
The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #04

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The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #04

Sunday, 24 January 2021
Man, did this week pass by real quick. Maybe it's because I was on-site for two of those days where I didn't have to "work"? Ah, those were great times, drinking coffee and having truffle fries in the afternoon lmao

Welcome back. I had a Klassic Note post prepared already, but was too lazy to check my own content since in case you didn't realise I do that on the go or during lunch breaks at work, it'll have to take a while. Probably tomorrow or something after I watch Attack on Titan... if I remember lol it's work man I gotta get over the Monday blues after enjoying self solace for two days straight haha

Also, just like this week's episode of Horimiya, we have competition on my upcoming birthday package!!! Oooo I can't wait to break it to you guys who's Ajuju's rival here haha but you may have found out on my Twitter with my replies somehow already lol so until then I guess. Let's Anime!

をニパ Bungou Stray Dogs Wan!
"It's okay; I'm used to waiting" Man, Kyouka-chan with the emo drop haha
"The Agency's bathtub broke down, forcing them to go to public baths" Wow this kind of cheap plot can only happen in a spin-off series haha. In this new episode (#BungouStrayDogsWan02) where man, it's literally everything but fighting which is fantastic by the way I love this spin-off already, we talk about more random stuff we don't see in the main series because why not? Hey, there are a lot of dudes but that's not the point this is a comedy series anyways haha. So firstly, ohanami. Also known as cherry blossom viewing, this is normally accompanied by a picnic with great food (and alcohol) (I only drink herbal tonics lol does that count?) to go along with viewing the spectacular sight that is pink because it's the new black. I mean, look how happy Akutagawa is. *laughs* Okay him a little later, Kunikida asked Atsushi to reserve a place for the viewing and he agreed, but got beat to the chase by... nope not Port Mafia yet since that is obvious plot, Kyouka-chan who is even more looking forward to the picnic than he is. I mean, I feel bad for Kyouka already but it's fine, let her get the credit she even prepared the bentos man lmao. She even waited all night too she's like those people queueing up for the new iPhone haha. (She will win because she got food stock lol sell them to the queue Kyouka-chan you'll have money for the phone) Then, we talk about coincidences because obviously, to make this a real joke, the Agency had to be sitting near Port Mafia's team in order for Chuuya to flare up lmao good thing there's alcohol to stop him, says Dazai. *laughs* And now that things have quietened down, we finally can get to live the Akutagawa dream (haha) with the two groups hanging out together instead of making war because don't you love pacifist Bungou Stray Dogs, people? *laughs* Man, enjoy it while it lasts haha. Then, the two groups take turn to break their baths. *laughs* So thank goodness they didn't make the conflict thing earlier like the picnic, so let's talk about the Agency firsst. Between Ranpo-san wanting to make a fool out of himself in public baths, Naomi's desire to bathe with her onii-chan (I be Tanizaki if I had an imouto lol) and Kunikida believing everything Dazai is saying which why would you, I'm just glad I don't have to bathe again with 1x soap for EVERYTHING lol someone teach Atsushi how to do better quality hygiene. Also, teach Akutagawa too because apparently Port Mafia has the same problem with their baths lmao. Slightly different on this is... wait let me rephrase that last sentence to fit with this case. Between Mori Ougai who can't wait to dress Elise-chan up after the bath (ugh you freaking loli), Higuchi hoping Chuuya's powers can improve her body weight which is a lie with or without abilities (BOOM GOT HER), and Gin showing off her feminine powers to Higuchi lol, I'm just glad I don't have to use a tub of personal hygiene bottles to do just the one shower haha. Hey, I'm not a woman what do I know about skincare and stuff. All in all, great episode, and I'm just glad Gin got to talk this episode lmao we got so close into not getting Nan-chan to talk for this series haha also the ending if you skipped it was an alternative to the conflict between Chuuya and Dazai haha it became two groups fighting lol this series is great cya guys next weekΒ 
P.S. "Why don't we make it a joint event between the Detective Agency and Port Mafia..." And then Akutagawa's eyes light up lmao he really wants it huh
P.P.S. "I hear you can stop animal fights by obscuring their vision" Uh huh, we're talking about Dazai and Chuuya, right? *laughs*
Precious Akutagawa getting interested GIF, you're welcome haha

