at least. First level therefore is that, since Fara is not here, the guys are going to make James pay, of course, including the 70 million and everything else he'll take to bid for the painting. Even though to him though, it sounds like "oh I have 70 million as backing if anyone outbids me on that I'll pay off my own hands" but you know, we're not trying to cripple Fara, in this case. Next up, is Cynthia's appearance in the auction. So as you have noticed, the guys who made this auction like to ramp it up. Like you know, ramp it up to 100 million? Of course, as revenge over Thomas' ridicule from James, but also, such that we can get as much money out of this idiot as possible. Again, this idiot is assuming here that he has that 70 million as backing. *laughs* And lastly, the switch-up. Yes Makoto, can't believe you're the liability, but hey again I said, they got their money back, so it doesn't really matter. Ignoring the fact that why James can look up the painting close without suspecting even a flick about whether it's counterfeit (I mean, Laurent also didn't believe at first, but we know), technically speaking Cynthia paid 30 million to spit at James (lol), so they already got back all the money plus a little more than a painting's worth already so that's fine, but yeah, Makoto's purpose is of course, rather than be artistic creep and "let it reunite with people who can appreciate art" (ugh), he wants people to appreciate Thomas' hard work, which then, brings us back to Cynthia. Of course, as one would expect, they wouldn't be together anymore after all these years, I'm pretty sure Thomas already regretted his decision for letting his girl go (I mean, I would), and Cynthia... would rather go out with me than with Laurent. *laughs* Speaking about him, and to end this episode... Actually, to end this series: Next up I think, we are going to have Laurent's story. Oooh boy. This, is going to be another hell of a ride, huh. Again, nothing can top Cynthia's sweet sweet love story imo so we shall see haha bye
[James is sad now so here's happier faces lol]
P.S. "Yazkua boss Kudo! Right this way!!" lol what even is this farce lmao
P.P.S. "They say extraordinary pieces of art belong to all of humanity" But f**k that shit it's whoever bids the highest man!! Haha auctioneers be like

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
Hey, there are a lot of songs we can talk about this week in Klassic Note so let's get to it! ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION's new single is... meh at best, and I decided to give the one duet song since... well I like the melody better I would say. Seriously not in the mood for Ajikan now, but you know, this song ain't bad. Don't question why I like love... songs... now haha just don't. Waki Azumi's 3rd single is surprisingly better than her two other singles this year (yes, 4 tracks each too so that's 12 songs in a year), because I gave one of the two topic songs (I would hardly argue that the second one is a topic song they are trying to keep this up for the double A-side but I guess they can't) and one of the B-sides because I've never really heard kawaii Ajuju this might be her cutest song yet. *giggles* Idolism, everybody. *laughs* GLIM SPANKY's new album thankfully, is the highlight of the week (besides Ajuju, but idolism isn't mainstream so it doesn't count) (lol) as I give songs from their past few years since the last time I gave... 1 song from their album haha yeah. Well, most of them I'm giving are new songs so as you can see, it didn't travel well, the previous songs. I'm very consistent when it comes to this, and it's not because I can remember the song. Even if I wiped off my memory of it and review the song from scratch I can still give the same judgement again. Well, only for the extremes if they are meh I may give it in 5 years haha

On news concerning Twitter and music because now I have a lot to talk about to let's get to it, Asakura Momo's new music video (preview) on YouTube is meh at best (I mean, I've heard better emotional songs) so I may give the nay when it's out on November, Yoru no Honki Dance has a new songΒ coming end of the month and I've not heard it yet, I hope you haven't sat down on Waki Azumi's online signing event because it's real boring not that it doesn't have an audience, Natsukawa Shiina's new single B-side has a music video now and it's as... original as it gets haha even indie since it's produced by yours truly, and Anime "ToniKawa" theme songs are... out for digital, and... I'll take the ending song haha this is not "Tsukimogami Kashimasu" I only give beats from Shishido Kavka lol no I just don't tbh

So for next week, and since I picked it up just recently since it's also an Anime ending song (of a princess sleeping Anime featuring Minase Inori lol) (not her song but), is ORESAMA's new single and I swear it has been a while I've given them anything and hearing the music video I think I can like Pon-chan their songs again (lol), and I'll see what songs I can give beforehand. The two new Anime I've watched above also have their theme songs within the month, so I'll catch up on them if I have to. Anime "MajoTabi" opening and ending songs are Ueda Reina (voice actresses, not my type) and ChouCho (last seen in Klassic Note 2014) respectively and, uh, no comment. *laughs*

Yep, still thinking about wife Akarin because "waifu" is so outdated in Anime language right now lol. Sorry, "wife Akari-chan". *giggles slightly* "Akari." *giggles* And yes, in case I forget again and not used up all her photos for my phone wallpaper for this week, next week's her birthday. Friday the 16th to be exact. And thank goodness we have stock for next week because that package came by earlier this week yes technically September Otaku Package but yeah. That pamphlet is so good I can't even. Do people normally look better without glasses though? Asking for myself. Haha because if so I can't wait to blow everyone's mind when I take off mine lol yeah right. Cya guys next time then, and until next time... I want someone to hold hands with anytime I want lmao I don't want to hold the keyboard every day okay bye

P.S. Okay I heard a clip from her radio show (search for "smiley pop") which takes requests for stuff for her to say and she said the "food, bath, or..." thing. She may be embarrassed but I'm satisfied now hehe