
The Entertainment News '23 Issue #24

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The Entertainment News '23 Issue #24

Sunday, 11 June 2023
Wait wait, I got this week's intro, give me a minute.


As my workload lightens up on the weekdays and I spend just a little more time doing more personal stuff and reading up on how to fix the blog and/or my GitHub site haha I actually even found bugs to the recent official Klassic Note Web Release 1.0 (lol we call it that now?), I just am slowly but surely thinking of not the #KN15YEARS compilation haha that will be rough to do by the end of the year, not the one more blog post I want to do for #KN15YEARS also lol I will get to that eventually, but more of just planning out my vision for the next upgrade to this place for the weekend. In my latest proposal...

Haha not going to reveal too much we will show that off in due time and don't worry I don't have open betas unlike the many video game announcements this week lmao, because just like the Anime and music I watch this week I am ALL IN on this dude! Oh also being on Buyee and the auction house haha I told myself not to do that already but with the new Seigura magazine release andΒ Rieri self-produced scenariosΒ for her 10th year as voice actresses I JUST CANNOT HELP MYSELF lol wait till you see me talk about the most expensive item that is from Ten-chan's new photobooksΒ that I haven't bought yet lol timely too they giving out 5% discount vouchers for Mercari *laughs*

をニパ Skip to Loafer
"I'm supposed to be the guy who says yes to everything?" Yeah why not, Yes-Man, uh, I mean, main character? *laughs*
Oh damn Shima-kun in a play, huh. I already can see Kanechika-senpai gyrating in the corner liao haha- What are the chances Ririka-san will be here to visit? *cringe* Anyways haha I should stop jinxing it, this new episode (#SkiLo10) brings us the school festival! Also, more about Shima-kun because we know we'll get to this point. Just, casually. Just like how casually he said yes to the musical the class is going to do because yes blame peer pressure, I don't think Shima-kun will say he's doing this just because he wants to. *laughs* So of course, since everyone around his life knows about this news haha and I also mean the people he wanted to avoid because how is the senpai NOT gonna know haha, we start with not the class. So his buddy Chris. And hey Shima-kun, your buddy is right: distancing oneself and not being honest is such a bad thing to do in school life. I speak from experience. *sob* Eventually he has to open up himself to the masses which will be disappointing after what is of his perfect image so far, but not like it matters considering he's doing a romance part with Kinomoto-san who is already attached? Still managed to do the rehearsals like a pro, it's guy. No one will know- Can we get a full-on mask and hair dye on the gardener Johan? *laughs* And then, we have Shima-kun himself. Him remembering his past and doing all the lines for his mother while she is quarreling with the father? Yeah who cares whose fault is that, but don't expect the stuff you do as a kid be something that makes your mom happy. Been there, done that already. Never goes well. *giggles* Which brings us in contrast to Mitsumi actually, who already knew Shima is doing this for the sake of it, probably knew he was unwilling to do it anyways but is still doing a great job, rather do the love scene with him than let him do it with whatever Egashira or some other girl in class. *laughs* ANYWAYS haha it's their little secret and so it is to Ririka-san haha you can't get mad at him you aren't the love interest you're just a burden lmao *dabs*, but as closer friends, the main couple hehe, they know each other well to not discourage one another but also to live on whatever lies lives they chose to. *giggles* Specifically on Mitsumi's side though, she is just undertaking more tasks than ever other than the student council mostly to feel useful and that is no surprise, but she may be on the deep end when she realizes how much the class is rather critical of her efforts. I mean, if I were Mitsumi I'll make amends by jumping into the bench and being honest with them and with her own due attention, but yeah, probably due shock that is sent to the country bumpkin will not go unawares, but let's just say that Mitsumi is made of stronger stuff so crying it away is probably something to make her better. Also, if you cry means you care. You think politicians today cry over the decisions they make? *pft* All in all... hey maybe doing it all for your mother was a mistake. *laughs* Hey same here bro, but I learnt to stop it at what, 12? So yeah, I'm good. *laughs* To learn of disappointment stemming from expectations even you worked hard for it? Hey, if you did work hard on it, prove it to them. I did not though so less a case for me but *laughs* Mitsumi isn't such a person, so yeah dear classmate, give the country girl a chance. For Shima-kun though? If he acts again it's hardly ever done for himself. We use skills we have for the stuff we are not passionate about, don't worry. Seeing next week's preview though, yeah Ririka-san (oh yeah Kotobuki Minako hehe it has been a while) probably knows about it already lol what are the chances Shima-kun is in the cast his class is making a musical of amirite?? So yeah, if you aren't bracing for this explosion using an umbrella, I am. *laughs* See you then, we counting down to the main event already.Β 
P.S. "If you're more concerned about breaking character than your own feelings, you'll snap at some point" Haha the friend Chris is not wrong but then again problem is that b*tch Ririka SHE is a problem in Shima's life as of now "Oops, I farted" LMAO
P.P.S. "Ugh, must be nice, playing the love interest (to Shima-kun)" Oh she got theΒ j-j-j-jealousy haha oh please Egashira I have yet to confess to you all my sins, my sister *laughs* "Also Kinomoto-san has a boyfriend..." WAIT THIS GIRL HAS A BF?? *giggles*