をニパ Horimiya
"I'm in this group... but am I actually a part of it?" Okay depressed me you stay away from me for now lol
God, can they stop depicting what I look like as a kid in school with Miyamura? Geez. *laughs* In this new episode (#Horimiya03) you see when you have friends then suddenly you won't seem anti-social lol either way it's kinda your fault, Miyamura. Anyways, not talking about me in school, but man do we need more people to realise that they can help out people who... well I wouldn't say abnormal, but teach them to blend in with everyone else. You know, as a formality than just because you don't want to. Not speaking about personal experience by the way I'm just using this as reference material for my novel series haha. So, story. Sorry Miyamura I really can't quote everything you say we have to move on somehow lol. Anyways, it's about him (ugh) (haha), but now we know a little more about him, about him actually being your average student until he can't seem to get any friends. Ignoring my case, you guys might have met such a person before. So why do you as a kid back then not give a sh*t and/or guide him/her to blend in with the others? Social construct, it seems. Being a normie, they say. But hey, what am I to say? Am I going to say Miyamura is supposed to learn and get used to blending with others and look like a fake image of others so that you guys can relate? Don't sound like that's correct, okay? *laughs* Rant over, more story time. Story goes Miyamura is thinking... a lot about him and his so-called "friends" now in high school. We got Ishikawa who probably was his friend from middle school, Hori who approached him because they got a pair assignment and because the teacher says to pair up with the one beside your seat and they sat next to each other... (trust me, especially when it's the girl you like that's the best hehe) (that's LITERALLY me in school I can't even) he's got all the "friends" he can get. *laughs* That's all luck bro, that's why you gotta do it yourself once in a while. Anyways (man I wrote a long intro lol) Miyamura built on his luck to find friends he can hang out with, but then starts thinking, unlike many others, whether their friendships are real. Come on, what is real friendship anyways? *laughs* Don't worry: I tried to piss of my friends and they still came back, Miyamura; You can do better haha. Moving on I guess, we talk about the relationship between Hori and Miyamura in the worst possible way ever, through spit talk. No really, this is the nicest I can put it lol. Because you see, normal love rivals do not confront their competition and ask for permission to take the guy. That's why I say she's a b*tch. *laughs* Well, I don't think Remi-chan will make of a good rival anyways, but as Sakura has mentioned she might have gone too far to test Hori's... feelings for the guy. Hey, mind your own business, people. What, this will make of good scoop, you say? Go watch Korean drama then haha. Anyways, Ishikawa kind of overheard Remi and Sakura talking about it, testing Hori and stuff, and took it more seriously than he has to. We'll talk about that later, because we got more couple moments to talk about. Couple as in the main two, not more of the former lol. Miyamura can't take horror films even though my level of fear is similar to Hori's which is none lol, and it's also because of Souta hanging out with his new friends (BOOM GOTCHA Miyamura lol) that these two get to be together alone... hey what can I say it's only enviousness filling my room now haha. Last but not least, bro fighting, I guess. Yeah, it's Miyamura vs Ishikawa. Guess who won. *laughs* Yes, I have hit someone before in the face, thank you for asking. *ugh* So yeah, because Ishikawa had "evidence" that Hori actually likes this friend of his who keeps thinking that they are just friends (oh please Miyamura), but yeah, to be honest? Ironing out things straight up might be better. Like, instead of whatever happened that got Ishikawa's face beat in, he could've just shared what he heard on the corridor. Miyamura can ignore that, but at least he heard it he will start thinking about it, right? Just like whatever is the first half of this episode haha. Ah, this series is just great, so yeah, I'm giving it the thumbs up after three episodes. They got me despite the super relatable protagonist and simple plot. All in all, I'm VERY sure that Miyamura wouldn't double-cross on Hori to go out with another girl... or will he? Is this an indication of his motemote jidai? *laughs* Ah, sorry for the Japanese it's really those terms that'll get you into this series and its tensions because MAN is it hitting me hard lol *sob*
P.S. "Didn't she just say she doesn't know who I am?" Man Miyamura you got her dude how you gonna make friends like this? *laughs*Β 
P.P.S. Please Ishikawa, just because you're in the same class with that girl you like doesn't mean it's the power of love that's called "fate" lmao
[TL:DR; Try telling the people around you who regard you as a friend "I don't think of you as my friend" and see if you'll end up like kid Miyamura haha]

