
The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #48

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The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #48

Sunday, 28 November 2021
Wow, harsh reminder from typing that post title, we're left with 4 weeks, huh.

Apart from thinking about Klassic Note Song Awards this year which I should totally do so already I barely made any notes on it tbh, I also can't wait for this year to be over so I can actually enjoy a week's break off work in ease and not have to deal with it because I'm just tired from all this and want to play games or YouTube all day without having to wake up at 7 in the morning.


Also, so I can have the mood to watch Anime because I'm literally doing the above every week so I can actually sit down and do this and then realize that I could've just done it earlier since it'll hype up my weekend instead of what I think normally which is get me more tired than I should have been.

Hey, anything beats getting sick and sleeping all day amirite?? *laughs* Let's not get sick and talk Anime and music lol

アニメ Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu.
"Have you adequately said your greetings to your ancestors?" Man, even the ancestors be shocked at her silence in silent prayer lmao
I mean, what else can top last week's episode, right? Yukata?? I'M IN!! *laughs* Oh yeah, summer's not over yet in this series. So in this new episode (#KomiSan08) where for once Komi-san didn't wish for the summer holidays to end man do you even want to know how she spent her previous years' holidays lol I don't, we do other things than just go to the beach, I mean, pool. Hey, I thought we will get the beach episode but I guess not huh. I mean, last week's so good what else can top it? Maybe when Komi-san was in yukata I guess, but before that, let's talk about the family trip. Yeah, as you would imagine, the Komi family is a bunch of weirdos, basically the dudes being silent and the married ladies being the chatterboxes and thankfully, the head of the family ie. the grandmother can speak, so that's a relief. *laughs* Talking about family, we have relatives too so namely cousins and we are introduced to one Akira-chan (voiced by yours truly Hondo Kaede) (don't worry I didn't notice from the voice either I only remembered someone on my Twitter feed tweeted about it lol) who besides knowing how scary her elder cousin is, also noticed about Komi-san Shouko's change since the last time they met, last time I assume being the grandfather's death anniversary last year. They got along way better than last year it seems, and even when Shouko got called in by the grandmother to report about her life (her dad is me when I have to report my life to my grandmother tbh lol who sadly passed away when I was 9 RIP gramps) the elder is just glad she enjoyed high school and had some friends this time around because remember how bad it must have been the years before since they had to do this every year, to talk about how she is alone again because of her death stare and perfect image?  Hey, I'm glad for you too, girl. Next up, yay finally I can talk about the summer festival. Tadano is right about people not wearing yukata to the festival since youngsters have abandoned it, but man if these Anime characters don't wear them then I might as well just watch real life. *laughs* Anyways, Komi-san is in the spotlight as usual, Yamai-san and the others somehow found these two with Najimi lmao, and all of them got to play some games. Firstly, shooting. Literally the best joke is when you don't believe Komi-san will shoot better than Tadano did which is missing all his shots, and then Makeru-chan shows up. *laughs* Now you DEFINITELY can believe Komi-san will hit every single shot. *laughs* No really, that's how you know haha this series is the best. No surprise Makeru-chan lost, so let's move on to katanuki (wow thanks for the definition that is the first time I've known of what it's called lol), where we see Najimi be the Makeru-chan of this skill-based activity I gotta try this out sometime once this world stops burning and we can travel, and the main couple be so good at them they did it out of anxiety lmao hey this is Anime accept this reality with a pinch of salt, thanks. *laughs* (Don't worry, the one in Anime "Acchi Kocchi" was lamer haha) Ironically, the delayed speech from Komi-san did travel to Tadano at some point though, complimenting on him wearing a yukata even though the dude probably didn't want to, as instructed by Najimi. Then, we have whatever lucky draw in the form of attached ropes. Yes, since this is a comedy bit all over, they gotta show the attendant who is also a scheming bastard of a granny (lol) cheating on the psychological minds of innocent participants until you are Komi-san who just doesn't think and pulls the one prize. *laughs* I would argue though, I'll be like Komi-san too, just that my luck is not as good as hers and if someone tells me some level of technique I'll just follow and be an idiot just like Najimi who got some pocket tissues. *laughs* Blah blah taste your sausage lol Yamai-san aren't you female where's your- AND we move on to goldfish scooping. Apparently Komi-san was so concentrated in her play and didn't notice the darkness (lol) Nakanaka-san where she tries to catch a goldfish but I guess it went as well as she wanted since that's why the fish avoid you they know you aren't normal and exude darkness from within- Please don't turn me into a chuunibyou I'm not that cringe. *laughs* Komi-san got lost despite forgetting that she has a phone now, Tadano spotted her missing and found her, and... can we call that a confession? Ok maybe a pick-up line but who knows right *laughs* Last but not least, we gather at Tadano's place just because. Oh and if you want to know the reason I'm pretty sure Yamai-san who was uninvited will be glad to explain it to you guys. *laughs* Of course, the actual reason for their gathering is because Najimi loves fun and hates homework so they are crashing it now, just like normal student Tadano too so what else is new. *laughs* All in all, wonderful episode, I laughed a lot, I feel for you Komi-san enjoying summer holidays (in case you don't know Japan's school summer holidays last for 2-3 months) (yes in one go, and for reference Singapore's longest is only slightly less than a month), Tadano's sister Hitomi is surprised how impressive her brother was at hooking up prime material lmao, and I'm pretty sure you guys are just salivating at Komi-san all the time. *laughs* I'm not though, so don't associate me with you freaks. Haha cya guys soon
[TL:DR; Best part is actually when the others were distracted by Yamai-san and Tadano said he saw Komi-san at the library and the park. Oh boy can't wait to see Komi-san die of embarrassment being witnessed on what she did last episode lol]

