
The Entertainment News '23 Issue #23

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The Entertainment News '23 Issue #23

Sunday, 04 June 2023
Oh wow did I take the whole week to be able to talk about this haha then again I promised myself to do another #KN15YEARS blog post when I took work leave but uh, my phone broke on Monday. *silence* Hey, didn't know it can't last half a year more before I can get my hands on a new phone that has not yet been announced which will NOT disappoint *wink*, so I have to live with my backup phone which... is older than my previous phone which was supposed to be backup but died half a year after I changed 2 years ago, is now running in I don't know how many frames per second because if you thought 60Hz refresh rate was important today wait till you experience less than 1. *silence* Don't even ask if I can play games on this thing. *laughs*

And to make this short week at work even worse, for the rest of the week where I had to set up this old phone to work with most of the stuff today... in 2023 lol this 8-year-old piece of antique, somehow made me forget my PIN number so much so I got locked out of resetting it and only after I went to the bank to reset it DO I THEN REMEMBER WHAT IT IS haha everyday event, by the way. I've since turned off biometric authentication because if anything has taught me in life is if you don't want to use a password managerΒ piece of paper then key in the damn password every time then! *laughs* Really spent way too much time outdoors because of this by the way

Anyways, enough about my life in shambles lol I rewarded myself with a trip to the forbidden auction house if you would recall *wink* and I'm feeling worse now lol I saw a better offer after I took a bid *sob* HOW IS THIS WEEK GETTING WORSE haha okay Anime is good we will be happy now- WHY AM I WATCHING FIVE SEQUELS NEXT SEASON seriously when is this pain going to stop

をニパ Skip to Loafer
"What's up with (Mitsumi)?" She has been converted into a city person, dude. Completely changed woman- Also, love. *laughs*
Oh, the intro is just her going back to her hometown? Okay. In this new episode (#SkiLo09) where you know, everyone changed in summer vacation... and then there's me. *laughs* Where NOTHING happened so haha yeah let's not talk about me lazing my days off school holidays and let's talk about Mitsumi's, for starters! Boy, is herΒ  vacation even something to envy for my colleagues at work when they go back to their hometown... home country lmao so yeah same same but different, but that's how it feels like, I suppose. Not just going through the lengthy process of whether it's road or air travel just to meet friends and family, but more of the ease of being at home. I mean, I'm already at home as we speak so that's not much but for these guys, it's coming back from an entirely different world. No, not isekai, thanks. *laughs* She got to meet her friends which aren't cringe because trust me I never want to meet my childhood anybody lol, I love an animated dad who is glad I'm back home, a grandma who can cook good food lol I will miss mine always since I inherited (lmao she doesn't even own the place) her room, and a mom who won't breathe down my neck about breakfast. Boy, watermelons for breakfast? Is that even legal? *laughs* What do I know, my parents don't teach me SH*T haha anyways, not the swimsuit episode I expected because damn where is the Tokyo equivalent *wink*, and we are already back at school. Damn. That was fast. *laughs* And as Takamine-senpai has mentioned, gotta get all the vibes back because next up in this school is the school festival! Let's not talk about Shima-kun for now haha because obviously living up to the tensions of Mitsumi will make anyone happier lol, after attending the festival council brief (which includes the student council, I know) she probably even got more hyped about seeing the stuff this school has all the budget for since also, this is open to the public. So yay on her we will get to see more of... I don't know, which class is doing maid cafΓ©? *laughs* Anyhow, as the school prepares for their haunted house special, we got more fears coming in our way. Well, not for Mitsumi she has no fear, not even for checking in on Shima-kun because she is some friend to know how he feels about all this anyways ie. he doesn't give a shoot about it, but hey, me, for the sake of watching this series let's pretend to be hyped, ya? Honestly more interested in a sports festival. *giggles* All in all... yep, there's the drop at the end of the episode just for our boi. *laughs* It's so good, I'm not even paranoid. *laughs* Hey, the countryside episodes for summer vacation sure is interesting, I'll give you that. The feels that Anime in general would not even care too much about... well at least from the shows I watch, this one covered it well and good. As for Shima-kun, he probably kept thinking like "why?" to all the affection he gets from being in not the same high school as Ririka-san lol but in his defence I will also say "why not?" because as mentioned in the previous episode, it's not his fault. And he will effectively be released once this dumb b*tch finds some solace in her own life, so meanwhile I guess you can be as boring as me. Well, even more boring than me considering the class has to do drama for the school festival now. *cringe* Can we find an admin job for Shima-kun first before Kanechika-senpai comes in to brag about this child actor's past? Haha I smell something spicy to end this season, oh boy, I smell it from a mile away...
[TL:DR; "I get frozen in place because I don't deserve anything" Well Shima-kun, maybe say that after you have ruined your image into hell because that is still what is keeping you going, if anything]
P.S. "I'm going out with that boy I mentioned to you before" Yeah alright Fumi-chan stop rubbing it on me lol yeah Master Kento is spot on you gotta get your partner before you dismiss for summer vacation you can't just think about it in bed like... I... do F**K haha
P.P.S. "What am I, some sort of power spot?" Yeah Shima-kun you kind of are haha