Update 2021.01.26: I really wanted to not watch this because I'm tired from work but tomorrow is worse at work so I'm settling this now haha should've been yesterday but you heard my talk about Monday blues before so
をニパ Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
"What is that? Is that Ackerman?" Haha whichever one you referring to you're also wrong because that's not it lmao oh you Marley Warrior pheasants
Yes, there are two Ackerman, I can remember that much. And as of now... Mikasa isn't looking too great so maybe the other one if he's still alive lol. In this new episode (#AttackOnTitan66) ah the gang is here Gabi you can stay away for now haha wait does she have any inherited powers? I don't think so... right? *laughs* Ah, what is better than a great battling episode from last week? ANOTHER great battling episode of course! Hey, we can only ask for more, trust me. Bear in mind that, we're at a time where no one is screwing around and everyone is rather skilled at using Titan powers right now: spawning, recovering, and then re-spawning again as the time goes, so don't be too confused when I skip some explaining. So, story goes that, Eren fought with the Warhammer Titan, almost lost, but with the help of the others from the island, managed to find out where the source is. And then, the Jaw Titan along with the others finally showed up. That is most of the Eldians siding with Marleys, the military on standby we'll talk about their fate later, and Levi. *laughs* Haha, come on, we know I've already mentioned Zeke to be in one of the three groups in that last sentence. *laughs* Let's talk about the advantages between the two parties now, let's call them Team Marleys and Team... Manuveur Gear? Haha okay I hate to create names for people. Marleys have the clear advantage in numbers for Titans, which means they can help each other when necessary, like when Cart Titan needs some above cover due to carrying a turret the roof is not any protection because duh guns can't point up unless you're a sniper... haha okay, and when the War Chief ie. Zeke ie. the Beast Titan is smart enough to know that they are at the upper hand so making sure Eren gets taken down strategically is rather important. The other side though have no time to waste, they need a way to evacuate which brings us Hange-san and Armin by the way don't think I can't unsee that whatever face lol (Edit: Yes Armin was the Colossal I forgot), and they have to stop every single Titan power on ground in order to leave. So far now, the assailants have planned ahead enough to make sure that (1) the Titans on ground will be disabled for most of them since we kind of know their powers probably thanks to informants like... Falco who was feeding info to Eren for a long time coming most likely, (2) there are enough plot twists (courtesy of the author I guess) to make sure certain stronger opponents can be defeated with ease so Levi waiting for a chance to strike Zeke and Eren finding out that the Jaw Titan can be used to destroy the Warhammer Titan so let us salute to the long-running Tybur family which is probably gone by this night. So yeah, The not Marleys did just come in to make a mess and then leave right on time though. And as their rescue airship is slowly approaching, we know that the fights on ground zero will likely be ending by the time it's here, but it won't be over just yet. Because along with Gabi and Falco's screams for Reiner to be awake and help and I don't even know why that would trigger his Titan powers but oh well what the heck, we have the last Titan to stand up and fight against the... amalgamation of three Titan powers now? Right? That's Attack Titan, Founding Titan and Warhammer Titan in one (they call that "3-in-1" lol), Colossal Titan making a crater where Marley's entire navy stood lmao RIP, Beast Titan was ripped off the nape by a similar beast (Levi please I was complimenting you haha), Cart Titan's human body was shredded into pieces by swords, Jaw Titan was left with his torso waiting to be eaten, and Armoured Titan is preparing his death sentence lol. Again, Reiner might not be the first to die to atone for his sins, but man, will he be the last one to be killed, I promise you. *laughs* *checks wiki* Oh yeah, where's the Female Titan? Oooh...Β All in all... I have a feeling at the end of the series is where Eren is the ultimate Titan, possessing all the powers, and liberating the world of Titan powers altogether. You know, if that is possible. Cya guys next week- Is Gabi really thinking she can take on everyone else? Okay, Sakura Ayane girl, we shall see what you got.
P.S. Just so you know, I rather leave the upcoming postscripts blank than to quote things like "Maybe we shouldn't fight anymore" Falco it's war dude you fight till your last breath or cower like a pig
[More war screenshots shall we?? HYPE!!! Haha]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
There's quite a lot to talk about this week, so I guess we can actually say the pace of new releases is coming back for the new year, or so I hope. Taketatsu Ayana's new single is not only digital release only which is great when I have Apple Music so yay, but nay because I can't give both new songs on the list. So, just the earlier song where she used to announce her return into singing. Here's hoping for more in the future. I almost forgot about Pyxis' best album considering we gave a couple of songs last year, and this... it's not that bad to say the least considering my impression of them half a decade ago was real bad lol, and I did give a couple of songs including one I told to myself not to give from their latest single... oh well the composer also wrote Anime "K-ON!" songs so go figure. I also listened to Tsuji Shion's new song and... I may just give it who knows when she's releasing a new release anyways. Problem is... she does have a physical release, but it's not on streaming. Eh, Shion-san? Not going to buy your CD just so I can hear the other song considering it's also a demo so... *laughs* I think I might just reject uminecosounds' new single from last year considering it's a lot harder to give then their album earlier that year.

