
The Klassic Note Review 2021.03

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The Klassic Note Review 2021.03

Thursday, 18 March 2021
Yep, it was yesterday. But seeing as there are so many things happening yesterday, I postponed it just a little bit to today. I hope you are not disappointed at me, Marinka. *laughs*

Now that I've given you enough of a hint on what is starting Klassic Note Review this year, let's get to it I guess! Surprisingly, it's the onset of releasing new songs in not conventional ways that is going to make these decisions a lot harder than you think. Friends' new single released recently only had a Limited Edition with one track but we're not reviewing that just because haha

Yeah, also removing the issue number because we don't review four releases monthly like 7 years ago nowadays lol can't believe I did this for so long and NOT get sponsored haha I don't care though

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
Kouno Marika - Yume Mitai, Demo Yume Janai [Single]
Limited EditionRegular Edition
(Somehow I'm glad she's looking at me on the Regular Edition; Not saying sleeping her isn't cute though but)

Origin: This probably was a long time coming, but just coincidentally, it has to happen on her birthday. If you need an introduction, you shall get one. Meet Kouno Marika, Japanese voice actress, member of idol group Earphones, so she does have the singing abilities nailed down at some point. She also starred in other productions like SOROR and obviously, a trouper in Anime character and/or theme songs throughout her career. The extension towards solo music career this year is just an exhibition to not just her popularity, but also maybe, her prowess in showing the music industry something different, something voice actors have been known for for years. And this one, if there isn't something we can talk about, I wouldn't be here in the first place. So, shall we?

(1) Yume Mitai, Demo Yume Janai [(It's) Like (A) Dream, But (It's) Not (A) Dream]
From first chorus:
"(It's) like (a) dream, but (it) feels to certain, for (a) future that might happen
(The) little wishes are now, gathering and shining 
(It's) not (a) dream, because (I) can call out, all those emotions
Tomorrow (I) shall, filled with excitement, (my) greedy story (ahead)"
Pretty adequately titled even for her debut song, the catchy song and positive looking lyrics probably are staple to any idol-based music artist, and this is no exception. I would argue though, as I heard this initially at the start of the year, I wasn't nearly impressed, and just thought this is just another one of those songs they all sing as the first single, as a signal of haphazard production to cash in on their popularity. On closer inspection though, it is truly representative for the artist herself, for even being able to have a solo music career is kind of a dream come true for her, since it is a privilege not reserved for all. The lyrics bring about a more positive yet encouraging mood, telling a tale of chasing dreams and the emotions throughout, it is no doubt saying of someone's maiden debut. The melody is catchy though and I would pick on the one note they had to offset at the end of the chorus which will make you remember, but otherwise you actually get a real nice flow. Even the bridge of the song brings you back in, and it's short enough to make you come back for more.
Rating: 4 stars (Dream-Like Average)

(2) I tie U
From first chorus:
"Take (my) hand, spinning and spinning like a top, more
Come come, ditch away all your worries that have stagnated
(In) slightly tipsy consciousness, mix and blend round and around
(Blending) into one, all worth of emotions
Messy and mixed up
This heart squeeze and tied up"
Wow, this is probably one of the recent compelling songs I have to give this year, I promise you. For if you have known of Kouno Marika herself and her acting, you would have seen the... more mature side of her in action. This might be that manifestation of it, and I swear, I want more. Because despite the song having like a change in pace in the second verse, and having a unlikely transition compared to the usual idol positive moods, this one is nothing but allure and smooth paces, from melody to lyrics, she is just here to captivate and catch your attention in the most matured way this cute lady can do. And I tell you, it is working on me, to say the least. The lyrics emphasize quite a lot on the feelings of love, but in a more forceful manner, and desperate in approach, as if she was dragging instead of inviting you into love. All in all, it's sort of a song you hear in fancy bars, but this one is reserved for the back room. I don't even know how to describe this to make this not sound rated, to be honest.
Rating: 4 stars (Slightly Fall Short Below Average)

Conclusion: Kouno Marika is not for everyone, I'll admit. Her high pitched voice does not fit her now more matured personality and image, but nonetheless, this step into music will not be her last, and it's definitely not a dream. For a long time coming too, and I can't believe what I have known of her can manifest like this so well. For the casual listener though, it is your usual debut single vibe, which means easy listening songs, perhaps an appetizer to what she can do in the future. And I'm very hopeful.

And also!! Because I guess the SCANDAL girls deserve this single track release...

