
The Entertainment News '23 Issue #15

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The Entertainment News '23 Issue #15

Sunday, 09 April 2023
I feel like I should just watch Anime and/or talk about music instead even though the latter might be rather disappointing also this week because it all attributed to how I spent the rest of my work leave this week. And boy, do I have lots to share with you that I don't want to put in the intro. *laughs*

In short, the new package did not appear because goddamn Friday is the public holiday so plan successfully failed haha which means it'll arrive tomorrow earliest, the doctor told me to spend money on a high resolution scan of my abdomen and found nothing weird so we're back to stomach infection and not like the meds are working, and I also caught some throat infection somehow which is making me sleep on the bed for half the week even if I don't want to. *silence* What did I say about this week being the worst- I'm better off just working!! *laughs*

So yeah, sad stuff aside, or maybe happy stuff if I have want to take MC again tomorrow *dabs* so I can review the package *wink* then maaaaybe that will be better than the stuff I'm going to talk about below! Don't narc okay? No one can know about this it hasn't happened yet lmao

アニメ Skip to Loafer
"I'll be starting my Tokyo high school life today!" Says every high school character in Anime
"My middle school only had eight students that year" So yeah, as you can see, someone came from a rural area to the city to study. Kinda cringe when you hear of Japan's shrinking population and how they are closing rural schools haha ANYWAYS in this first episode of a series I decided to pick up because I'm a romance seeker in drama (#SkiLo01), I expect this to be just pure romance again, by the way. No crack or whatever, just kyun kyun and bam, new couple. *giggles* (The struggles thing in some of these series is driving me NUTS lol) So for starters, let's set up the scene, like what this episode did. Meet Mitsumi, a country girl who is now studying in a high school up in the capital city of Tokyo for very obvious reasons we will get to in a minute, and she has to say goodbye to her family, childhood friends of course she has the one, and of course saying goodbye to her hometown to come to the city to study. Her dad's sibling so ie. aunt is taking care of her uptown as she starts her new school life right, but what is perfection in school if we didn't screw up pretty much everything else in the process? *laughs* Ironically, the aunt's concerns were real as with the family's, Mitsumi is an expert in getting lost even with instructions on her palm, as she takes the express trains which, if I didn't understand this wrongly, skips stations and/or routes to filter the peak hour crowds. So sadly, she missed her stop, and now lost, has probably no idea how to go to school to attend the entrance ceremony. She then meets Shima who saw her by the toilet because, hey this girl is my friend already, anxiety got to the better of her as she takes a puke in the ladies' room to relief herself of her current plight. Chill dude Shima guides her to school seeing her wearing a similar uniform as his, even running to school to make sure she makes it on time... to deliver the student body's representative speech. Yup, that also means she's the highest scoring student in the entrance exams, also why she has to go to school on time, and why she left her hometown to pursue a better education. It's all making sense now. She also revealed her life goals which damn I'm already different from her haha who has life goals at 15 lmao, she is to become a lawyer to help fight for the rights of her rural hometown. How nice, this girl, and be reminded of how pure this series is, because moving on, this is ALL going downhill. *laughs* She forgot the script for the speech which was not in her parson, she still did it without referring to it what a chad, but the anxiety build-up caused her to proliferate at the first person she saw which ironically, is her new homeroom teacher. *laughs* Oh yeah, keep the "puke girl" nicknames coming, thanks. Hey, I guess that's how you make a name for yourself. Probably bad for first impressions though, but you got the handsome dude's phone number so who cares. *giggles* All in all, as Mitsumi prepares her first impression... speech? For her class tomorrow, as you can see, country girl coming to study in the city takes things way more seriously, she excels at them, but we are pretty sure the guy will show her the way to knowing when to curb her anxiety when she needs to. So yeah, IQ is all she needs, dude. The guy here will brush her up on her EQ, no worries. But yeah, if you desire a chill series of maybe love but more of living in the city and stuff, this is definitely up anyone's alley who wants a great time of high school storytelling that never gets old...? We shall see about that. I'm more invested in the opening than the ending theme hopefully that will change, and I'm liking the feels of this series, definitely a move from dealing with all the tension we get from such drama series as of late. Also, definitely not going to talk about country bumpkin and them not knowing the true intentions of city people. Not yet anyways haha let's just take things when they come in like Mitsumi-chan here, yes?
P.S. "Heh, perfect." I need to mirror train myself more often like Mitsumi here, tell myself I'm perfect. Self confidence, people. Also play video game "Pikuniku" the intro is the best lol
P.P.S. "Or is Tokyo filled with dreamy people like him?" Girl, you mean ikemen?? Yeah, they got plenty of those lmao
[Okay, I find familiar names in the cast: Kotobuki Minako was the first girl Mitsumi met in class, and Toyosaki Aki of all people is the teacher. Very well blended though, between cute and her matured voice, as expected of a veteran. *laughs*  Okay I'm already in whatever this series will be haha]