In news concerning Twitter and music and maybe I just followed a cosplayer just because, I decided to go back to FIVE NEW OLD's upcoming album which is releasing in April for Baba Fumika-chan by the way and that music video for their new song for drama (which I am watching when available) is really pissing me off lol, TrySail's livestream for their Blu-Ray release for their (paid) music livestream last year is nothing but fanservice but of course news for upcoming tours, and I regretted voting for the wrong choice in Amamiya Sora's best single survey on some website but I did clarify (in Japanese) that I chose "irodori" based on A-side impression, "Eternal" was the single I bought the fastest without hesitation, and her debut single "Skyreach" is still my fav after so many years.

So for next week, we have a couple more releases that I've been actually looking forward to for the month, which are Yoru no Honki Dance's new mini-album considering they only released single tunes from last year, and Fuchigami Mai's new album because I guess giving her new single which is releasing on the same day is not necessary considering the overlap? Maybe the B-sides, but we shall see. She's not Collection Artist level so I don't have to give things this thorough lol

And this will be it. If you need an embarrassing thing to talk about for the week... I, uh, finally experienced what it was like to fulfil someone's Amazon wishlist. *laughs* Not going to write another post about it, but suffice it to say on Wednesday a certain someone tweeted about her Amazon wishlist and I decided that instead of paying for her monthly membership which is like really high, I replied her and spent that amount of money (instead of monthly) to gift her... apparently she wants outfits so I got her one her size lmao. My note to her is literally "the one from xxx the chest part is too big for you so I got this for you instead" lol I hope I didn't offend her again with my sarcasm good thing is she probably wouldn't reply...? On her birthday livestream that night she said she received a lot of outfits but didn't say who, ate a quarter of a Doraemon cake and immediately exercised for about 6 hours straight and even then did not burn enough calories for half of what she ate. I feed bad for her now lol thank goodness she gave up. Legit was "just expecting her to just play the Ring Fit Adventure game only" (I commented, she read, haha, maybe mistaken since I didn't clarify) instead of eating and playing unless you want to puke it all out really. Oh well, that's what happens when you have lack of planning haha. Cya guys next time, and until then... don't give gifts to Amazon wishlists you don't like the person for lol I like Futon-chan though so I'm good hehe

P.S. And since it has shipped so confidentiality isn't an issue, and just in case someone out there including me (lol) do not believe the deed I just did:
You think it'll look great on her? Haha I sure hope so wishlist items do not have overlap unless stated in amount so I hope to see that someday hopefully not in her fan club I didn't pay for that lol

P.P.S. I paid 100yen more for expedited shipping so it could be delivered the following day haha someone please scold me for wasting money now please