をニパ Tonikaku Kawaii Season 2
"It's alright, you're still alive"
Woah, what is with that intro hmmmmm *giggles* In this new episode though where clumsy Tsukasa not knowing how to deal with a remote control is cuter hehe (#ToniKawaS209), WOMEN BEING PARANOID AMIRITE?? *laughs* But seriously though, technology is hard no one should be expected to understand just like with everything else in this world that isn't a necessity in which became one because society demands of you. Think about it. Moving on haha, oh Tokiko is a tech-savvy grandma? Man, can you help me with something at work? *laughs* Anyways, tech is fun as it's the worst thing to have in our lives because even access to the Internet is considered a human right at this point, it's hard to not be able to do things if tech breaks all the time or we are just not smart enough to deal with them. yes, smart tech and AI can't solve our stupid monkey brains, just so you know. Not even close. Looking at you, GPT. *giggles* Nasa-kun knows the wife is worried about asking him for help in this case considering she is very independent herself, so you know, we have to console her with cake if that thing still works nowadays. ButΒ Tsukasa is a anti-capitalist mobile gamer to spend money on fake currencies, so good to know. *laughs* Yeah, cake is better, dude. *giggles* Ironically, she can have all the damn cake and still don't put on weight? Nasa-kun, you need to learn from your wife. Before that though, I like how we have a love advice segment in the middle of nowhere from Yanagi-sensei as if it's not obvious enough to the main couple that these two are a couple themselves, let's not talk about what the story is about, but let's talk about how she is just worried she will change because of Taniguchi's influence in stuff she despised. Hey Taniguchi is what we call an absolute nerd haha three cheers for me dude I'm less cringe now typing all this alone every Sunday. *silence* Moving on haha Yanagi-sensei why do you do it too then, to think that this will make him not like you as a person is so unbecoming, because damn isn't being in a relationship an influence of each other in the first place? BRUH. *laughs* Don't tell that to me though single me will NOT stand to change for anyone other than myself lol. Also me refusing to change is the fact that I'm just slowly putting on weight and am doing nothing about it unlike Nasa-kun who is basically enjoying all the damn good food (from his wife) living the damn normie life and THEN thinking it's bad for him. *silence* Alright bro why are you literally me now *laughs* NO I REFUSE TO EXERCISE haha okay this might be a bad idea to put in all caps but where's that experimental pill that can literally do exercise for the disabled? *giggles* We don't have that yet those are for the people who can afford them so not me lmao, so Nasa-kun literally showed off how I will look like right now if I were to run laps and do chin-ups. Too real bro, too real. All in an effort to build up his strength to protect the wife? Tsukasa is right though she can protect you forever have you even watched Anime "Shikimori-san"? Don't worry about it, dude. *laughs* Maybe worry about how an old woman sneaked into your house to have some cold noodles in this summer heat and still wanted all of you guys to go camping, I guess. *giggles* All in all... hey just like the YouTube (lol) videos that Tokiko watched, the point where they lie to you about the joys of camping without warning to you about the pains you will have to deal with in due time which basically mosquitoes is enough for anyone to regret, is just part of the experience everyone thinks it's worth going for. So no thanks Tokiko, you can go with your son-in-law. *laughs* Other than that, total cringe on the flashback. So uh... timeless Tsukasa, huh? Very cringe indeed. Well, we are near the end now to be honest it's the last lap already Nasa-kun don't stop haha, so let's see for ourselves how much Tsukasa is not deserving of... anyone to be honest, considering she might be some type of... I don't know really we might as well watch to find out haha no really I know next to nothing about her past
[TL:DR; "But when I catch Tsukasa-chan's scent, it makes me want to do whatever you say" MARRIAGE!! *laughs* Also influence, Yanagi-sensei so don't think too much into that, alright?]
P.S. "I honestly think she is too good for me" Me when I see <insert idol name here>Β no justΒ Amamiya SoraΒ will do because damn, if you need me to explain why her allure is godsend just look at her dude
P.P.S. "I think my phone is playing tricks on me" Me as a kid not knowing sh*t about computers slower than me and also everyone else when I understand them lol "But it keeps saying that the password that I was so confident about is wrong!" OKAY I AM FEELING ATTACKED THIS IS ME ALL WEEK IN A NUTSHELL WHY ARE YOU BURNING ME lmao (yes the answer is you really forgot, you dumb user haha)
[Well Tokiko's flashback is cringe so let's have more of Nasa-kun's flashbacks of his cute wife! Hehe you're welcome]

