
The Entertainment News '23 Issue #25

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The Entertainment News '23 Issue #25

Sunday, 18 June 2023
Well, I slept all week so maybe ask me if I got any SSRs in DOAXVV this week. *laughs* Answer is yes, by the way. Last week's dry streak is bad haha

Anyhow, I'm taking meds, so I'll do this with minimum effort which is as usual my best effort so don't mind if I don't do long writeups because I really should not but this is how I get over not speaking about all of this to myself (with my now sore throat) and my mom thinking that I'm weird. *silence* Maybe I do YouTube reaction videos lol

Trust me, this month is going to end with a bang and it's not the next season Anime listings lol dammit, and then maybe we will get back to talking about... whatever we used to talk about 3 years ago haha I looked back at the blog posts and I can only cringe that much dude lmao maybe I should edit out standardize those posts from then on *giggles*

アニメ Skip to Loafer
"How much do you study to get in, Student Council President?" Oh this joker? He probably got in with his parents' relations with the school lmao
Nepotism amirite, fellas? #NotMyPresident Haha someone is going to mistake that and think we are talking about countries here but WE KNOW Takamine should be leading this school body. In this new episode where the school festival is finally kicking off (#SkiLo11), yeah Day 1 is great. Day 1 is fantastic, everyone had a great time. Not much to say about Day 2 though- Oops. *cringe* Anyways haha, the school festival started, and Mitsumi enjoyed the festivities doing student council stuff I bet, the President is getting his buff up so high we can't see him above the clouds no more lol I guess encouraging people to join the high school is also important so he is the image of that, the main girl quickly realized (not Takamine by the way she can hold her own lol) that she doesn't have friends to visit her. Well, not like she doesn't have friends, but coming from the countryside it's hardly likely to call upon her whole village just to come to her high school festival, yes? Never mind, I can live with that haha speaking from personal experience *sob* lol but of course not thinking this way, we have Yuzuki from the Art Club who also is experiencing something similar to Mitsumi. And trust me, no number of males hitting her with their mouths and eyes blind on her artwork she drew of her pet dog will cover for that. So yeah, I guess these two can hang out together. I mean, Kurume Makoto over here did cover for her newly-found friend in front of her middle school buddies by introducing her importance in her life so that's rad, that's what friends are for, really. Or unless you share stuff you can't say out loud. I mean, my bro and I share many things in common but I won't tell people about tits- MOVING ON haha, Yuzuki also knew this social circle she got in high school who doesn't judge her image is so good, and I guess this hits on Mitsumi too, isn't it? Yeah, such a great time, also the appeal of this series by the way. Next up, I was like, Kanechika when are you appearing and here he is! Haha also Shima-kun rather talk to girls than talk to you. *laughs* Jumping into Day 2 after a super successful Day 1 haha yes the musical from Mitsumi's class is a success, but of course not as cool as Kanechika's Drama Club performance which I hope did not remind Shima about his childhood or anything lol but what is with that long distance stare, maybe we introduce some of the new guys who are appearing in the school for the festivities. Firstly, the mom's here. Shima-kun's. Well, stepmom, don't judge. Also, this Keiri-kun. No guesses who he is, but damn he has a brave front for a 3-year-old. So brave, it only falls apart seeing his family. Yes, in front of his stepbrother. Really, knowing how to get to the next place of meeting even when you are lost? This guy is such a chad you wish you were this smart at 3. *laughs* Anyhow, circumstances made him appear alone in the classroom as Shima is out and the mother is trying to find him, so the class helped out. Our boi immediately got called in sadly before his review to Kanechika-senpai haha we can do that another time, and the mother did get in contact with the student council which Mitsumi, who was smart enough to notice the keychain on the kid's bag, was able to get the family back together safely. That is of course, not without its problems. Hey, if everyone in the family is nice, guess who's the bad guy? Wrong guesses only- The stepmom is the villain. *laughs* All in all... wow I love this episode already. I love it so much, not that I don't want this series to end trust me I want things to end I hate sequels lol, but I love this episode so much because next episode to end the series is going to be ROUGH!! *cringe* I'm already *pukes* at this I can't even recover myself, I better keep all this to myself until I really have to bang my table or cry just like Keiri-kun did. Maybe then, maybe, we will get a slap across someone's face. Whose one will it be? You gotta see it for yourself. *giggles* (I have no idea of the plot by the way, this is just skeptical drama prediction here)
P.S. "To be in love is not a sin, Lyra." Haha too f**king real dude *laughs* Poor Egashira WHO TOLD HER TO BE THE NUN
P.P.S. "Is there really an endpoint for daily routines like eating and going to work?" Yeah, when you have to quit. Which reminds me... (Haha)
What I imagine next episode will be like lol
(Shima-kun, if you really want to do it, I give you permission to shoot Mina-chan lol)