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
SCANDAL - eternal [Single]
(They could've come up with a better cover, but I can understand why once I saw inside the booklet, so that's fine I guess) (It was hands on top of each other, of the members)

Origin: I guess it's their turn after Chatmonchy in 2012, huh. Cue SCANDAL, probably one of the most popular female bands in Japan known worldwide, and incoming to the 15th anniversary of the band, if I am not wrong they are releasing new singles throughout the year, and this is the first of them. Within these 15 years, we have seen them get popular from songs written for this girl's Rock band, to them writing their own, and only getting better after changing music labels into their own independent label of music and fashion. This, is how far they have come. This is just the appetizer, basically, of what they have to offer today, which might be different in my opinion, but it's still very them. Here is why.

(1) eternal
From first chorus:
"Shining bright, that light, leave it (aside)
Pouring down, (the) shower of love
Please, (my) heart, release it
Let (us) feel the world of kindness"
Ah, the song of eternity. Simplicity, would be the topic of this song, and it will therefore last, in all eternity. This is what I felt when I heard this song. The melody is simple with a strong production backend which is not exactly from them but will make an impression nonetheless. The lyrics are more meaningful than ever, talking about dreams beyond the situation we live in now, reaching out to feel the world out there, especially love. And that, I give a salute to members RINA and MAMI for making this song happen. Period. It's that good.
Rating: 4 stars (Stunningly Above Average)

(2) eternal (TOWA TEI REMIX)
I'm not going to comment too much because as usual, remixes and instrumental only tracks are not part of the review, but I would like to point out how different this is from the original, though both produced not with Rock vibes.

Conclusion: There you have it. It's only a single track, but it can make so many waves to make you remember. Who says making impact must be writing sophisticated lyrics, complicated beats, or even off-note singing? This is an easy representative of what pushing for perfection feels like. It's good, impressive, and be sure to get your attention at a glance. SCANDAL now has more than been just a name. They travel far and wide to sound what they are today, and this is pure evidence.

-Kaineng, on the Klassic Note

(Okay please tell me how sarcastic I sometimes sound to praise these guys because I'm not, okay? Passion is what drives me to click on the order button for these things lol)

So okay, quick one about the package. I was just chilling with deciding with Marinka's single, but clearly, SCANDAL was just around the corner, so I just had to wait. That is why they have arrived together or else I would have to pay shipping twice at this point. Still, it was worth the wait, and here they are.
For Marinka's single, I must say looking inside the package, I was real disappointed at the lack of... a lot of things, to be honest, because the lack of image prints (which is why I only showed you the cover) and proper designs for the text (see the text on the covers for both editions) and credits within the book (ie. you don't see a list of people involved inside the booklet, only on the CD case) really hinted on not a haphazard, but lower budget production even for her debut single. Debut single, guys. You can put in more effort in trying to rip off our money lol because seriously go buy a MusicRay'n or PONY CANYON single and take a look inside or something haha

For the special gift though, this is what I took time to think about, and now that I see what the package is, I'm glad I took my time to decide. *looks at chat with friend* Haha so as usual I consulted my bro for what he liked, and I did think a lot through this for all of them are actually good, those with bromides, and it took me a while to end up firstly, with the Gamers one. (Why is this preview so small...?) Though, despite how good the Sofmap and Tower Records ones looked, and if I didn't remember wrongly Neowing (or CDJapan as internationally known) ran out of stock as I saw it on release date by the way, I instead loved the Toranoana one so much I chose that in the end instead. It was also one of the few online stores which will pair you with the special gift as a listed item, so YOU KNOW whether you'll be getting it instead of being disappointed at not receiving one by the time it reaches shipping. No really, been there done that lol
SCANDAL's single is just simple, so I'm not going to complain too much about it. I can even say this is a Limited single, as I could only find stock on their parent music label VICTOR STORE, but I'll close one eye on that. Much effort has been made in ensuring the CD doesn't rub against the paper-based sleeve so they added in a plastic sleeve which is nice, so even though this is the same price compared to the other one above, I would say this might be a better package in itself, no joke. Come on, it's only one song here and they did more than a standard single wtf

Okay I'm done haha. It's only Thursday, I wanna play more Red Dead Online, I also gotta shower, so I'll cut my enthusiasm here and continue in the shower ("ai no shower~") (yes, a quote from SCANDAL's song) if I have to lol. No really, this is one of those graphs where I couldn't even give a damn about these two singles until I listened to them in review. That is how Klassic Note Review works now I guess. If that is so, can't wait to be surprised by more releases, I guess. I mean, we might get RYTHEM back what could be better? *laughs* Cya guys next time then, oh and I think I better update on the Titans Anime this week for it got effectively cancelled. Excuse me while I go listen to sexy Marinka singing and tying me up haha ikr you give me a song titled "I tie U" you can NOT think of lewd stuff hehe bye

P.S. Alternative title for this post: "Is Marinka ero-kawaii? The next generation of adorable allure" lol