
The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #05

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The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #05

Sunday, 31 January 2021
Oh well, we're close to the end of the first month of 2021 already, huh. And I'm not even prepared to pay for everything that's coming out next month haha my birthday package is going to be such a good time you don't even know hehe

Also, what a great time to do drilling in a Sunday afternoon, huh, when I want to watch Anime. *scolds vulgarities to upstairs* Anyways, it was a week passing by once again, and man, is work boring so let's talk more about Anime instead! And also, music. Oh also, my upcoming package which I'm still in the process of thinking because what better way to burn your workload than to spend more money on married women haha I meant Ayachi we'll talk about them later but first...

をニパ Bungou Stray Dogs Wan!
"Just what is Yosano-sensei going to do with (those meat)?" Oh Kunikida, you don't even know haha
If you will even trust anyone, literally ANYONE who said they don't lie, you sheeple you need to be awoke right now watch this series so you can learn to not be deceived by people like Dazai haha. In this new episode (#BungouStrayDogs03) we have more dumb shit happening, in case you wonder what this series was about again lol. No really, Akutagawa releasing whatever that thing is in Episode 1 is literally the only action you'll see in this series EVER haha. Okay, maybe Super Deduction from the Chairman but you won't need an Ability for that one incident like Ranpo. Firstly, about running errands. Yosano-sensei is a busy woman, between ripping people apart and putting them back together... haha I don't really want to know more, but you know, she gotta do some supply runs once in a while. Ranpo decided to be the nice guy (which he never does anyways so you gotta wonder) and said to... help out by asking someone else to help her. Okay bro, whatever. *laughs* But for finding Kenji who had a bad memory much like I did, the words got mixed on accident (unlike with Dazai, we'll get to that in a bit) when telling Kunikida about his plight because he got something else to do, and thus, forgot that he has to do that instead of making a promise to help Ranpo in the first place. You with me so far? *laughs* Anyways, Kunikida being the hardworking guy, asked the lazy guy Dazai to help which of course would be worse than asking the whole of Port Mafia to help lol, then asked Atsushi to buy... for simplification because this one was intentional, a whole cow instead of meat parts which is also not even close to what Yosano wanted so... guess they have a cow now lol hey they can get some milk every day haha. Talking about milk, we got a cat to take care of, courtesy of Kyouko-chan finding one on the streets. As it was seen with a collar, it's likely a lost cat then a wild one, so obligation to keep it alive is a lot higher considering we gotta find the owner, but also, the obligation of getting attached to it as time passes... not that we should be too attached to it though Kyouka but hey you can still take care of it while it's around like how well Kunikida did with that first serving of milk, and unlike the Chairman who just... can't resist the cat so he's just avoiding it? Okay sir, whatever. *laughs* Somehow, also the most appearances we might see the Chairman this episode to be honest, because next up, we gotta talk a little about him and his work. You know, being the middleman between Ability users and normal humans is a tough business. Fortunately, newly self-hired to be assistant Ranpo is here to help. *laughs* Hey, no one said that was a good thing haha. From eating up his serving of daikufu so freaking blatantly ie. a moment before he stepped into the room holding the tray lol, to replying his letters which are honestly so straightforward it's right, to changing his phone ringtone... I think he only did the last thing right haha. No really, that's it. *laughs* More jokes incoming, I guess and as I would say for any comedy series, if this even made you giggle a bit, you can watch this till the end. Coming in from an action series I've liked over the past few years and honestly the only one I've picked up in recent years, this is still entertaining to watch Chibi Kyouka is kawaii haha the cat may have stolen the light from her for a moment butP.S. "Maybe she has a patient who will die if they don't eat grilled meat?" Oh you meant Kenji-kun after he gets beat up by Yosano for not delivering? lol
P.P.S. "I changed the ringtone to a cat purling" YES DUDE the only thing Ranpo-san did right for the Chairman haha
The patching here isn't exactly on point but the feels are lol

