
What It Means To Be Happy: What Otakus Actually Buy In Japan Part 3

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What It Means To Be Happy: What Otakus Actually Buy In Japan Part 3

Wednesday, 07 October 2020
Haha too late because another package which took even longer came by last week
(Not from Japan btw but I don't intend to review that lol)
And I forgot what I wrote the first time around. Haiz Blogger you suck haha

So blah blah blah as you have seen from yesterday's post about a Klassic Note Review, it's here. I know I'm not as excited as I should be from yesterday because the tension's over already, but hey, I'll still talk about it, this package. I don't really have time to look at it again, but I'll try to recall the hype from yesterday or even maybe two months ago lol. I doubt I will get another one as big as this one for the year anymore, so might as well enjoy this, amirite?? Let's get straight to it! (As I said, I forgot what I wrote in draft yesterday and I decided to continue during lunch today and that stupid autosave kicked in and I didn't undo haiz)

As you can see, we have polaroid, we have pamphlets (two of them, to be exact), we have music, we have doujin manga... man, such is the life. If this is not what it means to be happy I don't know what is haha which one do you like I like all of them okay maybe not so much for Douki-chan lol
Kitou Akari 1st LIVE TOUR "Colorful Closet" Goods
"Toyota Moe Birthday Party 2020" Goods
Futon-chan September Hand Drawn Polaroids
Natsukawa Shiina 4th Single "Antithesis"
"Ganbare Douki-chan" Vol.2

How did I do this previously? Oh yeah I just do unboxing- Okay more than that, because I'll have to talk about how they appeared in this package and of course, show a couple of images. Because you know, why not. Probably not as much as before, but then again there are like, TWO pamphlets this time around so... I'll show a little more and I promise you I won't be biased to Akarin haha Moeshi~

I guess we should talk about this in chronological order of purchase then, if I can still remember them, one month since the first one- Is this what otakus have problems doing, recalling when they bought these? Well, they probably don't have to document it in a blog I guess...

So small, yet so much...

I was expecting Akarin opening in my face but this will do haha

Hey, my dear imouto hehe

Eh, where's the free bromide photo with the CD?
(That's the Akarin ones though)

Ah, I recognise this haha we'll talk about it later

I love these so much I'm already losing blood before looking at the book hehe
So, for starters, this one was on pre-order real early, but it's also the last in arrival to the warehouse, Akarin's first live tour goods. Of course, the live is online with a limited audience, but you know, I'm still glad the goods are available online for buying. For once, I can actually not rely... on Suruga-ya (haha) on getting bromides because these have bromides!! Yay!! The pamphlet is just to pad the order lmao but seriously I did not expect this to be so thick and with much content because FYI it's 1.5x thicker than the next one we'll be talking about which IS a normal pamphlet in comparison. You know I'm here for the photos which I will happily scan into my PC but I know you want to see more Akarin so HERE YOU GO!!! (haha)

パンフレット KITO AKARI 1st LIVE TOUR "Colorful Closet"
Guess where most of the budget went to haha if it's to her I'm good

*tehepero* haha kawaii

This one looks really good when you open it up
(Get it, the fruits? Haha)

(If she were short-sighted may she only wear glasses in front of me)

This is so cute I can't even

Yeah this is my definition of idolism: I can only look at a reflection of her lol

I know right? Really should've kept this away first and look at instead, Moeshi's birthday party live goods!! Yes, it's Toyota Moe, ladies and gentlemen, as of now the only voice actresses I'm liking purely because of looks. No really, her normal voice is less appealing than Akarin and I've never seen her in Anime lmao. Still, and that's why she's here, because she looks so damn good- But no revealing shots though. I swear the pamphlet is way more disappointing than her latest photobook her Instagram photos haha really shouldn't have bought this along with the bromide photos IF NOT FOR another bromide!! Yes, with 3000yen purchase it'll come with a free random bromide. So yeah, as you can guess, 2 sets of photos (oh well they didn't say it's postcard sized) and the book is just nice, so well, I went with it haha. Moeshi, you're welcome I can always use more of you although I would argue I might as well have bought your recent photobook but you know, bromides. *laughs* Short haired fans you'll enjoy these haha
That is some really terrible packaging coming from Gamers, but hey at least she's in pristine condition

The two sets of bromides I bought...