アニメ Taishou Otome Otogibanashi
"This is the fifth letter (I sent to dad)" Maybe he really thinks I'm dead HEY YO lol I'm sorry
Sometimes I look at the intro and think if it's a hint to something. I know some other series like to do this too so, I wonder. In this new episode where the uncle is MVP because he literally saved Tamako and Tamahiko  and it's not because he's a doctor (#TaishouOtome08), and that's why it's great when your dad pronounced you dead because you can bypass him and DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!! *laughs* I know freedom shouldn't be expressed this way but in this case, it might be his only way out. So before we talk about new characters, let's talk about Tamahiko's journey to schooling. Well, re-schooling, right? He dropped out of school due to universal hatred? *laughs* *sigh* Anyways, his determination is impeccable, but despite his many letters to the father, he did not get any reply. But that doesn't mean his fate is sealed, dear Mr. Depression; Your uncle is about to save your life. We can only have that many saviours in our lives, so take them while we can, yes? So yeah, thanks to Tamako talking about her brother with the uncle, the uncle in turn would like to help him get back into school, though of course there isn't any guarantee of a rose-coloured school life with his name and reputation so we'll talk about that later, but suffice it to say Tamahiko has to catch up with school considering he did go into a slump for a good amount of time before Yuzuki appeared. So yeah, he studied day and night and even in the bath lol, and Aya-chan had to pay him a visit and cook something for him to cheer him on. *wink* Wait till you dump on Yuzuki that jealousy song, amirite?? *laughs* Ah hey MOSHIMO you're welcome for free PR your one song is more useful than I ever expected. *laughs* Anyways, Tamahiko eventually got in, surprisingly, on the same day as another student who, surprise surprise but you'll get it at the end of the episode anyways so why the delay, is related to the idol? Yeah, I guess so, it's singer Shiratori Kotori-chan's twin brother Hakaru who, despite his nerdy appearance, is probably getting way more attention compared to I don't think it's that Shima family transfer student but you know, we don't ask questions here besides in class to the teachers so *laughs* He had it rough and I don't think we should reiterate, but considering Tamahiko is here for education, I think he can live through this just because. Yeah so f**k all of you: I'll live through high school alone, says Tamahiko, but you gotta reflect on this, because remember this is 1920s Japan where EVERYONE is a jerk, from classmates to the teacher so yeah, you don't say. Tamahiko is probably glad he didn't get beat up in the courtyard every other day or get sh*t on from a noble school or something from before he was abandoned by the father- Hey, bad enough already, right? (You know, sometimes people are just relieved that they survived and not have to suffer a living Hell when they are better off dead, really. *pukes*) Anyways, it looks like our other transfer student is interested in him despite being surrounded by fans of probably the sister lol does she have to study haha, but yeah, it wasn't until Art class (yep, that exists) where Hakaru took the seat beside him that got the ball rolling. Gotta say though, that one drawing Tamahiko did? Totally can sell as an NFT haha no really like, if it's actually done by say, the voice actor or something lol don't quote me on this. *laughs* Hakaru's probably can sell as a meme for twice the price online though. *laughs* Okay jokes aside, they got shot by the teacher onto the ground easily which means more supplementary work apparently drawing each other, which will explain the "friend" and his visit to their place. When asked about school life though, Tamahiko did lie to his wife about... Well if you haven't been paying attention, besides the lunch and I guess we got a friend lol more like the friend got us, everything was a lie. Hey Tamahiko, is this how you maintain a healthy relationship? *wink* Sadly, he got egged by Hakaru to turn those lies into reality, so yay he got a friend now lol, but man, what's wrong with talking about how screwed up your life is? We modern society people compare our worsts all the time. *laughs* All in all, man every episode in this series is so wholesome as much as it has its sad moments, I really want to make sure the dad is dead so that we don't have to see his face again. *laughs* Then again, it's not all cherry blossoms or Yuzuki's smile lol, so we shall have to see about that. What will make Yuzuki smile though, is the appearance of Kotori-chan at her place, and likely, as the Shiratori family has moved into Chiba, we get to experience their presence and influence on the village, it seems. Man, I can use more happy moments haha cya then
P.S. "I've been living as though I was dead. I have to change" Wow, the power of love, ladies and gentlemen. I wouldn't say this is my excuse for not doing anything with my life yet but
P.P.S. "If this is what (Kotori-chan) looks to you, you better change out your glasses now" BOOM GOT HIM haha man the burns I can't even
[God, I have to praise their drawings with my ultimate sarcasm so here we go *laughs*]