をニパ Tonikaku Kawaii Season 2
"The mountains are swarming with bugs in summer, you know. You'll get stung to no end" You mean Nasa-kun getting kissed by Tsukasa all night, right? Haha *dabs*
Oh yeah, the camping? That's how it works now, this Anime, gotta come up with new stuff to do every week. *giggles* And as Nasa-kun sleeps on his worries lol you have worries? Haha in this new episode where everyone is up to the mountains (#ToniKawaS210), looks like everyone is in on this camping ground trip. I mean, the printout is already kind of a hint, but yeah Tokiko definitely did not intend to have this camping trip between just the 3 of them, so everyone in the cast we know of were also invited. Well, not that mechanic though, as much as she's on the top of my list. *giggles* Anyhow I'm sure she is busy or just super delayed on the news haha she is still deciding whether to go, let's up the hills! Haha Nasa-kun chose to climb it though instead of taking it upwards the easy way lol, and Tsukasa of course had to oblige. No surprises there, just more surprising is that she can make her way up the hill faster than the main crowd, with Kyuuma-chan who lagged behind looking at poisonous mushrooms and beautiful flowers, until we realize that they were just taking shortcuts and yes Tsuksasa secretly is a ninja- I thought she was a swordswoman? Haha who is to say? *giggles* Turns out Kyuuma-chan is a lot more problematic than usual, and getting "lost" in a campground monitored by cameras, the guys decided to search her out only to know she went to the toilet- Didn't the cameras know she went there? LOL anyhow we got Nasa-kun in the dump instead haha he got lost and tired and slept but again who expected a boar or a wild bear anyways, because Tsukasa will be the only thing to land on him if he sleeps any longer. *laughs* And we don't talk about the stuff of them making out, you can watch those yourself. *giggles* But more importantly, that Nasa-kun has been dreaming about her first encounter with his wife, is how much he thought of why Tsukasa even till date, did not hesitate to be with him despite his rather nerdy reply of wanting to be with the woman who saved his life. I mean, I don't know, you get some girl to save my life and ask me then. *giggles* All in all... Tsukasa doesn't know about idolism, isn't it? *laughs* I mean, if Kitou Akari told me to marry her in order to date her, then I will be on the headlines. *giggles* Yeah, I'll do the marriage announcement earlier than Kurosawa Tomoyo. Yeah, even if it's infatuation. Damn, I wish someone will love me back. HAHA okay moving on, not much of hint here, we are not even close to the lore of what Tsukasa's backstory is exactly about haha I mean she could've landed from the moon on this very peak who knows, but seeing that we are nearing the end of this second season by the way, and yes looks like we are doing a wedding reception in the campsite lol what a surprise, but heck, maybe we end this series this way. Though uh... can we not have season three? Just- YOU CANNOT JUST END THIS THOUGH YOU HAVE HER SAMURAI IN THE OPENING *laughs*
P.S. "Anarcho Cups!" Hey Uesaka Sumire this is a safe space we can't talk about ecchi stuff in here please and thanks *laughs* "Easy now, Kyuuma-chan is just dumb" WOAH WOAH Kaname not you too!! *laughs* "You gonna bury bodies in the hills??" Okay this Ginga is dumb haha
P.P.S. "Family and friends gathering together... It'll almost be like a wedding reception" Oh damn was this her plan all along?? TOKIKO YOU B*TCH haha got'em

