
The Entertainment News '24 Issue #14

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The Entertainment News '24 Issue #14

Sunday, 07 April 2024
Wow, how did I end up on the same state as I were two weeks ago, I don't even know. *silence* Oh I meant physically, mentally I'm already ruined once I reached 30 so if I'm not feeling well this is quite normal. *laughs*

Also normal and totally expected, is the new season of Anime!! Yeah let's not talk about how I'm coughing again I rather be coughing up reviews of new shows I am interested in to see if I want to watch any of them other than the sequels which will already fuel the next three months of my weekends. *giggles* We shall see, me, we shall see. Hey, at least we have some time to give these, huh? I will try this time around- It's the new year, we gotta try somehow.Β 

Anime will compensate for the lack of music this week and likely prep us for the months ahead because I have to give the theme songs haha, in this new season start of stuff I talk about every week! I need a better slogan or even a better post title, really. *giggles*

をニパ Majo to Yajuu
"Love. I want to teach you what love is." Helga-san is so hyped right now haha
Yeah, I also realized they skipped the part where they had to stab Ashaf, it just appeared on him- Magic, dude. What else is there to say? *dabs* In this final episode of a series I didn't expect to get so into and I'm still loving it (#MajoToYajuu12), but now that it has ended gloriously... I think I'm good. *giggles* Let's talk about the flashback first, it's the flashback after all, more vital to the explanation of the lore we have here so far. So story goes that (and boy is the story short because they are replaying scenes lol ah hey) we found out that Craig and his dad are both Executioners (but really, this young to be such evil?) and if you need to guess again, they are going for Falvell's powers, no surprises there. Unfortunately they also knew from Orwell (RIP but not really) that she can't use her speaking-magic powers to any extent, mainly because there is a curse put on her to prevent her from even speaking, thus making her powerless as seen by how the villagers try to arrest her without much resistance. The Executioners seem disinterested in dealing with a witch with a curse, so they had to kill her. I know right, what is being neighbours for half a year and drinking their tea? Should've spiked it. *laughs* And since we know that Gideau will help us out in dealing with these two because did you even see how they sent Craig's father into the burning building? Haha, clearly Ashaf had to tell her how to undo her curse albeit temporarily, and this is also not a surprise, it is to kiss a witch. Falvell in this case. I know right, where do I sign up haha ah. *laughs* Anyways, this kiss ended up having more effects than I would have noticed immediately, because apart from beast Gideau sending Craig's dad flying and Craig himself basically ruined just enough to say his dying words, don't forget Gideau also had a witch's body which means that (1) any damage done from the Executioners will hardly kill her off the bat and that wouldn't be true if not for us knowing that that is essentially Angela's body, and (2) kissing Falvell also undid her curse, which also means she can speak for once in her life now. The latter is rather important since this makes her so absolute in power, not only did she stop the villagers from apprehending her, she just uh, wiped Craig's dad out of existence. Like, not even "kill yourself" or anything, he just vanished. The only thing she didn't do right is to wipe out all our memories of that dude so we won't even know he existed. *giggles* Anyways, all is well, and that's how Ashaf introduced Gideau to the Order, in order *wink* to find out who did her curse. Well, we knew who it is, she has appeared to visit her several times out of her own will, but the ending teased a new arc of the story where the duo had to go hunt her down. Well, sort of. And this is where I can stop I guess the word "isekai" triggered me in more ways than over, I'm glad there isn't a sequel to the Anime. *laughs* All in all though, great series just this alone hehe, but heck, I think the magic has overstayed its welcome. I'm very in on the lore though, still keen on the terminologies and the stuff that has been set up to fight against each other, from the Order to the Church and Paladin Corps, to the Executioners, to the Demon Sword and even Beast Gideau... there's always something around the corner to play around and change tides whenever the author decides to, and that's actually a good thing. Better than coming up with a final move and then having to power up that final move- Yes that's every other action series, thanks for asking. *laughs* Still, for what is based on magic which means anything is possible, this is still a great series to watch. Storytelling definitely is its strongest factor, the audio mixes might be meh at times, but everything else, it's amazing with all the kiss scenes. *giggles* Will they make another one of these so we can see the downfall of Angela fingers crossed? We can but hope. Yeah hope for the death of all Executioners or something lol can't we just let Falvell say that and it's over?
[GIF FEVER TO END THE SEASON!! You're welcome haha how is it all featuring Craig though]
P.S. "I assume you know that our world has eight continents." Yeah doesn't Antarctica not count? Haha that's a geography joke
P.P.S. "The Fall has seventeen levels down" Oh so it's like Hell? Haha as in not the Chinese version of Hell, B18 is for the deceased "Each one connects to another different, independent isekai" WHAT THE HELL haha I was liking this series but now I'm not too sure... *laughs*

