
The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #32

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The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #32

Sunday, 08 August 2021
Man, my mind is still stuck with the Anime "Shinigami Bocchan" opening haha ah hey now in music subscription services too but you may have a hard time finding them considering localization isn't there so... *umph I love my Apple Music*
So yeah, watching these on a Saturday in view of a public holiday on Monday which I will, once again, do an Anime Extra once again, so we need some buffer on doing this, meaning a break tomorrow. Meanwhile, let's get through this, in between my still disabled left ear and half energized body... let's talk about Anime and music haha

アニメ Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru.
"Since you failed to dodge (the ball), you're now my servant for life" Okay Siesta hit me also where do I sign up (haha)
Hey, obligatory beach episode, amirite?? And thank goodness we have some Siesta appearance I thought we're just done with her after that one-hour Episode 1 special. In this new episode though (#TanMoshi05) we are doing a flashback arc which will likely last a while, but hopefully not the rest of this series just because. So, story. Flashback goes back to... 2 years after they met so technically this is the Episode 2 lol, but yeah, they were enjoying themselves in the beach- that's how they make sure the quota is met haha it's probably like Chapter 300 in the original work. They were talking about a heist which they can undertake and probably not retire but get themselves more rep I don't know lol where got time to open a detective agency when you're rich anyways. Sadly, this is no "GREAT PRETENDER" where every heist is a success *PSYCHE* haha so yeah, something happened, and we don't know. Well, we will soon, I guess. But not just that, they also were out to scout a seemingly Jack The Ripper type serial killer (Don't know who that is? Go watch "Kuroshitsuji" lol), where the guy rips peoples' hearts out. I don't think it's just any human because we will see that in a bit, but yeah innocent people are dying out in the open so the police had to investigate... in not Japan because Fuubi is going back to Japan? Yeah, so let's say this is some other country we can afford to send out a biological weapon on haha *looks at England* The killer is named Cerberus, and after letting out the bait that is Kimizuka by just leaving him alone without Siesta and totally susceptible to assault, the dude strikes in the dead of night... but turns out it's Charlotte, that girl we saw at the end of last episode so you wouldn't mistake her as the killer... or was she? Well, you get the idea haha it's obvious those boobs are fake!! *laughs* (Okay I didn't notice that lol boobs are boobs man even if they are padded-) Anyways, looks like this android is also a shapeshifter and likely werewolf, so his powers were easily amplified to transform into a woman which I must say is highest on the difficulty scale for transformations lol, transformed back to a wolf to slice Kimizuka in half. The assistant did buy some time though, with Siesta coming in to save him because (1) she knew that the lighter is still with him given by Fuubi-san, and (2) hotel rooms have sprinklers to activate in the case of fire because (3) this is how we can stop the killer from running away every time his wolf nose smells Siesta's presence. Yeah, deep lore here so I wouldn't even bother thinking unlike shows like "Kyokou Suiri" to be honest. Anyways, one shot to the body will make Siesta invulnerable to the killer, but instead he got killed as he was under instruction to get another heart... which you know, his would do, says the SPES leader Hel right here. Woman? Okay, girl, whatever. She looks OP. She looks like a problem when threatened to be shot with a gun so who knows what powers she has up her sleeve. And we were then action-series transferred to an underground facility with Kimizuka locked onto a chair which if he can yoga he probably won't have to unlock the handcuffs himself wasting precious time lol, enough for the Hel girl to talk about a couple of things we will discuss in a moment but most importantly, if Kimizuka doesn't join her side, she will just unleash this biological beast behind her and send it out upon the world above them and it'll probably be slightly better if we suffer from nuclear power plant radiation instead haha ah hey. *laughs* Siesta comes into save his butt, and next episode is likely a fighting scene which will firstly open up a hole from underneath whatever Parliament they are under lol. All in all, I think we need to be more concerned about the contents of The Sacred What... The Bible, haha, to be honest. If let's say we're in this sci-fi world where myths can exist or SPES is super OP compared to Siesta who is likely to sacrifice herself at some point, then the book might have a lot more truth to it, it seems. What it is though, we don't know. Can it predict disasters and disturbances just like how that Quincy God in "BLEACH" can? We have no idea. Guess we gotta watch it all to find out. Problem is, I really will start to worry this might be the rest of the series, considering production may choose to put this flashback in emphasis to tell like, a more complete story about the legend herself, instead of talking about the one who inherited her heart... right? Oh well Ayachi haha cya guys next week.
P.S. "(Fuubi) handed over to me too much: A half-smoked cigar, a lighter, a serial killer investigation..." Yeah, "the rest of her life" is not in it so be glad about that, dude. *laughs*
P.P.S. "I only meant (cravings for) food and sleep (are stronger than others)" Haha Siesta what was the third basic craving? Can't be sex-
[Since it has been a while since we saw some Siesta... you're welcome haha]

