
The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #47

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The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #47

Sunday, 21 November 2021
And... welcome to Sunday! See you guys next week haha

Wait, what? I have to review Anime and talk about the songs I have listened for the week when I spent three days on the bed struck from the infection I got from two weeks ago? Okay, guess I have no choice then. Maybe don't drag me to go to prayers in the morning just because I have been sh*t on my luck getting all this resurgence of a virus infection that is not financial rebate because- Look, I spent a lot of money on ultrasound scan stop asking me to buy new T-shirts sis *laughs*

Now that we have summarized life this week for me lol, let's talk about actual exciting stuff, yeah?

(Hey I'm only watching THREE shows this week man; Look at next year's line-up and consider if you want to continue this weekly post or not lol)

アニメ Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu.
"Tadano-kun discovered a new fetish" lmao alright
Yeah Komi-san if you want to be picky about what you have missed in your belongings for this outing, try your mom you will need a luggage case lmao. In this new episode and man this is the pinnacle episode of any Anime series lol prove me wrong (#KomiSan07), we go to the pool! It's not a beach, mind you, or else someone wouldn't have been hurt hehe you see what I did there, but maybe because it's the pool that will make this infinitely more fun for especially Komi-san who I assume, has never been to one in her life. She has not done many things in her life so gotta take note of that. Anyways, it's the usual group plus Agari which is expected and Yamai-san which is not lol don't ask how she knows they are here, and she brought the others in class to join in probably just saying along the lines of "Komi-san swimsuit" and they just appeared within 5 minutes haha ah hey. So yeah, the group went to the pool, they were changing and as usual the dudes have to stand on a line and after we figured out that Najimi can only use the reserved for the disabled restroom lol, we see the guys, just like any other Anime, judge on the quality of swimsuits on, of of course, the girls in the series so not Najimi. *laughs* Apparently the guys still did judge them so whatever lol, Agari-chan has a rack I can't even haha, Yamai-san and whoever those are are fine, and Komi-san wins. *laughs* No surprises there, she has to win. *laughs* They played water slides in which the floatie is for a pair I think you know what I'm talking about, and thankfully Tadano was sitting in with Komi-san because everyone else is choosing who gets to sit on the reserved seat lol. Although I would argue though, no one would get that new fetish discovered if it isn't normal Tadano-kun so *laughs* They held long breath competitions but they all lost to Komi-san and her cuteness so drinks on them haha, they were stalking Komi-san going down the lazy river lol what, and Komi-san fell while running to another ride. Hey, what did your parents remind you about running on wet ground? *laughs* Well, it's her first time, no one will be mad actually they will be worried, but she is still full with worry, so Tadano - who got pushed away by Yamai lol - assures her it is not her fault. Yeah, Komi-san, your god-like status will override everything. I wish I had friends like that. *silence* Moving on haha, they ended up playing water guns instead since that is not as intense as moving around though I would argue this might only work for Agari-chan since she would rather be hit and not dodge or something. *laughs* Interestingly this is not the only thing this episode, so let's move on. Next up, the dad. You would think that after seeing so many bad dads this season this one would be the same too, but considering the mother can talk and if parent traits do inherit to their kids... you get the idea lol they got a voice actor to do the same thing as what Koga Aoi is doing now lmao. They agreed somehow to go to eat shaved ice together (in a cafe? ok), it was the dad's idea, but that's the problem since the dad can't open his mouth too they are just in a stalemate after taking their orders. (Of course, through pointing on the menu) Yeah remember when we talked about social communication where someone has to START the conversation? By speaking up? That's the problem lol. But yeah, the dad did it just because or else we will be here forever lol, and he asked something simple basically same as the mother, which is about her life in high school. Komi-san trolled her dad for a moment, but I guess all is well if she doesn't show a depressed look probably like what she did in elementary and middle school. *silence* Then, Komi-san went to the library to spend the afternoon reading books. What did get her though isn't the eyes looking at her reading books, but her anxiety of borrowing the books through the (human) counter. Yeah, they don't have those automated machines yet, huh. I used those when I was a kid visiting libraries for maybe twice a year. *laughs* She stayed to read the book instead and you know, entertained a kid while she's at it. And yep, if you thought no one spotted her, Tadano got in on the action thank goodness. *laughs* And the last part where Komi-san is at the playground is just nostalgia retry because if you haven't been crazy about the remasters of video games you have played as a kid you are not old enough. *laughs* And Tadano saw it again what a lucky dude man haha not on the library fines though. All in all, great episode, I've talked about the stereotypical Anime jokes and classic style of presentation in Anime excluding the lack of dialogue lol, but overall this series has not yet been disappointing, even if it means Komi-san writing on paper to explain herself. So yeah, can't wait to see what happens next. It's like the author is thinking what weird situations they can put her in right now that I've experienced before lol no I've not been in the ladies changing room lmao oi
P.S. You see Komi-san, and that's why I never learn to be early to any meeting it just makes you nervous haha I just time it to be on time and it'll be enough since I know my friends will be late lol it's them huh
[You see you don't know Komi-san's appeal unlike popular opinion would let you think so let me show you]

