
The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #31

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The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #31

Sunday, 01 August 2021
No really, this week passed by too soon. We're in August already, can't you see? *looks at Inorin calendar* Mmmmmmmmmm...!! Haha

Also, too soon because I've been dreaming of idols back to back is what happened. From hanging out with Minase Inori solving mysteries if I recall correctly from two days ago, to Touyama Nao's alternate self (no really, there were two of her) wanting me to do a kabedon on actual her last night... it's all sci-fi level fun and games all the way if you don't have to wake up in the middle of the night because your nose keeps acting up. *laughs*

Yeah, which is why I didn't bother writing them down because they always happen on the first half- See, I like to dream out the good stuff earlier? Haha okay not about me anymore we can't keep discussing on what I watched on YouTube let's talk about Anime shall we?

Talking about Anime, I'll probably skip on "Jahy-sama" even though I do have plans to watch it, because I mean this is already taking up half my Sunday we don't have to make this any longer haha I know I'm enjoying this but doing up this weekly post takes time and is still somehow my weekly fuel but still.

をニパ Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru.
"About the fact that (Kimizuka is) trying to solve the case, even though the detective is me" In his defence, everyone comes to him thinking he's the detective so
Did you even realize how they intentionally make this a heart transplant so we can blatantly stare at Nagisa's chest whenever they talk about it? GENIUS haha ah hey. *laughs* In this new episode of an arc which is going to end I think (#TanMoshi04), we resolve on Saikawa Yui's mystery... can we not mention that she's an idol? Haha Nagisa-chan that title is not just misleading but then again I'm on Kimizuka's level of thinking so we good. *laughs* Okay, not that close but let's talk about what happened. Firstly, the live performance. It's the actual day, fanboy Kimizuka was familiar with the setlist and is totally ready to join the audience haha not, but you get the idea, he is here to determine an opportune moment for something to happen. What it is though? We may have to go back a little. Remember the initial idea from Saikawa here is to help protect a sapphire gem in her mansion with all her guards protecting her in the live event? Yeah, likely a farce because all you need to know is that the idea wasn't about protecting any treasure in the room because again like what Kimizuka said last week, the in built defences is more than enough to protect any intruders. And she did not even approach the cops too. So yes, the treasure is not in there. And the lie? Saikawa's the treasure. Okay, not fan talk haha, but yes, it's on her left eye, that sapphire. The two clutch saved her at the last moment when an assassin was about to send a crossbow into her left eye with I don't know how we can even predict Nagisa suddenly showing off the bad guy's location with a scream from Kimizuka lol (and how is the android guy involved in this again isn't that dude in an underground prison?), but yeah even if so they barely got hold of the idol on stage before she really dies in front of thousands. Well, that is, until we know that is not the truth too. Apart from her left eye which was actually given to by her parents, and why would you do that unless you yourselves are also evil, the eye was also with special powers, entrusted by her parents to this kid right here. Yeah yeah, remember this is still sci-fi based of a series so this can happen, and yes I can only predict the non sci-fi parts because we don't know this world well enough anyways, but suffice it to say Saikawa was with the same side as the bad guys, and of course, something fell apart and the bad guys now want to target her. Remember that all this time after losing her parents and ignoring her fanbase guards lol, she has always been alone. So to make a decision to not take sides is an issue, even if it means trying to get into the life of this... detective sidekick lol, to ask him for help to protect a treasure while exposing herself to danger anyways. That, Kimizuka saw through her so yay to the new ultimate detective because Siesta is DEAD haha okay no more dead jokes, but yeah, Saikawa then realized she was targeted as well. Well, not until Kimizuka convinced her that she has been conned on her side as well, trying to set the treasure room up at her mansion to blow these two up because the baddies told her to. That's the point man: if the treasure room can be blown up then the real treasure can't be in there. Think about it. All in all, let me lay down on what I thought of this case before I saw this episode, yes? I think I might just do that for all the future arcs going forward because you know, where's the fun is watching a mystery series without guessing the answer yourself? So, before the left eye reveal. I really thought Kimizuka mentioning Saikawa was lying was just due to her taking the enemy side only, with the assumption still that the treasure in the room might just be a fake which means they can ignore that and find a real culprit in the live event. But as soon as the left eye reveal was there, it really became clear to me that she was definitely taking the enemy's side, whether on her own accord or being threatened, but you know, Kimizuka still managed to save her butt. *laughs* So yeah, so far so fun, I would say, and we are seeing more of the worldview as it unfolds with mysteries to solve so it would be unfair on the audience's perspective to figure out more so just watching might be more surprising instead of second-guessing anything since I'll never figure out the sci-fi references anyways. Talking about guessing, we don't have far to talk about how Siesta died, because new character appearance here is an acquaintance of Kimizuka after news spread of how he saved an idol lol, and might actually talk about Siesta's hand-drawn will for her own foreseen death. *silence* Cya guys next week for more of this I guess.
P.S. "What can (Saikawa) see (through) right now?" We know idols are horny so probably Kimizuka's dick-
P.P.S. [Spoiler Alert] "How will I be able to keep my (Saikawa's) left eye?" Eh, by getting rid of it? *laughs* Okay leaving it in there also sucks so you come up with a better plan haha