アニメ Tonikaku Kawaii Season 2
"Feels like we're at a party of a pirate king" Is that a One Piece reference?? Can we not-
Hey, remember what I said last week about that mechanic Nakiri-san missing from the action? We found her alright. *giggles* In this new episode where all the budget for the camp went to the food and that marriage video footage voiced by Kaname lmao (#ToniKawaS211), man, shout out to the intern who edited the video by the way, from the animation studio? *laughs* Also, did Nasa-kun even try to find the wife- Hold on hold on, maybe we start off with addressing EVERYTHING that is wrong with that montage video. *laughs* Well firstly, has it been 2 years already? Or is that a fictional thing? Oh maybe the downtime but I mean, it's also 2 years since the Anime's airing so quite timely I would think, yeah, it has been a while. And yeah, without any wedding or reception of any sort? I mean, over here even registration for marriage has some small reception for witnesses who gathered, so uh, yeah, about time I guess. It's probably what old hag Tokiko (lol) thought so, so she brought the kids out onto a stage she prepared, did some montage video to not make this look like they have no history and this is some shotgun wedding lmao (you don't want to know, the latter case), and get Kaname to be the host of this special occasion! Easy, isn't it? Yeah, Tokiko just coughed up the money, not that hard after all. Still, Kaname did put in a lot of effort, huh. Remember she was to join everyone later? What do you think she was doing down the mountain? *laughs* Yeah, carrying the wedding cake from below all the way up here? BRUH. *laughs* So yeah, she and Nakiri probably prepared most of this in advance, and shout out to Nasa-kun playing his part because Tsukasa won't either way, and yeah, gotta thank the guests for putting up with his speeches of the stars at night haha, because I'm pretty sure the others are more keen on fireworks that Tsukasa prepared beforehand. We also got to know more of the lore too. Yeah, the lore, of why it took 2 years for Tsukasa to honour her promise to Nasa-kun in the first place. So yeah, no surprises, all Tokiko's fault- Oh that's all they are going to share?? GODDAMMIT WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THE OPENING THEME ANIMATION- Moving on haha I guess sequel bait is precisely what is incoming, but Nasa-kun had a general idea. I mean, I have a general idea too but can we have a flashback of what happened in those 2 years? *giggles* I guess not, huh. They really gonna end it like this? *sigh* What the heck. *laughs* All in all... uh, you think they did it on the bed? *laughs* No, right? I mean, there's the surveillance cameras and everything. Old hag probably had the recording going to she can watch it the next morning- HAHA okay let's talk about marriage. It's hard. *laughs* Not boner hard thankfully lmao, but it's a lot of responsibility, don't you think? In retrospect, and let's not talk about the entertainment industry where people don't care, let's say us commoners care, we find someone who we love and we can spend the rest of our lives together through anything... well hopefully all good and not bad but who knows, and yeah it's a promise as old as civilization itself. But of course, all this bullsh*t talk is obviously not in the case for Nasa-kun because I mean, he just said yes after getting rammed and saved by a woman. I would also say yes to that woman if I were him and she's single. *giggles* But for Tsukasa... maybe this was it. Maybe it was 2 years of her dealing with this and the fact that maybe we will have a sequel to this because THIS IS HOW THEY DECIDE TO END?? *sigh* Oh well, all's well is well, I suppose. Not like Chitose can stop them from being together already even the elder is giving them their blessings haha
[TL:DR; "They want to believe. That is nothing else, their love lasts forever." I legit thought Tsukasa will say the lines of assurance and company till the end but this works too]
P.S. "It's my intention to cherish these feelings going on to our new life, with the support of everyone who has gathered tonight..." And then they show Chitose-chan haha you think this brat said it's okay?? "But I'm not celebrating (this) at all" Haha there you go
P.P.S. "But the question still remains: Why do people get married?" Hey Nasa-kun this is a question only viable for singles you are married already you don't get to ask that lol "How much can we fool around in here?" O~kay haha