アニメ Taishou Otome Otogibanashi
"You go over things as many times as it takes without getting mad!" Uh, about that... *laughs* Education as a kid, ladies and gentlemen.
Hey, if I can quote the whole thing Yuzuki said in the intro, I wouldn't have to do this review. *laughs* So, let's do this review. *laughs* In this new episode (#TaishouOtome07) where Tamahiko... sensei haha hey we gotta show some respect for the new title he just got, because he be teaching Aya-chan's sibilings again- Hey, I did not agree to teach the whole village's kids!! *laughs* Man, what rabbit hole did you fall into, bro. *laughs* Yeah, I would assume the kids at Aya's house ie. her sibling who actually cared about studying lol the elder sister probably gave up education to take care of them lol cringe, went to Tamahiko's place in search of knowledge and guidance because he taught them so well in that one day. So yeah, he agreed, and the group of kids joining increased real fast as if they were having kids and then immediately sending them to this "school" lol hey that can happen, and as you can see, he is making a name out of himself. I mean, it's just easier for him to teach kids since he is privileged enough to go to school lol remember it's 1920s Japan where universal education is not compulsory yet, so at least in that part Tamahiko is doing wonders on these kids. Yuzuki be the supporting role as always, and they are just scared of Aya-chan's arrival. Yeah, after what happened last time you gotta wonder what is happening around here huh. She did apologize to Yuzuki for being such a b*tch though, but seeing as she is not dealing with a weak-willed woman hey she is a woman she turned 15 already hehe, she knew to not mess around with her after all. I don't know if I can accept that but hey, Yuzu did. *laughs* Then, a day of cleaning around the house, but this time, Tamahiko helped out. Yes, with just one hand. Yes, we know it's not much, but the desire to help is still stronger than me watching my dad vacuum the floor so *laughs* (Shame on you, me, shame on you) But yeah, and as they cuddle together in the night watching the seasons change, Yuzuki talked about how she is now in legal age to be married to you know who. Interestingly, Tamahiko wants to make change to be able to suit himself better for this supposed future wife. Like really, I wouldn't have considered otherwise if it wasn't this girl, but yeah, his dedication shines through the light, we almost forgot he was Mr. Depression just episodes ago lol. His dedication went as far as writing a letter to the dad to request continuation of his education which will of course revoke his "death sentence" so this might be a no-go, but he can still do it privately I guess. You know, remote learning? Get around everything and do what he wants? That's what we call freedom. Not for Aya-chan's brother Ryoutaro though, he's kinda screwed. Following their family events, the drunk dad probably got into more debt, so Ryoutaro had to work in Tokyo in order to pay back money and/or raise his family. With such a noble sacrifice in the face of freedom back in the 1920s, it's no wonder he'll get worried about going up north- He's probably 12, right? We all can agree on that? *laughs* So yeah, so brave man, so brave- This dude's life is going to Hell in about three months haha GET ME OFF THIS CHAIR I DON'T WANT TO WITNESS WHAT HAPPENS TO RYOUTARO lol okay me stop getting emotional haha. All in all, I'm actually enjoying all the life stories happen, I don't want the bad stuff to hit my face. But yeah, I'll enjoy this while it lasts then, as long as we can keep our heads high, yeah? God, I wish this series is just everything without the dad, but as Aya-chan almost got sold away by the dad, you can't expect everything to be so rosy after all. *sigh* Man, we can but hope. Cya guys next time for the rumoured, the one and only musician in town, Kotori-san.
P.S. "Your futomaki is the best in Japan, sis!" Yeah okay kid trust me you haven't been to the city where everything is delicious and oily and expensive lol
P.P.S. "Say, what's it like to find happiness even when you were bought for money?" It's not just money, it's also coincidence. Really, it could've been anyone else. So once again, "thanks, dad". *laughs* Yes the last part is the joke lol
[MVP is not in this episode so I'll show some Aya-chan haha Tamako~!! lol]