をニパ Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid
"If Alice doesn't start sexually harass me like she normally does, I'll..." You'll jerk off to her? *laughs* Ah hey it's puberty we get it
O~kay must they put that intro in for every episode now? Goddammit why *laughs* In this new episode and you bet I saw Viola in the previews haha she's not in though (#ShinigamiBocchan04), I think sadist eye Alice might be a thing in this series haha what. *laughs* Man, Bocchan making up his own retorts is ROUGH lol. But yeah, one would have guessed, unlike me who is as confused as Rob when he asked the butler to touch the maid. Man, what has become of this series haha. So, episode. Firstly, the cold. Man, it's going to be winter in a bit but we don't have to do that this quick lol. But yeah, it looks like Alice is not doing the harassment as often or even any to Bocchan after the night she dropped into the lake with him so guess who's feeling ill. But you know, this is just another reason to get into her shed... room just because there are NO RULES around this house- Boy aren't you glad you are cursed so you can be placed somewhere else apart from the main house lmao. And then we learnt it's not because of the lake but Alice snooping on Bocchan sleeping... from outside of the house when it's snowing lol. Talking about snowing, it's winter time it seems so once again this is the South Hemisphere talk now lol, but yeah, gotta get the weak af Bocchan out to play in the snow, so guess who made a new scarf for him. Nope, not the mother, that will never happen now. *laughs* Everyone in the mansion ie. the three of them went out to play in the snow as it happens, and we get to see like, Alice's super dodge skill as if she was a shinigami herself (yes this is a very subtle "BLEACH" reference lol), dodging all the snowballs from Bocchan and letting him get hit so bad he's probably going to drop dead in the snow. But man did they play outside for a while, and as the sun sets on the cold day Alice then found out she lost her earrings which were given from her mother ie. head maid at the main house who I believe she's still around lol, and she probably wouldn't even step out considering the fierce winds out there at night. So, Bocchan did the gentlemanly thing by braving the snow, digging out layers of white stuff just to find himself... a dead body because remember how I mentioned he was weak? Haha okay me shout out to myself there anyways lol. Anyways, cue new character appearance who is technically not here to save his life but here for shelter and food, half witch half female human Cuff Caph Cuff (lol official website is this though lol fan site), who saw him drop dead in the snow. Well, she was nice enough to help him out, and Bocchan let her in with some food so he can ask her about witches while we're at it, I guess. Sadly, she isn't much of help as apart from her being ostracised by the humans and being hunted which explains why she is out alone with her buddy who we will of course see soon I hope, she also is rather novice in skill and doesn't know what evil witches do to little boys like him years ago lol how does that sound wrong haha. But yeah, not much of help, but I'm sure this will go a long way to get the guy to help us at some point. Come on, Bocchan saved her from starvation(?) surely the boyfriend can help- A~nd she ran away. Hey, you dumb bitc- uh, I mean, dumb witch! Come back!! *laughs* (I like how the transformed bat is still head down in shame lol) So yeah, all in all a wonderful episode to introduce more people who will be able to help Bocchan out on his curse, but we shall see how this goes. Going by how this looks... this might take a while because that one literally just bailed so oh well cya guys next week haha
[Oh I thought I'll get my Minase Inori appearance but seeing the credits this episode she was the cat who tugged on the snowman so I guess it's good enough haha]
P.S. "Normally you would have to sexually harass me three times in the space of 15 seconds" Wow bro how did you get these metrics? *laughs*Β 
P.P.S. Thought Cuff sounded like Aoki Ruriko when she voiced Natalie in that game I'm playing until I found out the voice behind is a total newbie. Well, as in any named role I guess but still boob, uh, I mean, noob haha