をニパ Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia
"I slept halfway though (the radio) last night" I mean, isn't that a good thing? Anime in context by the way
Seriously though, when is the last time you as a student are worried about your results? If you say right now when you are working you need to relax. *laughs* In this new episode where we are bound to see the stars and don't you dare say I jinxed it lol (#KimiSomu08), looks like the guys are dawning on theb stargazing event itself. Hey, it's bad when you have seen the drop but let's not think too far into that yet, yes? Let's just talk about what they did to make all of this happen first. Thanks to Ukegawa and Nakami but yes probably more of the former who is in the student council, their meteor shower viewing party is set to go as their application to the school was approved. This also means the rooftop is up at night for all to see, kinda important if you want to see them stars at night, eh? Hey, many people are in according to Ukegawa, more than 50 students from the school have expressed interest in dancing below the stars? Let's just say it's probably more of flirting around because did you look at how happy Anamizu was after her usual baseball practice? Haha don't even ask it's always the best when the minor characters get a better time then the main guys in my opinion. *giggles* The guys then set out to plan the final steps of the event on the day itself yeah and alright spoiler free portion is over, it rained. Real bad. Bad enough the cloud aren't clearing anytime soon according to the forecast which isn't even accurate in the first place. Welp, next time then. For Nakami though, there is no next time. Just like me when I was a kid, people expect things to happen once perfectly and never fail, but the reality is hardly such a case. Things can happen not going your way, and this is not like we have to do it once or we're done haha yeah like a life or death situation, so no this does not always have to go one's way. Of course we all know that as a matured, tamed audience one and above all these high school students we know to keep calm so yeah, Ukegawa knew to leave him alone. But hey, at least Shiromaru-senpai and Isaki-chan care. And that's the other thing about things that don't go your way: People will be concerned about how you think otherwise. Do you feel regret? Do you feel your hard work has all gone into the irrigation system which is still holding up in this huge downpour? As Isaki-chan talks alone in her radio broadcast all drenched after trying to search for Nakami in the rain (lol) which I guess they can't talk to each other directly, it's not all a bed of beautiful roses in life. Sometimes the roulette throws up the odd-zeros and you lose all your money. *giggles* Or maybe you gain something out of this, I don't know. Ask Shiromaru-senpai what she saw when you two wet prawn heads were alone in that bus stop. *laughs* All in all... this episode sucks, I guess. Not production bad sucks, just sad. But hey, if being alive has taught anyone including me, there's always next time. Also, what is done has been done. Efforts are constantly going to waste. I just wasted my morning yesterday going to the bank to reset by PIN number just because I actually forgot what it is. It happens. What you do is that you learn from the things you have done wrong, and since Nakami has done nothing wrong, there's LITERALLY nothing to be sad about. Just like Kurashiki-sensei, just treat yourself to some hamburger steak and you'll be good once again. Speaking of bringing up one's mood, boy and seeing how next week's episode preview thumbnails are looking from the Anime's official Twitter account, this is gonna be DOPE because damn if Kanikawa's rack did not get you, nothing will. *laughs* See you then, eh? Just... don't drop me on the Nakami lore I don't even want to know any of it at all lol it just sounds like a story of a wimp haha *points at self*
[TL:DR; This series in a nutshell is basically Isaki-chan in the rain bringing the umbrella to Nakami and them both being splashed by the puddle by the road in which the car drove by it. Not everything's going to go your way, Nakami.]
P.S. "I'm the type who likes to just press both buttons (on a vending machine) and leave it to fate" Haha Nono-chan I actually like that idea I might do that next time when I don't know what I want- Coffee. *laughs* "I (Nakami) can detect earthquakes that are only magnitude 1." Haha I foresee your career prospects, brother.
P.P.S. "Oh there's a senpai I know... who told me he's interested in attending too" Oh yeah, it's just a senpai? Oh well, Anamizu you cheeky girl. *giggles*