アニメ Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi
"But you like it, right? Why not give it a shot?"
It's fine, Natsumi. Only cheaters cheat. *laughs* Anyways, I thought this was "Taishou Otome" I legit checked again to make sure I'm watching the right show lol, so turns out it's a flashback. So in this new episode (#SenpaiGaUzai07) we talk about as I'll quote from the official Twitter "Natsumi's friendship with Futaba", and so we shall. Oh, boy. *laughs* Here's a warning, because I had a tissue box by my side. So, story. Story started with the Sakurai siblings with Futaba and Natsumi, thanking them for the time they helped Yuuto out when he was lost. (Really, can't help but hear Horie Yui's own voice in this lol it's that tone man) Yuuto became interested in their friendship, and *flashback* we go back to when they met in middle school. Natsumi was just a punk skipping school and stuff I mean you wish you could be as cool as her, and Futaba was a lost transfer kid in the new school. Following someone in the same uniform probably was a mistake, but suffice it to say because of Natsumi's nonchalant attitude Futaba did feel relived she was around someone of the same circumstances... maybe. *laughs* Through this episode though, we are hit more about dreams as kids, from Yuuto who wanted to not look bad in class doing long-distance runs with a girl so he came out to train (man, I would too, haha), which brings us to the next thing in the two buddies' middle school life: choosing a club. Really, hardest decision ever haha and in Japan you can't really skip it, because it's a way of encouraging secondary passions within an education system that only wants your grades. *OOF* Haha so yeah, Futaba chose Art Club because she loves to draw, and explained to Natsumi on chasing of her own passions, for example, if she likes running a lot. Though discouraged by competitions which we have seen in the intro where people like to cheat and think they are better but they are just losers anyways BOOM GOT 'EM, ironically if you point this out so clearly Futaba will make a lot of sense when she says to just do it for oneself. I didn't choose my clubs when I was a kid in school just because I'm good at them. Sometimes you just want to try things out and learn something new in the process, which is why Guitar Ensemble in high school for me where I got dad to pay for an acoustic guitar so I could join in on the big stage even though, which brings us to the next point, I totally don't know what I was doing. *giggles* (Don't tell the others haha not like you know who they are) So, *flashback* again haha why~ *laughs* We find out that bullies don't exist. *laughs* Okay, me and my sarcasm. *sob* Yeah, so of course Futaba was often bullied in school for probably her height but also probably her own lack of confidence, which also explains why the guys in class who have no heart or soul, just find someone to waste their time on, and the was just in the way. Natsumi came in to stop them just because, almost got into trouble because of that but then was saved by the two boys who told the teachers the full story. So yeah, friends be helping each other out. *sob* I don't have such a wonderful story with my friends though; We broke out real soon and only met up again in university so *laughs* ANYWAYS haha, friends are about talking each other out, and influencing each other. Whether you would take the first step to go running in the morning and/or take up the basketball club like Yuuto would, it's all up to you. For everything else, it's important *sob* to do everything you like, for yourself. Gotta say though, not every hobby is pride, for example programming because not like I'm recognized as a freelancer or whatever, but you get the idea. Being cool and yourself is part of what brings in confidence, people. All in all, I'm still surprised how I can still write all these with a cool head because the front of my shirt is totally wet lmao, but yeah, they got me good man, they got me well. Can't wait for more of these though; I just have to remind myself this is also a romance Anime so drunk Ooishi x Tsukishiro maybe?? Haha I'm just focused on the Sakurai x Kazama ship right now lmao such is life isn't it
P.S. "Love and soul?" You sure it's not "love and peace"? Haha that's a Sambomaster reference
[Since Natsumi is such an MVP this episode let's have more of her this once, shall we?]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week is a week of new releases likely for the month (there's always that one week of the month lol), so let's see what we got. I'm throwing away Toki Shunichi's new single by the way, just so you know, not because he's male idolism but more of I didn't like the songs anyways and I don't think I'll give this Anime ending anytime soon so... yeah. An Anime ending I did give though, is Kitri's new single, and since with my stupid brain and didn't notice both songs in the release are featured in the Anime itself namely the latter B-side is the episode 1 ending song, it'll likely be our new and final Klassic Note Review for the year. Man, we could use more of these, you know. Maybe I should just buy digital. *laughs* Last but not least, we have (I won't even bother typing it so I'm copy pasting) GARNiDELiA's new album which is something I keep thinking about them singing for Anime so I totally forgot they are more pop than rock music but yeah I'm more of a fan of the latter so you can guess what songs I gave in the list apart from the Anime theme song. Melody is also an issue, so I won't comment on that too much the new music video did not help out much lol