をニパ Kanojo mo Kanojo
"In this video, I try walking in on three of my classmates in a relationship" Man, can they not make these summaries any better
Okay you say Naoya's a weirdo already so why do you want to be her girlfriend knowing he has already two? *laughs* I will never understand this series lol harem by the way. Also, cute voice Ayachi is just too much coming in from a married woman- ANYWAYS IN THIS NEW EPISODE haha (#KanoKano05) where we have Nagisa as the ultimate detective haha wait which Anime is this lol, hey how much do you think any female needs to convince Naoya to take them in? Haha think about it. So, story. I think we have reached another level of effort, since Nagisa has shown her efforts in trying to confess to Naoya with her... everything I guess, we now have Rika-chan here who we will refer to as Milika since the trio also did too, who also wants to be Naoya's girlfriend. But, thanks author, unlike the previous confession which the guy did agree on, this one he rejected the heck out of even if she appeals so much in front of him, literally, just waving her chest in front of him too even. Are we actually going to see a rejection scene in this Anime?? Wha-t?? *laughs* Nagisa's doesn't count haha this one's the real deal now lol. For even with actual trial periods where if we compare to Nagisa when she showed her her cooking and her banging body, this one... even if the trail period is literally touching her boobs lol, Naoya also gave the rejection flag somehow. And as he has mentioned himself too, it's more like "I can't get another girlfriend" more than "oh you want to be with me too why not join in" type of situation, which means we can technically remove the harem tag from this series...? Yeah right haha. Anyways also, she has lesser reason as a f**king bimbo on You MeTube to be with him, mainly due to showing of effort that Nagisa has gone through and I doubt Milika here will forsake her current career to be with this guy, and without a childhood friend context this is going to be rough. Yes, like their current abode grass patch type of rough haha. So yeah, pretty assertive, this Milika girl. So assertive, she decides to live on their grass patch lol yep you heard me. *laughs* So yes, this is the putting in effort part of the episode where we see Milika actually relentlessly or maybe desperately wants a boyfriend seeing there is quite a good one here and don't ask me why she doesn't have one up till now lol streamer problems(?), actually set up house in their backyard to convince the guy to be with her? I mean, you can hardly make a dent on him if you are literally "outside" his social circle since those two can just wear swimsuits and walk in while he's bathing- Wait, they did?? *laughs* Okay that aside though, it is definitely a joy because I sweatΒ (yeah as in her sweating from working out all night) swear the author knows what fun it will be for her to be suffering in May rainy season weather outside alone in a tent fighting bugs and doing exercise while doing videos while she's at it blatantly showing off her cleavage- Am I really writing down all of this? *laughs* Man, so thanks to the support of her fanbase she managed to survive a night and get more supplies so she can literally camp outside Naoya's life in order to get him to fall in love with her. Man, this is dumb; Really should've called the cops on her for trespassing. *laughs* All in all, I would say this is a wonderful episode as much as I also know how screwed up this is at its principle so much so that Saki-chan has to walk in to the bathroom to show the guy her nipples- Okay not that haha as in, discuss on how to deal with this bimbo of a fourth person no one wants to be in a relationship with lol. So yes, I actually liked the stark contrast in attitude compared to Naoya's previous experiences with women which will naturally make this series even funnier than it should've been, as much as also, how screwed up it is because just like how much Milika is going to extreme lengths to get the only dude in this series to like her lol, we're also presented with ridiculous scenarios for the characters to make sure you remember how awkward it must have been while recording the voices in the studio. No really, thanks Taketatsu Ayana for everything up till now. Haha cya guys next week for more of this I guess but yes it is rather clear that she will be the so-called "relationship dump" as far as we are concerned and I'm sorry in advance Milika-san for everything you have to do because who doesn't some TITTIES!!! Okay I'm putting up the rated ban on this blog haha
[TL:DR; "How are you so proper when you are two-timing?" Naoya I have never supported your decisions this much until this episode lol]
P.S. "She (Milika) wants a man to protect her from creepy stalkers and stuff" Haha Nagisa how are you so smart at these things lol women's instinct amirite
P.P.S. "There'd be no end to it if I date everyone who is cute" Haha Naoya you talking about me with voice actresses now? I see myself in this Anime and I hate it lol (Audience: You're also not dating any of them-) (Shut up haha)
[Man, Nagisa-chan here is literally an otaku can we talk about what Anime you watching this season and how much merch you have in your room? lol I'm not one of them haha]