アニメ Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia
"Not only did you bring a guy into the house, you also served him tea!" Ten-chan is jealous LMAO
Okay guys you know I'm going to make jokes about the voice behind Isaki's sister so just, just let me do it, dude. *giggles* In this new episode where hell yeah club trip (#KimiSomu10), don't forget it's for a photo of the stars for the contest, just do you know. *giggles* Boy, and this is just the intro. *laughs* Hey, we already know this is a good time but not as good as the beach episode last week so tone it down, please. *laughs* So yeah, we start the trip to Kanazawa. For starters, we are introduced to the two families of the couple (hehe) because you know, gotta get permission from both sides parents so these two can flirt together alone- Anyways haha I highly doubt this will be anywhere close to that, but we get a simple overview of the two sides in case you need a recap. Nakami's single father family is worried the kid doesn't ask anything back from the parent mainly because of the loss of the mother lol I don't want to peek in too much but damn this sounds dark, and Magari's family... Isaki has a sister, in case you don't know so far. *giggles* Haya, they call her; Fast enough to the action, fast enough to notice this guy Nakami is probably someone special in her sister's life right now, and probably fast enough to realize her position in the family to recall the stuff she did in sacrifice to this poor girl who had eaten all the family's budget to stay alive by years of surgery and hospital stays so much so we can't give the poor first child a proper childhood. *silence* Hey, is that good enough of a summary? I sure hope so, can't stop feeling bad for Haya-san here anyways. Also, isn't life better when you can get your sibling up and we all go as a family? It's just not as great going to the amusement park together when there's only single child and parent. Uh... *cringe* Haha moving on, besides hearing it from Haya-san herself, at least Nakami is listening in well to Shiromaru's advice about taking photos in general, because man, is getting someone interested in photography nowadays such a task I would hardly call my sis with a DSLR a photographer AND DON'T YOU DARE SAY INSTAGRAMMERS ARE PHOTOGRAPHERS they only are when they run a company under their name and hire people to do it for them lmao, but yeah Shiromaru-senpai be like "touch some grass, bro" to Nakami but he don't get it, huh. *laughs* No really, spend some time with the girl too, is probably her advice overall. You know, youth, they call it. *giggles* Speaking of which, onee-san has her boyfriend to catch up too so somehow I feel sad already lmao, so finally they are alone together in the old abode where the nearest thing is a shrine and a bus stop so uh... we doin' it? I mean, she sister gave you the high five, bro. You can do whatever is necessary to her sister now- All in all, can confirm, Nakami Ganta likes black-haired women. Because SAME DUDE *laughs* I mean, we got giving the sis a chance though?? COME ON haha I mean, I will if I'm that reliable as this future brother-in-law. *laughs* But hey, am I wrong though? As much as we have seen so far, how much Isaki-chan has been showered with all the love even in a rather hostile environment far from her childhood... For that, I agree with the Haya-san, Nakami here has been doing a good job inside out. For Isaki, I think it's easy to say at least on this side of the family hehe, all is well goes well. Now that this is put aside, let's see what will the ending going forth. I guess Nakami's story also Kurashiki has a sense of what is happening now, and Isaki... let's just say she is the luckiest girl ever. *giggles* I'm not because she did not appear in my life... or did she? Haha let's not say for sure haha we have 2 more episodes to go by the way
[TL:DR; "That's when I realized at the least, I could be the one person in her life who didn't just treat her this way" Siblings in a nutshell by the way]
P.S. "Isaki is a clone that was cultivated from my cells, by the way." I gotta say, not much of a success- Did you go for the cuter flat-chested route with the DNA or...? *laughs* Hey Haya-san I can joke too
P.P.S. "Make sure you mention that I'm a good girl, okay?" Oh yeah I will Isaki-chan you the best girl around-
[Feels like this is going to be the last time we'll see the sister so Haya-san montage!!]