をニパ Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia
"Don't talk back to your sister. Now follow my orders and be a good servant" YES MY LEASH haha why am I not born into the Magari family
SWIMSUIT EPISODE LET'S GOOOOO *laughs* Hey, didn't expect the good stuff to be in this very series compared to the others listed this week, but hey, I'll take anything now. *giggles* In this new episode (#KimiSomu09) where- Oh hey, sis. *giggles* Sadist Ten-chan again LET'S GO- Why am I already hyped by this? *laughs* No, we are NOT going to address the treatment Isaki-chan is getting from her sister. That is not abuse; that is pleasure. *dabs* Okay jokes aside she is not going to give us swimsuits anyways lmao just step on me will do *laughs*, okay seriously we need to chill because this is a series about JK. Get it? As in joking? Well, let's move on, we haven't even done the training camp yet dude! Yes, the one we had to take a photo to join a contest and hopefully win and bring some pride and reputation to the dormant Astronomy Club? Yeah, the student council head also thought it was a great idea. So no, no budget for you. *laughs* Not surprising, I swear Ukegawa saw that a mile away, but considering Nakami is dead bent on letting it happen after what happened last time with the star-viewing party which was rather tragic tbh, to compensate for the lack of money and we aren't exactly going to ask the rich dad for money lol, he gotta take up part-time jobs. *looks at sis* Oh, I see where this is going. OH!! *laughs* Okay I thought he's gonna get in to somewhere Isaki's sister will be working or visiting but I guess this is not "Kubo-san" anyways lol shout out to Akina, but because reality hit us this fast and before you know it, he failed the interview. Nakami, did you accidentally say you wanted money so you are here? Definite no-go for starters. *laughs* Anyways, not surprising that Shiromaru's arcade will be the next opportunity for him haha as always connections are the best way to get jobs nowadays lol especially if we have AIs taking over our jobs haha *cringe*, seeing that the senpai is actually busy with preparing for the next nerd event lol yeah Shiromaru-Con we call it (or I guess Betty-Con seeing the name), is not able to get much sleep working on stuff all night, so might as well let Nakami take care of the mess and the place in the day. Even then obviously it's not enough for them to get enough money to go to the places they want, so to cut it short Isaki mentioned to provide accommodation and food sort of, for the trip. Yeah, turns out we just had to cheat. *giggles* Cut corners, please. But what we are not cutting corners though besides the cycling animations lol did you see that? Haha it's the girls' day out at the beach! Yes, this one sure delivered you will NOT be disappointed we have some boob action but not what you think but it is still great, and as expected all of them are having fun, Isaki wore a thin shirt over her lovely bikini (don't mind the scars it was the surgery) just like Asakura Momo's 1st photobook haha dammit, and Kanikawa is just here for the dudes. That is not the one classmate. *laughs* But I know right, Kanikawa how do you get laid if all you do is just stand there and not get wet? BRUH. *giggles* I speak from experience. *laughs* Then again, thanks for the shaved ice, I guess, whoever you are. *silence* I cannot think of anyone who would do this that we know, so let's say that was Nakami's dad. *laughs* Oh, grade schoolers. Grade schoolers? *laughs* All in all... imagine getting laid, dude. *laughs* Also, imagine your sis going with you to training camp. Yeah, the one you get to flirt with your boi haha ah hey you told your grandma about the lodgings for the camp, how else would she know? So yeah don't worry Shiromaru-senpai, I think we have a new member of the discipline committee here to monitor them. *giggles* Also, who says it's about those two anyways? Maybe the sis wants Ganta to herself- See you guys then. *laughs* Remember this series is about viewing of the stars? I can't wait to view her impressive rack- O~kay me haha *dabs* (Again, did not expect the good stuff to be in this series by the way, just in case you don't know)
[TL:DR; I really wonder who among the girls the one guy thought to buy shaved ice for. *giggles* If it was me? Maybe Kanikawa but prove me wrong haha]
P.S. "I rather not have financial discussions with my (Nakami's) dad" Oh you mean that irresponsible d*ck who drinks all day? Dude, I can eat myself up and earn money faster than he can drink them lol
P.P.S. FYI Ten-chan ie. Amamiya Sora is different from Isaki's sister as in complete opposite as she mentions in her YouTube videos, she cooks for her family and does housework.
[Also, you didn't give us the Nakami on top of Isaki (or vice versa) with her still in the swimsuit? Haha what am I saying so here's more lol]