をニパ Bartender: Kami no Glass
"There are two types of professions that absolutely must not deceive the customer" I'm pretty sure that is less than 0 jobs, sir. *laughs*
I mean, what do I know of bartenders, right? I've never tasted a cocktail for myself, not even alcohol.Β  *silence* Does medicated wine count? *laughs* In this remake of a good old series that has gained my interest in fancy alcoholic drinks even though I've never drank any (#Bartender01), oh yeah we are going to start off how they also started: Dunking on new bartenders until we realized we can't hire the guy in Eden Hall. *giggles* Okay, and I think I know how to review this now just like how they reviewed all the bartenders for the hotel, so let me give you a super beginner's course to this series which they somehow gave the script to a kid and THEN let AI change whatever they want. *laughs* So, story. This is simple, it's an intro to what Eden Hall is. Problem is, it's not the same. Differences include (and I don't have to refer back to remember) that the bartender auditions are a lot simpler than we know of, first off. We don't have that ikemen pretending of a jerk or even Higuchi as a character in the story, trying to bring in more life than the whole season of the original, actually. And I think this already breaks the illusion of what this series was supposed to be about: The mellowness of the story of alcohol. It sure is funny though, because mind you, I have read the original story before, and this much flare if I recalled, was suppressed in order to bring in the main delicacy of what this series was famed to be: its tale of cocktails. Cock-tales, if you would say- Okay maybe not. *laughs* Moving on, this whole episode is basically just reminding you a lot of what the characters are in general, from happy-go-lucky Higuchi who only knows of social media as her friend and wouldn't even care about Sasahara Ryuu our main guy here would be such a cool bartender, to miwa-san hereΒ Miwa-san here for being some manager trying to do her best for work and seeing her being left behind while the rest of the hotel rakes in the business while this bar is still stuck for a suitable candidate, to even the chairman who has been the most lively I've seen him in years which you would recall, dunked on all the candidates because he knew, HE KNEW, he hated bartenders and who is the one and only stuck in a bar by the street with the heaviest door you can imagine, and even that had a meaning. In this though, I guess they have to put in modern context which might be the issue considering this series was based on a manga from the early 2000s where Steve Jobs did not exist lol *wink*, so they put Eden Hall in the basement of some cheap building lmao, did not show us that famous ice sculpture which will no doubt have its use lol *wink* not this one though because we now know he uses a fridge to store solid ice, and served Miwa-san instead of the chairman, the cocktail that will make me wake up after a hard day's work. *sigh* All in all... I wonder why they decided to remake this if they can't deliver the same "wow" factor they did all those years ago. I think they are definitely trying to deliver the same emotional stories as much as they can I still teared up when Sasahara mentioned the meaning behind "bartender", while trying to keep it up with the times and enhancing the storytelling to give it more depth and clarity. Though in retrospect, that also means some stories will be cut off as I have seen so far not all of the characters we know and love are in the opening theme animation, they are likely going to lengthen or even change the story just because, and put in a lot of unnecessary stuff and keep hinting the lore more heavily just to get the kids interested to watch and understand this. In relation to Eden Hall, attracting such customers is not necessary, because for people who clearly understand what they are getting walking into this series, they will sure be pleased at what they will get. And that's just not how Capitalism works. I miss the ending cocktail showcases already. We will find out soon in future episodes on how that will make sense, but damn am I hesitating to even watch this if it might ruin my own impression of the original with just a little less alcohol. Prove me wrong, Anime. Prove me wrong.
P.S. "Would you please refrain from the unfunny jokes?" Haha this series in general I gotta say I remember when this was a serious show but *shrugs*
P.P.S. "The private bar with the irregular schedule finally reopened" Oh is this why this is a remake? We are actually just dealing with an older bartender I forgot his name now? (Edit: Sasahara Ryuu) *laughs* I see...
[I would still argue though, that even after I've re-watched the original episode 1 (hehe I sure did), I know this initial series had its own flaws since it's storytelling pace is also rather dull and slow-paced and had a lot of narration which might not be everyone's cup of tea, but damn, this new series ruining the impression is really like putting too much alcohol in that drink for the right customer. I know, they even served diluted Highball instead of a Water Mix, dude! Haha haiz give me a minute while I go wipe my tears again this original is just much more impactful ngl]