アニメ Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid
"You may look pretty and have huge boobs... Can I touch them for a bit?" That's what they all say haha *wink*
Is it a problem when I get high hearing Viola-chan's voice? Haha yes, Minase Inori is cute, whatever. *laughs* In this new episode (#ShinigamiBocchan05) where imouto-ness is my meth lol, Viola-chan drops by again! Probably for Rob because who gives a shit about the brother haha, but yeah, this week looks so wholesome I can't help but believe this is all we need to watch this series, to be honest. So, more Winter stories, I guess. First up, pep talk to Viola versus learning the Viola Method? Haha hey which one do you think doesn't involve the sister? *laughs* Anyways, Viola understands that the brother likes this maid, but you know, the appeal isn't going back but mainly not because she isn't attractive enough as evidenced by later when another dude finds her appeal, Viola thought it'll be great to, you know, teach her some lady charm while we're at it. I mean, her charm is just that rack, girl, you don't need anything else. *laughs* Oh okay also, societal status. That one you need to take care of, if we talking about early 20th century. *OOF* But yeah, I guess now Alice has more on Bocchan to make him succumb to her charms or whatever, as if it's already not enough lol. Talking about charm, we haven't talked about how charming is Rob the butler even with that white hair, short-sightedness and broken back. *laughs* Okay so next up, it's Viola-chan's turn. On her next of many visits to the mansion lol I really hope the mother doesn't find out, the guys were cooking, so great onii-chan right here suggested Viola play around dough with Rob... though I would think the cat-like dough probably isn't as cute as Viola-chan herself when she gets embarrassed and stuff, but you get the point. *laughs* Eh, drop the sugar on the seasoning, please, I'm already satisfied. *laughs* And then, which is likely the only part with plot progression just because we have to lol (it's like kids having to do homework after playing all afternoon), the appearance of Cuff's only partner Zain, whose transformation takes shape of a white crow. He and Bocchan happen to be together watching Alice skate while swinging her rack around and above the icy lake lol, but man, is this Zain thing literally my buddy who can't stop talking about boobs haha shoutout to ma bro here, but besides that, Zain is also attracted to Alice likely because of the stark contrast she has to whatever boring, uninterested in men partner Cuff was compared to this sexy maid. Cuff's got some chest though, I'll give you that. Just that attitude, I guess. *giggles* Anyways, from Zain getting beat up by Cuff leaving that bruise which is total comedic relief, to Cuff not giving up even though I would hardly call holding on to Zain walking as skating lol, this author just can't stop shitting on the relationships between the couples we've seen in this series and I LOVE IT haha best Anime of the year. *laughs* On the night of skating outdoors, the two magicians discussed on Bocchan's case and decided that letting him in on the next witch's sabbath ie. think of Harry Potter's magic town where those wizards gather, on the next dark moon to find out a solution to his problem. I doubt this will be easy but Alice will be tagging along, so let's see if we can even undo the spell without approaching the witch who put it on him first lol. Last but not least, what we may have a glimpse on the trailer since I remembered it too well, a night between Alice... and Viola-chan haha what we got the Bocchan one some time ago already. Anyways, we know Viola knows that Bocchan likes Alice, but she doesn't know Alice has someone she likes... and is literally her brother so oh boy can't wait for that reveal to happen, but yeah, touching a little more on the passive aggressiveness of Viola here is the point, that even with the brother complimenting her he still gets insulted to some extent. Very unprofessional as cute younger sister in my opinion haha. All in all, loved this episode, could use a lot more wholesome content every week I must add, but next week might not be the case since we may have to advance the plot a bit I guess. We shall see, if the sabbath is as scary as we might think, as we embark on an adventure to resolve Bocchan's curse. Cya guys then.
[GIF GALORE!! For Viola-chan man haha]
P.S. "I wasn't talking about your underwear..." Haha yeah me you perv how did you get that
P.P.S. "Boys my age act so childish, I want nothing to do with them" Hey substitute boys for girls and you'll see my perspective haha ah
[This week's sadist Viola quote is "Shut up" and all you need to do is mention that Inorin is into older men- I mean, Viola-chan haha okay or maybe "Don't talk to me" is better hehe]