アニメ Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi
"Maybe just the gym or the public bath (on Golden Week)" Wow Takeda you go to baths on days off? *vividly imagines myself having that life* Ah
But of course Kazama is going to play video games on his Golden Week off. What about Sakurai though? *BOOM* Haha in this new episode (#SenpaiGaUzai08) how about let me ask whoever is reading this a question: What do you do on my days off? Since I have planned for a week off end of the year, perhaps, I can equate this to Golden Week which is normally in May, on what I do on my days off. Nothing. *laughs* Okay, let's talk about Tsukishiro's day off. *laughs* Anyways, holiday time, it's the best part about working lol seriously trust me on this if you are still studying haha, and I'm just glad the reality is normally... we just don't plan for anything. Especially when the world is on fire, you hardly want to leave the house in case you get ill after your holidays which I must say happens real often so *laughs* This time around, we had our focus on the main two couples if you haven't already noticed who they are, so let's not talk about Ooishi picking up pebbles on the riverside. Like really, I don't even want to talk about it. Haha so yeah, let's start with Futaba. She is living her holidays purposefully it seems, with clean up of her already small solo abode followed by a yoga workout which just ended up in the trash because she tuned in to the wrong channel and freaked out lol, technically asked for help from Takeda who is just casually working out lmao, and I guess they just ended up hanging out together instead. Hey, I wish I can ask my colleagues out that easily. *silence* Maybe I do have communication issues lol what am I even huh. Then again, considering when you come to the city to work alone far away from family, this is normally what you would do to keep your sanity, you know, hang out with people. I don't have that experience so someone help me. *laughs* What I also don't have experience though, is dating someone. *laughs* I know right, I'm the pathetic one, Kazama, so why not literally jebait Sakurai into going to the aquarium haha hey I gotta say REAL SMOOTH BRO I can't even pull that out tbh. *laughs* And since Sakurai is very willing anyways, why would she say no so guess who's having a great time in their Golden Week holidays. *giggles* I'll leave the rest of the fun to yourself, but suffice it to say they did make a good joke out of a dolphin who looks like Kazama lmao, Sakurai got wet (haha *dabs*), and Souta-kun lives in her place now lol yeah even the name is same as his even though I swear this is the first time we were reminded of his name instead of referring to him by his family name so *laughs* Kazama treated his date like a game and it went well, Takeda treated the crane game like a game and got Futaba a prize which should be easy to get loads of lol, and the dolphins are MVP. *laughs* I'll never be that cool as Souta-kun though, to think of a way to run away from those dudes so *laughs* Maybe I gotta brush up on those skills first- Which shoujo manga you read on this? *laughs* All in all, fantastic episode, I gotta say it's stiff competition between these three shows I watch this season they all have their strengths, but I'll remember this dearly as a reflection of my pathetic life being a worker of society. Haha, maybe I'll get to look back at this once I get laid with a woman during my Golden Week holidays or the one I planned end of the year lol I did this for the song awards haha bye
P.S. "It's just that... I don't want to lose you to someone else" Yeah now we're talkin' haha gamer Kazama is on the grind now
P.P.S. "(Souta-kun's) jump got me soaked!" YEAH YOU BET HE DID haha yes it's Kazama's name too get it? It's not that direct but we can take the jokes