をニパ Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai
"If I keep spendingΒ  my days peacefully, enjoying the little things in life, that's enough for me even if I never fall in love." SAME oh dear Hotaru-chan I wish all girls were like you haha ah
Okay so we got an ikemen here and a girl who doesn't care about men. What else is new? *laughs* In this new series where I wonder if I should even be giving this because I seriously don't want to give the opening theme song lol (#HananoiKun01), okay put the ending theme song in also because is that a translated song from its original?? This is OBVIOUSLY targeted at the ladies. *laughs* Anyways, let's talk about what this is about before I reject the shit out of this just like how main girl initially did with our main guy Hananoi-kun here. So, intro is basically the guy being somewhat saved by Hotaru as she covers him with an umbrella from the snow after breaking up with his ex lol, then thought this little girl with the short hair here was his new lover LOL this is too real I can't even, immediately threw himself to her by confessing to her in front of her class, probably upsetting a lot of girls who think he's not as cool as he seems in the process, just like how many other ikemen would let you think, yes even in Anime. Also yeah, this girl Hotaru'sΒ world is going to be turned upside down haha yeah all the other girls are going to be like that magic-speaking witch Falvell in Anime "Majo to Yajuu" and demand that she disappear. *cringe* Haha okay not that bad, but I'm sure there will be threats. Ironically that isn't the focus of the series in case you did not notice, as Hotaru explains her reasons for not seeking a dedicated relationship with a soulmate, mainly because and this is too real, that she thinks she don't get this love thing and feeling as much as others do (SAME), and she has no business falling in love because she don't get it. *silence* SAME haha no really, I wish someone will tell me what's up. In her case though, she has Hananoi-kun who somehow knows more than her considering he has at least had one girlfriend before her. *laughs* Oh, and don't let me talk about how he would do anything for her just to earn a smile on her face, from getting the buns that she likes which she doesn't have (BOOM GOTTEM haha), to even trying to pick up the hairpin the classmate dropped and even if she didn't care as much as he did, he still tried to find it in the snow after school without telling the girl hopefully to give her a surprise and trying not to kill himself... Oh, you f**king f**king pants on fire. *giggles* Maybe that is too much, bro. Maybe that. Or maybe he's just like Haru from Anime "Kaibutsu-kun" where he actually looks great but knows close to nothing about love. I gotta say, that's quite the deja vu I have seen so far, and I think I understand now, if the lore is about Hotaru also teaching him what it means to have the friends and family you should care about. You know, relationship is a two-way thing anyways. Not that you have to cut your hair short or take away your ear piercings to lose your identity for, but still. All in all... I think the narration at the end of the episode is adequate summary for this series, where even if the couple's definition of love are different, at least they are stepping into different ground. And that's generally what love is... if you ever encounter one. *looks at self* It has been a while, about 15 years to be exact, maybe 16 years as old as Hotaru-chan now. *sigh* Also, in general, I feel like (and sorry for comparing to Anime "Kaibutsu-kun" I would argue that's the closest thing I've watched and that was a decade ago lol) the pace of this series will be slow, but more importantly, that the guy won't be as aggressive as to suggest the "lovesickness" part of the title I would have more expected to see (yet), for we can obviously notice that the guy has his own problems too. In case you wonder where this is going too, and unless the ending is really the guy going crazy for Hotaru-chan and not in the manner of digging in the snow to find her one hairpin... then maybe this will change my mind. But no, I don't think so, so I will put this aside. I'm honestly more keen on that one airing next week, yeah, "Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau" even if it's not a normal romance plot. Oh well, Kana-chan, you tried. *giggles*
[TL:DR; I'm sorry, Anime. But the fact that Hanazawa Kana is married and in her 30s voicing in this Anime? She's cuter. *dabs*]
P.S. "Oh, sorry. It's hard enough for me to remember my own classmates" SAME haha but you know, some girls just happen to remember the most popular guys in school, just saying. "I guess I'm like a robot or something" Well Hotaru-chan you would still be more sociable than me
P.P.S. "As they say, a love too strong can become a hate even stronger." Oh wow I don't know about relationships, girl, so you gotta fill me in. *giggles* "You'll understand once you fall in love" OOF oh me are you even alright now haha "I have a boyfriend now" YOU F**KING NORMIE haha oh well it is what it is