…and the extra which came with it haha it's already worth buying that book

パンフレット "Toyota Moe Birthday Party 2020" Visual Photo Book
(Forgive me if I skip the long description as you can see below it's- I don't know what it is either)
She cute, isn't she?
(M for Moeshi, by the way)

The many faces of Toyota Moe and I promise you this is not even close to variety

Trust me I'm not aroused she does this all the time on Instagram lol

If she's on the sofa in the hotel and she gives me this face? Don't blame me if I rape you girl-

Why does this shot make her look fat haha I'll take it (hehe)

Why does this one make her face look so round haha I don't know

Hey, notice only 3 outfits? Yes, it's like, double in Akarin's one haha well I guess they just used it from the music video from the 1st album for the latter so that is just convenient otherwise we'll get something like this too I guess. And these are before the Suruga-ya order FYI now you know why I missed them so much? Haha moving on~

Since I missed the one in August because of limited stock too, this time around thanks to herself Futon-chan hand-drawn polaroids for September were up for grabs (nope she hasn't come up with an October one yet), and I can't help but support her with this purchase. I say the word "support" because unlike those above who do events for a reaosn becaseu they are technically still earning money (if not for a pandemic) just by selling tickets, this indie... cosplayer will need some real financial support so yeah, this might be kind of an occult way to ask money from us. So yeah, I bought three of them probably as with any of the hundreds of fans (yes) also because it comes with a free bromide!!- See the pattern here? Haha hey it gets me every time doesn't it? *giggles*

Hey! It's that wallpaper I had on my desktop for nearly a month *licks photo*
(Aw, it's signed? How sweet I wished it wasn't though lol)

Aw, it came with a note too! Hey I thought the signature was it I guess this is for those who didn't buy at least three
The note says: "Thanks for purchasing this!! Please support Futon-chan from here on!! *cat face*"

She needs to be cuter, seriously. *laughs*

Magic Mode! Here we go...

(Don't stare too hard she doesn't have any rack haha)

And... dammit we talked about this CD already so let's talk about why then, do I get it from Toranoana even though there's like, other free gifts from other stores which are probably more worth my purchase. Cue "Ganbare Douki-chan" Volume 2, the direct sequel to the one doujin I bought (the first time in my life) two months ago, and I ended up with finding out that the author announced another book already... so yeah, it's just here for the ride. Nope, not going to get his artbook about stocking because again, not a fan of that (I rather touch bare thighs haha ah) And if you do have some knowledge of buying doujin online there can only be a couple of websites who will sell these, so this store is one of them which will also sell CDs too, just in case you wonder. Around this time already it's about time the two pre-order live goods were due to ship (I think it's a week before this purchase) so guess what this one was the first to arrive. That's how pre-order works I guess the Akarin one did technically send me an delay email so I guess that's why, huh.
(Okay I have to show this so)
The shrine is complete. *laughs* Nan-chan~!!
If you clicked through the gallery below and didn't see this warning about this being NSFW or something I'm sorry but I'll try to show a couple of... shots that won't get you fired lmao why are you looking at this at work anyways haha. Oh also, surprisingly it still came with the pre-order bonus of a clear folder, of course, drawn by the author too- He drew a lot of stuff just for this series anyways look at the Twitter again for some plot with comments for translations lol but yeah I'm not buying the tapestry this one's free man
Aw this is real cute

Female shame is my fuel lmao

Ah, so here's where you are hiding I thought I really got scammed buying from this store lol

As the cover suggest, yes, we have competition now haha
(No really, there's a lot more if you hop on Twitter this is volume 3 I guess)

This book's opening is perfect example of the main girl getting neglected in this series lmao

Hey, I love a free gift that can house it's purchase haha
It's not obvious so let me lay it in to you for the story, if you saw the author's Twitter in the second volume there is waaay more manga than the first volume which was zero FYI, so this one comes in as a surprise to me as much as it is disappointment because I... don't want to read. No seriously, I wanted this series to be like, fan artwork and then story is up to imagination. But as you read through and see kouhai appearing in the company the main couple are in, and even the senpai is hopping in wanting a piece of the action, in this case all of them have huge racks so they win (lol poor Douki-chan but she's cuter though those two aren't my type) (no stop flashing yout boobs at me), and... the last part was interesting because besides going out to a drinking party (I assume the guy was forced to join the two) on the way to I think the train station he dragged Douki-chan to a corner... so... *wink* You can find the continuation on his Twitter really if you can't wait for his promotions for his artbook to end by I don't even know when

That's all, actually. Quite a lot in a much smaller box this time around, and as much as my excitement went off... probably by the end of last month not to even say yesterday and whatever idiot I am to even edit this post on the go yesterday... I make a lot of mistakes in my life, but this one I won't regret. I take my chances to support people I like, so here's to show how much I do. No, Futon-chan, I don't have money for your fanclub haha no really it's not cheap at all. Cya guys next time then, and probably by then I'll make this as... satisfactory as I want it to be I'm sorry for the lack of excitement in the text though again I had it written already last night but... Haiz bye then haha

P.S. Yes here's where I can... maybe legally show this so here you go- and stop asking why the images are small those tits are BIG- Okay I'm flagging this site haha I'm making the thumbnails blurrier

I hope you're a fan of big breasts lol I mean I am too don't worry haha it's the main girl fantasising though, no joke (second image, bottom is her head)