をニパ Kubo-san wa Mob wo Yurusanai
"It's like you (Shiraishi) are a main character" No no wait wait wrong title haha
Yeah, you bet I saw that a mile away, Nagisa's name was beside Shiraishi on the seating plan in the new year's class. Ah, so troubling that is fate. *giggles* In this new episode where we welcome the new school year haha man I wish we are still at that time of year lol we should have been 3 months ago IRL (#KuboSan09), but yeah, things are back to normal again I suppose. And when I mean normal, I mean totally normal. Tama-chan and Hazuki are in the same class as Kubo-san, Shiraishi is in the same class as Kubo-san... and above all, they sit next to each other again. Yeah, basically a highlight to start this episode alone, but damn could we not have given a damn because what else is new even? *laughs* So yeah, maybe the aggression is new? I mean, Kubo-san did draw the curtains on his window seat. *giggles* No really dude, Shiraishi can barely be noticed by the class already we don't need more camouflage- Oh, it's for her. *laughs* And I suppose in the new school year maaaybe we should be more lax, but going by Shiraishi's experience with dealing with the gardening in school (because once again, schools in Japan don't hire gardeners or else Sudo-kun's flowerbed will look good too lmao) and how much Kubo-san has been noticing him from afar all this while even though his efforts of taking care of the plants but not being seen has already become the seven wonders of the school lmao this is the new horror series plot we just put Shiraishi Junta in as a side character- Wait, how do we know that isn't happening already? *screams* Haha okay jokes over we don't do inception lore in this pure romance series. Kubo Nagisa still tries to deny despite being interrogated by her sister lol, but yeah suffice it to say this Kubo-san here is definitely planning on getting her AND Shiraishi back into the roles so they can have some lovey-dovey time together- You don't think so? Yeah yeah, wait till the guys start talking about how they also want to pair themselves up with a female in any of the class committees. *giggles* Hey, why need to plan when you have an aggressive girlfriend girl friend? Oops, gotta put in the whitespace. *laughs* They are friends, right? We don't have to confirm that? Shiraishi? *giggles* Oh boy, what's up bros I have no friends pleased to be meeting you, Sudo-kun. So in contrast, obviously this guy is more visible than literally that one guy in class, and saying that he has only talked to him for the first time in a year despite taking care of the same flowerbeds as he does is not even a joke anymore, but yeah, also probably the rare chance Shiraishi himself gets to talk to other people in class because how are you going to approach this dude without even seeing him in the first place? *laughs* So yeah, shout out to Kubo-san helping to spread the rumours of Junta-kun being a class playboy lol he actually can be though if you think about it but yeah not going that far this is a safe place we don't talk about u p s k i r t lmao ANYWAYS Shiraishi, this Kubo-san wants to be more than friends to you, so can you just admit already? *giggles* Yeah, maybe the last part of this week's episode is a good summary to what has been going on so far with this series. Lowkey action, plain water lmao I will hit Kubo-san with this for spoiling my afternoon drink choice to be honest, somewhat social circle and progress, and maybe way better than what you have ever experienced. That life, I gotta say Shiraishi, I envy you. Imagine girls approaching me? I could never. *laughs* People actually knowing of my existence? They only know when I did something wrong or got mad about things in class. He is already living it better than I do, I feel like I'm more of Sudo-kun than this lucky chap. Oh well, time to change profile picture haha Sudo-kun is more relatable to me now
[TL:DR; "My (Shiraishi's) youth... would taste like water" "This means you can be anything" This series in a nutshell]
P.S. "I can lowkey relate to water being overlooked at a vending machine even though it's undeniably there" Also because they cost a bomb to what is essentially free? You know, like how Shiraishi is dumb cheap essential labour-
P.P.S. "I remember feeling happy that everyone admired my blooming flowers" Okay Shiraishi that sounds kinda wrong lol
[Okay okay this time around real Kubo-san as in Nagisa-chan, yes?]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
This week isn't much, so let's talk about what is important. Next in Klassic Note Review will be TrySail's new single haha and I think I got it now, both of the A-sides are the Anime credit's opening theme songs so no wonder I suppose it's because a change in the plot that allowed such a case to exist (within one cour, by the way), but damn did they get me without the music video so I just thought of giving them the thumbs up, I guess. Yeah, it has been a year since then, a new single AND a review of said single. *giggles* I did listen to a couple more new songs on my days off though, but not like SpecialThanks' new song will get me but Middle Kids' new song is kinda great and Porno Graffitti's new song did almost get me but I guess not. Maybe still stuck in giving Anison at this point, honestly. Also, this backup phone isn't exactly ideal to listen to songs on the go now so I'm just glad it can even play whatever is above this week lol