をニパ One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi Tsuki.
"Sometimes, I crave company that's not just my own thoughts" Oh you meant an idol- (Or you think "an angel" would've been funnier? I'm taking suggestions lmao)
FINALLY we don't have to deal with fake angel or the evil angel or whatever those are in Anime "KanaTen" because NOW, we have the realΒ angel. *giggles* Sorry for dispelling all the rumours about angels this way and telling you that they are anything but, because if you watch the first episode of whatever this is (#TenshiTsuki01), you will reinstate your definition of angels once again. You're welcome. *giggles* So, looks like I did not get much from the trailer apart from this is just adorable and when I mean that I meant the angel lol, so let's talk about how this all came about. Ironically, as stated above, this story started with some angel dispatched to understand humans, as human as she might look, she landed on (lol are you a crow or pigeon or what) main guy Shintarou's balcony for a perch or a nap or whatever angels do on balconies at night lmao, and a reminder that the guy was tired from work to notice, ended up waking up to a balcony that doesn't look like what his is normally even on his days off. *giggles* Don't ask me how the milk from his cup magically ended up on the worst of places atop the angel and may I remind you this is not a porno lmao, but yeah, consider this an accident so we can get her in to the abode to take a shower and a change of clothes or something. Around this point though, if you haven't been worried about her identity just like how Shintarou does, as practical and wary as he has been to realize, understood that this might be some girl who accidentally got picked up on the streets and has been homeless since and has been trying to find somewhere to stay in exchange for one night stands- Oh, wrong Anime. *laughs* (Yup, that's an Anime "HigeHiro" reference without the beardΒ so "Hiro" lmao) And I would still be wrong in saying that because unless Shintarou intends to let this beautiful ball of white get picked up by some old dude who invited her to a hotel to- I'm calling the cops on him haha but maybe not because it'll be hard to verify the angel's identity, so yeah, Shintarou decides to take her in. It's like they are forcing you into taking in this free angel at your one room apartment, huh. *laughs* Not too surprising at this point, but with a very judging eye of Shintarou somewhat enjoying this fever dream of a honeymoon with an angel who intends to deliver happiness in many ways than other apart from spreading her angel wings... maybe we need something more of a monetary reward at this point. *giggles* All in all, I wonder if I would enjoy an angel dropping my my room. *silence* That of course should be the least of your problems, because I SWEAR that people who have watched Anime "Tenshi-sama" will have SERIOUS deja vu seeing a girl taking care of a dude in this episode, whether they liked it or not. *laughs* Or even if the circumstances were different, but damn does this new girl Endou Touno HikaruΒ sound too much like Iwami Manaka when she voiced Shiina. *giggles* Other than that, we have quite a light-hearted series if you let (not Tokiyama) Towa-sama here carry your belongings using her angel wings and would you please just overlook the opening theme animation at the end haha what are those even, you would be relieved that this series might be more stereotypical than you think, see Anime "Senko-san" for reference where that guy has more money than this dude who might have to work more part-time just to keep them going. I know right, get her to work if she wants to bring happiness to humans. Yeah, like be an idol or something. *giggles* We shall see where this takes us hopefully not what I envisioned, and yes I will be watching this. Can't let this Anime go away and into some disgusting Anime fanboy who will insult this to Kingdom Come, are we? Haha it might be same same but different, and I'll take it. *wink*
[And just a reminder on airing times, I shall follow Japan national TV simulcast which airs the first episode this week, one week later than paid digital services would provide, just so you know. Not going to talk about Capitalism here I don't pay to watch my content-]
P.S. "What is going on around here? What situation is this? At least she wasn't a corpse, I guess!" I'm pretty sure it's way worse if you found a corpse in your balcony, bro. *laughs* "A thief? A cosplayer? A runaway girl?" Bro, how about all of them haha ah hey "But I know she is a good girl. Probably." Haha you gotta doubt like me, brother. Also this is DEFINITELY not a hentai. *laughs*Β 
P.P.S. "Let me introduce myself. My name is Towa." TOWA-SAMA!!??Β Hold up, wait a minute right there. *laughs* (I'm sure some fan will remind her in her livestreams soon enough) "Well, there's only one bed" Yeah you can't expect the angel to sleep on the floor- On the balcony again...? *giggles*Β  "If I buy two of each meal at the convenience store, I don't think my food allowance from my parents will be enough!" Yeah oh shit I forgot budget is an issue lol do angels even eat though?
[I think moving forward I shall follow Shintarou here and call this angel "Towa-chan" instead of "-sama" just because we don't welcome VTubers here lol MORE TOWA-CHAN INCOMING]

From the 2 new romance series above, I guess we are treating formality as a live-changing action as usual, huh. *laughs* Why am I still alone though- They make encounters happen SO EASILY, dude!!