をニパ Kubo-san wa Mob wo Yurusanai
"Shiraishi-kun, let's have a staring contest!" Wow great start haha
You sure they didn't do this in "Takagi-san" also? Hey, we can't come up with newer ideas, dude. Then again it's always fresh so *giggles* in this new episode where clearly someone was jebaited into letting Kubo-san do what she likes most haha (#KuboSan10), oh we talking about staring down at others? Can Akina stare down at me too, please? *laughs* Speaking of which, she is in this episode though. Nice. *giggles* So, the chalk dust thing. Yeah, maybe that's why having the window seat is an issue, people dumping off the chalk dust into the air (yup) (still using chalk btw haha what we talking about the environment?) and did not notice Shiraishi is basically the wind haha I mean in the direction of the wind so white stuff just dumped all over his head (lmao) so he had to wash up. Thanks to Kubo-san he got to clean up the parts he missed. Or well, she did. *laughs* Yeah, she's gonna smear her face all over his hair- Guys, this is just episode 10, please. *giggles* As a reward(?), Shiraishi got to touch her hair back? Yo we got to touch her hair LET'S GO- I don't want to wash my hands again so I'll pass. *laughs* Anyways, Shiraishi said good morning first the next day haha that will be motivation if I had that planned from the start but not like anyone will stare at my face for a second lmao, because we move on to physical measurements examΒ or something, I don't know what you call those. A waste of time? Haha *dabs* because damn as a kid apart from knowing how much puberty has grown on you (lol yeah) (Kubo-san is not even close to mature, not even *dabs*), you don't really want to know about you know, among other things, weight and height. Doesn't mean we need to professionally measure it though. Just put your boi against the wall with a ruler and- Yes, the title did mention about kabedon so good job Kubo-san, you did all the stuff couples do without the guy knowing what happened. *laughs* (Also just keyed in "kiabedon" lol that's when the girl squeals lmao) Yeah, putting your man against the wall close enough to kiss *giggles*, wearing his jersey and not smelling it for a moment because why would you haha, and lying to your friends- Oh boy this last part is the most important. That's when you know you love someone because you don't want anyone to know your secrets- Hey, Kubo-san? You aren't a celebrity though your friends know you want more rack, dude. *laughs* Last but not least, Seita-kun's first expedition- Okay his first errand, yes? Obviously no one is not worried about him so his brother Junta-kun (hehe) is tailing him for starters. Also Akina- Wait, what? *giggles* So is she tailing brother-in-law or- What's the difference even? Hehe *dabs* but yeah the brother's worried so he follows him a distance away because despite what we think apparently he can still conceal himself even if they are your family members. *silence* Okay more Shiraishi invisibility skill lore I'm in haha. Seita-kun did a brilliant job though, and boy do I want to hug him just like what Akina did after seeing him successfully buy and bring back some eggs which, and sorry for pointing that out, Nagisa failed in when she was his age. Yeah, #NotMySibling let's get that trending so I can replace my sis with Itou Miku or something lmao *dabs* All in all though, great episode with lots of quirks. I didn't expect the author to even point out but heck THIGHS AND CHEST AMIRITE!??? *laughs* Ah hey, we are not getting a swimsuit episode but at the least we can mention them in due time hehe I'm basically Akina now
[TL:DR: Serious talk though, this Kubo Nagisa is dangerously close to being "touch me more" type of woman- Wait, she's not? *laughs*]
P.S. "Maybe I should go check (my appearance) in the toilet... Never mind, no one notices me anyways" MOOD BRO haha well Kubo-san will notice "There's still chalk dust on you" See?
P.P.S. "Ah! I'm sure even now if you stroked (Nagisa's) head she will stop crying... You should try that sometime if you get the chance!" NOPE NOPE NO FREAKING WAY haha
[GIF FEVER!! Hehe just more Kubo-san...s]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
Hmm kind of a slow pace this month in Klassic Note actually but looks like we may have something to listen to every week for the month so we I should be alright. *giggles* Toyota Moe's solo debut album is not on digital services nor is it leaked anywhere online so I guess I just went back to where I stopped for the rock festival videos and boy did I just continue down the line and ended up listening to OAU's album from 2019 HAHA yes their new album released last month did NOT get me but this one did. No wonder, I also ended up giving their most popular song, and yeah, it's as fantastical as it's emotional, nonetheless. Really bringing out my depression at this time of year lol