をニパ Horimiya
"It's kind of cool how you still work this hard even with no one looking" Hey, Ishikawa, you trying to pick up on Sakura? Also memo memo haha
From the "I can't have melon" part from Ishikawa to both of them stopping Sengoku, this might be the most relaxed romance Anime series in history. Seriously, guys, where's the drop? *laughs* In this new episode (#Horimiya04) of "Sengoku's Harem"... *laughs* no we're not going to talk about that lame dude because he b*tches about people hanging out in his air-con Student Council room when it's not just filled with ALL women. *laughs* Ah, also those with male tongue fetishes you're welcome this is the only episode that'll talk about this probably. *laughs*Β Anyways, back to the main guys definitely because we can only talk about secondary characters that much... wait, why we got this Sakura character development thing? Haha okay, never mind, let's talk about it. Firstly, about Sakura. She dropped some papers, got caught by Ishikawa to help because you gotta (no really, you gotta, if you're a gentleman), and you know, that's how the dude remembered her now. Normally we wouldn't even bother to give a damn because that's how Anime works despite the obvious hair colour difference they won't even mention if it's on Miyamura lol. Hey, remember Anime that have all the same hair colour? Me neither. *laughs* Anyways, and in like what seems like forever, they crushed the heck out of everyone in the room about Miyamura hanging out with Hori. And when I mean "everyone" I meant Remi-chan because as we learnt from last week, she's either real bossy or just a b*tch which I would say one's a subset of the other haha, but you know, it's just a cola. *laughs* Next up, and unless you're interested in Miyamura taking off his top in front of Hori-san because I'm not haha (we'll see a lot of that in this series anyways because the girl likes it HAHAHA), we talk about another person who was involved in Miyamura's sad childhood. For me, that will be my dear friend in high school. Even when we got into a fight, he still talked to this sad loner who can't even apologise to patch things up haha ugh. For Miyamura, it's Shindou in middle school. If not for him repeating a year (*looks at Anime "Slow Start"*) when in a prestigious middle school, he would've been with his bro supposedly, but ended up walking away from his life as of now. You know, because he got himself a girl and this dude... let's just say it's on the way. *laughs* This bro saw his friend hanging out with a girl on the streets, and as with any other bestie he gotta ask for the details. It's not what it seems, but you know, it seems like it, so why not? *laughs* Somehow he treats this friend differently from Ishikawa because the latter is kind of not that deep yet but Hori doesn't know that this friend likes the girl so it's kinda deep. You know, like those screaming into the void deep. (Fukaii~!!) (haha) (If you've seen raw manga you'll get this, kinda similar to what I described) We also got a glimpse into Miyamura's sad middle school life (lol) again where Shindou is one of those people who will give a damn about this loner's life, and help him out. Again, salutes to all those who are willing to do that including my friends, because you help change peoples' lives for the better. Really, I wouldn't even have friends if it wasn't for... well Miyamura doesn't to so we're even. *laughs* Lastly, Hori-san's the ONLY idiot who got a fever in summer. *laughs* Okay, I really didn't want to sh*t on her but she made the joke herself so I gotta haha. And just like his hardworking mother, they still go to school/work even if they the sun rubbing on their foreheads but you know, thank goodness her brother Souta knows better. Seriously, way better than the mother who still goes to work probably not even knowing her daughter is unwell, whether it's now her for kid her. Hey, gotta burn you somehow with all this fever talk haha. And as expected, Miyamura comes to visit because Souta called the ambulance which coincidentally links to his phone lmao. And I guess, mistaken by as the mother, this... I can say boyfriend right? This "friend" here somehow is playing the role of the mother and you know, got scolded for it. (Get it? The mother is supposed to be caring but hers is not?) Hori-san, it's called "I want you to be by my side", please. You know, when the mom can't. Ugh, I can't even stop roasting that mom lol. Also, if you want him to say that part again, Kyouko, and you don't want to hear it, pretty sure you're a sadist, can confirm. *laughs* All in all, thanks Sengoku for informing us that Hori is a sadist lol, Ishikawa got shot by everyday life HoriMiya again (lol me with the title drop) and Yuki-chan being esper is totally unexpected but now we know. *laughs* Ah, all in a day of this wonderful romance series haha please tell me the drop is coming because at this rate where Miyamura tries to hide his confessions and Hori not accepting them, this is going to go either way, and boy will I be around to see it go the other way haha cya guys next week
[Also, a warning to the Anime production and/or the author: Please don't put any further BL shit into this series or else I'm stopping haha you have been warned]
P.S. "Promise me you'll take your jacket off when (we) walk home!" Okay Hori-san that's not something you say to someone of the opposite gender- Ah. *laughs*
P.P.S. "So I'm your garbage disposal?" Okay, dude, if you gotta say it like that Sengoku then I might as well "feed the trash bin" lmao F**KING GOT HIM haha

