
The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #12

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The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #12

Sunday, 21 March 2021
Ah, I think it's coming back again, this cough. *cough*

Ugh, totally sucks by the way, but I still have to work because I think I took enough MC for the month that I shouldn't take too many, and also they just incremented by salary. *laughs* Oh well, suck it up I guess lol

I spent quite a lot of this weekend still playing Red Dead Online (I mean, I'm only halfway through the Roles), and also watching Hololive VTubers playing first time a new game of situational awareness called "Minna de Kuuki Yome. 3" and boy is it interesting to see reactions from the purest who know nothing about the series and/or normies to those who hate normies lol hey walking behind I would've pushed that dude off into the river too haha *cough*

Okay, after you have done with looking at the recent Klassic Note Review be sure to read on for more Anime talk, yes? Oh yeah, I forgot to update last week's, but "Attack on Titan" met a TV simulcast in JapanΒ where an earthquake affected airing on some stations and they postponed it to this week, so two episodes back to back. Yes, and that also affected worldwide distribution. Industry first incident? Well, first time I saw it though tbh

をニパ Bungou Stray Dogs Wan!
"YOU'RE going to make the (oden), Dazai-san?" Haha Atsushi with the danger alert from his brain "I'll call on Yosano-sensei" lmao
Man, even the President is trying to defend Ranpo-san's honour but seriously, it's hard because he behaves like a kid lmao. In this new episode (#BungouStrayDogs10) where since they talked about barbeque recently and they can't reuse material we are having hotpot instead, I guess. So, let's talk more story, and does it feel like it's already ending soon? How the time has passed on this short series, isn't it? Firstly, the hotpot. If you have seen the eyecatch on the formula for Dazai to make hotpot, you (1) get Atsushi to buy the ingredients as usual and (2) ask Kunikida to cook. *laughs* See? It's that easy lol. Well, for one, I don't think anyone wants to have a taste of Dazai's cooking even if it's just dumping stuff into a pool of soup base, but hey, what do I know about cooking haha. And good chances the hotpot had to be made multiple times so it won't accidentally get cleared by Naomi who thought it'll be a good idea to give it to her brother... and you know, feed him in the process F**K YOU TANIZAKI haha oh well I don't have an imouto what do I know about the happiness/sadness of having one lol. Yosano and Ranpo are jerks for destroying the food meant for them to eat especially with Kunikida doing everything, and Kyouka-chan is me if I'm not picky lmao. Dazai is obviously not eating because you can barely recognize him in on camera because he looks so big after taste-testing lol. Then, it's everyone going to watch the one movie. You know, the one Chuuya has been wanting to watch for a while, one with cute doggos but he thinks it's weird for him to watch it. I mean, it will be weird if his voice actor went to watch it for his age lol. But as Chuuya took the lift Atsushi accidentally ended up in the same lift/elevator with him, so, uh... well it's not Dazai/Chuuya or Akutagawa/Atsushi combinations so we shouldn't have to worry too much lol. Anyways, there was quite a blackout, Atsushi thought Chuuya is screwing with him using the lift, and when power was restored the movie was cancelled. So yeah, don't ask Dazai to go watch a movie with Chuuya, please, Atsushi. *laughs* Then, it might be two months too early, but summer. And summer means yukata, fireworks, and Dazai's departure...? Hmm, somehow that seems like an offset to the actual drama which might be used to conclude this season, but who knows? They may have taken this too seriously though lol I mean look at the ending sequence. All in all, if you want more wholesome content from this series this is as much as you will get to be honest, and we know the cow is MVP lol it's in the gatherings I can't even
P.S. "Onii-sama must be in all sorts of trouble when I'm not around" Yeah Naomi you think he's not in trouble when you are around? lol don't hit me pls
P.P.S. "Hanpen!!! What's that" Kawaii Kyouka-chan, ladies and gentlemen haha