をニパ Sonny Boy
"This is the reality of a capitalist society, get it?" Man, Anime hitting us hard with reality lol goddammit
Okay now I don't even know what to make of this episode haha and we are just starting, guys. *laughs* In this new episode where we likely have another world rule that is taking form (#SonnyBoy03), people are now reported missing. Again, I would like to emphasize on how much of this is a growing thing for most of the teens here so wink wink, it's like we don't know the idea of seclusion from society, but hear me out, this is the Anime that'll talk about it figuratively. So, what happened. And I'll try not to talk about society in reality too much and how much it's screwing us up to being human haha. So, it's the second person who was found frozen in place lol yep no one even bothered about the first one until it was mentioned during the gathering, but yeah, sounds like a problem they needed to solve even if it's just one of the world's rules. And since Mizuho is so free, literally, of time because now everyone has to work in order to get some digital cash and buy stuff from her lol capitalism talk basically right here the rich get richer, she... decides to help in the investigation or else the Student Council will probably strangle her grandmother's cats or something lol. What they found out though, is that despite the victims held in place with a black shadow, they can be heard doing stuff if you stand close enough, implying that they may not be dead but "trapped" in another dimension. Looking back, we are about a month into this phenomenon which is Satan's death game in school lol, the guys have been trying to find the point Nozomi was pointing to using her superpowers but to no result even runner Asakaze is getting sick of it because he can't see any of this for shit, and of course Nagara who apparently can identify portals to other world which may, of course, bring them back to reality, or so we think. Putting two and two together, it would seem like they have identified the cause and a familiar resemblance to what they have found in the audio visual room while they were finding portals in the school itself: secluded black curtain worlds where one could do what they like. Yes, among reasons provided by the victims as they were found out, they listed seclusion from the group and no intention to work as reasons for their "disappearance", if that is any surprise to you. But what is probably more surprising is how they resolved this. Because really, first time for now, I have not understood what is happening. They just... blew the curtains to the dimension up and over?? Someone please explain to be like I'm five what is happening right here lol I guess it's removing the barrier literally to increase inclusion of community? That's what they were going for I think? If it is though, it's a fresh idea, to say the least. I just don't get it haha. So, all in all, don't ask me questions about this Anime anymore I can't answer them lol find the scriptwriter and ask him instead haha, but yeah, I would like to bring attention to what is happening soon, with Pony that Student Council girl holding on to a dimension pullover. Yeah, evil things are happening and we know it. Yes, also with Nozomi's conversation with Hoshi, the one I suspect is probably one of the bad guys in this series, but we can't be for sure until we see it happen. Or maybe we won't even. Illusion, guys, is the hardest thing to see happen because quite literally, we might be already in one. Yeah, think about it. So yeah, we shall see how it unfolds lol the curtains, for it is only getting more interesting and confusing at the same time. You know it's good if I didn't spend time to type anything here beforehand haha you won't know I did it behind the black curtains haha bye
[TL:DR; Okay if you want a drop on this from my perspective, think of the rules of this world as rejecting brutal honesty because notice that Mizuho might be rich and smug but is not trapped in a world of her own. From this to trading without return this world is effectively revealing and throwing out all the honest opinions of life]
P.S. "Eh? I thought someone else would notice (he's missing) or something" Yeah, after one week, bro? Nice joke haha wtf
[I appreciate Mizuho with the total reality talk about capitalism man THIS is what happens when you are rich and have power haha I'm with Nagara though if you rich you can just give stuff out for free why make people work? If you hate work what makes you think others will like it also this is not reality so wtf (Or maybe let them say prayers to your castle or something like that "Fractale" Anime haha *wink*)]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
Wow I almost forgot about this and went to bed haha so let's recall what I listened to this week before we reset for new songs for the month, yes? Anime "Shinigami Bocchan" single released this week came with another song apart from the two theme songs which is kind of ironic but then again I did give two but even then I probably won't give the third one mainly because is just "I love you Bocchan" which is kind of cringe so no thanks I guess haha. Also I don't review Anime releases so yeah. *laughs* On other songs, Gotch dropped in with a recommendation again but ironically I liked the second song in the list instead of the lead song which had a music video and that is Bearwear's new single which is also in bandcamp which means you can donate any amount which is what I saw from his Tweet. Really doesn't sound bad though, so may our paths pass again, guys. Also, I took some listen to recent live festivals now that they are kind of opened for now (see what happens after the Olympics they gonna have lockdown lol) so yeah took a listen to literally Yogee New Waves rival never young beach's 1st albumΒ back in 2015 and their most popular (summer) song, and maybe if I can't wait for the former's new album to appear by the end of September maybe I'll find more of the latter's songs to listen. Ironic, because both under the same music label too with the same style- How do they even make money? Maybe they trying to corner the market here? Haha I guess so