For news concerning music and it's on Twitter and it's concerning to me lol, Hanazawa Kana is releasing a new album on her birthday next year so basically I'm getting this and Kouno Marika releasing her 1st album due on her birthday next year... yes they are both in February and only three days apart so go figure I'll have to review them within a week, and I thought of giving them after listening to ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION's new music video but I thought maybe not I'll just wait for more songs this is just one of those emo songs but the melody really isn't any impressive. Wow, that's all for news, huh. Hmm, maybe I need to go search around for new artists lol I think I'm relying too much on YouTube these days I'm not even trying where is even mention of Audioleaf remember that indie gem? *laughs* Oh well times have changed huh

So for next week, we do not have any new releases... Wait, let me see... *checks Skream*, oh yeah I kept dodging their music videos on YouTube and never gotten down to them so maybe Humbreader's new album I guess, but I have planned to give a listen to Base Ball Bear's latest album because I have given a few songs over the past 2 years in this burning Hell so I thought I should just listen to them and see if it's as bad of a flop as the last time we listened to their album, fingers crossed.

I... think my whatever virus infection might be coming back. The doctor might be right, it might have spread to my kidneys, and I don't even know it's connected. Oh well, I guess my health is going downhill from here now huh. I'll just go to work to settle last week's problems (haha *dabs*) and then get my MC after that wave. I have done that scan so let's hope if my doctor can figure something out of this. *silence* Cya guys next time then, and until next time... oh the new DOAXVV update was great I'm taking my time to grind the game lol it is now the only not mobile game I'm playing and this one inherited the onsen stuff from the game that ended haha. What was NOT that great though is the package as it's not coming along nicely thanks to more delays from that one online store which I won't provide context but it's also those who promised my Ede-chan bromides and delayed it till now, is now delaying my RumiRumi bromides to December. Thankfully that'll come along with the calendar for next year so I'm still covered unless my health is due and I have to pay so much in medication I can't afford the shipping costs lmao

Ask me again if my crotch is okay next week haha

P.S. New phone dropped by on Monday and made my week until I realized my head hurts on Tuesday and spent half the work week at home lol. The result? Tomita Miyu with long hair for her birthday for me (lol) is the final image of my old phone so that was the cover, thank goodness. *laughs*