Update 2021.02.02: Happy twintails day everyone! Between playing Red Dead Online now and receiving birthday month vouchers after I've pre-ordered TWO photobooks, this has been a great week so far lol oh well let's watch some Anime then
をニパ Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
"... They are island demons threatening to destroy our world" Uh huh, Gabi, education be a two-sided sword, dear girl. She doesn't even know, she doesn't even
Well, regardless of her fate, I'm saluting to admire Gabi's... bravery? In protecting or more like, exacting revenge for her comrades. Good job, girl, good job. *laughs* In this new episode (67) where the Paradis people decide to leave because Eren's all used up lol, because apparently, Eren's actions were not with permission. Basically speaking, Levi and the squad(s) came to save his Titan butt. *laughs* You know, that's how you know after you get punched in the face lol. So, apparently, plenty of something happened, just so you know, and if you don't believe Gabi is going to do something about all this now that the enemy is escaping because they've sort of completed their objective (we'll talk about that later), you might want to think again. So firstly, Gabi's actions in this episode so far. Maybe it's luck, maybe it's real skill because she isn't too bad either, she still ran after the enemy even though Falco stopped her, told her he wanted to take her place in being the next Warrior (and let her be a housewife instead lol), and also revealed to her why the enemy was after them because they started it first... Gabi still went for it, trying to take them down from their ends of their world. Okay, not that chances are slim, but for the guy Lobov who took the rear of the airship whilst everyone is celebrating their victory... you gotta wonder. With a swipe of a gun, and Lobov's hesitation of killing a kid (okay bro), he got shot in the face with a rifle like what, some few feet into the air? Yeah, Gabi was quite the sniper. And dragging his gear on the ground, Gabi thought this would be a good opportunity to catch up the enemy. And so she did. Surprisingly, Falco didn't let go. I meant, didn't let Gabi who is now flying towards the ship go, not didn't let her go up in the first place. Oh well. You can guess a little what happened. They got the jump on them, or Gabi did, and shot... I can't even say, dear Sasha in the chest. Damn. The whole Paradis may not be kid killers but this kid is an adult killer. *laughs* Okay, joke's over, moving on. And if you saw the eyecatch (just pause the video you idiot) (lol), Gabi only got 5 bullets. She shot once on that last dude on the rear of the airship, and one (RIP) on Sasha. So... obviously, everyone stopped the two at their feet the moment she fired the gun anyways, but yeah, that friendly reunion between Jean and Connie was their last. *sigh* Anyways, sad things over if you watched this far so good on you lol, but yeah, let's talk battle situation. And apparently, it's more spicy than it looks. As the detained kids were being brought to the front room where Levi is torturing Eren? And Zeke? Wait wait what is happening here? So, a little bit of context. There is a traitor among us. Not referencing the game, just speaking facts. And not like it's a traitor for the Paradis people no no, it's the other way around. As Zeke speaks soundly about most of the stuff going along to his plan when it was Eren's plan to make sure he can delay the attack on their island and letting the Corps come to save his a**, this was quite another turnaround. Hey, something probably already broke out when some dude wanted to announce to the world what military situation they were in lol. Among them was Yelena, who apparently is a Marleyan, but was also working for the Paradis side? I guess we'll know more soon because seriously I don't remember this guy tbh. All in all... didn't I say that you were the 2nd coolest in this series so far, Sasha? I'm not taking back my comment Levi can so fuck himself haha *sigh* I didn't come here to be sad man... And I think moving on, we will see what made this mission possible, with the involvement of the Survey Corps who probably wasn't involved in this war in the first place. Remember? They were freaking goons who were scared to leave the walls? Yep, we'll find out more soon. Also, a great way to see Sasha... again... *sob*
P.S. "First battle, huh." Yeah to those noobs who never left the island, they are. *laughs* Also Jean, how much have you changed? lol
P.P.S. "So many people ran over (Udo) until they crushed his head" Okay Gabi that sounds like an idiot to me you can't save yourself let alone save others dude