On news concerning Twitter and it's music-related so forgive me for talking about Anime I have to, Kaguranana's new song which is ending theme for Anime "TanMoshi" is out in full on digital so it's this and the opening theme which we will have to wait until end of August which I don't mind to be honest, I probably repeated this butΒ ClariS' new single releases in September is for Anime again no surprises there, Earphones' most voted song on Twitter got a free limited time preview of the song on YouTube which well I have watched before last year but then again an earlier live version of the same song was on the same channel so we are not really losing out but really go listen to it before the video disappears, Kitou Akari's 1st live tour footage is premiering on YouTube in a couple of days following her upcoming concept album, SHE'S new song is for a movie so yay more songs for their album due December anyways, Ryokuoushoku Shakai's new music video is a meh to be honest, Yogee New Waves' new album is due September so man am I excited already, and finally ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION's new song is for a new movie of Anime "Boku no Hero Academia" which is interesting to see their rise again after quite a quiet time before their 25th anniversary, and will be in their upcoming single releasing next week. Personally more excited for Yogee New Waves to be honest since never young beach can only carry me this far... hehe HYPE haha

So for next week, we have a couple of releases to talk about, which are besides that Anime "TanMoshi" ending song there is of course Kitou Akari's concept album which I hope it doesn't disappoint I just followed your official music Twitter account lol, and ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION's new single in about 2 years, so I'm expecting some good... returns next week haha I may be wrong it's 2021 man anything can happen lol

I may not even watch the Anime "Mieru-ko" when it comes out next season but I probably will now, because of their pre-broadcast livestreamΒ (link is timestamped) starring freak-out Amamiya Sora because ma girl Hondo Kaede is ambivalent to horror and is not scared of bugs. *laughs* Goddamn the camera literally cut out at the wrong time haha Ten-chan losing it is always a sight to behold lol. Also also, I just spent just now reading up on another Inorin-based Anime "Aharen-san wa Hakarenai" featuring her as a little weird girl- Why does she always voice those she did one last year! Haha maybe she's just perfect to voice these lol also the problem with this normal romance Anime is that, communicating with this girl is like talking to aliens in space, just that she actually replies. *laughs* And hey looks like I'm giving you another one, author of Anime "Denkigai no Honya-san" haha that one was actually good too if the Senpai's confession from her ex isn't the best part I can't even convince you to watch it anymore. Cya guys next week then, and until next time... man I can talk about Anime for days... provided I have someone to talk about with haha I should start doing so huh lol bye

P.S. Okay I seriously need to stop haha Chapter 10 by the way just nice end of Volume 1 so yeah let's forget this and fall in love with "Aharen-san" again next year, yeah? Good haha