アニメ Kanojo mo Kanojo
"I have to do something to protect my two-timing life" It sounds correct and justified until the last part of that sentence lol
JUST CALL THE COPS~!! *laughs* Haha we can just do that you know they suggested it before too. *laughs* Anyways, in this new epiosde where Milika refuses to leave their abode (#KanoKano06), wow now that I've actually seen it for myself and thought of how much the author set up for this... this episode is something. Weirdness, cringe, and wholesomeness... all mixed together and probably tasted worse than my "Cacao Berry Milk Tea" right now lol (*pukes* dark chocolate sucks), but yeah, damn. *laughs* So, in a nutshell of what happened, Milika did leave after all, but yeah, the process is longer than you think. Firstly, they took an opportunity to snatch her out of the place. Surprisingly not calling the cops because why can't they really, but literally selling her camping stuff off when she has to take a leak not at their place but at the nearby convenience store lol. Yeah, start cringing now; You're going to need it later haha. And if you have not seen someone who comes to pick up unwanted goods at your doorstep and gives you money back so they can help you recycle or re-purpose those mostly household items... watch this episode it's a good summary lmao. They don't pay well though so take note. *laughs* What's not a good summary though, is how long this dragged lol. The girls may be able to argue that Naoya wouldn't get another girlfriend, but yes, as we have learnt this far even the author is self-aware, is that the guy can NOT control himself. Yeah, think of Naoya now as our local government trying to stop another lockdown from that virus out there, yes? Then you'll get his perspective. Then again, he is kind of a jerk so *laughs* Not going to infer about your governments but *laughs* You see, Naoya doesn't want to disappoint more women and/or have to deal with more women being okay with another girl in a relationship, is the thing. And Milika is probably not intending to do polygamy, might also be the issue here. Which will bring us to the actual act and having to deal with Rika-chan's... father? Yep, we reaching that stage already. This part is probably more of a growing up story if you haven't been paying attention lol, and if you haven't seen you'll be glad that Naoya is stretching out all the daughter's virtues it'll even make the dad jealous lol. So yeah, in order to protect Milika-san for this case I guess Naoya has to go that far, but again, look at your circumstances before you think of saving others, please. Haha good thing you have TWO understanding girlfriends who won't kill you for being honest and nice lol. Even then, it's nice to see Rika-chan's life right there, living with her single dad and having to dodge old man's perspective including not being involved in a two timing and making it three timing lol but of course, more likely, how she is making big bucks online as a streamer, even if it means... yeah I hate to say this, doing it through whatever means possible. Yeah, flashing chest is not right but ask me what ma bro is following on YouTube and you tell me. *laughs* (I had to intentionally use incognito for this link just in case this ends up in my recommendations lol) (Sorry for being old man, okay? Haha) But yeah, whatever whatever I saved your daughter from your bullshit, but more importantly, which is also the title for this episode, we found out that Milika is slowly liking this dude Naoya, even if at this point it means he had to beg her to date him. *laughs* Yeah right, tsundere doesn't work like this: you force her. *laughs* All in all, somehow this gets resolved and the father took her home without ruining her potential future as a porn star lmao, but yeah if you haven't experienced the miracle that is Anime "OreImo" this is pretty much the same character but as a streamer and is voiced by the same girl a decade ago, so yeah. *laughs* Other than that stupid reference lol, I'm just glad we didn't end up in a three timing because you bet there were so many occasions that would have happened if Naoya didn't control himself enough but yeah, you get the idea. Although I would argue, even if they didn't pack her stuff, the dad will still appear and it may end up the same way where Naoya would still save her since the two girls probably won't, and yeah, I guess the author did it right? No, not right, this is already a two-timing Anime series, no. *laughs*
[TL:DR; "Don't you worry that if Milika-san stays here for too long, I'll fall in love with her?" That's true that is a possibility Naoya especially coming from you lmao]
P.S. "I can't possibly be a three-timer!" This week's TL:DR; everybody haha
P.P.S. "I'll hold Milika-san back" Or he'll come back from the convenience store saying that he got another girlfriend HAHAHAHAHAHA stop second guessing the Anime, me