Oh yeah I also just played along with my sis (who insists on waiting for my cue to go alone instead lol) to go to our local Donki for afternoon snacks so I'm back with some onigiri haha I'm treating her as a sibling I guess and now that I'm filled (lmao), let's continue! Thank goodness the intense sh*t above is over lol

アニメ Kubo-san wa Mob wo Yurusanai
"So a manga I like got a movie adaptation..." Hey coming from an overseas fan? This quote has become more of a reality than ever- I can go watch the "Kaguya-sama" movie in limited screenings here now dude
Man, imagine waiting for a new movie to come out. Hey, DC/Marvel fans. Getting bored yet? *dabs* Hey I wish I can make a case for me with the Animal Crossing game two years ago but you can't get me now haha, but for this new episode (#KuboSan11) we can get around with Shiraishi I guess. So, about the movie. Oh, not the "henchin" one that Seita-kun liked? Dammit. *laughs* Anyhow, not like Kubo-san here is crazy about it but she is keen on the series but not to the extent of just watching it herself, so might as well watch with her boi. You see where this is going here? *giggles* It's just the perfect plan. And you get to go to the cinema by train too? Somehow I hate city life haha mine's just a couple of bus stops away lol. Well, gotta meet up with your girl and take the train is obviously such a great experience, but I feel like in this series it's even more accented by the fact that Shiraishi is basically taking up space considering no one noticed he was there, could not be more slim to not stay in direct contact with his girl, is just holding the fort for her against everyone else squeezing on the train car. See? All this push-up training is paying off now bro you can hold yourself up to the train door without hitting on Kubo-san... Wait, wrong Anime? *laughs* Even if it was just for one train stop, I can believe that felt like hell. Also, Kubo-san didn't like, you know, pull his boi over to help him out and that would have been- So wait, no skinship? BUT DAMMIT THAT WAS OUR BEST CHANCE!! *laughs* Oh well, what you gonna expect, this is kyun Anime where we don't touch each other after all. *silence* Moving on haha, they then realized, another reality check right here, that reserving the seats might be better (if they want to sit together hehe) since the screening up next will be filled unless they want to sit separate to each other but we know a certain Kubo-san will not let that happen so... we can hang around by then! *giggles* Yeah, imagine if Shiraishi hit the fastest timing and they sit separate seats? *laughs* I know right, this is not real. *giggles* Also not real is what is evolving into effectively their first date as Shiraishi blocks off guys who want to pick up on his girl (lol not really they didn't notice him), go around looking at clothes (haha did Shiraishi just stare at a mannequin longer than the girl beside him?), and had some coffee on the local café- Okay coffee time. Holy sh*t if your friends and/or family say you are too young to drink coffee at high school. *laughs* You want to know when I started drinking coffee? Haha I guess nobody, huh. *laughs* But yeah, out of courtesy and not killing any humans' impressions about this beloved bean in the process, I'll tell her to go for the sweetest coffee on the menu: Latte. If you can't even that please don't ever mention that word again. *giggles* Also, coffee is about preference, dear lady. So don't force yourself. I speak from experience. And thus, Shiraishi went to get the creamer and sugar for the black coffee. Yep. Shiraishi's my bro now. *laughs* We got a little gift for Seita-kun courtesy of his future sister-in-law with the lucky draws lmao, and they watched the movie which was better than all the people watching the movie itself. *laughs* I mean, you would say that if you watched an animated movie from a series you loved. All in all, man, Kubo Nagisa sure is a desperate b*tch. *laughs* No really though, if you thought shame was our fantasies for this series, wait till you see the grin on Kubo-san's face. *giggles* What the Takagi-san series should have been. *laughs* I mean seriously man, for a first date? This ain't too bad at all. *giggles* Okay why am I the one grinning on this hehe but hey, win-win series, amirite fellas? Also, bro, how can you be so relaxed about it?? Haha, someday someone will be interested in my opinions.
[TL:DR; "I can't become an adult right now, but I can take it one step at a time, right?" Oh? *giggles*]
P.S.  "Shiraishi-kun, can I hold on to your bag strap then?" Yes, I mean, actually hold on to my hand works too haha *dabs* This dude will NEVER
P.P.S. "People can't gauge how close they are to me on crowded trains until they bumped into me" Even on crowded trains, we have invisible dude reality checks haha I know right
[More ponytail Nagisa-chan LET'S GO]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Oh wow, did I not give any new songs this week? *laughs* Yeah, despite listening to KANA-BOON's concept EP and MOSHIMO's new EP from a couple of months ago, I refused to give anything from their Rock tunes for some reason. I don't know why. Maybe it's the fever (lol) that is running through my body, but yeah, not in the mood for either of them. And maybe I thought through Kanno Mai's recommendation yesterday that somewhat Cwondo-style instrumental artist Sharou's new tune and I also listened to their tune from last year but... it didn't really hit me. Maybe the time period listening to Cwondo styles is over. And thank goodness for that. *giggles*