をニパ Horimiya
"Good friends can settle any argument with rock paper scissors!" Oh really? Gotta use that as the new benchmark now lol
So who the f**k is Shuu? *laughs* I guess we will find out in this new episode (#Horimiya11) because they be talking about siblings- By the way I have an onee-san. I don't call her that because I'm not Japanese but you know how much I want a younger sister already so... Haha let's move on. So, firstly, sausage fest if you would like to call it. *laughs* Okay don't look up on it I'm worried about the ratings here now lol. (Yeah if there is any) We are introduced to more characters? Man, we're near the end though lol. Cue most extroverted (in school) character... let's call him Iura (Shuu, is his name), though windbag might be a better term lmao. Okay, about this guy, he's kinda annoying, he's loud, he doesn't care about others... unless we be talking about his younger sister but we'll cover that in a while, but hey, with all the guys hanging out and Hori leaving and Sawada being uncomfortable you would have wondered. *laughs* All in all, just playing around with friendships, I guess, and it's great to see how all the classmates are hanging out nicely, unlike... mine...? I don't know man look at my Facebook feed. *sees all marriage announcements* Okay f**k me then. *laughs* It was fun to watch all the hijinks at least, and yes Honoka is cute I'll keep saying that until they can come up with a new girl. Okay, Iura's imouto Motoko-chan is also kinda cute, and she might be our focus in a moment. But between Honoka liking Iura so long as he keeps his mouth shut (lol) as evidenced by him helping her out, to like, Iura being a brother to his sibling... he's all sorts of things put together, I guess. I mean, the imouto just described him as an introvert... like... her haha nice joke Motoko-chan. *laughs* And I guess, as that is a more heavy topic anyways and as if episodes of Miyamura being emo about his past isn't bad enough, let's talk about Motoko's future. She got mocked by the teacher for opting for a better school which may or may not accept her, and thank goodness the brother chose to help her by putting her in with Hori-san the ace student, and hopefully by then, we can have the one attempt at chasing our dreams. Hey, lucky you Motoko-chan I don't have such connections to get me into a good school you should thank your brother. *laughs* All in all, unless you want me to talk about the hijinks specifically, I'm still technically crying over Sakura's rejection last episode lol, and yeah, just be the brocon that you might be Motoko-chan and join your bro in the same school. *giggles* That'll get Honoka jealous lmao haha what (Then again not possible because 3 years apart and high school is 3 years)
[TL:DR; If you like cute girls in this series this episode is it hehe wait Motoko is Kanemoto Hisako? How?? lol]
P.S. "But (Yanagi) you speak casually with Yuki" Haha that's called being friendly man, especially if you like that certain someone- "I'd like to know why" lol Ishikawa
[GIF FEVER!! I need to use MP4s soon tbh]