アニメ Tonikaku Kawaii Season 2
"Uh... is this... isekai?" Oi Nasa-kun I am going to beat you up if you say that word again lol
So not real, bro. So not real. *laughs* Also, the opening sequence. Too real, bro. Too real. *laughs* So yeah not going to spoil too much let's just say that's some Tsukasa samurai cosplay right there lmao but in this new season of the series we already know what happens to the couple because they are married (#ToniKawaS201), they want to hold a wedding ceremony?? Well, what Nasa-kun knows isn't exactly wrong it could just be that and we would be done, but society has made sure that this won't be the case so let's do a round-up of what I know about weddings after seeing so many of them that don't feature me as the groom. *silence* In summary, weddings are a way, ahem, THE way to brag to your family and friends and colleagues that you have a partner, and they are to give you money so you can show them how lovey-dovey you guys are while using up their money and most of your savings which could've been better keeping it for the next time your house is on fire. *dabs* Yup, they dump in season one references too so don't mind me, if you would recall they are staying in the bathhouse because previously they got their little apartment where Nasa-kun stays alone and suddenly has to house his wife lol, are not thinking of weddings even though they can't even afford an abode? Yeah, remember when Nasa talked about getting a home for them? That. *giggles* Even then though, it didn't take too long to figure out that for starters, weddings cost a lot of time effort money. In the millions of yen so yeah at where I live you can pay off a good fraction of your housing debt lmao, and who really cares about colleagues appearing at your wedding my damn CEO probably won't even appear at my wedding ceremony if I invited him lol, but suffice it to say and they are still relevant on this, youngsters choose to keep their weddings private or even inexistent so to not have to go through the process of... well getting drunk from toasting too much from your friends or something. *laughs* Don't worry, I've seen all cases from my cousins recently, so I know what's up. *silence* Man talking about me is getting dry, so let's not talk about myself or the Yuzaki couple. Because we also see the appearance of all the other characters we all know and love, from people in the bathhouse so hopeless romantic Kaname with her sister Aya-chan haha thanks Sumipe for the nerd talk, to people in the mansion so Chitose training to kick Nasa-kun's butt I suppose lol and her maids who don't tell me to recall their names I barely even recall Conan lol, there's a lot of people to like in this series just in general.  All in all... we starting out simple, peaceful, even blissful at this rate, remembering how Tsukasa and Nasa deal with everyday life... kinda differently compared to a lot of us. Well, we know that this will not last for long or else you might as well package this as an OVA and be done with it lmao, but yeah, keeping things simple so people get reminded how happy of a married couple they are and I'm still single. Heck, this series will end with them in bliss and I'm STILL going to be single. *silence* Anyways haha, great introductions back in the alleyway, leading up to what looks like new characters in the next episode preview, so I'll look forward to that. I don't have much expectation from this new season though, so I really have no idea what to expect besides the story, I only know that much.
[TL:DR; "The way things are now is peaceful, and that's a relief." Hey Tsukasa, I expect just this for another 12 episodes. Possible? *laughs*]
P.S. "So you are saying you don't have time to entertain your adorable newlywed wife?" I'm quitting my job haha
P.P.S. "Is (wedding) actually a whole process that involves a bunch of travelling over an entire year?" Well, if you count the pandemic period of delayed wedding dinners or "flying to the moon" to take wedding photo shots or something then sure. *wink*