There isn't much going on Twitter this week for music, so I'll pick up some other related stuff to talk about if you don't mind. Sambomaster's new song is for a Crayon Shin-chan movie haha but the song doesn't sound too bad to I hope that appears sooner than later. SIX LOUNGE teased a new song due to release in digital next week which isn't much but hey I can use more of them. nano.RIPE is back with a new album due August and boy did this take years to appear but nonetheless I'll be glad if they can contribute to my song library with not just Anime theme songs lol. ClariS new music video is uh... if you can't get any older OR wish to get old then help yourself with some 80s Pop because I'll get to their cover EP in couple of weeks anyways. ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION's new song is for a solo artist and drama actress Non-chan and man it's literally just an Ajikan song sung by a woman lol, but I might just give her new album a listen when it comes out end of the month. We got teased earlier in the week but turns out it's just SPYAIR's re-recorded songs with new vocalist YOSUKE-san so yeah be sure to relive the band once again as they take off to another arc without their usual dude. TrySail is releasing a new album due JulyΒ (title deja vu from SHE'S??) which is about a month and boy that is fast but then again this also symbolizes them going over what their senpais ie. sphere, have done within 8 years of their group formation, heading straight into 10th anniversary in a couple of year's time. Hopefully the MusicRay'n 3rd generation group, whatever it is will be ready by then. Ryokuoushoku Shakai's new live video is of their recent song last year which is cool, be sure to give that a listen. Up next *ugh* halca's new song is for Anime "KanoKari" opening theme haha damn why is this woman still so into my life lol. Cider Girl's new song is available for digital and it doesn't sound too bad at all so maybe I'll give it a listen when their new EP is out in two weeks. Last but not least, I took some time to listen to fumika's ukelele covers and boy has she improved so much since I knew of her in major label it's really cool listening to her sing cover songs and her own ie. the one I gave end of 2021.

Next week though, I guess we can listen to KANA-BOON's concept album hopefully it's good it's love themed which man they could've done this a season before but heck, that is even if I give a damn about their new band formation lol. Otherwise... I saw MOSHIMO's new EP just now when I was referencing their one jealousy song haha I had a great time last time I walked into them so maybe that. Oh, Cider Girls' new EP for following week? Who says I have nothing new to listen to haha

Screw you Sakura Ayane I'm listening to RumiRumi talk about Anime "Oshi no Ko" haha don't worry I still don't understand anything after her livestream. *laughs* She did, at the producer's request, promote her livestream right now and then (for fake money haha don't even ask) by making a tweet and boy I wish I retweeted fast enough (with the show's hashtag) to say what is above with Ayaneru haha that'll throw her off her seat more than she did to me with her getting embarrassed somehow. *laughs* Easily amused huh, RumiRumi. Point taken. *giggles* Okay time's up time to post this already haha so see you guys once again, and until next time... don't ask about DOAXVV owner's diary the reality is real no girls walked into my room, not even by accident. *silence* Haha bye