Wow we got a lot of new stuff to share from Twitter about music and that is just about more music so let's talk about them, man! I know right, restoring my faith in music after this long drag of a month. So, The Floor is releasing a new song end of the month which is quite hype considering they haven't been doing well in my mind and are releasing even lesser songs to impress so let's hope this is a good start to something more. SID released a new song(?) based on their latest live video release coming out soon which features a prologue? Can we get the full song list on music streaming also, please? *laughs* I don't know, dude. PHONO TONES' new song is for their new album releasing next month I can't wait, and it's pretty good for setting the mood for what is the first song in the track list. KANA-BOON's new music video is for their concept EP which I really do not care which damn I really think I can't give them any more songs from here on honestly so... maybe it's time to distance from them. You know, these things happen. ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERTION's new music video though did get me somehow despite their new release being a re-release of their 2008 album which, by the way, I have not given. So yeah, guess I'll give their old tunes another chance- I have given some already by the way, literally dropped in as they released the album 15 years ago. Oh yeah, and the first half of the album is out now if you are keen to listen first. SPYAIR's new song and basically this week is the band's first week of self covers with their new vocalist YOSUKE if you would recall. The best way to describe this even if I have not given their most popular song featured here, is that "the coolness is still there, but the ecstasy is missing" and I can't iterate over that more. I don't know, give him new songs to sing and we shall see. SIX LOUNGE's new song is actually pretty rad and do not be deceived by the... fantastic drawing of a cover art lol, and I might just give this considering the dry run this week. I think I am already impressed with mol-74's new mini-album previews released throughout this week (there's track 2 and track 3) and we still have a month to wait for the full songs it's just heart pain and I want time to pass quicker so I can actually listen to something better. *dabs* Really forgot this is summer season already, with everyone singing summer-like songs. *laughs* And apart from Anime "KanoKari" new ending theme artist, I still cannot believe Anime "Tonikaku Kawaii" new arc theme songs are two new songs I don't even know how much they have budget for after doing two seasons of main and two OVA episodes so far. I am underestimating Anime budget these days, huh. Oh hey Asakura Momo announced a new single due August also congrats haha but we are only interested in her birthday livestream next weekend hehe

So for next week, and ironically this month's highlight of new releases is a bunch of cover songs lol what else is new, I will take a listen to ClariS new concept cover EP and Amamiya Sora's cover album if they can help me in anything to make me like them more. Else, I can settle for fumika's new digital singles (yes, two of them) which will release earlier and are new songs from her in a couple of years, and Cider Girl's new EP so those will be a change to whatever 80s melodies I'll be bombarded with. In consolation though, at least I will be attuned to listening "better" melodies back then when they were good. Melodies these days, man...

Last night got me thinking of how much I would want Aizawa Saya compared to Kanno Mai. Yes, as a love interest. *silence* Damn, I don't know. *laughs* I LEGIT DO NOT KNOW I feel like I know MaiMai a lot but know she is under a veil of deception (especially in makeup lol) but I hardly even know Saya-chan that much considering the only thing I watch her live is that one fortnightly on Tuesdays... which was cancelled this week because she wasn't feeling well. Same dude. *giggles* Okay then, Saya-chan. *laughs* (Yeah, you don't even have MaiMai bromides? You pathetic loser haha) I know, maybe I should catch up (or even pay) to watch her other streams- Yes, that's how they get me with idolism now. Single money avenues are overrated, man. *sigh* Anyways, see you guys next time no point talking about my headache as I type this and it's not because I'm thinking of girls lmao, but ending the month we do have a lot of birthdays coming up and my replacement phone is still nowhere to be seen so... I guess I'll live with new wallpapers but in a 2015 phone then haha see you then where things will get better! I hope lol I did get a SSR this week on DOAXVV so that's a sign