Well, not much news on Twitter about music but I can still talk about them, many of them being additions to the roster for this month hopefully. I did give chance to GLIM SPANKY's collaboration music video with whoever Sarasa is but I don't think it's that good so nah. Amamiya Sora's cover album will now include 11 "new" songs and is releasing in about two weeks so I guess I will give a listen considering this month's releases are a barren desert anyways. No, not as in listen live with others on YouTube that thing is region locked to hell. *laughs*Β SHE'S new live video is of a song in their new album and I did like it so I liked this too be sure to give it a listen it's their usual emo feels. Middle Kids is signalling a return with their new song but damn I need more so I'll skip this for now. fumika's new songs are now confirmed to release in two weeksΒ on digital which jolly great show because damn do I need some of her songs it has been a while since her album. Along with LUCK LIFE we also have GRANRODEO's new single slated for an August release for Anime "Bungou Stray Dogs" which can only get me more hyped. Aida Rikako also confirmed an album release in September which will include her new song for Anime "Skip to Loafer" ending song which she also released a music video of her fooling around the studio of and boy is the song not that great but I will give a listen when it drops anyways. I guess nasuo singing a cover of the first season ending song of Anime "Shinigami Bocchan" series is part of the stunt where they get her to be more involved in the music of the new season's theme songs as she did with other shows too so let's see where this will take us. And last but not least I guess we will know what Sambomaster news they are cooking up tomorrow if I didn't see this wrongly hopefully a new music release I can use some of them now.Β 

So for next week, looks like we only have voice actress Toyota Moe's solo debut mini-album to listen to and this is hoping it will appear in music streaming services and if it sucks (lol) or it's not there then maybe I'll catch up the rock festival videos- Hey me? THIS is the time you do that and not like, when there are new releases up your a-

Yeah, speaking of Anime next season as mentioned in the intro, and boy did I already spend so much time writing my thoughts after watching them, we have, you did not see wrongly, FIVE SEQUELS due to air next season. Two action series so I wonder if the continuation of "Stray Dogs" can even win my childhood series "BLEACH" lol we mentioned about the latter last week, the other two "KanoKari" and "Shinigami Bocchan" are expected and both of them especially the latter will easily win the likes of "Horimiya" which will be taking the short end of this straw poll mainly because according to the forums some say the main story has concluded in the first adaptation so this is likely more of an OVA feel. So we shall see how ALL of them go while I think of a way to stop myself from watching more new shows if they are any good ones. Yeah, kinda sad with such an abundance of shows to watch. *laughs* See you next week haha, and until then I shall embrace the only solace I can find in my life right now is me hugging my own Kido Ibuki T-shirt haha honestly it's great you should try it lol bye

P.S. The rest of the unimportant stuff in summary because despite the bad things here, there are a lot of good things that happened: I hesitated to watch Sakura Ayane's Instagram live earlier today but can't resist even just listening to her going crazy about whatever MyakuMyaku mascot is, Nyotengu and (not Sakura) Ayane walked into my owner room in DOAXVV which is probably the worst haha I did not let Koharu back to her room after she dropped by though *dabs* with Loberia in my room the whole time by the way ever since Monday, and I'm still thinking of how to code a relationship chart of my fantasies with Japanese voice actresses considering it's hard to even do inside a diagram-making web application. *silence* Last one not happening anytime soon but I do know Natsukawa Shiina is my younger sister. *giggles* Maybe I start writing my fanfic from there haha