Update 2021.03.22: You see, the thing about watching Titans two episodes back to back means you won't get hit by the cliffhangers when you are through with an episode BUT IT SUCKS, DUDE!!! Haha I have to burn more of my weekday nights to do this- Wait more of them playing "Kuuki Yome"?? Just a moment I gotta
をニパ Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
"I just want to talk. Conflict isn't necessary to solve Eldia's problems" So Eren, why is your hand bleeding? lol you think we don't know huh
Hey, we did miss last week's episode because of an earthquake in Japan but you know, I'll take two episodes this week. *laughs* Japan can stay safe. *laughs* Okay, now for the bonanza that will only happen once in don't know how many years because I don't binge watch Anime, we will double down on this and start with last week's episode (#AttackOnTitan73) where we left off with Eren appearing in that restaurant then. So firstly, the talks. I mean, if it went well there wouldn't be any drama to watch, so yeah, I'll talk about the less emotional points that Mikasa is still on about lol. Hey, I have always thought Mikasa was cool, but not this episode. So, the main point is besides the two not BFFs not telling him about where Zeke is because unlikely they will and we will get to that later, Eren is also egging on the two to talk about what he has right now: freedom. I mean, those Americans don't and are still wearing masks so you don't have it too, but suffice it to say Armin just wants that status quo so he doesn't believe he's still part of Bertholdt which he had consumed to stay alive, and Mikasa as an Ackerman and... yeah she's a woman, okay? What, we going about the misogynist thing again when it's literal evil in front of us right now? Not talking about you, Gabi. *laughs* So yeah, in the end Armin got beaten into a pulp because who knows how much Eren has been practicing in the gym lol, and Mikasa is heartbroken. Goodbye childhood memories then; Eren wants to be God now lmao. Next up, Zeke's escape from Levi... sort of. *laughs* Because seriously if you thought that would happen, don't even think about it. Bury it with your hopes to be successful and rich in life. *laughs* As of last time because Levi knows his squad is left on their own and likely will be revealed of their location at any time, Levi is intending to disable Zeke as a human first so that he can't do anything funny to the gang of 30 odd troops here... or has he? So yep, Levi doesn't know about the wine and I'm glad he likes tea because me too bro we two be the only ones to live- I probably will be dead being trampled by one of those transformed Titans because of Zeke's cry triggering his spinal fluids on those who drank his wine. Yes, it's literally called his wine part of him is in it. So yep, just like last time and actually Levi thanks for the reminder, he has to, once again, take down his comrades. Not first time already, apparently. So yeah, Zeke is not leaving in one piece, to say the least. And at this point Eren isn't with him to any extent, so why is he taking the risk to escape? What an idiot haha. Lastly, Floch and his gang (I don't like that "Jeagerists" term I don't want to bow down to Zeke lol) managed to reach the military from within so likely he took over the developed area with the army already, even including the new troops who beat up their commander into a pulp. Because you know, evil. Not young people are evil now, but Floch did say whoever doesn't goes to jail, so it's probably just the five who said they want to join that side. The others just poked at his body lol. Hange? Just tell him the location; Levi wouldn't be there anymore anyways you can live another day. Just one more day, maybe. *laughs*
"Since we can't leave, we have to live here until we die" Trust me, sir, that is WAY better lol
We quickly move on to next episode (#AttackOnTitan74) where now that Zeke has literally a missile to his abdomen, he recalls a time where his glasses were still on his face, or even before. But seriously, why encourage him to change this world though? *laughs* Okay now that Zeke has done half the world over already, let's see what this flashback has to offer. So, the reveal. Firstly, we talk about Zeke's family, when they were in Marley. Yes, they weren't actually on the island before. I was wrong all this while, because I thought the father was in the island first. But if you remember the narrative from even season one, you would notice Eren's dad had to have come from somewhere. Somewhere, huh. *raises eyebrows* So yeah, Zeke was influenced as a kid mainly by two parties; the Marleys who told them the lies, and his parents who told them the truth. He gets to know both, so he probably already realized the brainwash as a kid which many do not even at his age. Still, he tries to live the life trying to be a Warrior to save his family from being in a lower social status probably as you can remember, and well, it has not been going well. Problem is, the father was rather persistent about his son being one of the Warriors. We'll talk about that a bit. Next, we talk about Ksaver. Besides having a weird name, he is one of those commanders... who coincidentally has the Beast Titan power. Hey, what do you think happened after his time was up? You see, if your dad doesn't want to play baseball with you... *laughs* But as you can see, Ksaver feels like as if Hange as Beast Titan powers: he rather research about Titans than be one. Haha anyways, that's how you know the past memories of Titans, he was really the only one who still didn't see Zeke's efforts as trash, and then also realized that his parents have been lying to him. Okay, not like the Marleys have been telling the truth, but yeah, it's that third perspective we have all waited for, as Ksaver dropped him on the truth from his years of research into Titan powers and of its history. Because, the best way to save this world of humans, is to eliminate of the Titans. By, you know, getting the Founding Titan to change Eldian constitution such that they can't bear kids. (Man, I'll f**k chicks all day until I die where got time to be a Titan haha what) So yeah, in short, the euthanization of Eldians. And yeah, might be too early for the drop, but there you go. He was also told by Ksaver about the actual solution to this disaster, which is what we already know from Zeke's grand plan, to get a royalty of Eldians to take the founding Titan power, and then... it's up to them. So yeah, he still gotta do the influencing on Historia or something, but you get the idea. Then, to Eren. He then also found out that the father, besides being an Eldian Restorian which greatly increases their chances to get thrown into the pit and sent to the island to... you know, get killed by Levi lol thank goodness that didn't happen, but also, his dad even survived and had another kid out there, on the island. And interestingly, by the time Zeke had a chance to talk with his brother, did he find out that Eren was thinking the same way too, thinking his dad is poop and war should stop with the Eldians. Man, the best thing about having family for Zeke right now (and I swear he's wet down there lol), is he has such a brother who can understand the guy who raised them was a total idiot. So, so bliss. *laughs* Well, that's as long of memories as we have for now, but I think it's enough to justify Zeke's apparent suicide with him pulling the pin on himself, probably ripping Levi apart in the process, firing the missile at point blank range. My guess? Levi will be better off than Zeke, and he'll take over the Titan powers to survive just like Armin. I hope you can see where this is going. *giggles* Man, can't wait until I have to see more Titan fights, but we may have to wait. Thank goodness these two episodes come in back to back, because next week looking at the preview it's BORING haha cya guys then
[Don't think there'll be enough images to show to not put a gross rating on my blog so here are some cleaner ones]
P.S. "I can't stand a slave who only obeys orders without question" Surprise surprise, Eren, we are all manipulated by that one Lord above, so you lose lol
P.P.S. "I'm enjoying (this book); I've already read it seven times" lol Zeke you remind me of a certain someone who watches enough of terrible movies to like them
[TL:DR; "Compared to the mysteries of Titans, hatred and war seem so trivial" is probably the trigger for the author's writing of this whole series, I think]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
There isn't much this week, so let's go over them quick. Friend's new single is single track, so guess if I gave it or not- No Klassic Note Review as it is clearly labelled as Limited Edition and we don't do that here. *laughs* Middle Kids' new album is kinda okay I guess, but I will need some time to give more songs, if they weren't already hard enough to give. Hey, Alternative music is rough, okay? I like it but it's also not easy to accept imo

