
The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #03

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The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #03

Sunday, 17 January 2021
I know it's yesterday, but happy birthday dad. Yeah, that's all the enthusiasm I have for anything now my sis and mom are probably more hyped by bringing in a cake and singing the song haha. What does get my enthusiasm going though...

I've done it again, and this time it's for real, but my birthday present package is next up on the package list. Yeah, I went all out this time, Ajuju. *laughs* Probably no need to attend the signing event because... I mean it's not about the money now haha it's pretty bad in Tokyo so yeah. Anyways, I gotta have some dinner going on later because of that previous paragraph so let's get this week's shows going!

Man, so Bungou Stray Dogs this season effectively did not have an original theme song? Hmm, what happens then, me? *laughs* I guess they're off the hook haha besides it's technically a sequel to a series I know of so since I have GREAT PRETENDER which also didn't have an original theme song already... this wouldn't make much difference lol

をニパ Bungou Stray Dogs Wan!
"I will die if I eat this. But I do not want to suffer" It's actually even funnier when it's said by a Dazai dog lmao
I think my objective for watching this series is to like dogs by the end of this season lol Ajuju's photobook might have a better chance haha. Anyways, dog fans gather! Because apparently that's what the author and Anime production thought was missing in their demographics lmao. In this first episode (#BungouStrayDogsWan01) where we literally start with a pack of dogs- wait is this the season?? *laughs* I thought I saw humans in the trailer haha. From Kunikida needing his dog glasses or else he's an old dude dog, to how small Chuuya is, to how Kunikida can't draw weapons out from his book, to how Atsushi transformed from a dog to a cat lol... this series has got everything to make this a totally serious joke show. And that's just the intro. Intro to this... half-length series? Uh oh. *laughs* Leaving the dogs alone, we finally move on to the actual(?) happenings back in the Detective Agency, inside of fictional Yokohama which just became more fictional in this series because they got dogs that talk. *laughs* So, this series I guess is made into shorts, so as you will notice, each actual episode will have several short episodes together, where it's literally... well it's a joke show so you should know what to get. Firstly, Atsushi is on cleaning duty for the lockers(?) in the agency. Accompanied by Dazai, they do what cleaners love to do(?) which is open the lockers to see other people's inner secrets lol.Β  (I think the bracketed question marks should be my shtick for this series from here on) Kunikida has a book of ideal Dazai (lol), someone has a bull in the locker (wtf), someone was a brocon which we already know since this Anime aired 5 years ago (lol), Ranpo-san is just snacking with his snacks in his snack locker (haha), we'll not talk about Dazai's locker, don't know why there's no love for Atsushi, and no one wants to know what's inside Yosano's locker lmao. Well, it was wine, who would have thought? *laughs* Then, we have some Port Mafia action. Okay, action as in someone is doing tsukkomi for Higuchi from the moment Akutagawa comes back to the bunk to Chuuya arriving and them having to discuss something. I'm not going to retort again, but somehow Higuchi's love for Akutagawa allows for her to misinterpret sign language, have limited field of view, and still feels rejected after all her attention to the one she loves lol. What a joke, and I don't even have someone to like that I work with. *dabs* All in all, it's a short series of shorts, so I'm not putting my hopes too high, but I'll get a laugh before watching some cheesy romance and gore scenes for my weekly schedule of Anime haha
P.S. If you saw the subtitles which I hope you have read and not skipped through, Dazai had to say "shit" when he read "ability" wrongly because it's "dog ability" now lol still human-based abilities though haha poor Kunikida
P.P.S. "Didn't you see Chuuya-san there?? He's not that small!!" Wow did they just burn this guy like twice in a half-length episode? Damn haha
[Because they started with such an intro here's some dogs for you dog lovers out there]