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Wow, how is this week less than last week? *laughs* Well, I thought of waiting for Humbreader's new album to be available in Apple Music the only music subscription I have now, and it didn't happen and the only other thing I've heard of this week earlier was Base Ball Bear's latest album which I gave... nothing so *laughs* Yeah, getting real dry here in Klassic Note already, really. So yeah, we shall see how I can get the former release to appear sometime soon, I believe this is some music label level bullsh*t- It's 2021, guys, what's with the lack of privilege of music streaming? *sigh* I'll just forget to listen if it's not out by next week tbh

In news concerning music and it's on Twitter and I might say this week's news is pretty hype, Amamiya Sora is releasing two best albums next year in January and don't ask me why (1) there's red in this when she loves blue lol and (2) why there are two albums haha the latter is actually easy to answer they want the money, Waki Azumi is releasing a concept album next year in January and it looks like the theme is night and hopefully it's not what I think haha, since I noticed it I'll talk about it because tacica's best album is releasing end of the year which I might just listen over Kuso Iinkai and compare this to Ten-chan's two albums this is just the one over 15 years lol, SCANDAL's new album is due January next year so yeah we are starting next year with a lot of releases it seems, RYTHEM's latest self cover brought me back on a nostalgia trip when I was hearing it back in 2009, Asakura Momo did a 5th anniversary livestream cooking udon lol but more importantly announced that her new single is releasing next year in March, the voice behind Yuzuki in Anime "Taishou Otome" sang the opening theme song which is just plain cute, I'll review PURPLE HUMPTY's new song next week because I seemed to have forgotten it started streaming this weekend lol, and it's probably because I saw this and I still cannot believe it, Sangatsu no Phantasia is releasing a new album after... wait for it or just see the trailer, vocalist Mia-san did a face reveal in their recent live performance. Yep, it's out now, as all of your might have waited for. I'm not very surprised at the face though it reminded me of Lynn-san the voice actress, but more surprised at why the show face, but it seems that the concept for the new album is to start afresh, so maybe that's why. But yeah, show face or not, I won't even comment on whether she's idolism material there is good reason why she hid under an avatar for so many years, because I'll still look forward to the album all the same. *silence* Okay, maybe I was disappointed remember when she had long hair? *laughs* I'll get used to her face haha

So for next week, and finally I might add, we will be touching on Cider Girl's new album and so far as I have said besides their 2nd I've never missed one so this is the 4th, so let's see if I can give something from here besides the one song for the Anime. And maybe Humbreaders again if it gets over some one week period priority for physical releases or whatever lol

I'm not going to take this as an actual review just because, but hey the Dead or Alive Extreme Venus Vacation soundtrack released this week (that was a mouthful) became my jam for the week at work, honestly speaking. *laughs* I don't know if that's a good thing or not considering I hardly listen to the in-game music and always substitute it with YouTube, but hey, at least I'm enjoying it. So yeah, if you liked the series then the soundtrack would be something to you. I'm just here for the 3D girls and outfits lol don't question my tastes. Cya guys next week then, and until next time... can you believe, this is the only time of the week, I dare to talk about stuff I like and not get zoned out or shit on by others? Well, not like I talk to people about this too so whatever haha take care of your own mental health guys

P.S. According to Mia-san from Sangatsu no Phantasia (yes I follow her on Twitter instead of the artist official account hehe) and this is just a loose translation of a summary, she mentioned about how in early days she wanted to use Mia-san which is that avatar to sing songs and tell stories likely according to the composers backing her, but over time she was so involved in writing the lyrics and novels (yes it is a thing, though hard sell to not Japanese since no translations) related to them, creating a more fuller image then made her decide to do all of this in a more honest reveal, using her own self to replace that avatar medium in telling stories from here on. Brave girl, Mia-san, and personally? I don't think it'll affect her popularity because the songs are genuinely good, but this will be a good chance to show us and herself if she can be capable of such a drastic change in image. People will still like her though, I'm pretty sure about that.

P.P.S. Someone please let me end this year with Fuchigami Mai's tour pamphlet haha I need some of this 30-year-old please let me buy it in two weeks