On news concerning Twitter and music of which I care about because I need to spend time reading my timeline every day, Ryokuoushoku Shakai's new song is a meh but you can watch the music video to get something to get hooked on lol, Sangatsu no Phantasia's new video on YouTube is from a recent live so ifΒ  you like some Mia-san (who still wouldn't show her face on camera) you're welcome, Takahashi Rie's new song got credited for an upcoming drama which is kinda cool for any voice actor's music debut tbh, LuckLife is releasing a new digital single in April, SHE's released a new live video on YouTube featuring their new song they are getting a lot of publicity here, and last but not least RYTHEM announced a livestream upcoming May after nearly a decade from disbandment back from their album in 2010. yucat-san and Niitsu Yui-san, tell me what will happen, yes? I'm rather excited but I don't think it's that but maybe they will be coming back after all, I don't know. We could use some of them to pad this year's songs though tbh but maybe it's also just a reunion stream how would I know haha

Looks like I get to take a break next week, but from the looks of it there are new releases from many artists I know of according to Skream, so let's see if YUKI's new single, FINLANDS' new album, and Base Ball Bear's new single will make next week a little different. We have heard of Base Ball Bear earlier this year so maybe that's a start.

Okay I'm done. I'm coughing way more than I have to so I better wrap up and go sleep early in case I have to spend more time coughing than sleeping throughout the night lol. Cya guys next time then, and until then... Really, when here is more interesting than my life right now... Haha okay bye I prefer not to think too much all is well in everyday life isn't it?

P.S. Seriously thinking of continuing the trend of new photobook reviews until I realized I did review Marinka's photobook even then which is not released in the same year so... maybe Kana-chan's photobook from last year (before she is married) now? We shall see there is no trigger for this though and who knows if she is releasing another photobook hehe- No?

P.P.S. Yes Koga Aoi is now in my watchlist as seen from my GitHub page also Kanno Mai I guess she is the main in Anime "IDOLY PRIDE", she was cute in Wednesday night's livestream, so...