音ζ₯½Β This Week on Klassic Note
Well, there isn't much kicking off April in Klassic Note, so let's talk about what I listened. I recalled to give Yamane Aya's debut EP and it wasn't bad, and I tell you why, because I did listen to Audioleaf last weekend and this is slightly better than that but not by much, as you will notice Yaya-san's very indie singing voice throughout the release, it was harder to give than I would've thought. *giggles* I did give a couple of songs though (out of boredom lol not really) I just think it's great to listen such songs once in a while just because it doesn't exist no more. Watch me give mainstream shit next week again lol

Okay serious news this week first for music, the April Fool's Day jokes can wait. *laughs* nano.RIPE changed music label companies but I don't think that's important if they don't come up with new releases. mol-74 and ClariS revealed their new release track lists but more importantly, ClariS new music video is rather suitable for the theme and damn if you didn't like the stares (specifically Clara-san *umph*) like I did you got something else coming. *giggles* ClariS also announced a new album releasing half a month after the new single for Anime so yeah, get your ears ready and watch me give nothing else on the list because their track record hasn't been great anyways lol. I have also heard the couple of Kitou Akari singing Pokemon Trading Card Game championship theme songs and boy, are they something else. *laughs* It's not that great it's not bad either so if you need motivation maybe the lyrics will get you, I don't know. *giggles* Ikimonogakari's new live video featured songs I was not keen about 16 years ago and a week ago so don't ask me if I caught up. I did catch up to Ikimonogakari's new music video though for their new song for Anime, and I guess that was something, this feels like it was created by AI and I can't even. *laughs* It's quite a lively song in quite a while so be sure to give them some support. Last but not least, Kitou Akari announced a new mini-album in her fanclub event this weekend so that's kinda rad, hopefully it's not unlike a concept like last time where they told her to sing an English song, but now that I think about it we may have to listen to the original songs for that Pokemon Trading Card championship I mentioned earlier. *silence* Oh well we shall see I guess.

So for next week, the plan for new releases are just Hanazawa Kana's new album and SID's new song for Anime "Kuroshitsuji" series, but we will backtrack and listen to Niitsu Yui's 2nd solo album since I feel like I should give her more chance and they did make the effort to publish this online so I feel like I gotta. *wink* Not going to put too much hopes other than SID though, so do be warned. Maybe Kana-chan will surprise me with songs other than the ones I've heard preview of, who knows.Β 

I really wonder why did I not take the weekend to see the doctor and instead chose to do it tomorrow (if planned) even if I don't want to take MC? I think my dad is right. *laughs* Please, no one cares for me, not even more than myself, that was just a passing comment. *silence* Anyways, the package is on its way I did not screw it up but considering my wallet is going to burn a hole once again *sigh* I guess I will take this easy on myself. *silence* I know right, just living through life is tough for me nowadays. *cough* See you next time then, and until then hopefully I don't have to talk about my sad life and instead talk about how cute MaiMai is in that photobook and make my bro regret his decision of buying Moeshi's photobook instead- Nah, that's not gonna work. *laughs* MUCH *ACK* HYPE!!!

P.S. We might be 7 days too late into April, but hey, I can still list the jokes I saw online specifically Twitter/X that happened in Japan because they don't use anything else. *giggles* Among the prominent ones are Anime "Tenshi-sama" getting a real life drama adaptation featuring Iwami Manaka herself acting as main girl Shiina (this is just for me to put an image again lol) andΒ the main guy voice actor isn't recruited lmao no one cares about you dude they should just cast me instead *dabs*, mobile game "IDOLY PRIDE" having their fish mascot being the manager for the day so naturally they had to invent a dance for them which... you can find out yourself lol maybe we will get more of the others in future years if this isn't a dying series just yet, Amamiya Sora changed her name to Amamiya Ten to align with her fans calling her nickname and she is only 13 years old as she also changed her date of birth (you can do that?) to 10th October 2010, with all the tens. DOAXVV started selling Nagisa-themed soba noodle bowlsΒ with quite aΒ terribly edited promotional video because if "wanko soba" isn't horny enough you will be glad to know I just paid for (but did not get) (it's gacha after all) her recent "true colours" update where she put some strap across her (flat) chest in which its length might be enough to go around my penis- Viola-chan announced a new Anime "Shinigami Bocchan" movie featuring gender-changing Walter and Daleth of all people and damn can we just have this instead of season 3 which is airing in next week, MusicRay'n 3rd gen member Hinata Moka announced she has a twin sister (which if you don't get the joke this is photoshopped lol) in which I'll pick the yellow one if you don't mind, and I'm still single. Oh, the last one is not a joke, sorry. *sob*