をニパ Horimiya
"(Hori) has already rejected me recently, I'd just be bothering her" Haha hello Ishikawa and my middle school days I did still give her a present though you should too bro
Ah good Hori-san if you have no music taste please go on a date with me and I'll enlighten you to MY world of Japanese music haha you guys can just refer to Klassic Note tag in this blog for reference. In this new episode (#Horimiya02) OH YES I FORGOT THE MAMA WAS VOICED BY Kayano Ai by the way haha fan recognised mother role even though she is still single. *laughs* Hey, what do we know. Between releasing a voice actress 10th anniversary photobook and mini-album we know she's going to drop the M-bomb soon haha marriage I mean. Anyways, story time, we've got quite a lot to talk about. Firstly, the mom is here. Yeah, spoiled it real good upfront, but yeah Hori-san's mother dropped by. Remember when she was busy with work and loves to do OT? *laughs* Yeah, that mom haha. So, she found out from Souta probably that some dude's been popping around at the house without her permission (lmao) so you gotta be that gossiping mother and ask kindly about the full details of the boy who is trying to get her daughter lol. (I mean, if Miyamura is trying to get Souta I'm more worried as a parent tbh haha) And in their conversation, Hori realised she doesn't know of Miyamura's given name. (So if you only read English subs which are always with respect to American reading, Japanese first name is their family name, not given name) So yeah, since they aren't that close yet, I guess no one else knows too. From the guys in the changing room, to Ishikawa who would rather not talk about other guys she is hanging out with (lol) (I'm literally that dude haha but I don't get chances to talk to her at all *sob*), to why isn't Miyamura smarter so she can just look at the grade rankings and find out his full name... it's a lot harder than being a mother and asking about some prospective son-in-law's name, that's for sure. *laughs* Well, it didn't take long for her to be weird in front of... everyone lol it was like three days already, but yeah, it's Izumi, not going to keep this as spoilers because not like I want to date him or anything lmao I'll just call him Miyamura. Then, we have the student council. I don't get the rationale too to be honest even hearing the flashbacks, but hey, apparently Hori is just helping out the council's president Sengoku to do work. Yeah, like something is going on between them or something. Hey, none of us know too much, but it looks like Sengoku has a vase for a secretary/girlfriend and is instead asking his childhood friend to do all the work. Wow, what an asshole, not even close to atoning all the sins she might have done to him, to be honest. And then the next day, Hori got questioned. She was supposed to help out with the budget report (important things by the way) but then did not submit it. Supposedly. She said she did submit it to the vase Remi who apparently denied of the charges? What a b*tch, dude. *laughs* And it's not about apologising over quite an important thing by the way, it's about the pride. I'm not going to apologise just because someone else lost the stuff I gave to her. What, you gonna trace back to me now? Why not doubt the people around you first? *laughs* And so, Miyamura brought my ego into the mix, slammed Sengoku's head with his in fury, and passed him the dropped papers he picked up because some b*tch said it was unimportant. Yeah, ya think? Haha, and really, this is probably one of those many hero moments we will no doubt see Miyamura pull off again in the future. Hey, maybe this is the appeal for this romance. And as her classmates doubt on her, Hori tries to explain her relationship with Sengoku. Apparently it's just bullying and what, he gets to have his revenge now? What a jerk. *laughs* I must say this series lets you do a lot of thinking on your own, because they don't explicitly talk about certain stuff, like how long Miyamura will come by her place... probably because of Souta as of now. Hey, what do I know. He still came around for her birthday and gave her a present. *laughs* (I was thinking of giving an album which releases around that time for her tbh but I guess the dude just took a hint from the earlier part) But yeah overall it does give an atmosphere that is to anticipate and worry about, and that's kind of what romance is like in Anime anyways, right? Cya guys next episode for more Tomacchan fanservice haha still works after a decade though it never gets old hehe
P.S. "Hori, are you unsatisfied?" Sorry I saw this term in Japanese waaaay too much somewhere else this somehow rings in my head for some reason lol
P.P.S. "(Miyamura) is not coming over to hang out with (the mother), you know?" Oh so to hang out with you, dear girl? *laughs* Yeah the right answer is Souta
[YES TOMACCHAN TALK DOWN TO ME PLEASE lol hey I WISH I was Sengoku haha since I'm not here's more Hori-san]