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
Well, let's talk about music this week because you know, why not find more songs to listen on a week that already has a lot of songs releasing haha. So, Yoru no Honki Dance's new mini-album is quite a meh, but I did pick the one song they are going to reveal a music video out of so good I made the right choice lol. yorushika's new mini-album is I swear I'm just here for the ending theme for that Anime movie which rocked the country as in Japan, and then maybe that other song that has a music video too. Fuchigami Mai's new album and single are... okay at best, so I'm just giving songs off impression, and looks like only the newer songs got to me, so basically the topic song from the single, and you can guess from the tweets I made what I gave for the album haha. Last but not least, I heard this song, shamed to admit to be honest, a YouTube clip which likes to put ending songs and this song got me, so I listened to... uh... sana's collaboration single from 2017? I don't know, they slapped three names on it and I almost gave two. Haha I didn't, I gave up on the third track so I just got what I came for eventually.

In news concerning Twitter and music for maybe or maybe not I can talk about because Klassic Note has hidden rules all over the place this past decade, I've been listening to VTubers and them singing songs so whether it's original or cover I'm also not officially giving any of them (I just slap them to my Favourites playlist only) (And no Nanawo Akari I'm not giving you another chance... yet), I talked about music recommendations from Anime seiyuus ie. voice actors/actress alike on their tastes and I guess Kana-chan suits my tastes the best so I'll be listening to a couple of those next week likely, Base Ball Bear's new song is not much so I'll see what's up for them since their album early last year which I rejected too lol, Ryokuoushoku Shakai's new music video is touching but not on the audio part, Yuuki Aoi's new single will be releasing in April for new season Anime of course (with Waki Azumi doing the ending theme for the same Anime so what figures), SHE'S is releasing weekly live recordings in limited time recording so I will not link the videos but you can follow their YouTube channel to find out more I saw the one this week it was an acoustic live from their 1st full album which I did review, their new song isn't that great but wins the previous two I mentioned lol, SCANDAL released a new live video on YouTube so please go check out that lovely emotional song, and Uesaka Sumire's upcoming single is surprise surprise, opening theme to that "Nagatoro-san" Anime next season.Β 

So for next week, if I'm not wrong Andou Yuuko's new single will be out for Anime "Attack on Titan", and yes as mentioned above thanks to Kana-chan's recommendation I'll be giving Yukarisa's album a listen. Let's hope the latter is good don't expect the former to appear as a Klassic Note Review. Well, I may have said it too early but hey, remember we gave like King Gnu? Or even Ueda Reina? Yeah, those were the times haha

So, what do you think of this week? I think it was fantastic, and yes sadly I'm not talking about whatever is above me so far haha. Well, I've been playing a lot of Red Dead Online learning that it was out as a standalone game from like a couple of days ago so I've been downloading and playing that over the weekend completing daily objectives because that's how you get Gold in the game. I know it's a grind, but I like to explore the world so far as much as it's tiring because I'm an old man now (like those in the game), so let's see if I can continue playing the game for a month since the streak will be over anyways, and then forget about spending ~4.99USD in March haha. Anyways, thanks for reading, and cya guys next week, and until then... I really gotta take naps the total time I spent afternoons sleeping this weekend is zero lol

P.S. Yes, if you got baited to read about the upcoming package instead of anything else I've mentioned so far, plan is there are two photobooks as main show I think I mentioned that before Ajuju has an opponent to defeat even though I'm sure she will win lol, we have Koga Aoi and Ookubo Rumi for Valentine's Day (cards and bromides) (haha), and Taketatsu Ayana's upcoming livestream is releasing goods which somehow, contains bromides. So yeah, kiss goodbye to my wallet would you? Thank goodness I bought a new photo album to keep these in hehe until then