アニメ Sonny Boy
"Someone will eventually show up... to save us" Yeah Hoshi, you think so? *Press X to doubt* Okay maybe the sensei might do so who knows I could stay in this world with her forever lmao
Man, if you can make any water drinkable is that water you can drink? *laughs* Hey, we're in a series where you have to doubt if it's normal to think like this, mind you. In this new episode though (#SonnyBoy04), you know how great it is for the animation team to talk about monkeys and NEVER have to animate them? Yeah, I want to work on this Anime. *laughs* Hey, maybe we don't have that flashlight, just saying. *laughs* Anyways, man did they get me with this episode after I finished with the three-episode rule, huh. Haha so let's talk about what happened, in between diving into whatever void and eating curry rice lol. So, maybe I'll shorten the part about the monkeys, but you know, in case you only remembered the baseball talk from Cap haha, let us talk about what was going on. Basically, we have witnessed Nagara's powers: to travel between worlds. Sadly, and I'm not going to take the end of the episode to tell you that since Bill Nye figured out that too, Nagara can't travel back to the real world. Of course, the powers literally only work when you're in this world that you're stuck in. It's like asking for a bottle opener to open a sealed bottle when you are inside the bottle. *laughs* Anyways, it all happened over dinner (lol) when Cap talked about baseball and how (1) Nagara and him and Ace (one of the baddies from Episode 1) were in a baseball team before and even fighting until the nationals if not for Nagara's fail apparently and (2) how monkeys in this island were playing baseball too. Yeah, I don't see any though. Animation jokes aside, it looked like Ace was the only one who can see them, and thus also, taught them how to play baseball. And I guess over the course of them being stuck, they made many miracles surprisingly only Ace and Cap saw in its entirety, I guess. So we're not going to talk about Cap's history lesson, but in summary Blue was a great hitter until a referee stopped his final to perfect pitch, and died because... he called a strike to a ball from this legendary hitter who could not, or MUST NOT, disappoint the crowd. Man, rules are a bitch, isn't it? *looks at the world they are in* (Oh also, I agree with Nozomi for the referee holding up to the rules, protecting the sport itself; I mean, look at the original rules of card game UNO) Haha anyways, we can't show the footage of monkeys dying too, so yeah, it ended up being a showdown in baseball of Ace versus Nagara just because Mizuho wanted to see monkeys lmao. Anything for you girl- I mean, you can just order some monkeys haha what am I saying of course you can't do that via Amazon. *silence* Moving on haha, the showdown conditions were of course the worst, because besides the obvious borrowing of the flashlight so Nagara could jerk off to it- Wait, wrong one. *laughs* So the girls can see monkeys on this island thing what am I even saying, but in exchange if Nagara loses he has to send them back to the real world where Ace can be his smug self and lose and retire and and kill a referee who made him lose his career and beating that dude to death with other humans. *giggles* (Monkey joke) So yeah, unlike Bill Nye, Ace doesn't know it's not this simple, and after Nagara lost the match he tried to bring all of them back... but it didn't work, which brings us to the conclusion of his powers as mentioned earlier. No really, what made you think that was remotely possible? We haven't even tapped long enough on Nozomi's power, you think Nagara's powers will work? How ridiculous lol. To end this, looks like we're busted on the "leaving this world" ideology so we might have external forces here to help. Or maybe this Aki-sensei who I must say has a huge rack probably saving herself by floating around in the sea lmao, was probably trapped for a while going from her only dialogue at the end of this episode. All in all... I still wonder if this is God's greatest joke of all time, even in this Anime worldview. But hey, I don't know anything about it, so I guess we'll just watch and see if it can even compete to other original series I've watched all these years. This series is getting better AND worse at the same time I can't even- Did you see how long they took to talk about the baseball story just so we get to see a beat up monkey on base? What the f-
P.S. "(Diving) is fun for people whose sense of danger is dulled" Haha Nagara, I feel you bro "It's not as if anything changes when you jump" Okay maybe not haha what it's just fun man you can't dish out on joy
P.P.S. "I want to see the monkey!" Haha hey that's the best part about the major league story involving monkeys man, I tell you