Update 2021.01.19: I just forgot haha Monday isn't a great day to watch Anime I just want to try to extend my weekend also today was a long day on site so I slept early
をニパ Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
"If we're going to be attacked, it will happen during the speech" Yeah Will? You figured that out already, huh? I guess we're fighting then
Holy shit is this much action from the Warhammer Titan even legal in Anime history? *laughs* In this new episode (#AttackOnTitan65) if you're not speechless, I am. *laughs* Wow, real speechless now, as I continue from when I wrote this paragraph about 2 minutes in haha. So, let's get story out of the way, then we'll talk about action haha. Firstly, about Tybur's plan to bring out the "demons" of Paradis. In his conversation with Captain Magath, he mentioned that the best time for the enemy to strike is literally when he has to do that speech, which will explain why he has to do it as fancy as possible, so that the military could cover him when it comes. Well, not exactly cover him, for he was to be the sacrifice, apparently. So from last week, I was wrong, it isn't Reiner that was being eaten, it was Will. RIP Will Tybur, you won't be remembered. *giggles* Moving on haha, as Eren rises from the ashes, as according to the Marleyans, the military was first to be targeted by the Attack Titan so RIP all those commanders lol, some people got killed instantly including Zofia one of the Warrior candidates so RIP her too also Udo, Gabi is in shock in all this instant kills, and Will's sister is ready to enter the fight. Cue Warhammer Titan holder as hinted by Will which is of the family but not him, and her awesome powers to, you guessed it, build upon our knowledge of Titan hardening powers so far. In short, and as Eren fought her and noticed too, the Titan is able to create anything from hardened Titan material instantly for any purpose, in this case, fighting. And this is where Eren lost his first chance in taking it down because upon rising, she spiked the shit out of him, and created a hardened hammer to rip his limbs off, immediately disabling his powers. This Titan might be too OP haha or also because this might be the most advanced and trained Titan we have seen yet, considering it has been successfully passed down by generations from the family that holds the power. But before Eren could say his last words, cue his reinforcement which he has been sending letters to all these years while in hiding. Well, Falco did. *laughs* And we don't even know his whereabouts yet lol. So, reinforcements. Apparently, and as you might have seen the ending part, he was contacting Paradis while observing enemy land. So you shouldn't be too surprised to see long haired Mikasa, Conny, Sasha who doesn't look like a food-eating demon now probably because she might be better off after all these years, and some newbies we've never seen before but who cares about them haha. Thing is, they came in prepared. Prepared to cover for Eren as he tries to not just destroy, as the Marley Captain has mentioned, but consuming of their powers so they can be fundamentally stopped. The manuveur squad here though, is here to mainly prepare the battleground off any potential threats including Warriors who of course, can use their Titan powers against Eren so it'll be many to one which will give them a disadvantage, and to eliminate all non-citizen enemies which... well they killed all of them anyways haha. Come on, it's only the one guy who send Eldians cut off their napes into the desert. So, go watch the series of turns yourself, but suffice it to say, with some distraction from Mikasa, Eren was able to figure out how to stop the Warhammer Titan because, a long line runs from the Titan itself to the ground from the leg, so... hey, what figures, amirite?? *laughs* So Eren turned into a Titan, ripped the floor off, and boom, actual human body encased in Titan ice. Thankfully for the Marleys, someone with Titan powers finally showed up to help in the case that this falls through, but considering those guys have never seen the gear in action before, they might be in for a surprise. A real one. So RIP whoever that was I forgot his name, 'cos if you didn't see Levi coming you got another thing to think about haha MAN THIS EPISDOE WAS AWESOME!!! Probably all the female audience came after seeing Levi's entrance haha I'm okay though lmao. So next week, it looks like we're getting everyone involved. Now THIS is a war. *laughs* Don't you love fights when there are as many turns as there are number of combatants? That's how do you an action Anime haha gotta wait until next week I guess[TL:DR; Speechless so no time for postscripts. It's that good haha not Mikasa though did she turn into a male? *laughs*]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
Well, I really didn't listen to music this much this week so let's talk about what I did listen to. I finally got around to giving [Alexandros] latest single I think it's from last year anyways, really thought it was Klassic Note Review candidate, but happily rejected the B-side upon second listen haha. I also almost ended the week forgetting to give the last release I intend to listen from last year which is Keiko's 1st album (Keiko as in from Kalafina) and uh... it wasn't that great. Turns out, I just don't like her deep voice maybe I was into Kalafina not because of her lmao. Anyways, probably won't be giving anything from this year- Man this year sucks haha I'm just lazy now to be honest at least the next few weeks will be great that's for sure.

In news concerning music I care about and them being on Twitter and hopefully I have remembered to like them or else it won't be mentioned here, you can listen to a digest of Aimer's recent church live on YouTube (or see that the next recommended video is someone ripping off the full video lol), SID released a new song(?) on their 15th anniversary live (yes, major debut in 2008 but they started years ago), Toyosaki Aki is coming back with a special music livestream next month where she will reveal her new song so yay, Ikimonogakari's new music video will air later today at midnight JST so be sure to watch it on premier if you can and I will, and vivid undress will release a new song every week for three weeksΒ in March to celebrate their formation 7th anniversary because again, they may have just major debut for a year but I've known of them since 2017 so go figure.Β 

So for next week, and this is following that surge of idols who have too much free time and can afford time from their marriage to sing again since their popularity hasn't dropped to the pits lol, Taketatsu Ayana's digital single releases next week and yes I will give a listen even though I mentioned last year that it might be disappointing. Don't worry, nothing is more disappointing than my new PC and monitor already haha okay me stop shitting on my life choices

And I'm good. It's been a week, and my new PC is still in a mess to be honest. I barely got the OS to work after spending half a day installing only 1x SSD because they tied the wires thinking whoever bought this CPU won't need to install storage hardware lol, and I bought a "cheaper" version of Office which is basically cracked so I could've just pirated it online like I always have for free. Ugh. *laughs* Which is why I'm compensating all this by buying a HDD mount to put my other internal hard disks which might need formatting because why can't you plug and play in another piece of hardware then I might as well buy external instead, and more storage to fill my room so that I can stop putting posters in the dark corners of my cabinets lol you don't have to know too much just know I spent a lot of money. But you also know I spent a lot on my birthday present to myself already so *laughs* Cya guys next time then, and until then... well work is rather lax now and I'm in charge because someone else had to leave temporarily so... good luck to me if something fails haha bye

P.S. Didn't realise that the pages were holding on to the calendar upon the monitor so I tried to fix it:
Yeah, that'll work haha
(I also fixed the girl I will cheat on Inorin next since yesterday lol Marinka~!!)