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Well if you have read the intro to this post, then you will believe that I'm totally not in the mood to give songs at all, but I definitely did try to give them over the weekend, as much as I try, maybe I'll have to revisit some of them next week if I can. Nisshoku Natsuko's new mini-album is kinda disappointing considering the songs are all like, normal. And that's just unacceptable. *laughs* So I went for emotional songs because why not she is a trouper at it. yorushika's new album is basically not an album but a artbook with an album sold physically so they released a digital edition so we online plebs won't be disappointed lol, did not impress me at all with the new songs so I just took some of the digital singles over the past year or two which man, I wish I have more variety not in style, but of melody. It's Klassic Note after all, we need to chase for a new melody. Hanazawa Kana's new song isn't interesting especially considering I have to give Neko Hacker's new song for Anime "Tonikaku Kawaii" which obviously I gave the latter, will still not compare to Ueno Daiki's major album because despite it being a two-disc release with the later one featuring his indie songs because why not KamiSai did the same thing too with me, definitely did not give me new songs to give. Like, how are the ones I've given from last year his best? Hmm... maybe I'll try giving one of the new songs.

On music news I've seen on Twitter this week, Hanazawa Kana's new music video is for her new song out of nowhere but for Anime, is pixel art and not that I care because I didn't like the song anyways so don't ask why not give the video. *laughs* fuzzy knot is tipping on something which apparently is a live with another band so I won't elaborate too much I thought it was a new music release. Asakura Momo's recent live tour audio is now on music streaming so be sure to listen to what songs you liked from her from her rather mediocre singing live. Hey, what can I say, I've heard of better. Natsukawa Shiina's new cover art and details reveal her being lyricist for the songs written for her once again it's just self production now. Toyota Moe's solo artist mini-album is slated to release in June this year and finally had a proper release date since when they started crowdfunding it a couple of years ago. mol-74 also tipped on something which is also a live tour which I can't care about because I don't live there so let's just move on. Sangatsu no Phantasia's new song is kinda meh in my opinion thought it's short so people will get into this real quick. As I said, looking for melody, multilingual subtitles on the music video won't help. TrySail's new music video is hot off the shelves the talent company's fastest push of new songs yet, and not like it got me because damn it's so heavily video game themed unless I'm ambivalent to the Japanese language the lyrics is enough to put me off let alone the melody. Suda Keina's new song for Anime "Skip to Loafer" doesn't sound too bad so I might just give a listen to his new album releasing end of May. Minase Inori's new live video is something I've already given by listening to the live tour digest recently so might as well let you guys enjoy it too. THE ORAL CIGARETTES' new live video is a classic to behold and boy we need more of these and really tone down on the fast-paced lyric ones I don't know how to define that to be frank. Last but not least but definitely last, Kuso Iinkai's vocalist Miura Ryuuichi has passed away following hospitalization about two weeks ago and boy is this is the saddest way to tell me we will have no more of this band no more, for he is the pillar of this band's unique style and recent revival since I knew of them around 2012. Yeah, just sad. I can't say much. They have classics to remember, and I can't imagine how they will move forward without him so this might be it. RIP Miura-iincho. (Trust me, it's just sad writing about this)

So next week, maybe I'll revisit some of the releases from this week, and more importantly Waki Azumi's new single releases next week. Man, it has been a while giving Ajuju songs considering I rejected the heck out of her concept mini-album last November, I'm not looking forward to this one from the music video preview I've listened so far. So... unless I'm giving UNISON SQUARE GARDEN's new album if you would recall they are even weirder than the stuff we listen to for the past month, then maybe I'll take a listen to FINLANDS' new song. Yes, that single member band. Oh, apparently also based on the re-releasing of an album for their 10th anniversary. *laughs* Japan's music industry is weird lol and I'm deep in it

As I reflect on the week of my work break, I wonder what have I gotten myself into so far this year alone. *laughs* Not to trauma dump or anything, but honestly saying? I've never gotten so deep into anything that's... um, this long-lasting in effect? And that's not great? I mean, work is something lol, but health issues? BRUH. *giggles* I guess it's just the beginning if I don't start to exercise, huh. Might have to start to look into bone conduction earphones and handphone straps or something lol. See you guys next time then, likely it's that box haha and we will have more of those coming in soon, so unless I intend to do this on my bed during the day instead of during the night then I should just go see the doctor again tomorrow. *dabs* Bye.