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
August started us up with a slew of great releases so let's talk about them. ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION's new single after quite a while and the first in their 25th anniversary because I might as well promote for them lol, is not exactly great but then I recall the years of listening to their songs even rejecting recent year stuff and wonder if this is probably what I was also missing, as much as I'm into mainstream or idolism who are promoting more... standard melodies instead of stuff like this. Hmm... Ajikan, I'll think about it and come back to you guys. Meanwhile, I'll take the one topic song, thanks. *laughs* Kitou Akari's concept album probably took the attention this week since I see no difference of this release compared to her previous releases since it's still promoting her cute and coolness anyways, and is releasing an English version of the topic song the only thing they had for this? Okay haha. Last but not least, this is not this week new, but recently remembered them so I listened to Tsuki no Michikake's new EP released earlier this year and... they aren't exactly awesome but I would like to give something different and I think they came in at the right time haha I took a couple of songs anyways.

On news concerning music and it's on Twitter since I follow most of them, I won't listen to them yet but you can listen to ClariS' new song and/or see TrySail's new song on music streaming services for Anime "Madoka Magica" series since I'll just wait for actual release date, I don't think I can show you miwa's new music video because why is region lock still a thing in 2021 (I guess I'll leech from the Internet community like how I did it a decade ago), I did not know of SIX LOUNGE and a flood of circle's video on YouTube so why not listen them out for yourself they both are great in my opinion (with me preferring the former hehe), KANA-BOON's new music video is a real meh so I'll probably be skipping it, apparently yanaginagi is in DEZOLVE's new album which the latter is mostly an instrumental group and... well they should've stayed instrumental lol, and you may have seen Anime "TanMoshi" pre-releasing their opening and ending songs on digital platforms but I know that they will be releasing a combined Anime-based compilation end of the month so I'll wait until that. Man, can they make Anime theme song releases a little more grand? What is with this budget-level theme song mention even

So next week, it's real empty for new releases and I don't intend to find new ones mainly because (1) there's a public holiday tomorrow and I have a backlog of music festival videos to watch so I'll find something in the list and (2) I can take this time to take a break because I have been listening to a lot lately and I think we are on pace to giving a lot more songs in the near future so might as well let my left ear rest. *silence* Okay I take my words back haha I'll listen to a flood of circle's anniversary album because apart from what I mentioned two paragraphs ago, their album is also the first concept I've seen where five different artists (from UNISON SQUARE GARDEN to SIX LOUNGE whom I knew) write songs for them as part of their 15th anniversary. So yeah, I heard quite a couple of good ones from the preview on YouTube and this isn't a big release so I'll tune in to it I guess.

Haha Japan's music industry got me again!~

Well, I knew this took way longer than it should have been which I am grateful, but still, I think I've reached a point I'm going to get discriminated because I haven't been vaccinated from that virus that is killing thousands every day. Good news? I don't have to spend time dealing with what happens to me if I took it. Bad news? My dad's probably sub-threatening me with a relative's wedding dinner so that I would do something about it. Hey, all in the day's life isn't it- You piece of shit kid who thinks you HAVE to go overseas every year for your birthday I only left my hometown at 10 and NOW I have to protect your a** by getting myself exposed to the virus. Whatever dude, you deem what is society worthy

Cya guys next week then I can't think of anything good to talk about (ignore the previous paragraph, rendering error I can't fix lol) and probably because we are getting another Anime Extra tomorrow anyways might as well because why would I love needles haha and until then... if your hometown is dying people at a way faster rate than mine then maybe you should consider getting poked haha just get out and come back tomorrow